Active iW And. /ill |l Attractive IB JVUJRPHY I ' I The LeaHi if Vol. IlL.?No. 22. best year in history for county seen practically All Lines Of Business Show Increase During 1936 On of the most progressive years in ( i .okee county history i anticipate 1 by lota! merchants, business nie ; nd city and county officials, following a recent survey. Mc-r lines of business showed that a decided upswing in sale - had taken place during 11*36 as an indication of v.]ia. will be felt in 1037. Most business houses particularly in Mu'-phy which is the county sea: and MR- of the three incorporated , tewi ?'f the county, revealed that the Tennessee Valley Authority's newest . dam project, with wor,k on the preliminary $15,000,000 job just s alt- , ed, had greatly affected their busine. and could be expected to have mo- bearing when it gct.f under . full sway. idle number of employees on the pre; will probably be doubled within tho next two years when actual construction on the dam begins. y< eral hundred local men found employment when the TV A began their i j scope of work which included J ti e building of new roads into the ?!<: the construction of a camp site and the erection of a modern village. Codell Construction company, of Win. iiester, Ky., which received the on tract on the principal acce r <1 from Turtle town, Tenn., into til :m site has also employed abort 2Vi added payv 'Is ?w. ' i 1 i' j . i . i ral ri'".v !? . . . ... 1 J' - i; :Iy dopr.rl men! r: : :?n?i taarants in Murphy, have bee n es-1 t aid during: the past j u\ H i uti\e of the increased! pur^ll |)Owe: here burh.j; nr.- ;: I :.s the leper, by the Ci1..izen> j; h... ; and Trust company, v. iih it.-' b?... office in Andrews and a b anel . . ; phy, ihat they have done mnv ; ba;-i ; i . the past year than they ' ' any ti..i in their history. Percy i !' L-'erebee, of Andrews, is pre -;ide:.v it ,}1 ' ie company. ri.deraie heti.-es. too, re -,:t yen-,, t'-'oily ihe best year in tliei: history ' anticipate even larger volumes j o. ale: rT vine 1937. v. % ,es tnow Profits W offord-Terrell company, of j 'hi, is among; the wholesale groc y and dry good hot :v, tullg huge increases in their business. 1 Geo)-<*> :>v .a - . .?> -r ! r company here, said the firm h; i1 \vif::o o;l :t.> year of operatic 1 - -36, ami anticipate:; ev. n more." bus :v ss in 1037. Wh ?'c ury g:uou'.^ ?i- -p : (Continued on back pace?This Sec.) 0 | c Weather Vane Following me maximum and mi'i- J rnium temperatures for the past week compared with temperatures for the tame period last year. Temperatures 1936 1935 Dato Max. Min. Max. Min. h 22 61 22 31 23 1 23 58 23 23 1R c 2-J 64 23 35 26 r 25 63 20 .34 9 26 65 25 31 6 1 . 27 61 49 35 3 e 28 60 52 30 14 Rainfall Dec. 1 Since Jan. 1 v r 1936 6.25 inches 62.64 inches * jf; 1936 i.ig inches 41.05 inches h ^ . Ih:. !' -ounty about three or foui we> - k 1 go to visi his s: t . r. .Mrs. Bryant ind was taken into c ustody Wednes lay morning by Chief Arthur Trot < r and officer Gree: , after he v. iVozc-n in a lumberyard where h< '.ad spent the night. When Cleveland authorities w-n t; the home of th*> boy's sister re cntly searching for him. a neighboi eported to them that the lad was van ted in North Carolina in connection with the robbery of a store anc: vas sought on charges of house leaking, larceny and fe! r.ious as saul.. Cleveland authorities got in tour! vith the Andrews officers, Kimse;> A yke and Frank haffey and thc\ latcd he was sough, oil the chargtt ,?,i i * .a.w ?v?uiu lumni tiHcace with then 'fter investigating whether he thnrjjes were stili standin.;: here. Mrs. H. Smith, Of Tomotla, Is Buried Tuesdav Funeral services ,<>r Mrs. iiannat 'inith, 73 who died a. her home ii Fomotla Monday- m|r> : .-i Uaudt Payne, ei' st< wn. . i... 'each tree. Many Injured By Firew orks Locally / num < r o: ; ?> mt i-e in; : ' y ; i-woi k> i: : t *" "s nas holiday s and were trei cd bj lo r.i r.ii -- . nediai aid 10 ih? e in ne vv:v serious thi y w<. jsjaii . am. ouid v?fell huVt* led - -. ... . ohip.liliks. Four Stil's Captured In Courty Last Week Sheriff L. L. Mason reported Tueslay tha. three ir. m s:;;Is had bet : aptuvcvl during ihe pas; week. Thi.the total to /.ir.e for the past WO v Thursday lit5'.;'!"-, depute John Cicwa, and Charlie Butes. ind Hovart Jfcltonalit. It. averdam ownship constable, carrm-ed three arge stills and tm -ante day leputies J: M. Birrhiield, Abe lentbree and t.eorge Jo;a s caught i stilt at Topton. -eonard Johnson Hurt While Working Monday Leonard Johnson, an employee of V. T). Townson here, was painfully mrt about the face Monday when a lucre belt broke on one of the mahines in the wood dressing: plant nd hit him in the face. Mr. Johnson was bendimr over the 2-inch belt looking: at some niacninry when it burst. He was conveyed in ;he Townson mbulance to an Atlanta physician rho dressed his wounds. When it ,as determined they were not serious e was brought back home. 'orth Carolina, Covering a Ixtr/rr and rphy, N. C. Wednesday, I TVA NOW PAVING ACCESS ROAD TO ! HIWASSEE DA?1 Construction Practically Finished; Calcium Chloride is Used I AWi. .. n 1 a irface a reddish tinge. A mixture ?i t :ph ] -un-is of calcilij i ciae. : . -i .. ??? | < : :;i !.- of | : ushcd p|< ne and ?*?JO pounds ' day | is us? d in laying an eight-inch surface. .'.iter t! inixti re i: a >:i;pn;.iulod i is hatiled : . Ad..-::; black < .> ' , paw; v h> < r is '! -.] ! or i the road surface. Abo it i.'.U ra n ;uH rni; < y :d bp '1". A In .. .a-; t the road. . Constv .1 . in ' d , i C :ht. a io!i v: th . v. . f: iv. . ! tin dani i !:? o\ i ihs.. I was ,( !U'ii ??n . rii.A, ih ' ' lei; I (Continued on back page?Tibs tlec.) Dr. Petrie Is Honored Here At Lions ii-Her. wci.- we. I th'- ular me* t, Tu- -.lay . ..J -".sine-- vas d-. * rod ur.iil tr?e : G. I \ i*--, was pi c mm un. All mem be: a . o individual xpres-i ns prai.-uii. and ;.ayi.:g tribute ;o Dr. Pen ie vno was one of the most est< .a of the Lions eiub a the la." - of his death, i A resolution drawn ?]> b> the com' rittee was read ,\i c. Da- vr and ! a; pears eise\\v.*-;e in :ids L.?ue o? the I | IFour Planes Wrecked Close -'ore Recently E:'.!.er this mount inous section r i >. it is a jin?. to them. Not over a nozor planes have flown over Murphy in the pas! two years anci four of them have resulted in wrecks killing one and injuring ethers, i Saturday's wreck at Haycsville saw the death or J. H. Waldrop, 54, of Knoxvi'le, who was flyinj to sec his mother and ricter there, ; and resulted in. painful irjuries to John Camp, his son-in-law and | . pilot. i September a year ago two flying ! enthusiasts, Walter Scarborough i and a man by the name of Adams, j crashed from a iakc-off following j a forced landing at the Mission ! farm. Last year a commercial plane fell near Bryson City with ; t.o fatalities. Three years ago a I plane was wrecked on the farm of j Roy Wells one rnile from Murphy. Outside of TVA aerial photographers and an occasional "flying circus*' comparatively few planes j arc ever seen in Murphy. t Jl Potentially Rich Territory in Thii . )ec. 30, 1936 Agoga Bible Class Elects New Officers T A ..! Yov.t:;; Mcr. . Pit V. lh' ! 1 eld its annual < ion e> 1 ?eecmher 2 - The foi v. ing officer: I were > lectc-d for 1937: Mrs. Thelnia I): hey and K. ' Wright, Tcachoi-; Clas> lhesiden*. Ernest Hawkins# Jr.; Vice President, K. S. Durant; Ol' ial Y?"e;comer. 17. O. Christopher; * . Secretary, llobeit Levi: ^ 1; < l.i - Trea- i Walter Coleman. The following committee chairman < ! named: Publi y. Sam ('ai . Building, Mr. Stri.i tl:?w; At*endam . Holland; F * : ..? < . W. S. Dickey: i : >g nl n, ( hai atlioun; .Social, J. M. Kcatf . Jr. The Agoga Bible Cla.-- ]< growing very ? ;>i?lly, a> evidenced by the tact thai ir.?-m heirship has more than doubled in the posi . hrcc months. The enthusiasm shown by ail member:-. n_\ an-; old, . v? y -?*?iT> to both ofii.ers and withers. wh Autiuniiy report< d Ive-tec: ; i Ju:i; .30 in the Hi was - e j K-nudiv! ? : he :?3'5 i:-.-[ment went ioi reservoii ay . -io.-ation railway vej?.--a ; mil es !i\ i:ijr 1.. '.he reservoir a jv.'ij : ? afAele:. v it- fiiliilg. AiCording 1:1 n.. .. iL :-i vii. \Mr-tnoncci urrti alter :he 1907 Preliminary }* ;:,> aro underway ' th for the j?no :or i.he con-Ivujlioii pi ant. the report, said. j'ian- a:v. j iv.utie : i a small camp to Accommodate a limit ?I r: u:r.-' v v.; . yes v .:: - ?: i\ l!>. " : ... IVlad Dog Scare Juo-t Aboui. Over Locally : -? 1 "]..<> iv.::d dorr s are in oa irphy ! :>ccciYiS tr, hnvr- \ rrr. 2= 11y as i' was 9 art<;d. j Loeai police said Tuesday tha: practically all logs had boon tied up ' only M-.i-uy ones ha e been ; shot. No further indications of mad I dogs have be on fonr.d, they reported. NEW COMMISSIONRS TO MEET I The new board of county commis| doners v. iil meet in theh first regular version here Monday morning. j | The new membe rs are: L. 15. Nichols, (chairman; Sam Loving od and W. A. I Adams. o SCHOOL OPENS TODAY Local and county school? resumed operation today (Wednesday) after the children apd teacher? had a two week's vacation for Christmas. . 14 PAGES iljfT today [ill, Jl And 4 Pages of COMICS ?4 Colors State &1.50 YEAR?5c Luy * ONE KILLED AS PLANE CRASHES AT HAYESVILLE Piloc of lil-raled Ship feilE Cf Tragedy At He Recovers r.ii -..h a 5!..y? sviilu aj "'* . . 1 . ill ;j'}? Ii V,*;t . ~4, Knox:! pa:::v 1 ; ;s son-in'aw, I' In. C\ ip, 2';, > v.:>. pilotln* lhf- -h]?' t v. - i- r) an tl v i?it to < .Mr. m Pv - * T 'S. 11. K. I!; U. * . 'f I ; ?t h?* . J ." With. > iiv? four i front Hay H ' the ' - ' y ]>'. I 1 ' ) >. I. ,nt?; a ., U. W; ir ?v;p was s.ii: ?: !: killi < amp v. as : . y 'r.jisrrd n1 * - - r j . bou* iy alteii. nr. ' *?' h*' - \er Hay ; >: ' '!! i:. . - - hi'. i v.-. il yiltf t'.'.i.. ' 1-1! Inspects Wreck a;. r. . : : r! v\r : Hi a r Com i irai'.t* ?i.' it c tv i Convive v;Q of Ra!e:p:'- ariiv- bi to m; vest igato *. ho v v 1 . Tfea t ichi he I ! 'i : : K rvT? \v~" ' ' *; .?;! h?? : v.- . . :h-.* rr. i< po:1 his u? the hv.v< v.\ T::C v- "'i . : !i".r \" \> nibkd sr. ! retv - : to Knoxvilk Sunday .inp: fey > < t flyiiijg . ' .ib i." which *. : : \v< " Member.-. The psar.e WT- ewr.c-d jointly by the flying group. it was said. Members Cairo's fa uilv were at his beds'.rh this w- ,vk. ISoM-les 'hi* vMow and - mother. ir.. Ti*-: .. IMHMMHMIIm .1- surv vea oy two ; - M--. v l Mrs Dor-?1 h y Cam;;; * v ? ] ~ - M rs. Hyaf and Mrc. My vile W< of NVw Orloa: *; ar I v : y - Virj jrii WaMron f iw;. . e. Ga.. and K .: Iii ys: y. C ~ I y. pj. \\ aldrop operated a service station nt Knoxviiie for ;lie pas* 10 years, : r.?! Cr.nip > a ;.ine prir * ,-i.iker for Sfhorn and Kennedy, Kn xvilie ei> ?*ineers. OWENBYS MOVING Mr. Will Ov erby sir,! family mov0 ba;r. vo their former homo in Marietta Ca.. t s week. Mr. Ore: by ' re f years with h. y w "ere immediately b< |earr.e pr mtnentiy connected. Mi. IOwimby is a member of the town council.