Saturday Is HP0i MURPHY " ? ^ f7?* Is'iviing Vol. 1IL.?No. 12. MANY ATTEND FOXHUNTERS' ANNUAL MEET Fred Moore, of Murphy, Named President Of Club For 1937 I'oxhunters from three states end* ed their annual three day convention in Cherokee county Friday r.ight. A bench show Wednesday afternoon and three nights of hunting were conducted from Walkers silo one and one-half miles south of Andrews. The convention also elected their officers for the coming year at the first afternoon's session. Fred Moore, of Murphy, was named president; A. M. McAfee, of Blairsville, Ga.; vice-president, and Bruce King, of Top ton, secretary and treasurer. Rain Thursday night and Friday served to put "a damper" on the hunting, but several hundred enthusiasts attended the meetings and followed the chases. Some of the best hounds that have ever been shown here took part in the chases and competed in the bench show. McAfee was awarded first prize for the best hounds in the show. They were females. Wayne Battle, of Bryson City, was awarded second prize for his entries which were male dogs. Bob Witt, of Murphy, was awarded first and second prizes for having the best dogs six months of ago . entered in the bench show. The judges were: Walter Wiggins, Graham county agent, of Robbinsville; Austin Sherrill, also of Robbinsville, and A. D. Taylor, of Murphy. Several hundred sportsmen were present to attend the first hunt Wednesday evening. A large crowd was also present at the Silo Thursday evening to see the hunt conducted, but only a few dogs were brought to the meeting. The final hunt was conducted Friday evening although rain kept many of the spectators away. Members of the club are planning for the biggest convention ever held ni-xt year. New Machinery Is Added To Laundry New machinery costing several thousand dollars has been added to the equipment of the Murphy laundry, B. B. Cornwell, proprietor, has announced. The new equipment will be used to take care of an increase in the laundering and dry cleaning departments of the plant, Mr. Cornwell said. The machinery arrived and was installed Saturday. noillAnvo^fi UK11 1 i/v/iiiuti aid TV ill Stage 5-County Rally Oct. 27th The Young Democratic clubs of five counties will stage a huge rally in the Andrews high school auditorium Tuesday night. Frank Forsyth, chairman of the Cherokee county group who is making arrangements for the meeting, said Wednesday that he had contacted both Congressman Zebulon Weaver, of Asheville, and Thad Eure, Democratic nominee for secretary of state, who is holding a series of speaking in this section, to be the main speakers. He said he had not received definite word from either of them Wednesday noon as to whether they would attend or not, but he thinks there is a strong possibility both of them will be in attendance. About 300 persons from Cherokee, Clay, Macon, Swain and Graham counties are expected to be present. 5 Last Registi ft nip ; Weekly Metes paper m Western Mori Murphj Andrews To Be Host 1 Of Three Counti Legionaries and members of their . families from three counties will flock to Andtews Armistice Day, Nov. 11, to attend one of the most elaborate programs ever arranged in that town. The Leslie Still man post of the American legion there will be hosts to veterans from Cherokee, Clay and Graham counties and preparations for the celebration are being rushed to completion, W. D. Whitakcr, publicity chairman of the Tri-County post, has announced. All Andrews merchants will join I in the Armistice day celebration in | closing their places of business, and he various civic organization* \v.!l j lend their assistance. Kinisey Wyke is general chairman of the arrangements for the days 1 celebration. P. S. Wiihide and John H. Christy head the luncheon committee. I. B. Hudson is chairman of the football schedule; Vic Wood and Joe It. Klingemmith. refreshments: Wayne Walker, flag committee Horace Rector, chairman of table arrangements and Frank Mehaffey, contact committee. Other committees will be announced at a later date. The program will open at 10:00 o'clock Wednesday morning and will continue throughout the day. A special feature of the program will be a parade with all veterans of the three counties and the boys from two CCC camps Winfield Scott, No. SATURDAY LAST DAY TO REGISTER FOR ELECTIONS Saturday is the last day the registration books will be open in Cherokee county prior to the elections to be held on Nov. 3. A new registration of Cherokee county was ordered in the last session of the general assembly and all persons who have not registered in the primary which was held on July 4, 1936, or one one of the past three Saturdays, are not eligible to vote. It is reported that a number of citizens qualified to vote have not i registered for this election. *1? I 1? ...:n L. I ""y "?c ? win oc open in all the precincts for purpose of j registering and will close at sun- J down. Saturday, Oct. 31, will be challenge day. ?O A. A. Pratt, night railroad crossing tender in Farmingham Center, Mass., when on duty always wears a nattily cut business suit, spats, a j flower in his lapel, and carries a i cane. ' WORLD'S MOST PERF DISCOVERED I ? <?>Presenting the most truthful liar in the world! It all began when one James Lee, presummably of Cherokee county, began telling some stories that were a little too hot on his neighbors back in 1844. This queer record of a man going before a justice of the peace and swearing that he was a liar and that you couldn't believe anything he said, was discovered in the musty files in the register of deeds office by D. H. Tillitt, Andrews attorney. And in case his veracity is doubted, just look on page 228 of Book No. 2. It reads in part with none of the original spelling ommitted: "... being in my proper and sound mind I hereby certify that any report in respecting the incontinnancy of the family of E. Shuler, Benjamin J. Hampton, D. Phir.neghan, John Reddick, William Cunningham, Stephen Rhea, B. Pullum or Will Ingram, R. Ingram are false and as much of said report as I, the said Lee, have circulated is altogether false". Signed and dated Jan. 15, 1844. The "Litill" was entered on the books by Drewry Weeks, clerk. ration Day frukei h Carolina, Covering a Largr and f, N. C. Thursday, Oct. o Legionaries es On Armistice Dav 408. Aquone, and No. 3447. Robbinsville, participating. Arrangements will be made for a band to furnish the music. All public buildings and stores will be gayly decorated with flags, buntings, etc. Memorial services which will begin at II o'clock at the Andrews Cemetery, will be in charge of Rev. \V. S. Smith, pastor of the Andrews Methodist Church, with the Rev. Edwin F. Trout man. Rev. C. F. Rogers and Rev. Stuart Long, of Murphy, assisting. Following the services at the cemetery, a : asket lunch will be served picnic style at the Andrews School gymnasium, at 1:3:>. a lecture will be given by an outstanding State representative of the American Legion. A* 2:30 the Amiiw.- Wild cats will play an opposing team. All veteran - and their families of the three counties are cordially invited to attef.d, Mr. Yf hi taker said, Plans are being formulated for the largest celebration in the history oi the organization, he added. A dance at the Andrews School gymnasium with Legionnaire Kimsej Wyke, general chairman will conclude the days program. Officers of the Leslie Stillmar Post are; L. 15. Nichols, Commander ('apt. Frank W. Swan. Adjutant! T)r C. V. Orr, Historian; John H. Christy, Captain; ar.d Frank Mehaffey. Captain Frank Swan was electee District Commander at the Stflflc meeting held recently in Asheville. TEAM WILL PLAY HEREONFRIDAY Murphy Defeats Copperhill 14 to 6 On Friday Afternoon By Hubert Adams, Jr. Making it 12 wins in a row, Murphy defeated Copperhill last Friday on a muddy field to the tune of 14 to 6. The hoys from the basin put up a good fight, but the outcome of the game was not in doubt as Murphy was in' command of the game throughout. Taylor and Mauncy were the outstanding players for the local team. A nice bit of broken field running was done by Harbison of Copperhill who took a punt on his own 40 yard line and ran down the side lines for C yards and their only touchdown. The try for extra point was no good. This coming Friday, October 23, (Continued on page eight) ECT LIAR Is" N COUNTY RECORDS Georee Ross Pon To Speak Here Oct. 30 George Ross Pou, Democratic nominee for state auditor, advised Dr. J. N. Hill in a letter iate Wednesday that he would appear on the program being s ponsored by the Democratic party of Cherokee county in the court house Friday night, Oct. 30. Senator Bob Reynolds is scheduled to give the main address at the county-wide rally, and other state speakers besides he and Mr. Pou are expected to be on the official program. o FRED BRENDLE INJURED Fred Brendle was slightly injured Tuesday night when he fell from the top of the Henn theater. He had been working on the top of it with Jim McCombs. He fell off and was stunned for a while when he tried to find a way to get down. o Digging in his basement looking for rats, Ole Lingen of Stanley, Wis., unearthed a jar containingg 386 silver dollars, all dated before 1900. In Cherokee Potentially Rirh Jem'***-* in This Stiz 22, 1936 J>i Politics Claim C Local, Nationc With Eiectic Tells Thrilling "f Story Of Final Evening's Hunt ! T io'Icwir;,,- accou* t of the !a > night s cha.-e vi the Tri-S:ate f<?>:hunters association was given by Walter Witt, pa-i prc.-ident ? the club. Mr. Witt .-ay .t wa.- the best r?igl,*s h int although rain kept a pood many away. Hi- descrij?tive narrative follows: '"Friday night the weather was cloudy and unfavorable as it hau ' . railed all day. Thv T-xhuntei s were 1 few. y. "Just a little a. : rk I loaded | up my four houn.i- and picked up the Donley boys. They had four of 1 their faste t hounds. In JO minutes I we were back on the 'hap: y hunting 1! ground*. We unloaded ail our dogs I1 hut kept them all tied except one- I a lo-months-old pup. | s "In a minute or two we heard the j c puppy bepin trailing within 30 hours ' of Sam's Hot Dog stand. Pretty d soon we decided it was a fox he was c after so we cut loose our other dogs v I which divided into two pack^. A. ? M. McAfee drove up about 10 min- P utes later with fe\en fine looking houncLs including the bench show c winner. tHe freed all of his dogs o and they jumped another fox before il they could get our pack. r "We then had the dogs chasing three foxes and driving hard. About that time I began to notice a few p stars breaking through the heavy ti clouds. We climbed the high tops c] where we could get it all. And be- D lieve me we coulu hear plenty with st all those races on. I particularly en- Cj joyed the races my dogs were in. Two h of the races ended when one fox was c; caught, and the dogs then assembl- y ed to drive hard after one fox. q "Three other dogs were picked up in the race which made a total of tl Continued on back page. This section ti Gaddis' Trial Is Postponed 1 In Tennessee a The trial of Emmett Gaddis, for- 11 mer Tennessee deputy sheriff, on a ** charge of murdering D. W. McFadden, Asheville contractor, scheduled ? to open next Monday at Ducktown, Tenn,. Wednesday was postponed un- 4 til November 30, according to a United Press dispatch in the Ashe- ' ville Citizen. rifiAvnPO WocfnrViiii'fr inrict j ? T pro tem while Judge John J. Blair I recovers from a critical illness, announced the postponement after I conferring with defense ar.d prose- " cution attorneys at Cleveland. Tenn. He said he hopes that Judge Blair will be recovered suffciently to preside over the trial on November. McFadden was shot to death as he stepped from his car near Isabella. Tenn., where he had gone last May 17 to answer charges in connection n> with a gunshot wound received by C Gaddis on last Christmas day. Offi- w cers said they believed the slaying ir of McFadden was precipitated by a n "little riot" on a PWA road-building project. At that time McFadden was oi shot in the mouth, allegedly by cc Gaddis. He held Gaddis responsible ti for labor trouble on the project. gi Troutman To Preach b> To Presbyterians Here at pi The Rev. E. F. Troutman, pastor so of the St. Andrews Lutheran church, j cr at. Andrews, will preach at the Mv.r-J phy Presbyterian church Sunday i E morning at 11 o'clock. The public j? j is cordially invited to the services. 1 rc County!!! It TODAY :? l.oU \ iiAlv -oc CS/r'Y 'enter Of ii Attention ?n 10 Days Off ive Tickets 1 o tie Voted On Here Tuesday, November 3rd. ~ALK HOT POLITICS iaturday Last Day For Registration In Cherokee County. By Sam Car*"V'tls t< - Jrft :>< rc the <>!< -: citizenry f the I'nited * t?- jroes *n 1 !^ ' ; <?i] tv. politi;il cauldron clrnns tin' >icy broth f 1 I air! nntnrd r.ollt i.-s while he voters themselves awa't anxitisiy to see wr will be left when he c -' !ii : p?- .? (?> < j< dore. Political s say that in no time n the Saf-t half century has national lolitics taken on . > important an spcct as they have today with the tormy, vote-driving finish of the. ampaign almost at hand. l.t'l.UiV I III ; III lit1 11(1 iifferencc in the situation. Politiians, poli'.cal followers and casual oters are not inclined to gi\e away ne wit from their belief that "their" artv will win "all the way." Straw polls, so numerous that they ross themselves, may lean one way r another, but each observer sees t signifying strength in his own ight. Both Parties See Victory. Locally heads of both political arties are earnest in their convicons of victory. There will be no fiance to vote for anything not democratic or Republican in this ate. Out of the state other politiil parties seem to have their followlg, but nothing that should indilte any serious loss to a clean cut ictory for one of the two parties in uestion here is evident. But in the county, members of lie Democratic and Repubii an paries have carried intensive campaigns ito every r.ook and corner seeking ontinucd on back page. This section 'etrie On List Of Approved Hospitals The Petrie hospital. Murphy, is mong 12 in Western N rth f'arona meeting requirement for the pproval of the American College of urgeons, it was announced at the pening of the nineteen'h Hospital tandardization conference in Fhila.1 i.... cipuia iuuiiuay. Other hospitals in the err- np are seated at: A>hevil!e (three); Haner's Elk, Fletcher, Hi-.kory, Lenoir, Keen, Rutherfordton, Tryon and V'aynesvilie. ^Ivdp H larrpft TaiksAtG. OLP. Rally Tuesday Clyde H. Jarrett, Andrews attorey and Republican nominee for ongress from the eleventh district, as the principal speaker at a rally i the Murphy court house Tuesday ight. Mr. Jarrett. fir.-t nominee for the ffice from west of the Balsam range, mmented on local and national polics, and attacked his opponent, Conressman Zebulon Weaver, by declarg no federal buildings have been ailt west of Waynesville. Some 300 people who had gathered i the speaking enthusiastically apauded Goldie P. Ferguson, of B*yn City, who also addressed the The speakers were introduced by dwin Hyde, an attorney of Andrews, ho is Republican candidate for repisentative. .

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