*1 And j MVb|| |L Attractive | flL]P|L II I MURPHY | The Lead i Vol. IIL.?No. 7. LARGE CROWD IS EXPECTED TO BE PRESENT Thousands of Exhibits Are Being Planned; Big Show Coming Tuesday the Eleventh Annual Cherokee County Fair?the master exposition of this section?will begin. For five days and five nights the main hall will be open to the largest group of exhibitors ever known here. There will be seeds, canned goods, prize apples, cows, hogs, chickens, everything the farm, the kitchen and the home produces open to public inspection. Out side there will be the laughter of the gay crowd as they await their turn to get on the rides, enter the side shows and get a "Bingo" card. The Fair this year will eclipse anyother event ever held in Cherokee county, the officials believe. Competition is not limited to J Cherokee county, but is open to surI rounding counties and communities in North Carolina and Georgia. T ocf v??ov to promote rallies in all the voting precincts. MANY ATTEND ALL DAY CELERRATION ;NEAR BRASSTOWN More than 200 Cherokee and Clay ' county citizens attended the annual creamery day celebration at the 1 Brasstown Cooperative creamery, s Saturday. p This inaiked the large*-- gathering 1 at the annual affair since it was begun in 1928. ? A number of speakers and a cattlejudging conte t were features of the all-day program. ? Buttermilk was served free, as icustomary, by the creamery am: K lunches were sold by the Brasstown n womens club. e LIONS ARE SENDING CAR TO CRIPPLED B CHILDREN'S CLINIC e The Murphy Lions club is sending a <-ir to the regular monthly cripvled children's rlhtfc for the counties <>i la< kson Mr.cor. S'wa:n. Graham Cherokee, and Clay which will he held in the High School Building B-ryson City, on Saturday. Septem ]bei 19. Leg-Inning at 9:30 o'clock. All crippled children and adult; are invited to attend this clinic foi examination Dr. John T. Saunden of Asheville, is the examining physiciau. Simon P. Davis, of Bry?%or t | City, is chairman of the clinic com mittee. Others serving with Mr. Davis on the committee are W. C. - Morgan and Dr. Geo. M. Leiby. Mrs. o | H. C. Hart is the secretary. - j J. II. Clippard, assistant state vod j ational rehabilitation supervisor, will j attend the clinic, as well as Mrs ' Appelt, of the North Carolina crip ;l pled Children's commission. Further information may be ohA tained from Mr. Davis or other mems hers of his committee, Mrs. Hart e and from any members of the Rotary Clubs of Sylvia, Frax/.lin. Bry (j son City, Andrews, and the Lion; s Club at Murphy. y TV A Changes Name Oi Dam To "Hiawassee" Whether or not a recent article J published in this paper had anything to do with it is not known, but exact 11 ly one week later all TV A employees n here were informed to refer to the ! TVA dam now being built in this 1, vicinity as the "Hiawassee" dam anc T not the "Fowler's Bend" dam as ii has formerly been known. A preacher from the lower end o] the county recently stated that the >- section e>f the Hiawassee encompass p- ing the dam site was named after j n family named "Farrow" and that he ir challenged the right of the name "Fowler". Session Tuesi iidt TODAY Statt $1.50 YEAR?5c COPY es, Teachers Party in Their jesday Evening Merchants, Civic Clubs Sponsor Get Acquainted Meeting ABOUT 300 ATTEND Program Given N e wcomers at First Baptist Church Here Marked with venial hospitality characteristic of Murphy, some 200 newcomers to Murphy including TVA employee.-- and members of their families and local faculties were the j quests of the merchants and the ' business men of Murphy antl the ! town's civic organization at a "get ' acquainted" meeting at the Baptist church Tuesday night. liocal committees arranged a varied program of entertainment and topped it off with a erring of r? freshments. "Welcome every one 01 \? u u? Murppy and trust you will find many frienls here,*' Mayor J B. Gray declared in an address of welcome. The response was made by J. I). Blagg, unit chief in charge of TV A surveys here for the past two years, who said "we are all a part of the Tenesssee Valley, and a- such we are really a corporation a:d not just visitors." Nearly 200 TV A employe** and teachers received the greeting* <1 more than 100 local residents before the program began. I As an opening move all present i joined in unison in singing songs? of welcome. Harry 1 Cper, local attorney, acted as mastti if c? r*-monies. The mayor's address ? 4 \v? ' om? and the sp?-?% h < f aeei ptar.ee fel lowed. Other numbers on the short program of entertainment included: ; song by Mrs. Roy Staleup; a talk by Ralph Moody and two intorpretations by Miss Lois Lathc-m. The school teachers if Murphy. Cherokee county and the .'<>hn t Campbell Folk School were presented t