Thuii., April 16, 1936. !! NOBODY'S I i| BUSINESS | SY GEE McCEE REV. WILL WAITE OF FLAT ROCK SUFFERS A SERIOUS ACCIDENT A verry accident happened at hehober church last Sunday morning enduring the reggular preeching s?rvices which broke it up and everyboddy went home. our pasture, rev. will waite. leaned a little too far forwards when he handed the collection plates to the deacons of same, hon. holsum moore and mr. art square, and his foot slipped and he fell and struck his head on the corner of the organ. . .Miss jennie veeve smith, our fine organist, was just getting ready to play and sang: "fech an offering into his coarts" when he struck, she fainted a few secounts, but had the presents of mind to grab him up in her rams and set him on the organ stool and dash some watter out of a flower pot into his face ansoforth. rev waite come to in a few minutes and he had them proceed on with the collection; everboddy was excited, and a few fellers dropped in dimes instead of the usual pennies, and it amounted to 1.34$ that morning against an avverage collection of 43c. the preecher mought take a cue from this fall out of the pullpit ever sunday in the future, and get hurt. dr. hubbert green took 3 stitches rbove his eye. strangers who see him with the lick on his head think he has had family trubbles at home or some, boddy has fetched him a strong left to the upper jaw. no preeching will he hell at rehober this comming sunday Ciiner count of his infirmity which was caused by the unforeseen i contact with the organ. j the conpregation was verry sympathetic with rev. waite and done all it could to show how much We love him and how our harts bleed when his'n has benn hied, several nice diches of food was sent to him and his folks for supper that night and the hole collection for the day, includ ing furrin and home missions, was turned over to his wife to buy modison with, here's hoping for an early { return of him hack to his wanted 1 health. FLAT ROCK STAGES A GALA OCCASION . the flat rock hoss swoppers associa lion hell its reggular hoss-swoppinp festibule on the streets of our fail j citty last satturday and it lasted from the time it started till it pot too dark to tell the difference betwixt a mule T'Y~ KipUui U*\tiouxBV/lurrf j jL' _ ? Jr.xjtmcnt which is bunging fr i/ing relief. Sold on iroiK-laii | | mnney-bocJt evwanfcv f A _J( _ PRICELESS INFORMATION J v ?f?r those suffering from ? \ STOMACH OR DUODENAL L ULCERS. DI E TO HYPER j ACIDITY? POOR DICES TION. ACID DYSPEPSLA. Z SOUR STOMACH. GASS1 ? W NESS. HEARTBURN. CONSTI- Z PATION. BAD HKP.ATH. SLEEP I.rS^NPSV OD lllimruii; rviiw TO IXCESS ACID. j Amk for a frmm copy of IWmt^rd'a Mreraj - PARKERS DRUG STORE,?Murphy, We don't know of a single man who erer throw a fit or?r tho fit of his Hares Undershirt 1 No matter how you're built ? like Santa Claus or Ichabod Crane?you can get a Hares that really matches your measure 1 Gentlemen, if our label says a Hanvis Shirt is a certain size, you can bank on it being that size ? not a little less. That's why you feel and look so neat and clean? J Y SHIR M I / / ?5tlACH I / / O *J Som^ SOc <!.<*?? 1 SHORTS Aj f C EACH 0 ?J J Sotna, 50c oa. W\ SAMSOtfBAK (Sanfori*?d) 1 Uiuon-Siuls .... SI each Ol.' -n nt 7Sc and , rfr?5;, TheCb. ! MARTIN'S CREEK Prayer service s were held at the home of Mrs. Margaret Carringer's Sunday. Mr. Jack Queen made a lAisiness trip to Asheville Tuesday. | Miss Audry Evans of Murphy spent the week-end with Miss Rosell Carringer. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cunningham were the dinner guest of Mrs. JoseIphine Phillips Monday. Misses Maude and Hazel Carringer spent Friday night with Mrs. Bill Phillips, of Murphy. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jake Styles are residing at Asheville where they are employed. Mr. and Mrs. Marty Chastin spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs Charlie Carringer. Prayer Services were held at the home of Mrs. Bell Henry Saturday night. All enjoyed the service. John the little son, of Mrs. Bell Henry had his tonsils removed one day last week. Mr. V. J. Phillips was the dinner guest of Mr. Barney McDonald Sunday. Misses Carrie Styles and Geneva Martin were visitors of Mrs. Phillips Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hughes of Hot Springs. S. C. were visitors of Mrs Kate Mann. Sunday. and a t ow. . onner count of the government owning so much of the live-stock now located on the farms, most of the trading was in otter-mobeels, dogs caffs, cows, and radios, sevveral nicr hound dogs were swopped off for setters and pincers and beegles. ..jim keenan who lives on mr. fred landbank's farm exchanged his 2 mules for a milk cow and a spare tire with 2 inner tubes, he could not get no backing at the bank or the seed loan offis so he closed ur> and I has moved back to the cotton mill where his children can get work and he can't. , t no fights of anny importance took ? place except when somebody stole ] the bridle which belonged to the pony ( of yore corry spondent, mr. mike r Clark, rfd, while he was hitched to a belly foam post at the liberty stable and let him run off and up to sun. day morning, he had not benn ketch r?d. he hit him with his fist fiist and tnen with a stick. actual monney which changed lands in the various and sunda> trades of the day amounted to near y ! $ and in most cases, it wa> giv. ten as boot betwixt whatever was beng swopped for the artickle that the >ther feller got. mr. slim willsor exchanged his mule for another mule \ ind 5 chews of tobacker; both of the swoppers got licked. some kitchen furniture was c ianging hands near noon, but as the wimmen folks had to go home and coo\ dinner, it hell up till about >. m.. in the afternoon, such items as frying pans, skillets, kittles, and washpots moved freely on the mart, a peddler was on hands selling somelUnn t/> mnn/1 nirowfhinnr ? !( K took in 3$ on an investment of 30c j so said afterwards. yores trulie, mike Clark, rfd, promoter. cut when you're pulled a Hawks over your head ... why you have a comfortable, smooth fit under your arms . . and why you don't have a couple inches o! shirt-tail wadded around your waist Hants is liberal with ler gth. When it comes to shorts, Hants takes the short-cake 1 You have plenty of crotch-room and seatroom ... nothing chokes or chafes. Colors guaranteed fasti See your Hants Dealer today. P. H. Hanes Knitting Co.. Winston-Salem, N. C. I for mem i erokee Scout, Murphy, Not Letters To The Editor RELIGIOUS SHOWS Editor of the Scout: Will you please give me space to 1 say a few words about religious shows. N In the youthful days of an aged man like myself shows were so corrupt and wicked, especially those in the theater, that it was considered a sin to go to them. Many of the theatrical are as corrupt as ever and should be carefully avoided. While it is true that the devil has and still is using the screen to corrupt and damn men's souls, it is true also that the Lord, through His People, is using it to save, purify and build them up in grace and knowledge. He is using it to His Glory and the spiritual good of mankind. There are a lot of people who do not know the fact and that is why I am writing this article. The truth is I knew but little about it until within the last two years. Those who do not know it ore like I am, they have not had a chance to learn. A great man has said there is more teaching power in one picture than in 10,0000 words. We feel that our preaching with the pictures and lectures is doing ' more than double the good we would get if we were preaching orally only. With those who give attention we reach the heart through the eyes and ears at the same time. We show only such pictures as are, in our judgment, character building 1 and teach the Gospel. ' We carry on this work to build 1 sentiment against crime. Help us do it by coming to Peach tree and other places when we show 1 and contributing the small amount 1 we charge for admittance to help make our equipment better. D?.. r> nr ^ IV*--V UCUIRC n . otu.v, Clayton, Oa. o "DON'T NOBODY WANT ME," Editor of the Scout: That is what Crossnore's li'.tle boys are asking every day. There are foureen of them with no place to go. rhey have watched their pals go HOME and then turned to feel afresh :he heartache of being HOMELESS, rhey have looked over to the Little 3irP Dormitory and watched them lashing around with light feet and ighter hearts because "somebody had i-onic for them!"?perfect strangers, aut that meant nothing. With that beautiful faith of childhood, they are .tilling to go where they are "wantMi". They know they cannot work. Folks are coming for them just because they "want" them, and again he little boys turn away and wonder . vhy nobody wants them. Do you ealize how much you might mean in he life of one of these little men beween five and eleven years of age? We know some boys that age are roublesome, but we keep such with as. We will lend you only our LITTLE MEN. They won't be much trouble, and they will be lots of pleasure and try to help. Vacation ends in July. Won't you take one till then? Hopefully, MARY M. SLOOP, Bus. Mgr. Crossnore School, Inc. urossnore, >?. MAD DOGS Editor of the Scout: In your issue of March 26th, under the caption "Epidemic Causes All Dogs To Be Confined 60 Days", it is said:?"?a dog ran at large over a section of Cherokee county biting other dogs indiscriminately", and that upon investigation it was found to have rabies." The germ of rabies has not been found, but it is claimed that if the socalled Negri bodies are found, in a dog's brain, it is a case of rabies. As a matter of fact, the mere head examination means very little as the negri bodies are found in the heads of perfectly normal dogs and sometimes absent in heads of dogs having all symptons of rabies. This procedure is exceedingly complex and difficult. It is easy to de. clare it a case of rabies and, at the same time, induce the person bitten to have the dangerous and expensive Pasteur treatment, as illustrated by the following from the "Bergen EveThousands of Women Benefited By Cardui The benefits many women obtain from Cardui give them great confidence in It. .. "I have four child n," writes Mrs. J. L. Norred, of Lagrange, Oa. "Before the birth of my children, I was weak, nervous and tired. I had a lot of trouble with my back. I took Cardui each time and found It so helpful. Cardui did more to allay the nausea at these times than anything I * have ever used. 1 am In very good health and'believe Cardui did a lot of It." . Thousand# df women testify Cardui benefited them. If It does not benefit YOU, consult a physician. rth Carolina TIMELY TOPICS' While driving along a highway ?a fowling Green, Ind., Lee Hauser's lutomobile skidded and went down a (0-foot embankment. A butcher :nife on the rear seat struck him vith such force that the blade cut ling Record", May 22, 1034 (Hack nsack, N. J.). Under the caption 'Noisy Protest Wins Delay* on Dog Drdinance," it is said: "The meeting was overwhelmingly )pposed to the compulsory inocula:ion (of dogs)?Dr. Charles Higgins Lederle Laboratories, Pearl River, !<. Y., manufacturers of serum" was ilso at the meeting. It is further said that: "Dr. Hig. <rins admitted, on questioning by the Mayor, that as an expert he would invariable report a dog either 'suspicious or positive' with rabies. lit said he would never examine a dog's head and say his results was negative." In an article by Dr. William Brady, the well-known syndicate writer in the Los Angeles "Times", July 30, 1934 on "The Rabies Racket", it ie said:? "?the laboratory examination of the brain tissues of the ani. mal that has been 'suspect' is not ail a scientific test. It is a mere attempt to Impose the fancy or belief of a physician -or even the physician who has charge of the patient or wh< knows the circumstances. "The laboratory worker's belief or fancy that he or she has found certain characteristic cells or artefacts, :alled negri bodies, is not a scientific matter. Another equally well trained and equally experienced laboratory work may examine the same specimens and fail to recognize the negri t?o(J?es." SUE M. FARRELL, Pres. Vivisection Investigation League New York, N. Y. Why Gulf for I n M in / f^^^K;ji ? ? |flH HK : L?< i I . his arm. - I When his own son confessed t0 j. that he was the hit-run driver ?h0 I had killed a pedestrian, Walter John- M son of Bellaire, 0., took the youth t0 police headquarters where he I held on manslaughter charges. I When Henry J. Klinge, of Newark 1 N. J-, failed to report for jury duty I a court attendant was assigned to I investigate, and learned that Klin I gel was in jail on complaint of hi- I wife. S To make sure that flowers would I be placed on his grave every week. a the late Charles W. Sonnenburg I Baltimore 'eft $5,000 in his will as a I trust fund to be used for that pur. I pose. i men wanted *.? i leigh Routes I of 800 families in Graham, CUy com. I tie* and Murphy. Reliable htuti?r 5 should start earning $25 weekly ?nd I increase rapidly. Write today. R4W. 1 lcigh, Dept. NCD-150-S, Richmond, I J Va. Apr3,10,17,24 I ! I lj| GAS, 11 | oil, i! i All Accessories for ' I ;|| Your Car I , xDrive in and let us ser-:: I *vice your car with those' I t Good Gulf Product* \ I i"service with a| i ? smile" i! |murphy^service 11 \? MAI 1UIN if || A. J. Hembree, Prop.I is the Gas I April I "APRIL SHOWERS bring May flowers." And warmer weather, too. That means a brand-new gasoline is shipped to Gulf stations? a gas especially made for I April driving. For unless gasoline is changed to meet Spring's higher temperatures it can't give the aim highest mileage. Get Th at H Good Gulf?it's "Kept in B Step with the Calendar" H so that all of it goes to work, none of it goes to waste. |fl on f&qt, J &&nefa*' / >?00 'Oi//Vs (GULF)

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