Thursday, Oct. 22, 1936 persTmmon creek Mr. J. G. Clonts has been employed making syrup in this community the past week. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Housed. October 9, a girl, Virginia Kuth. Mr. and Mrs. Garland Hedrick and daughter. Marie, visited the latter'* parents, Mr. C. L>. Rogers last weekend. Mr. Hill Ilodrick made a business trip to Suit Saturday. M i - s Vesta Roberts wa- the Sat-i in day dinner guest of Mrs. Ethel j Stiles. Mis. Mintie Shanks visited her siter, Mrs. E. C. Stiles. Saturday. Mr. B. H. Campbell spent Thurs- j day lught with Mr. T1 Campbell. | Miss Janett Campbell has been' pending a few days with lies uncle, Mr. Tom Campbell, at Murphy, Mi.--. Bertha Rich and ch ! :;vn j visited her mother. Mrs. s. J. Cearley and son, Sam. Mis:-cs Laud is Ilogsed and Corzell \V illi-imson made a businc s trip to Mi :; by .Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Stile had as j tio-i! <h:i:ier guv-Is. Mr. and Ml>. 1 W iilard Hedrick, Mrs. Vesta Stiles j and son. Lakes and Mr. \Y. M. Stiles. -dr. Clarenc^e Hop til spent last week with Mr. Car! Hogscd. Mi. Cj liiie Stile-- anu son, Wayne i Stile made a business trip ",o Mtu jihy, Thursday. VIOLET NEWS The weather is getting: cold, but j we want ?very body to come to Sun- i day school and bring some one with you. Miss Lucille Matheson spent the week-end with home folks at An drews. She was accompanied home by Misses Aline Taylor and Zada M urphy Mrs. Gwendoline Beaver has returned after a weeks visit with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Mathew Rolen of Maltby. Miss Hazel Taylor spent the week with her uncle, and aunt Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Moss, of Unaka. Miss Gladys Radford spent Sunday with Miss Ruby Hamby. Miss Bessie Crain, of Grape Creek was visiting her aunt, Mrs. Parthenia over the week-end. Mrs. Dorothy Hatmaker and son, W. R.. spent last Wednesday night with Mrs. Vandora Taylor. Mr. Zack Davis is now visiting his sister, Mrs. Jane Brown of Peachtree. MT. CARMEL NEWS Mr. O. B. Jones, of Powder Srpings, Ga., was a visitor at Mr. R. T. Kelley*s Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kennemon and Mrs. Ath? ?n,l Woi**- ^ *_.?!?? JltlllUil | were the guests of Mr. ami Mrs. i Luther Thompson Sunday. Messrs Clate Beavers and two sons, Willie and Elbert, were visitors of Mr. Felix Hili's Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Fate Champtman are visiting their son in Shelby, N. C., this week-end. Mrs. Rex and Martha Queen were the guests of Mrs. Luther Thompson, Friday. M isses I'carl Delsie, and Eulala J Hamby were visiting Miss Lillian Raper Sunday afternoon. A TEN TH0USAN1 GOING FOI 173 acres almost le fivaBnri ^ M V CILI Cb ill Can run a binder or ti of it. R. F. D. by the < dwelling houses, one lz and one grain house, farm. School house i within 2V2 miles of E Athens, 7 miles of Ma Etowah. Would com close-in resident Murj: Terms $3,000.00 d you want. Reason fo interested in farming. P. A. RE Etowah,' The Che* , BATES CREEK Rev. S. C. Mingus preached here i Sunday afternoon and left an api pointmcnt for next third Sunday at 2:00 o'clock C. S. T. Everybody is invited to come. j Rev. Dockery of this place filled i his regular appointment at Hiawas see. Grape Creek section, Saturday 1 and Sunday. ?.Ii>. J. A. Timpson and children, Cecil and Carrie Lois spent Saturday night with J. S. Timpson a::d .family of Tomotla. j Miss Mary Dockery was the dinner guest Sunday of Icey Coleman. Pauline Dockery was the guest of Ellen Dockery. The basketball game with the Marble ys ended with a win for Marble i'V 1 1 points over Dates Creeek hoys and live points over the girls. Th e gii is will sore get a laugh if e\i ,- iv y win over y o Marble boys, i Mr. Dust r Seaboit was visiting m Do - Creek Sunday. ? I . Owen Dockery has returned to camp after a week spent with his pa : . Mr. and Mrs. Bail Dockery. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Dockery vis o! t . James Timpson of Grape CV? Saturday night. M 1 a: a y Ivvpiiart spent Sunilay ; 1 h home folks and brought, v. ith i. : Thomas Lovingood. HIAWASSEE We are having some very cool ; weather and frost at present. Mr. Luther Burgess was the dinner guest of Mr. Fair Hamby. Miss Blanche Beaver has returned home after spending a few days with Maggie Donaldson at Andrews. She has been very ill, but is improving at this writing. The folks in our community are very busy registering at election Is getting very close at hand. Mr. Lum Crain passed through our midst Monday selling cabbage and some furniture. Mr. J. P. Bainc and 0. P. Taylor made a business trip to Murphy, Saturday. Mrs. Ethel Tayjnr spent Sunday with Mrs. Ever Adams. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Allen have | been visiting the former's parents, | Mr. and Mrs. James Allen, of Violet,] the past week. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beaver are very bu. y making syrup. POSTELLNEWS Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Stiles and children, J. \\\, Billie and Sue of Hot House, visited the formers brother, Mr. C late Stiles, and family. Mr. Willie Taylor, of Ducktown, passed through our section Sunday. Mrs. I'. R. Jones visited her daughter, Mr-. Vernic Taylor, of Birch, Sunday. The many friends of Mr. Horace Brendle will be glad to learn he is able to out again. Mr. Jimmie Allen visited Mr. J. M. Hamby Sunday evening. Mr. Troy Montgomery visited Mr. Earnest Allen, Sunday morning. Mr. S. D. Jones has been helping: Mr. T. M. Self make syrup the past week. Mr. Jack Frost made his first appearance Sunday morning. D DOLLAR FARM I $7,500.00 vel. 150 acres in cul _? 1 - * umoer and pasture, ractor over every foot door every day. Two irge barn, 4 good cribs Church house on the n sight. This farm is iiglewood, 6 miles of disonville, 11 miles of sider some business or >hy property. [own rest all the time r selling, my boys not yNOLDS Tennessee okee Scout, Murphy, NortI j PATRICK Rev. ami Mrs. L. X. Marr and daughter, of Turtletown, Tenn.. and Mr. John Picklesimer were the Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Perlio Brown. Mr. Ralph Hamby, who has been employed at (Jastonia for some time, has returned home. Mr. Sam Reid and daughter. Ruth and son. J. L., and Miss Irene Standridge were the guests, of the former's sister, Mrs. Lauretta Williamson, on Hiawassee River Sunday Messrs. Lum Crain a**d Poley Young, of Gastonia. were the guests of Mr. John Picklesimer Friday night. Mrs. Sam Reid and little son, Kenneth, were the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C Ledl'ord, Sunday. Mr. Gordon Willamson and son, were the guests of his mo; her, Mi>. Lauretta Williamson, Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Flier and chil?? 1 * * ti. were the guests of Mrs. EIiei' parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. : I.edfoid. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs, Elmer Ledford ami two m?ds, were the guests of Mr. and Mr-. Will Ledford at Liberty Sunday. Mr.. Mary Hamby, of this section, boasts of growing largest sweet pota-1 toes in the county. She has two huge I ones, one weighing seven and onehalt pounds and the other five and one-half pounds. Mr. and Mrs. Grady Williamson and baby were the guests of the formerV si ter. Mrs Vntrilo Hnn.l,, in Tennessee Sunday. Mr. ar.d Mrs. Edd Adams and baby were the Sunday night quests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Hurt on. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Peirce, of Farner. Tenn., visited Mrs. Peirce's mother. Mrs. Mary Hamby last week. Mrs. Lelia Eller and baby were the guests of Mrs. Louise Adams Sunday. Miss Mildred Ledford and brother I were the guests of their grandpar-. | ents, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Ledford, Sunday. 10 H H Mrs. Sarah Gossett, of Gastonia, i who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Elmer I^edford, left Saturday for j Ducktown. The small son of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Adams is ill at this writing. We wish him a speedy recovery. BEACH CREEK Misses Ionia and Hettie Kate Stiles visited Mrs. Myrtle Anderson i j awhile Monday. J Mrs. G. W. Mashburn and daugh- ! | ter, Mrs. Delma McClure visited , Mr. John Stiles who has been sick j for sometime Wednesday afternoon, j Mrs. P. R. Jones, of Postell, visiti cd her daughter, Mrs. Henry Taylor 1 J last week. i Mr. Fred Beaver was a business | visitor at Letitia Friday. ! Mr. Charlie Dodson visited friends I and relatives at Culberson a few i i days last week. 1 Air. Win slow Stiles visited Mr. I I Thi I e t Quality am I our aim. The ac E insures perfectio New busiru manded expansi the best in dry c found between I MURI I !i Carolina John Stiles -one day last week. Mr. S. M. Taylor of Letitia, was a visitor on Beeach Creek one day last week Mrs. P. R. Jones, Mrs. Henry Taylor and son, Billy Gene, visited Mrs. G. W. Mashburn and daughter, Mrs. Del ma McClure, Thursday. Mrs. C. A. Voyles was a business visitor at Mrs. Will Graham Wednesda yafterenoon. We are sorry that Uncle Henry Gibson got hurt doing squirrel hunting one eday last week. Mr. Clarence Voyles has beer very busy digging potatoes for the past week. Mr. Lee Garlin, of Culberson was a visitor on Beach Creek, Friday. Mis. Charlie Dotson visited Mrs. Miria Mashburn a while Thursday. Mr. Guy* Fox visited his father. Mr. George Fox at Manger one daylas: week. Mr. Dillard Taylor of Manger visited his cousin, Mr. Henry Taylor awhile Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Alma Ma hburn spent Wed-j nc.-uay with. -Mrs. Miria Mashburn and daughter, Mrs. Dclma McClure. Mis Emma Gibson made a business 11;n to Murphy Thursday. Mis: Cansas Hogan visited Mrs. Delma McClure awhile one day last week. Mr. George Fox, of Ranger, was on Beach Creek Saturday. Miss Evanell Stiles was a visitor on Beach Creek one da;.* last week. Mr. Willard Green spent Wednesday night with Mr. Hill McClure. Mr. C. A. Voyles made a special trip to Murphy Saturday. Mr. Albert and Willard Taylor, Mr. Allen Car rail of Letitia were on Beach Creek Saturday. J ??Dear Editor: With the presidential election hooves every intelligent voter to tal it with the picture during the days < The writer does not care to go to forget that period, but trusts thi getfulneas will not be unappreciati to the revitalized America. The v conditions today. In Western North Carolina alo now than at any time since 1929. \ less than three weeks before the el tions have adversely affected busir verse of the rule. There has been i Further, it cannot be gainsaid that organized labor's position has l$rge and small, no longer struggle We hear a lot about the Fed* preserving human worth, which the is no deficit. But, look at it from admitted that there is a deficit?w incomes will eventually meet the d? And, speaking of Government been done, and speaking as an over citizen and voter, we should not b< soldiers' bonus was paid, and has No Congressman or Senator work ment of this legislation than Congr* We have forbed the undercum ing the shores of Despair behind, of Security, Opportunity and Pros mid-stream. It behooves the vote i^-elect President Roosevelt and > vote to perpetuate the work of the Y< s Is New: t added several thou; new laundry and dry pipment in our plan 1 Satisfaction in our work Idition of this new and m< n in cleaning your clothe* ;ss and your continued p on in our plant. And n< leaning and laundry eq VshevUle and Atlanta. 5 FOR COURTEOUS, I ICE AT THE RIGHT PI >HY LAUI 1. B. Cornwell, Proprietoi rve We Satisfy" MU HHDHHBBKHHHIHHHI : SUNNY Poll Mr. Howard Mason, 0( Camps, spent a week with I ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mrs. Lelia GiUard ami Ruby and Jewel Ledfora sperv Sunday with Mrs. Mattie Mr. Martell Johnson left /^H| day of last week for the CCr Mrs. CarJina Housed -. . week-end with her daughter, Myrtle Helton. CM Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mc.VfeMrs. Esta Mason motored to Cor^^l hill, Tenn., Sunday. Miss Virginia McClure ' visiting Saturday. uH ! Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stiles business visitors at Murphy \day. M Mr. Lee Sneed made a trip to Murphy Saturday. ? Mr. and Mrs. Noah Stiles children, Harlev and Rose V ,^^B Postell visited Mrs. Stiles' sister,)^B Venire Taylor Sunday. jj3|j Mr. and Mi s. A! >nzo Da\i. q^B Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. f^B Beaver. fl I I Standage Sunday. afc | Mrs. Berdie Davi- visited and relatives at Liberty and town Saturday. k Mr. M. 0. still of Letitia through Beach C reek Sunday. 'JR& Mr. Claude Harris of Postell vj^K cd his cousin Mr. anil Mrs. Hea^K Taylor Sunday. I Rev. C. A. Voyles filled his rej^B j lar appointment at Oak Grove civ Sunday. AshnvUU V c October 18, less than three weeks away, ii ae-HS ie stock of the situation and comp^lHB >f the previous administrations. 9U back three or four years. He prefeiJBl it those who desire to share such f^|H% ve of the vast contract as preseLtdj^H irritcr would rather talk of imprcviHB ne there is more money in circulitm^K Vhen I say now, I mean at this timt-^E ection. If previous presidential elcc-HE less, the present campaign is the 10 lull. HK that the farmers* finances are better,^H been improved and, that businesatHb for existence. ?ral deficit. From the standpoint c.;^H present administration has done, thert^^f a monetary standpoint, and let it be!^H| e must remember that the incre&sisf^H sficit and balance the budget, finances, and the things which havtHB -sea World War veteran, as well as ziHS unmindful of the fict that been paid under this adminisiration^H ed more diligently toward the enact.'ssman Weaver. ?nts of the River of Depressoin?leav*j^H and are now coming into the harbor^^J perity. Let us not change horses ia^Hj rs, regardless of party politics, ti^^H Congressman Weaver, and to cast present administration. ours very truly, IH W. P. FISHER, H e V V 9 1 9 B sand dollars H cleaning has always been IB odern machinery IB s properly. |B atronage has de- jfl ow we offer you IB uipment to be IB 'ROMPT I RICE. I MDRY II r 1 RPHY, N. C. I

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