Thursday, Oct. 22, 193 j #0rial ^ Mrs. I I. Bueck, Phone INDIAN SUMMER ' The v < *: ?iav.<5 1 When sun'-iiu-r'a de-ign was comi'ieic; Kemt:a: of re en ??n the el v. Fragments of rose-bloom and lu-at. Between frost and the have.-" last falling Earth takes them up once more And fingers them, briefly r- .aiu g A gown that -he lately wore." ?Anita Laurie Gushing. CARRINGER?HILL HAMBY?HILL Coming as a surprise to their many friends was the marriage of Mi-s Jaunita Hill to Mr. Zack Carringer of KttoxvilL. Tenn., and Miss Geneva Hill to Mr. Mart Hamby of Florida and Turtletown, Tenn., on Friday, September 25, at Blairsviile, C?a., Mr. Lance officiating. The Misses Hills are the attractive twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Hill, of Postell, X. C. They graduated from Murphy High School in P.LJ2 and later attended Asheville Normal. Mr. Carringer, son of Mr. and Mrs. S. \V. Carringer of Brass town, N. C., is connected with Commercial Bank ?Jc Trust Co., Knox- j v 111. Tenn. Mr. Hamby is the son of Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Hamby of Fort Lauderdale, Fla. He is now connected with the business firm of Mr. Ed Brown near Posted, N. C. Mr. anil Mrs. Carringer will make their home in Knoxvilie and Mr. and Mrs. Hamby in Posted. (VI rc I * w? 1 11V/11I1U 1?S IV- 1VUJ Honored On Birthday A number of friends of Mrs. Theltna Diekev surprised her on her birthday last Saturday evening with 41 dinner party at the Dickey House* The table was centered with a birthday cake bearing a questionable nun. n*r ?.f < undies. Mrs. Dickey's place was marked with a number of attractive gifts. Friends wishi.ig the honoree many more happy birthdays were: Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Fred 0!.rL-t?>phor. Mrs. Eva Griffiths, Mrs. Carolyn Clark, Mrs. Carl Dobbs, Miss Grace West, Mr. H. M. Mucker and Mr. Charles Dickey. Mrs. Bueck Honors Guests Honoring her guests MDs Evelyn J Branham and Miss Eleanor Garrett j of Raleigh, Mrs. H. Bueck entertained a few friends at dinner Sunday evening. The table appointments were in yellow and green with ptaceca nls carrying out a suggestion of the harvest season. Yellow chrysanthemums in a green crystal bowl fo med the centerpiece and green tapers burned at each end of the tabic. Covers were laid for: Mi ses Branham and Garrett, Miss Hath- | cock, miss Overtoil and Miss Speight, H. Bucck, L. A. Lee, O. W. Deaton,1 C. B. Chambers, and Hack Wilson of Atlanta. Junior Music Study Club Met The Grammar school pupils of Mrs. J. W. Davidson met in the studio and elected the following officers of the music club. President?Jean Carter. Vice-president? Maurine Lovingood. Secretary?Mary Porter Fain. Treasurer?.lean Dickey. Reporter?Matrine Moore. Critic?Mary Barber. Chairman Program Committee? Mildred Gondelock. Chrm. Social Committee?Carolyn Carter. Chrm. Entertainment committee? Anna Ruth Carringer. Leader of Blue Group?Willa Mae Hembree. Leader of Red Group?Jean Dyer. The subject for study this year will be "musicianship". The first subject is "Correct Stage Deportment." Mrs. J. W. Davidson is counselor for this club, which is composed of grammar school pupils. The High school music club will be organized one evening next week. Martine Moore, Reporter. Miss Evelyn Branham and Muss Eleanor Garrett of Raleigh spent a few days here this week with Miss Branhara's sister, Mrs. H. Bueck. 6 The Cherol I Anil f pi ; 98-J iVlissH | Raleigh Visitor Honored Mi>s I M ia Hatchock entertained a large number of friends with : on: a; th? Rivers: J * Hotel in on Monday evening from j s :u0. The affair given to ! : Kvelyn G. Bran ham j of Raleigh who visited her sister,! 'Mrs. H. ii\.' k. this week. Large asket - of fiame and white' dahlias were used in the lobby and ! dining room where the dancing was I en;";. -d. I'ance cards carried out I the rose and green color scheme and ! were attractively printed. During intermission punch was I served. The guest list included Misses .Sara Ruth Posey, Mary Weaver. Frances Dixon, Martha Nell Wells Louise Axley. Mildred Akin, Martha May field, Kathleen Axley, Grace Harriett, l.euna Tatham, Ann Townson, Wood fin Posey, Bruce Speight, Laura Overton, Margaret Withcrspoon. Kvelyn Branham and Kleanor Garrett of Raleigh. Messrs O. W. Deaton, C. H. Chamber-. L. A. Lee, James Osborne, Hill Cover, Alden Coward, Donald Hulsey. Sam Carr, Hadley Williamson, John Davidson, Duel Adams, B. C. Moneymaker, Frank Ferguson, Elvin I.*,? 1 . .. I* I ? M_ I uiiu-u, uu.nci, cnaries | Hyatt. Charles Dickey, and Leland Grant. Mr. and Mi>. If. Huejk, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Darnell, Mr. and Mr-. Tom Mauney. Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox, Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Wooten, Mr. and Mi's, lames Ward. Prior to the dame, Miss Hathvock had as her dinner guests at the Riverside Hotel, Mr. and Mrs. H. Btieck, Miss Laura Overton, Miss Evelyn Branhani, Miss Eleanor Garrett. Mr. O. \V. Deaton, Mr. C. H. Chambers, Mr. James Osborne, ami Mr. L. A. Lee. Rose and green were used as the color scheme for the table decorations. Places wen marked by printed rose colored cards The central decoration was a silver basket of flame colored dahlias with given tapers in silver holders. Dinner was served in three courses. Sharing honors for the evening with Miss Branham was Miss Eleanor Garrett of Raleigh. Little Nettie Dickey Entertains Nettie Dickey celebrated her eighth birthday with a dinner at the Dickey House followed by a theatre party on Monday evening. During the dinner the little girls enjoyed cutting I a beautiful birthday cake. The honI oree received attractive gifts from ( ..v. swwoi.o, wiiu wcif; .id .jo moouy, Doris Mclver, Elizabeth Ann Elkins, Jane Sneed, and Sara Frances Cooper of Decatur. Miss Billie Jackson, and Miss Sara Witherspoon accompanied the girls to the theatre to see Shirley Temple in "Poor Little Kich Girl". Presbyterian Auxiliary Met Tuesday The meeting of the Presbyterian Woman's Auxiliary was held Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock with Mrs. R. S. Parker as hostess. The meeting was presided over by the president, Mrs. J. N. Hill. After the business session, Mrs. John H. Dillard conducted the lesson on Foreign Missions, the subject being "Where Christ Has Led in Lands Afar." Mrs. C. W. Savage had charge of the Worship Period. Mrs. u;n 1 ?j - ' ixin it-u a session 01 intercessory prayer for the mission season. Following the program, the hostess served a delicious salad course with tea. Character Builder's Class To Have Party The Character Builders* Class of the Methodist church is having a party on Friday evening, October 23, at 7:30 o'clock in the church. All ladies who arc, or have been members of this class are cordially invited to come and bring their husbands. Mrs. Lillian Lahn spent the weekend with her daughter, Muriel, a stu1 dent at Greensboro College. Doroj thy accompanied her. Mr. Lakes Martin and Miss Eliza; beth Anne Ratcliffe of Knoxville 1 spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Martin. ;ee Scout, Murphy, Norll ^^w-x-^x-x-^x-x-w-^w rental ! .3 lattie Palmer, Phone 20 Ij Vv Oman's Club Met W ednesday The regular mcnthly meeting ol the Woman's Club wa> helti on Wednesday afternoon in the dub room, Mi-. Bueck called the meeting tc cider with the gavel won at the distuct meeting in Sylva on October i given for the best percentage of attendance at the meeting. After the singing of the club hymn and reading of the collect Mrs. Vestal read the minut > of the last meeting. Several items of bit were disposed of after which a list of the books bought by the club to be rotated among the members was read and the method of distribution explained. Those books purchased are: "Gone With The Wind", "Anthony Adverse' "How Do You Like New York." "White Banner-," "The Exile," "The Puritan," "Green Pastures," "Splendor of Eagles," "The Doctor," "Murder in the Bookshop." "Life With Father," It Can't Happen Here." After the club members have had an opportunity to lead all of the books they will be donated to the Library. Miss Latham invited members to a recital to be given by her pupifo in Dramatic Art at an early Date. Mrs. T. A. Case gave a report of the District Meeting held in Sylva after which Miss Miriam Stiliwell gave the current event topics for the afternoon. Miss Fannie Myra Hathcock program leader for the afternoon introduced the program topic "Current Problems of the Day" with a few remarks after which she presented Air. J. B. Gray who explained the proposed changes in the Constitution which will be voted upon at the November election, urging every club woman to study the problem in view of makini? n wixo d<>fi? ion when she casts her vote on this important matter. After Mr. Gray's talk Miss Martha Nell Wells accompanied by Mrs. Davidson sang, "The Lilac Tree." Hostesses serving tempting refreshments from a beautiful tea table were: Mrs. Tom Axley, Mrs. W. M. Axley, Mrs. M. W. Bell, Mrs. L. E. Bayle. s, Mrs. J. D. Blagg, Mrs. Paul llyatt anil Mrs. Steele Foard. Mr. W. Christopher Mr. \V. Christpoher who was carried to Georgia Baptist Hospital in Atlanta Tuesday for examination stood the trip well and was resting nicely when the paper went to press. Dr. B. W. Whitfield and Mr. E. O. Christpoher accompanied him. Mrs. Mattox Hostess To Circle No. 2 Circle No. 2 of the Methodist Missionary met at the home of Mrs, R. C. Mattox on Tuesday evening Mrs. R. V. Wells led the devotional and the study was i.i charge of Mis W. D. Townson and Mrs. W. A. Bar ber. A social hour followed the busi ness and refreshments were enjoyec by Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Barber, Mrs W. D. Townson, Mrs. R. V. Wells Mrs. Nettie Axley, Mrs. J. H. Mc Call, Mrs. H. G. Elkins, Mrs. G. M Fleming, and Mrs. Virginia Mazel roud. Mrs. Barber Hostess To Circle No. 3 Circle number 3 of the M. E Church met at the home of Mrs. W A. Barber on Monday night. Mrs Norvell presided in the place of th< chairman, Mrs. Ellis who was absent Mrs. O. E. Madden was in charge o: the devotional using as a topic "Hov to Build Christian Character". After the business session the hos tess served a sweet course. Those members present were: Mrs E. B. Norvell, Mre. O. E. Madden Mrs. W. P. Odom, Mrs. W. A. Sav age, Mrs. Jce Smith, Mrs. W. A Barber, Miss Ada Harshaw and Mia; Josephine Heighway. Spending the day in Murphy Sa turday were Mrs. Kate Pass, Mis; Virginia McClure, and Miss Keler Woodey all of Hayesville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cooper anc daughter, Sara Francis of Decatur Georgia, were visitors in Murphj Monday. Mrs. S. V. Evans, of Ranger wa< a business visitor in town Tuesday Mrs. Walter Mauney, Mrs. Edna Hastings and Mrs. Beau Brumbj spent Tuesday in Atlanta. i Carolina Circle No. 4 Met With ; Mrs. SneedOn Tuesday > Members of Circle number four of " the Methodist# chui ih t at the I home of Mi - Jasper Sr.eed in East : Murj'hy Tuesday after*.oon for the * purpose of re^Bfjrar.izny. Mis. Ma* La ret Bel! led the devotional for the afternoon alter which the foiiowm;; officers we;e elected: Mrs. Luthei Gentry President. Mrs. Margaret lieII, Societal \. and Mrs. R. B. Ferguson Treasurer. Grape juice an<i caks were serve i to Mis. E. B. Xor' veil, Mrs. Press Gentry. Mrs. Margaret Bell, Mrs. Luther Gentry. Mrs. Margaret Bell, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson and Miss Bertha Mayfield. A party composed of Mr. and Mrs. Dunn Lawrence. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bailey, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Motes and Mr. George Atkins, Paul Owenby, and Eivin Everette motored to Highland Sunday. Mr. J. C. Amnions of Reidsville spent the week-end at the Dickey House. On Sunday he filled the pulpit at the Baptist church. Miss Marie Ward, Miss Bettie Hulsey, Miss Paul Parker, Mr. Jimmie Sinciola of Gainesville, Ga., were the Sunday guests of Dr. and Mrs. E. L. llolt. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Gennett are visiting in Tellico Plains. M.. .....i ai... c r r..* iui. .*i i di 1j> tjoniiMni ami twin daughters Hattie and Helen have arrived from Knoxville and are living at the McCall House. MrJ Johnson is plumbing foreman for the TV A. Mrs. J. H. McCall, Mrs. Jenny Howell, Miss Parry Vaughn and Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Odom spent Sunday in Young Harris. Mr. Burke Gray medical student at the University was recently elected vice-president ot the Medical Fraternity of that institution. Miss Hattie Paimer spent the week-end in Asheville. Mrs. H. CI. Elkins, Mrs. Edna Hastings and Elizabeth Ann Elkins motored to Knoxville Friday. 8 O'CLOCK COFFEE MUd RAJAH SALAH DRESSIh FRANKFUR1 I T nrtro HaMam Oi?n BANANAS 4 ft* 17c I ION A FLOUR : VAN CAMP'S I BEANS QUEEN SOAKED PEAS 41 NICE SIZE CALIFORNIA PRUNES EVAPORATED CAL1FOKJ PEACHE t AAP 14-OZ. PAN LP, Popular Brands CIGARETTES.. FLORIDA ORANI ; LEMONS, Nice Sv Large Size ! CARROTS ; r #*****"* ? I * COMING EVENTS * I **********.,, Thursday night. October 22. at aj 7:30?Young Mens Bible Class of the B Bapti t church will hove a party K H home of Mrs. E. C. Mallonee. B Saturday afternoon, October 21 EH at 2:30?Miss Emily Sword, Miss ^ ed Johnson will I party at the Woman's club room. p Saturday night. October 31?,)im. gj my Cincioia wtll play for a dance at f the Gym. H Friday afternoon, October 21, at [ 2:30. The Good Will cluh meets at e the home of Mrs. Hayner Rogers, I with Mrs. Homer Ricks as joint I hostess. All members are urged to E be present ami bring their quilt f square. t Thursday, October 2.1 at 9:00 I Methodist zone meeting of the Wo- t man's Missionary Society will meet & at the Methodist church. |s Mr. J. B. Gray was in Hayesrille & Tuesday on business. S Mr. Wade Massey returned Wed- 8 nesday from LaFoiiette, Tenn. where I he has been working. I Mr. E. 1). Birchard, of Asheville S District Engineer of the T. V. A. spent a few days here last week on J business. I Mr. F. E. Bay and H. M. Curtis, I who are with the Geological Survey, I arrived from Asheville this week to spend a few days. They arc at the Dickey House. Miss Woodfin Posey spent the ' week-end with her mother in AshoI ville. ! Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee and Mrs. | George Candler were visitors in Atj lanta last Thursday. Miss Juanita McDougald of the I State Dennrtmenf nf PAiw<?twi? :? | Kaleigh was the supper guest of Mr. and Mrs. H. Bueck last Thursday. CONTINUING Our L. ChMWBJlAWU^ ALE! 3 lbs. 50c and Mellow | IC " < ** 17c J rERS Ib. 17c FREE! 4-or. can Ann Page Baking Powder With purchase of 2-oe. Dottle Rajah Extract At Regular Price 19c Assorted Flavors !4-lb. Bag 79c ith Park 11-oz. Cm 5c S io. 2 cans ADC I 4 lbs. 25c I S 2 lbs. 25c AF 5c 12c pkg.. $1.15 car. GES.. dozen.. 30c ee.. dozen 30c 2 bunches 15c I

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