The Ch< f OUR COMI* THE FEATHERHEADS ?* look?at least a \ ixjzem ties that i i _ i save pellx that , he's never worm? i iggggyl i 1 misht as well r t^^ve them ^ n^e?_ve=iy ^ r 11 / i k \ - chpap/ ) hmmvvw i ^ FORcE HAVE: To (So To pi ^) WORK THIS" tf-1 BE P Time of The pi Real MORMlMG- IH X \ CoLD -THIS WEATHER. \ ^ ,/?I wish i was i / Back iu bep > M vT IB"" "-1 Smart Con?tabIe TOUGH ( -Man?Got away, has he? Did you guard all the exits? IA County Constable?Yes. but we think ; (#7 y he must have left by one of the en- \jh trances- i Keep* Him Buiy > ? Tourist?Don't you ever pet lone- j , some up here? i ?/ Mountaineer?Oh. yes, but I have a ' ''Vv I. rouple of pood jokes I tell myself.? Cnrrent Events. , , Mr. Babbit?How Turtle, llere I'm s TERRIBLE SHOCK nlg an(j nQ apartra< and you're home wh< O head. Jerry brought h< which he was eager up a strong > father stood firm. kind of |gT|g Tearfully he repl ti^57 . jj -J. -Well, when he ' looks like an Eskim "It's not such a bad world after all." walks he looks like 'What's happened? Has somebody he barks he sounds P?ld a bill you thought you'd never I don't know whai collect?" apolls News. arokee Scout, Murphy, N. C., Thurst C SECTION A Tie Up ^.ERE, GOOD MAM, Tt-iey RE] BRAMD NlE?v/- MW . ?J HUS BAM D POM'T/__ _ t THEM7/TeT7'~" ' I sfk i ' i\y , ^ ""IK"" t "K0 I I J _ Morning Haste 1 mormim' 1 r |T B& - ~ A ?COLD fc?Y RoiSHT -? 9 THIS , SNAPPy 3_ MORMIM pi i |ll. \w put ver pamts i SAV ON ? TEZ. 3 CXll L 1 wouldmT MOIKJD i \r?' V IT So MUCH f?' M? LUCK Facts Are Facts The reporter was sent to write up f / g's charity hall. Next day the editoi called him to his desk. i \ "Look here, what do you mean b* this? 'Antony the most beautiful girls was Horatio I.ucian Dingley.' Why you crazy idiot! Old Dingley isn't ? r )i. \W& ?and besides he's one of our prin V^Xlf/ cipal stockholders." *'I can't help that,** returned th< ? realistic reporter. "That's where h( was."?Masonic Craftsman. I envy you Mr. pring house hunt- TOUCHING APPEALS ?nts to let at all. ?n you pull In your - ? ? ^ joL^ 9^6) line a stray doc 15 J l\ S.iv/ r the dog but his l \ ) lis mother asked: wags his tall he IreQM] KuL 1 o Spitz; when he 1 I ??" 1 'A a Shepherd; when She?You once said I appealed t? like a Bulldog, but you the first time you saw me. t he U."?Indian- He?Yes. and since 1 married you you're always appealing to me. lay, April 16, 1936. * Lovely Smart Sliirreil Contracting Cuffs H i j/ p : j : '' w /v\ mrnmm ,._m 1 No. isiu-li l.ovely shirred Plccvcs finished off with wide contrasting cults and ? jaunty neckline arc enchanting features ?ii this dress. Tarry it out in a becoming polka dot of crepe, silk, : lawn, or a smooth rayon. !'y the way it's very easily m ole hocaus?i the dress is all one piece with two New Antarctic Land Found 1>\ Norwegian Oil Tanker Announcement in Oslo that a new ; land in the Antarctic had been discovered by the Norwegian o|f tank a I or. Thorshavn. has aroused tnucli in- 11 . terest in Norway. This discovery is r ! not only of Importance in the mup! ping of the South Antarctic regions, ( i hut may lead to Norway annexing r more territory in The Antarctic. Some years ago Norway ilisputiHl ; with Great Itritain the ownership o! ( j Lion vat island, which lies in he same region and is of value to Norwegian whalers in the Antarctic, i The Thorshavn's discovery means i o that Norwegian explorers have at j last found the missing link between |'! King l.eopohl Land, tjueen Astrid '' Land and Lars i 'hristensen's Land. ?J< i i Week's Supply of Postum Free ni Head the offer made by the Postum N Company in another part of this pa- J11 per. They will send a full week's sup- 1 plv of health giving Postuin free to anvone who writes for It.?Adv. hi 2 Keep Passing A I toss--On your v;:\ there you will 1 fi pass a baseball park. I *1; Messenger r.'.v (hopefully) Yes*; ri Rosy?Well pass ii. | .) True, But? Trainer (encouraging his man)? What you've got to do is to stick to it and go for 'em, and you'll come through with flying colors. Boxer (doubtfully) ? Yes! Rut i they'll be at half-niast.?Royal Arr cantiin Bulletin. ? 7 WRIGLEy'S GUM 1 y ?WJM BRINGS YOU ^ WRIG j SB III 1^' TH> PERTi Sleeves W itli ave Piquant Charm . ?ats and stitchlinrs In the front c irt. and a flattering blouse that's mined with square buttons. It's rented at the waist with either a r-fahrle ?r purchased Udr Barbara I' !i Pattern X?? is hi P. detuned for sizes l'J. T-t. Id. IS it < '??rres|Min:?in^ t -f inons uner.ts till. fit, 'a; and .".s_ Sir.o (.*12) requires 4'. yards of Inch iterial i?lu? yard for ? , n'r.t sting ek hand and cutis, riie I'.arhara P.? . PaTte?v. I took iturift_r sp '?:?ir att< -e.t.iv. nd fifteen touts' today ??-r your py. Sere! your otd?i J- l Sewiiur rcle I \itte|l?jj! I ; . :.?*7 \\ Adams , Clih agu, III ivajrjier Knitted f ont Done in Simple ^>!it?-li Site - ir.ssf r??ss - :ve\- id you're certain to he. too. it yon iH't this swa.-er ki itted ? lor sy m ikiinr and ntt-nnmd wear ;l. ^ >riiiit :ti ?I summer. So ?>asy t<. knit a simple loose Mitch. wiili storkette stitch for the ? ?>n:r:?v f:- |ft?-\vi, nmi lits up very fast. I:i pattern U you will tinil < > u etc instructions for making the * pi;r;:er coa't shown mi sizes t?t tn !*:> t?- r ii No. r>.Vtl ml HS-IO; an illustration of it ami f all tho stitches ueeilei! . material equirenients. Soiul I,", cents in i oiii> o: v'ainps cuius preferred i to The Sewinj: Clrle, Honsplmld Arts I >opt "JWest "ourteenth street, New York Y. amino Mascot of Army Past Is Mounted I>\ Taxidermist "< 'hubby,*' cheerful canine mas t of Troop I'. Secml flitted States availy. at Fort IIHey. Kan., who cparteil this life recently, after a ill nine years with his outfit, has en sent to t tax i?i?*r n i isf .i niana. whoie his t