Thursday, Oct. 1, 1936 Schco'masters' Club Holding First Meeting t: -f , ' . ' PhMr"\: f Je "" 1-ilid:! ic ' . Weather F- : a -it t- : Payments Offered For Work Dene In October Un.ii ? ti:- s :il-improvenier:t pr- gram, payment v.-:!! a number <-f - i " ' ?t an be carrie.i *?11 soil-buil w >rk if are to i'oceivf th" l ?f paym-nts for whifh th<-y a: > e!it?ir>' . said Den:: I. O. S -h i f Star- < Wleyre. ?>ver re - ate. h* \ i i. 11: - an- - ;..ii > turners wno navc acreages J' - i! - . vimy ?' ' thai .. ! !:! llijih!. for more pay:::-::*than 3 , ; * earned with - I b'jildinp praipt i heir f iiri' v er.ce r| ?e: v. ! *. they must do to obtain the full ainount t; e.yments. t.'v an ! i in ted ; ' He u! ?> ate 1 that the paym are mly an addtional inducement for jrowers do those thin#- vvhh-h ninrov Ian i. The soil-buihimir vah:" of these practices is worth far more tha.'. th payments. For this reason, he said, tyrowors will he" ' i n - \ ; i r. out more of t pra ti es than they will he paid for. The rul. payment f >r practices that may e i :. i up : > c > . " 1 are as foi - we Seeding alfalfa. $2 per acre. Seedin >y red or mammoth clover, $1.50 per acre. Seeding Alsike. white. crimson clovi : . Austrian winter peas, or vetch. >1 per acre. Plowing or disking under the follow iiv. cr<>ps as .;-r?-n niar.ii: - , after at least two months* growth: soybean*. velvet beans, cowpeas, sweet clover, lesped' :u, - crotalaria, $1.50 per acre. Tl.mi. ir.- ? =?l **:-! . ...s >v.ui i? iuiiiclt'iic amount of properly constructed terraces to give idequate protection against erosion, 40 cents per 100 linear feet of terrace, but do not to exceed $2 per acre. Lining, $1 per 1,000 pounds up to $4 per acre. OAK PARK Rev. John Morrow preached an interesting sermon at Mt. Carmel church Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roher-on and daughter. Willa Mae, of Kahurn (lap Ga., spent Friday night with Mr. Rubei 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bass Roberson. Mr. and Mi-. .Mitchel Stiles were the guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. 1). Horton. Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Rap r had as their di . -> Sunday, Messrs. Skilor and Stiles. Iiapei. V, l.Mi. * i l ; -n. S. K. Quinn and Sam !* d. Mr. ; . : M:>. G G. Quinn had as their guests over the week-end Mr. and .Mi -. Tayior and two chidlren and Mr. Roy Quinr. all of Copperhill. Several from here attended the Fair last week and reported a nice time. Misses Lucy and Mary Lou Kellej and brother, Claud and Mr. David Elrod visited the Dam site Sunday ? o Woman Hangs Self In Jacksonville Jail Jacksonville, Fla., Sept. 24.?A 4S year-old woman listed as Marj Townsend hanged herself with a sheet in the city jail here Saturday She was serving out a sentence of $25 fine for being drunl: anc disorderly at the rate of 75 cent? a dav in jail. Officers said she tried to t?.*;e her life once before so thej removed the sheets from the cell cot She borrowed a sheet, from th wo Hot Saitie Rages On Pronuncia tion Front Over Use Of 'Ca-Linv .' ... :: x-..i ' i , .. v"; 1" : , ' . I' -111:1 ' . . *. a . '.!?' !. t i.. II "M -oread : .- ad:r.a:: jriddSf h -u- . i. then a: . tl. ve distinc t t; ; - of speech irj :h - nation. * Ka- -.n. S at hern ant , Wf>U'!n." and : a man tri d to iji up his owi dialect and imitate that of anothei v ! mak a ??>i ,{ himself.'* M. i). Collins. s t: per in ten dent o1 ' h-o] 4?a schools, r -^a: as a "hit a .>u;nr"s: ;??: ,the North Carodr .. ajpe* :nt.enti?T.:. Clyde A .. v.that use f **< a'dny" foil "( ia " h- r aida :i :i a and ? -i J. V. . Harrelson, ndniirk 'ratio; at North | < i! . -date u'.letre de iied M??n' N < th.-rne: -"* on vacation wore j ;v.os*!v .-'-pon<: ?ie f-.-r "mutilation" ' ti: :. state's name. The 1 i im' a ' > ' ) State charjji ia-t week that Preside?" Roosevelt i- ti -niy -t aker a* the recent <): u Pa.-t u? t's oiir . i. rali> "who I an t.our.e 1 * an iir.a* - we ivcajsrr< ? j.ati ?n -every Newfl Orleans?New aw-loans. aj J y trs a?o of NewOr-leans. Loui iana?Loueo>-iana. Alk;.:.-as?Ark -an--av. . y legislaive, strangers are inclined to proJ ounce t Ar-kan'-sas. | Birrv.nrhani? to a select few, ..... . ? ji... a. ter th. English city 1 fiw \vl i;*h it was named. To the I _r? -a* Majority. Rurm-i:ij?-ham\ To ! y.?ust of the *s lr s .:0 negroes. Miami -Anything g i?? this re??t ' Jura Sera roh ; Vf William Osceola -ays "My-am-mee." Most residents, agiee Dr. 13. 1 . Ashe and Ellis Huilums, managing editor of ti:e Miami Herald, use "My-am-uh." The tuj?ist pronunciation usually is "My-am-mee," 4*Mee-a;v.-mee," or "Mee-am-ue," Native wits recommend that those with slender purses call it as they do "My-am-uh." Blair Suggests Farm Topics For September Sum timely farm suggestions 'rem F. C. Flair. extension agronomist at N. C. State College: As soon as soybean and cowpea hay are raked off the ground, run over the field with a disk harrow to ' > mulch of the surface. This will make it possible to prepare the land small grains a little later, even though the winter be very dry. It there are any tobacco stalks left in the fields, cut them as soor as possible. A good way is to chop hem with a stalk cutter and ther disk them into the ground. Then the telds v, :,! lie giiod places to sow - nail grains or winter legumes. It is foolish to let the stalks liv< producing substance to feed insect pests and disease or I VOTE 1 Harry P. 1 For Repese F or Cherokee Co Democratic Ticke General Ass I AM FOR ANYTHING THJ CHEROKEE COUNTY AND The four acts I favor cna< 1. Payment of Old Age Pen> 2. Reduction of automobile ar said tags shall be sold a of the Cherokee County 3. Repeal of the law placing ing and hunting for the county. Non-residents i fee for hunting and fisl lerokee Scout. Murphy. Norl I Farm Incomes Are Increased For Past Yer xt " j ' . :;.o>nie to I I v. ; i vatr.\'!y va'ied at ; * !. ?.:. IIIMJ; slit By way .f comparison. h" -aid . 1 ' at tf I'.'54 ur inc was " ' > of wr.v h J, j was derived from the sale of crops and J Ii\*-st u-k and ?1?.:>14,000 1'vr.i AAA j payriu-:;- i'rou k-.s consumed at ( | home valuta at $*32,482,000. Ivor t!i - .-alt' of farm products was i ased on returns from 7S crop and . 1 > livestock items. I ri dean p-dntrd >ut :hat although *">' j\AA paymfjits v.m- considerably I'L'U i l *.1,. H ?* f MI:*- i j.sumption ?t?se H f J > J : o in S - in l >1 in i. Iw murif than j enough t . offset he si--h: flMease | ; in cash income, with the result that - n mi ;?n ivas?*d !> * ?.n ... li ' < - Ui" iid away ' tv> r:t the production of cash crops j ; arid : .art; the j?i oduction of those j *h;ng> nee -d ??;. the farm and by; the fa n family, the dean stated. In ' hei .. n*.. . farm *rs are bal- ( j aneinu thei" far ning programs and ; becoming more self-sufficient. j ^ iranis: ami thereby help them sur- I vive t winter. 4 In > !? *iri-_r -ved corn, tr<> through * tiio fields n September and mark ; t?i? ! t stalks. Later on, pull the \ i;ia 'ii liesc -talks before bar- g vesting the general eron. Be sure j: te select more than needed as the s seed should he gone over again dur- G ing the winter and only the very V best ears selected. j ^ A good crop for late fall and ear- j J ly spring grazing can be produced ; ^ by sowing in Setpember one bushel j ^ of Abruzzi rye and one bushel of 1 barley per acre on good land. This E should furnish six to eight weeks P grazing during the latter part of R October and through November, and j J; for a similar period in March, April, | and May. J When corn is to be cut and shred- . ded, put it up in rather small shocks, 1 especially if it is not thoroughly J ripe. Green corn in a large shock , will nearly always rot. , | A Texas coroner wrote: J i ?*T <**f V v/i.i uniiuo m.* Ilit-cc (9IIU I daughter of my niece) had a case? her husband menaced her to do her ( all 'had he could?and the door did ) result broken and a bolt or bar was t upon the little table, and put fire to . the mattress blat.?.:ets. dresses, etc., f . etc,, nobody did see the misdoer. * The ease was reported to the assist? ant district attorney and he did . nothing. What was the trouble?" -?~? J unty on the t in the next embly. ^HKP; VT WILL BENEFIT ITS CITIZENSHIP. . :ting into law are: id truck tags and that j nd distributed out of Court House. *^'^ *5332^3525 a license tax on fish- ?, *% m < citizens of Cherokee ' . t i ^ thould pay a nominal ?ing. HARRY P. (Paid Political Adverl th Carolina UNAKANEW* l. So ral v ???: ? from here visited "air sit Murray. ;tj Mi-? Hazel Taylor has returned - . ' or a wo: .> - . with Mi-s ' . : h< :e s Int tlie w<ek her home in Andrews. Miss I. *.;?? Ta - v. r. i at Andrews with Lucille M:.! >n. 9 SI THE MURPHY CA HARDLY a day goes by on our prompt service an ?i i?c . tt t piacc uciurc uur pdir good food, cooked to a *' ved in a quiet, restful ati one place that comes to tl know and appreciate the THE MUR1 Harold Hatchett,Prop. N-O-TrO THE CITIZENS OF C The Republican cam :ounty and other speak :itizens o fthe county < he times below design /olf Creek School Mouse, Thursday, Oct ohnson School House# Friday, October . rasstown at Voting Place, Monday, Oct Ibeneezer School House, Tuesday, Octob hearer's School House, Wednesday, Oct irape Creek School House, Thursday, O /alker School House, Friday, October larble School House, Monday, October .. omotla School House, Tuesday, Octobei ,ong Ridge (Violet School House), Wedr opton School House, Thursday, October Jpper Beavcrdam School House, Friday Unain.JoR /fl- C-L--I ? -3?3 5 ?? ?vn UVIIOUI I1UU5C ) , lurnt Meeting House, Tuesday, October 'eachtree School House, Wednesday, Oc 'eid's Chapel School House, Thursday, < toiling Springs School House, Friday, Oc tgreeta School House, Monday, October Everybody is cordially invit ngs and hear the candidate ssues of the day. A SPECIAL INVITATIC KND TO THE YOUNG PE Sincerely Yoi J. CARL 1 chairman Republican Coun These meetings will begin P. M. MURP1 aUnaka a, we no The foregoing plat more important laws zens of this county t j Raleigh as your reprc Cherokee county give officials of this state been done for our coi the officials at Raleig a part of this great i of state money be ma in many others more I am especially am > ing our aged and re' monthly income. It ii our old people shoul and the county poor 1 , SPEAKING ENGA PARTS OF THE COOPER NOUNCED / tisemcnt) Mrs. Loubelle Jones an dsmall I n. Gerald have arrived here {i.l n P >nneIsvil!o, Penn. where they \vr; I t ut the winter with her . art-- f . and Vrs. Ki sh l\,r: . :.e t n. Jlaynaid ito; . a- r.-?w 1 1 ~l ' ' ] I : t. i Mrs. t'. ; ! o i .'ESCRIBE TO THE SCOIT S:. vr i n rrtTEt" I C"'\ 1 but someone remarks ? d the fine, tasty meals j ons. When you want f T" and tastefully ser- f nosphere, there's just le minds cf those who > best . . . it's >HY CAFE I Phor.e 9112 1 UHLJJB!IWMUaHaiMU'..?a3l I-C-E HEROKEE COUNTY: didates of Cherokee :ers will address the it the places and at ated; to-wit: ober lit 2nd I ober 5th er .... 6th ober 7th ' ctobcr 8th 9th 1 12th r 13th tesday, October 14th 15th , October 16th Monday, October 19th 20th :tober 21st October .. 22nd ftober 23rd 26th ed to attend these meets and others discuss the >N TO THE LADIES .OPLE IS EXTENDED urs, rOWNSON. ty Executive Committee promptly at 7 O'clock HY TIME K S?od a highway from Murphy K| olma-Tenncssec state line via Hi W have from Murphy to Cul- K Murphy to Peachtree. Jgf'form expresses four of the RH I favor, but I want the citio know that if I am sent to K -tentative I will fight to have n its just recognition by the H Heretofore nothing has HI unty and it is high time that |K :h be made to realize we are H? state and that appropriations H de in this county just as it is | favored than we. H J intensely interested in seevered elderly peopl paid a s a disgrace and a shame that M d be dependent on relatives ^K3 louse in their declining years. Hftjj >rt Will Be Very n | Appreciated. n I CEMENTS IN VARIOUS K | COUNTY WILL BE AN- Bj I ^T A LATER DATE J |

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