And' at Attractive (jjlji I MURPHY ' The Leadi Vol. II1L.?No. 43. SUPERIOR COURT TO CONVENE ON MONDAY' JUNE 15 Two Juries Selected To Hear Civil Cases Before Judge Oglesby "i" For the trial of civil cases only, the June term of Superior court of Cherokee county will convene here for a regular two weeks session beginning June 15. Judge John M. Oglesby will preside. Jury selections were made as follows: First week?Jeff Dyer, Murphy; E. A. Holland, Andrews; B. F. Chambers, Murphy; W. M. Lunsford, Andrews; John Graves, Murphy; Rush Wright, Topton; L. M. Mason. Murphy; Arthur Mallonee, Murphy; A. A. Adams, Murphy; Fred Scroggs, Brasstown; Rob Anderson, Marble; S. B. Burger, Unaka. J. M. Brown, Suit; George Hayes, Murphy, Route 1; Tom Self, Postell; Bill Brandon, Murphy; L. I). Newman, Culberson; Andy McDonald, Grandviow; E. A. Thompson, Suit; (). G. Anderson, Culberson; W. H. Dockery, Murphy; J. W. Odell, Mur phy; Route 3; John Hogan, Murphy, Route 1; J. W. Stiles, Culberson; J. W. Luther, Andrews. Second week-?W. 11. Edwarttys, Marble; J. E. Wallace, Culberson; Frank Clarke, Andrews; Frank Bristol, Andrews; J. E. Munday, Culberson; Judson Morgan, Culberson; Fred Kilpatrick, Turtletown; E. P. Hampton, Murphy; Will' Dockery, Murphy, Route 3; Vester Garrett, Unaka; Ira Sneed, Birch; Alga West, Marble; John Coleman, Unaka; J. L. Mcintosh, Murphy; Bill Palmer, Tomotla; Lum Evans, Murphy, Route 2; J. G. Garren, Andrews; Gurley Phillips, Andrews; Frank Owenby, Murphy; H. V. Bryson, Rhodo; M. T. Holland, Andrew^ L. P. Dills, Andrews; Tildon Dockery, Unaka; Diehard Bryson, Andrews. 'SANDY'^RAHAM VISITS MURPHY SUNDAY EVENING Former Lieutenant Governor Sandy Graham, now a candidate for governor of North Carolina, was in Murphy Sunday evening discussing the issues of the heated gubernatorial campaign with his friends in this section. Although he was unable to speak here, Mr. Graham contacted several ?1 his personal friends and spoke at several of the towns in Western North Carolina on his way to Ashcville Monday. Although straw polls place Mr. Graham as third choice for governor in the coming elections, it is generally said that he is picking up votes in both the Eastern and Western portion of the state so rapidly that he will be one of the strongest contenders for the office in the Democratic primary. Mr. Graham onpeses the sales tax in its present form, favors reorganization of the highway department, nermit to sell linuot hv conntv vote. advertising of Western North Carolina and social security reform to put this state in line for federal old age pension and employment legislation. While here Mr. Graham appointed Abe Hembree to act as his campaign manager in Cherokee county in the place of A. W. Mclver who was recently made chairman of the Democratic party in this county. ? o Local Foxhunters To Get Treat Here A number of local foxhunters will te given a treat either tonight or to. morrow night when P. .1. Henn. local theater owner, will invite them to see his current picture free gratis. The occasion will be the showing of "The Voice of Bugle Ann", the first big fox hunting picture that has ever been brought to the screen, lust to ?how its enormity is not due only to ,ts interesting theme, it features such stars as Lionel Barrymore. ft lfi ng (Teekly Netcspmper in Western ,Vo Mui No Deaths Recorded During Past Week 1 For the first time in many months a week passed without any death > being recorded with either of the two local funeral directors who handle most of the deceased in the vicinity of Murphy and the lower end of the county. At times during the past fall and winter as many as ten deaths have been reported during one week. LIONS DISCUSS ; ACTIVITY PLAN AT CONVENTION i3ix From Murphy Club i To Attend State Meeting At High Point Attendance at the state convention of Lionism at High Point on June S and 'J provided the main discussion of the regular semi-month'.y meeting of the Murphy I.ions rlub at tin j ] Methodist church dining room Tues1 day night. Lion President George Ellis, Lion Secretary Dr. E. K. Adam> and Lion Park \V. Fisher were named as delegates to the convention. They will be accompanied on the tiip by the Rev W. A. Barber, II. G. Klkins and W. M. Fain. Due to an unusually active year I on the part of the local club it was believed Murphy sould win special attention at the meeting with good attendance It has been alrgely through Mr. Fain's intense interest in Lionism that the Murphy club has become recognized as one of the strongest units of the organization in the state, members of the club said in cxpres! sion of appreciation for the former deputy district governor's interest to have a large delegation from here. Lions were urged by Dr. Adams to complete their list of accomplishments for the year that they might be read for approval at the convention. 1 A report by Lion Ellis said that a | local boy with badly defective sight had been taken to the Bryson City clinic last Saturday and that further advice as to his condition had been (Continued on back page) Find Home Brew In u jl aciui y iu n it 11UU9C j Messrs Fred Johnson ami Neil (Sneed, local police, rode through town Tuesday with a five-gallon jug of real, old-time ''home brew" threefourths full. The beer was found at a residence in the Factorytown section of Murphy .they said. From the officers' information the ! locai market on home brew had soar|etl to So cents per gallon this week, j but with some of the local supply igone, it is expected to go even highr 0 SCOUT INCREASING NEWS COVERAGE ADDING FEATURES i Week after week more compli ments are being tendered this office on the interesting features in The Cherokee Scout. Through the aid of a large staff of correspondents, complete coverage is given all county news. New and better equipment and a larger office force has permitted even greater coverage of local news. Besides this readcifs of this publication are offered many other interesting features. Among them are condensed daily news i and comment, serial stories, articles by nationally known writers on every subject, humorous comments, local society and meetings and editorial comment. The subscription list is far 1 greater now than it ever has been and a large increase in both national and local advertising has been noted. All in all the Scout each week gives its readers enough material to fill a small-sited novel at the 1 low cost of $1.50 per year. ?mkm th Carolina, Covering a Large and phy, N. C. Thurs., May i GADDIS CHARGED' WITH MURDER IN M'FADDEN DEATH Polk County Deputy Under Continual Guard At 1 lis Isabella Home Emmelt Gaildis, Isalu'lla, Tenn.. i lay in bed at his home Tuesday night 1 under an armed guard, awaiting < preiiinary hearing Saturday on a charge of murder in connection with 1 I the killing May 17 of David W. Mc-j I Fadden, 48-year-old Asheville con1 tractor. Sheriff Bircl Biggs of Polk County accompanied by deputy Herman j Wright went to the Caddis home Tuesday morning and served the warrant, sworn out last Saturday mornat Copperkill before Squire Robert L. Frye, and signed by David McFad' den, Jr.. 22-year-old son of the dain i man. Caddis Tuesday resigned as deputy sheriff, according to a statement I made by Biggs. County Physician Dr. H. P. Hyde said Caddis, purportedly wounded when Mc Fadden was killed, v. as unable to leave his home, and was | placed under armed gaard there. Service Dclaved Service of the warrant and presentation to Sheriff Biggs Monday night was delayed for tactical reasons, and its issuance was known to only a few persons. The warrant wa- taken to Sheriff Biggs at Benton Monday night by C. C. Guinn, Benton Attorney. An affidavit, which accompanied the warrant said: "Personally appeared before me, R. L. Frye, a justice of the peace for said (Polk) county, David S. McFadden and made the following statement: That heretofore, on the seventeenth day of May, 1930, E. G. Caddis unlawfully, delibarately, maliciously, feloniously, premeditately and with malice aforethought, shoot, kill and murder D. W. McFadden with loaded rifles and pistols in Polk I county. Tennessee. Wherefore, he | prays for a warrant for the said E. I G. Gaddis. | (Signed) "DAVID S. McFADDEX, Prosecutor. "Sworn to and subscribed before me this twenty-third day of May, 1936, R. L. Frye, justice of the peace." Warrant For Murder The warrant said: "To any lawful officer of Polk |county: I "Information on oath having been made to me by David S. McFadden that the offense of shooting, killing (Continued on back page) MAJOR BOWES BROA ASHEVILLE, VVESTE1 The town of Murphy wili officially cooperate with Asheville and other cities and communities in Western North Carolina Sunday when Mayor J. B. Gray, on behalf of the city, will extend congratulations to Major Edward Bowes J for devoting his extremely popular NBC broadcast to this section. I Asheville, N. C., May 28.-?"Ashe-1 ville Night", May 31, on the Major Bowes series of amateur hour broadcasts will honor not only Asheville! but will also result in important pub-' licicy for Western North Carolina and the Great Smoky Mountains j National Park. The Major it is believed. in addition to mentioning \sheville, will devote a portion of his remarks on his popular program to a description of beaut:es of the ' entire Western North Cr.i >Iina re-1 sort section. Owing: to the importance of the broadcast which is a popular Sunday night radio program with inilh uis of listeners. Western North Can lir.-1 iatis in all sections of this portion of the state are requested by llober* F. Phillips, chairman of the Major Bowes Hour arrangements, *o cooperate in making this a fully rep- j rosentative Western North Carolina event. B Telegrams or gifts sent to Major ; Bowes from Western North Carolina nayors and civic organizations, will t t HW Potentially Rich Termor\ in This $ 28, 1986. TV A Road Engineer To Move To Murphy Mr. McElfrcsh road constructim engineer for the Tennessee Y?dU\ , authority. wa> in Murphy Tu-.-sday | preparatory taking t-u-r hi new i'Osi in charge of FY A r-ad '.milling in this territory. lie returned to his h unc in !\: x- ' villo Tuesday evening, but it i- said ; he will move his family here wit hi Several days. POWER" COMPANY ASKS SEPARATE HEARING IN CASE Condemnation Of Land Is Subject Of Action Laid Before Court At a hearing in Shelby Saturday 'before Judge K. Yates Webb, attorneys for the Southern States Lower Company moved that condemnation j ! proceeding? against lands of the 'power company he given separate hearings from other owners of lands' 'under condemnation by TV A for the i IIivvn?'i't' flnm. tn-:ir \f_ii ?-i?V? \* Imlir.. j Webb took the matter under consideration and will mala- his decision later. The Tennessee Valley Authority has instituted condemnation proceedings against approximately 1(1,000 acres of land near Murphy. This land is to lie used for the TV A dam and reservoir as a unit of the Tennessee River Valley project of the Federal government. The Southern States Power Company owns approximately 22,000 acres of land in that vicinity, including the land on which the TV A plan to construct the dam. Other lands in the condemned area are owned privately. The hear, ing yesterday was granted to allow the TV A to request severance in condemnation hearings so that the power company litigation might be a case by itself in Federal court. (?. I.yle Jones is the power company attorney j here. Singing Convention At Blue Ridge Sun. The Tri-State Singing Convention . will he held at Blue Ridge, Ga., next Sunday, it was announced by the ; Rev. Gentry and Galloway this week. AI singing classes in this section are asked to be present and try to wiii the banner for the best class. Teams will be present from Western j North Carolina, north Georgia and Eastern Tennessec. Oiniic.- will he ht iu on the grounds. DCAST TO HONOR CTV5 MHDTU r A D.'ll !W A jiLratly t ha nee the s '-vide : hara.'tcr oi tin 1 Mr. !*h:!ij .-iaU-d. Such I, !(-raii^ .-.v-ulb In* nt if possible, prior to May ?-r m that date, to Major Bov.c in Xow York. Telegrams and presents are being sent to the Major from many Asheville persons and organizations. Twv-K'o smnfAiivc f rnm tlii-- Kai-.. made definite arrangements to journey to New York for audition* for the program. Outstanding items a- , mong present being set to New York plants in full bloom, which wili be include live purple rhododendron ( used on the stage during the broadcast to represent the beauty of the , mountain flower season and of the | Rhododendron Festival, a mountain flower scene done in live flowers, and a needle point footstool, the covering | for which was made by Mrs. Hi dwig 1 Nathan of Asheviile who wiil cele- , ate her 8-lth birthday n the day the broaden-/. Citizens in A*h? . ille and in ail! waits of Western North Carolina are I also urged to enter acthely into the telephone voting through the Special A ..ill" '. .w anp o;h : wt? who will take tele; hone votes during the broadcast and immediately following the hour. Votes should be tel-1 ephoned early during the broadcast 1 so that they may be announced by the Major, Mr. Phillips stated. Ml TODAY |? tote . $1.5U YtlAK?be COi*Y REGISTRARS AND JUDGES ARE NAMED Officials Arc Choker. In All Cherokee County \ oting Precincts lilt registrar." <! h:dg? - > lluvarious -.oting j t? . 1 county were attnt un<< d a* i i< wi this week by -T< sh .? .* ? , ? hairman of *ho C'her< ^ ? i: . b?n:d of Elections: ( Topton?Registrai W. V. ; ' 'udges Henry Coi < y 1 0. H. Wright (R>. Andrews north v... <3?l;?r : * A. L. Regan; Judges 1 r- .\.it;. ad <D) J and W. A. Franklin (R*. Andrews south wa lb.voter Walter Walker; Judges 1" ' . burn f I > * and R. W. ! 1 hi) Marble?Register T. H I-'.yM.ri; Judges Roscoe < < :! < \ 3 H S. : Kimbrough <R). i Tomotla?Regi;. : May**; fudges Burt Si '- T M. I?. ! i? . Murphy youth waul?!;<?. -t<r Wdj lavtl Cooper; Judge:- .!? ?.n lYsty, ?. . i(I)? and E. I'. Hawkii- L Murphy north wan; -RegeHr Hugh Bj ittain; .)*.?11:t-NY ? n \V? ms j ?1 > > ami Yanee Wii>t n R ?. ! Peaclitree?-fiegistei Ami >?<! ' ill. I ludjies Will Moi to <11 anti L; Iwnn.i ] Crisp (III. Brass town?RegisUi Boyd Hoyan; I Judges E. G. Stalcuj <I>; and W. I'. | Raper (R). Burnt Meeting House?R?y?*t?u .Sam Hughes; Judges Ross Hatehelt <D) and L. Martin (R). Walker School House?Register J W. Kilpatrick; Judges C?ing Jolueoo <L>) an<l ('arl Styles (R). Culberson?Regisu-i O. C. Sho'd*. Judges Frank Silvers (D) and Mill Rice (R). Hot House?Registej C. (. l-'o-'tn; Judges I.. Shields (L)l and 'IV II. Cole (R). Shoal Creek?Register Edgai Taylor; Judge J. B. Johnson <R). Liberty?Register W. R Hill: Judges J. A. Johnson <L>) ar.d H. W. Shearer (R) Long Ridge?Register W. Graham; Judges F. Graham <D) and Andy Morrow (R). Unaka?Register George Bates; ljuage J. w. Udom (lt>. Ogreeta?Register Fred Martin I Judge Jim Hall (R). Ilangingdog?Register il. M. McDonald; .Judges 1'. Kcphart ?I ) and \V. A. PI ass (R). Ebeneezer?Rcj. iste-i Noah i\lc Donald; Judge M. II. <1-. Grape Creek --Rwi-tcr ?ci;. Roge^>; Judg*. s.. . .. I. Mi:.:*; Judges L. Mi: . l*a . ilex* Davis iK). Upper Beaverdaro?Register Fred Rad:"' -i; *... i ' ; .. , . ! *. \ e -K< ; . J-.; l:o-- i> , Ju'l?? H" ' A; < MINSTREL SHOW TO BE PRESENTED HERE NEXT WEEK About 50 of Murphy's best entertainers?most o? then. . l&ckfa<? ,vill tol-n ;? .U, Ti - T> _ l-l ? , |>?i i KI iiiv i'. m ujKvnuiia j Minstrels to be presented n the i Murphy school auditorium cither next Thursday night or next Friday j night, 01 possibly Loth, il wj.* announced this week. Details for the performance which is being sponsored :y ti.t Baptist Sunday school tin-? r.(t been definitely ly " *: - Mary j Cobb, vh'i re : Auction, but sne >aid thai : . Mails ! ."onId be given - ya; . next week. Decoration Flags May Be H = d Saturday In Hickma .. ].( : con.- ai.rft r 1 of the local Am* Legs* hn ' a?kc? tha all pers- r.< wishing to have flags to decorate graves on Decoration day get in touch with him ~niturday. : Mr. Hickman says he ha? a number on hand to be used for that purpose.

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