aJSL i j murphy I The lead, 5 W Vol. IIL.?No. 9. SEN. BAILEY'S ADDRESS TO BE WELL ATTENDED Large Crowd Expected To Be Present At Court House Friday Night A large attendance is anticipated at. the iii which included practically every ection in the mountain counties and the Croat Smoky Mountains National park. Tuesday a reception was held for him at the Junaluska Terrace in Andrews which was attended by a number of Murphy citizens. That night he returned to Bryson City where l.?- fulfilled a speaking date here. Much enthusiasm over his address here has been manifest by represen Statives of both political parties largely because of his championship in behalf of the building of the Hiawassee dam here. Although not a newcomer to Western North Carolina Mr. Bailey has expressed himself on several occasions as being delighted with the wonders of fehei mountain area of the state. o Mrs. Savage Will Speak On Sylva Program Cullowhee, Sept. 28,?Mrs. H. T. Hunter of Cullowhee, president of district No. 1 of the North Carolina Federation of Woman's Clubs, will preside in the district meeting to be held in Sylva, Saturday, October 3. The speakers who will bring greetings from their departments are: Mrs. John D. Robinson, of Wallace, second vice-president and secretary of districts; Mrs. Hurley Reno of Canton, chairman of home demonstration clubs; and Mrs. C. W. Savage of Murphy, contact chairman for the general federation. The business meeting will be held in the auditorium of the Sylva Methodist church at 10: <0 Saturday morning. Lunch will be served by the Sylva Junior Study club and the twentieth Century Club in the new COmmunitv club hr?nc?? Invited guests are: Mrs. R. H. La than*. Asheville, general federation ?. rector and past president of the State Fed ration; Mr-. E. L. McKee, of Sylva. past president of the State federation; Mrs. Elizabeth Morriss, of Raleigh, State director of the educational program of the Work.. Prog.ess Administration; and Mrs. ,T. M. Day, supervisor of the eighth district of the Works Progress Administration who will represeret i Mrs. P'.izabeth Mi toss. j Previous t.. ihe district meeting in j Sylva. Mr . Hunter will attend the count-' rc-tirg of the North Carolina Federation of Women's clubs to ; be he..; at Montreal, Assembly Inn. Septen;her 3tMOctober 1, at which] time:-. H. M. Potent, of Wake Forest College, will address the group on 'Education fcr Living." o | AUDIT TOWN BOOKS M. Bowman Henderson and M. B. fcwan, both of Asheville, were in Murphy this week auditing the town books. Mr. .Swan is also including the hoik School in his intenerary. TRUCK BURNS UP A new truck belonging to Harve Larringer was burned up on Morgan , "ill Monday nigt. It is said to be a j total loss. ft <11(1 eekly Neicspapcr m Wcstern North f i Will Pay Premiums Friday, Saturday There's about $1200 in cash money to be turned lose at the i county agent's office in the court | house at Murphy Friday and Sat- i urday. The sum is limited to its earners, however, and about 300 prize winners at the fair held here last i week will collect their premiums | cn those two days. Mr. Ketner urges all persons who won prizes to call at his of- j fice for them on either of the two dates in order to avoid confusion. He also requests that all exhibits collected by mistake be brought in and returned to right| ful owners. Republicans To Hold Meetings ; All Over County j Seeking to perfect their organiza tior. insure another victory in the elections this- fall, the Republicans of Cherokee county this week arranged a program of sneaking dates that will carry them into every community of the county. A schedule of the county-wide series is carried in an advertisement s in this issue of the Scout. < Local and out-of-county speakers have been contacted to conduct the ? i meeting*, Republican ofli.ials have 1 announced. The series of rallies will be start- l ed at the Wolf Creek school house Tuesday night and will be continued > on through the month almost night- < iy. ' O 1 Land In Graham Is Condemned For TVA Condemnation proceedings for a strip of land 150 feet wide extending I along the Santeetlah-Fowler Bend I dam transmission line on the proper- ' ty of f. F. Denton in Graham county was begun by the United States I for the TVA in the United Star* - district court at Asheville Wednesday, Sept, 23. it was learned here Tuesday. Named in the petition for appearance at the district court of which | Hon. E. Y. Webb is judge, on or be fore No\. 23 are: Denton, Leonard I Waldo, Ada 1*. Waldo, Sadie J. Walj do, May Waldo Hipkiss., Frederick J. I Waldo, George T. Mi 11.saps and un- | , | known claimants. j , Lose Home In Fire; Family In Dire Need ! i The home and all the furnishings of Mrs. Mary Welch, of Marble, was j destroyed by fire last Wednesday , nignt leaving a total loss of everything in it. t Contributions of cash, household ( goods or clothing are being asked by t friends of the family and will be greatfuliy appreciated. Donors may t leave their contributions either at the t home of Edwin Welch or at B. L. t Padgett's store in Murphy. r o Young Democrats < Meet At Peach tree I Dr. Kelly Bennett, Bryson City J druggist, was the principal speaker at ! a meeting of the Young Democratic i club of Cherokee county at the ; Peachtree school house Tuesday I night. Dr. Bennett is the Democra\ tic nominee for state senator from i this district. I Other speakers on the program were: Harry P. Cooper, Democratic candidate for Representative; Bass Padgett, Democratic candidate for register of deeds, and Harlan Enioe, of Andrews. A business meeting was also held at which time Paul Sudderth was named chairman of the organization in the Peachtree community. Frank Forsyth, chairman of the group, presided over the meeting. The next meeting jn the series of county '.vide appearances of the club will be held at Topton Tuesday night, October G. prultrt rolina. Covering a Large and Pole Ui irphy, N. C. Thursday, Q< ANNUAL FAIR DRAWS 18,000 DURING WEEK Exposition Said To Be The Finest One Ever He'd Localy Setting a nuv/ record of attend- ) ance at any event ever held in ('hero- j kee county, between 15.000 and 1S,- j 000 people vere turned through the ; pate- the Cherokee county fai: held here five days last week. Officials were not able to state the exact number that attended the fair ' nu*. pate collections indicated +hp* about ^00u had esvieieu i-.it- ; grounds Friday and Saturday. The ! crowd there Friday night is -aid to he the largest ever seen in Cherokee county. Principally under the direction of j I county agent A. Q. Ketner and hi- " assistant, K. It Wooten. more and r otter exhibits were made than has been known drrin?; the previous 11 county fairs. Six hundred and seventeen individuals registered some 3000 exhibits in the different < i?f home, garden and farm products. P There were Mo first prizes, MO sec- c r>n ,CC0 pic- ] tures taken. The plane will fly at an average altitude of 20.000 t feet, and each print will cover ap- I . proximately three square miles of territory. Congressman, Senator Will Be Here Soor c A group of national Democratic ^ in irr?? .? - * * hkSRs iiii' vii ui'CK Ter If!.a- ^ ive speaking date? hero before the November elections. Mi.-- Sara Rath 'osey. vice-chairman of the Young <. democratic party of Cherokee coun- ^ y, said Tuesday. Anmng them are junior Senator ; ^ Loberl Reynolds, Congressman Zebu- ^ >n Weaver and Dilworth Cocke, of ; ^ .shcville, district chairman of the j ' oung Democratic organization. Mi.-- Posey said definite arrange- ^ lents r their appearance here had t ot been set. 1 j Treat Small Grain For Smut Control I 1 Al? small grain crops in the : oun- ,, Id be treated foi smut con- i p rol at lis time, K. B. Wooten, as- I : n>k< r county agellt. ii.i- * 1 imon mixture "! bichl >riue of 1 . y and i ither tapper - ilphate ; i i,est :.e) er v 'erason can be used I f i i'v- ly. he declared. 1 nforma- j :. as : the proportion and amount I f hi- mixture can be had at the ji.nty agent's office. It. . ig this combination of ma-l iai.-. Woolen said, effective eon- 51 o! e had at a nominal cost of r bout *. vo or t: ree cents per bushel. In instances, he added, treat- : ig t . control will mean a five > 1 ushel rcase for the farmer. v o I 1 Consulting Engineers Confer At Dam Site I .i A large group of consulting engint-rs ami other TV A officials hold a ^ anference here during the past week v' nd Tuesday visited the dam site. v Among those of the consulting " r.gineering staff stopping here were. 1J antes S. Bowman, Evans Dunn, Ar- v tur S -hweier and R. A. Kampmeir, !" 11 f Knoxville, Louis E. Oyres. of 5 :.n Arh r, Mich., W. F. Uhl. of Bos- c' -r., Ma>s., and I>r. Charles E. Wad- a t-II and John B. Hutchings, Jr., both ^ l Asheville. '. R. 3eal Awarded j 'J Radio Saturday Night ^ Mr. Ralph Bi-al, esteemed citizen ^ Murphy, was awarded the $100 *v dio given by the Cherokee Scout iring a subscription campaign at *4' c- fair last week. m The beautiful Stewart-Warren m ctrical set, given in cooperation -;i h the Southern States Power com- S . y was given away Saturday night. i a-t night of the fair. With several hundred now subrib'is on the Scout's mailing list wider circulation than ever before afforded the publication. ^ t MLPARTICK FAMILY MOVED Prof. N. O. Kilpatric-k and family ve moved to Morganton, X. C.. ' " iere he has accepted a p- - i< n as r 1 peristendent of the school there. lit rls TODAY ..jO i?jnK?be .Ul.Nii OlMlUt: LAW IS UPHELD LS COURT ACTION vepub icars L o C :vy Luu bo United States Supreme Court T1- S-ij at Raleigh . l*-.t three districts tr. - f . ;a county n.issio* : . h t The move. v. h . w:.s pa-srd It: the a-: sv.-.- io: ' - . l 1 . . j-: ;u> . a y ft- ur*- at: uarty wo out "j #*inas two of the <:>-. i: rmal !> iticSr - . A storm < ; t. W.-i : >11 owed on T, ? and .< - VYi1 . . bert, 'i. I.. and :l r* . - >t the lection - i a:.. . .. . county : July 20 wi.u : tin y alleged the aw was ""T:' itut lonaP*. W. A. Ada re- . chairman of the ounty hoard of < ommissioners, said Yednesday that tin "fight would be arried all the way" :cid that it would >e taken t the United States Supeme court. Mr. Adams was in Asheil!e last Wednesday when the state lllircnu- coll! t rninii- U'iiw Miiw.tiw. d.' Wher the Hepuhli: an group filt-d heir charge against the county loard of elections at Waynesville, ulv 20. Judge W. F. Harding vacatd their restraining order and sustained a demurrer which the elecions board composed of Josh Johnon, \V. K. Dockery and W. P. Odom iled on the grounds that the legisature had a right to enact the law. At the Waynesvilh hearing the laintiffs were represented by Edwards and Leathern nod. Jaw firm of try .-on City, and the defendants were ('presented by J. D. Mallonee, Murhy lawyer. ^arksville To Ducktown Road Gets U.S. Aid ? Washington. Sep*. 16.?Encourgcrsent in his efforts to have the river oad from Park-ville. Polk county o Ducktown surfaced, thu* eonnectng with the projected TV A to he lliawassee dam at Turtletown, ra.- given Congressman Sam D. Mcteyiiolds today when he raped at the ureau of public roads and the works m ouiiiai.Mitiuun or. mis 3U I'Ct. The roadway between thes* two owns is gravel. (\ ngressiihan MeReynolds seeks lo have it covered ,'ith eight inche.- of crushed storu k'ith a topping of asphalt. W. I\ A. fficials promised to supply the labor f state and federal highway ff. .ais rould consent to do their y:.rt. Bueau of public road officials < :t tc-M he congressman today : vv< uh! onsent if state ef:'icials. ' yl.w.v <1 WPA joined forces a*. , --.e dared le twenty-two-mile sFvt .. r--... . udge McReynolds will !;.> j-j thubject with the state ! .v ials and with Coi Ihiy Wi* * dministrator, on his re*; to t'i . * tnooga next week. Congressman > 11--y- ? "ashing:- n * x _ n >ing to New Y- h F- : r t ,.j rence with .Ta:r? - A. : . y. i. their \v-< ~:'y m^etirg o-.-oav night, i '. -.t of C Meth ">(! ,;t r : h ; 7 o'clock. boyi : .iiv* .i ; .;h ! for twi> with a Co-* .p Kb I. An ann:uvmert v.*us nu.de fcr a football ">e S.:tu:i!ay at JC.r.O o'clock. ?Joseph Simons, scribe.