.JL ^ MURPHY ' The Leading U Vol. IL.?No. 46. FUNDS SOUGHT ' FOR COMMUNITY BUILDING HERE, < Sponsors Have Met All 1 Obligations For WPA Funds of $11,400 Having met all obligations neces i obtain \V 1*A funds for a com. ni iv building in Murphy, a group tlurphy Lions will go to Biyson Ci: Saturday with a formal pe'ition : tin building. The Lions club was given assuraf enie time ago that WFA funds v.. be appropriated for the buildnn..l J U.. .1. jj, ;, a .->puunui vvuiu uvr n'l(i:u; la: : v as obtained, and architectuinl U pi ints and specifications were obtained. Dr. E. E. Adams, secretary of the c.ul. a ted Wednesday that ail obligations fvad been met, and that for. ma pplication for the building would br 1 ide Saturday. Dr. Adams is i ih: n of the building committee, t T * otal cost of the building is ] , d at $14,1)90. Of this ammoi WPA will furnish $11,400 ; i, ommunity is to supply th- < remainder. 1 IM Adams stated that costs of la1 i!mg and other work which \ t could furnish on the pro. 1 ji , I be included in the spon- i ipa' ' . ( 1 rokee county commission agreed to be sponsors fo,# i The local school board ' a lot on MeCall avenue ? 1 property road as a site Etvr tl:" 'ding, and Garland Kcichlc ' i Sneering data division ol' j [ i A A le. has drawn Up the blue ad -specifications. ? ding to the plans the build-1 y 1 be Of native stone and 110 | l'~ fee; in size. It will contain i tv. --Mies. ; I the basement there will be a 1 and small dining room.. The at will also house a small < flr : plant. 1 a nee will be on the main floor, i 'ttf tha entrance there will be * ; n lounge, a small office, anil a ! room for children. main portion of the building , a hardwood floor that can '' '1 as a basketball court or fori a ! iber of other purposes. There > will I.*., seating facilities for 400 pi: nis, and a stage at one end of the , building. , Those who plan to go to Bryson City to present the petieion are Dr. Adams, II. G. Elkins, W. A. Sherrill and K. C\ Wright. 1 futures read, past ALL IS TOLD BY The story of a local divinator whol ; told a woman from Kentucky just where to find a $300 diamond she i had lost, has led to one of the most interesting passtimes and enterprises I in Cherokee countyThe diviner is Willard M- Cole, i formerly of Asheville, who now re- i sides with "Uncle Charley" Long ' his home near Ranger. 1 Daily, especially on Sundays, many i people from this tri-state territory j J go to seek the "fortune teller" near I J the Ranger postoffice. There they find Mr. Cole, lean ?' and youngish, who talks in a very 1 mild and piain manner. He does not 1 pretend to "tell fortunes", and ap- 5 parently abhors to use the word. s He claims that things "come to \ me". He says that when people ask 3 him questions, he has been endowed 3 With SOmo n ? ?* ?' ? ... ucrious power that pel- I 1 mits him to "look into the future" 11 end predict incidents with uncanny ' ability. t Is Also An Artist Mr. Cole, who makes his living as an artist, uses the practice of divina- *' lion as a side-line and makes no 1 charge. Contributions, however, are " acceptable. v There is no getting away from the I1 influence that Mr. Cole has exerted n this comunity; and his reputation as even gone so faT as to have drawn }t % 'eekly /Vewjpaper in Western orth LAND USE SURVEY OF CHEROKEE IS MADE RECENTLY A survey and land use plan of Cherokee county has been recently rompleted by I'aul \V. Wager, chief of the Land Use Planning section. Bureau of Agricultural Economics. | Raleigh. Mr. Wager, who is also a member j f the faculty of the University of I North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was in i Murphy last Saturday gathering the last of his material for the survey] which is expect d to be published I soon. Later it is planned to present much of Mr. Wager's material and con-1 lusions. n * ( 1 Mrs. Woods, 81, Of Murphy, Dies Wednesday Night Mrs. Margaret Irene Woods, 81v't ar-old resident of Murphy, died at h home of her daughter, Mrs. H. (*. Slkins, here Wednesday night. She had been ill for some time, ind her death was discovered Thurslay morning when members of the family went to awaken her. Funeral arrangements had not teen completed but it is planned to told the services on Friday after, toon. Peyton G. Ivie will be in harge of arrangements. Mrs. Woods has lived in Murphy J practically all her life, ^nd was one I >i" \\> oldest and bfst-known ie. i. lents. Mrs. Elkin. is the only survivor. DR. BILL MILLER WILL LEAVE SOON MJK INTERNSHIP v.. Hill Miller, son of Mrs. K. S. Miller of Murphy- will leave nex t | week 1":ji- .Jacksonville. Fla., where h. will serve hi.- u-rnship in Duval County hospital. Dr. Miller received hi- medical d . gree on June at Emory university, Atlanta, w' ie he has studied for the past four years. He was active on th<- Emory campus, and .was a member of Theta Kappa IVi fraternity. Marble P. O. Now 3rd Class The Marble post office has been increased from a fourth class postoffica to third, or presidential class, it was reported by officials Tuesday. The increase in rating- came through increased business through the post-, effice. W. J. Barton is postmaster. | | rs ARE SCANNED; THAT RANGER MAN people from seven states to his study in the ''old frame bouse on the hill'' in one day. Mr- Cole states thar people come to him at all hours of the day and night to ask questions about their -love affairs, their married life, long-lost lelatires, possible wealth and loved-1 >nes. They ask questions about everything under the sun. he reveals, but I is might be suspected, most requests ire concerned with matters of love tnd wealth. People who come to Mr. Cole with i cynical attitude toward having heir "fortune told" are usually disjointed. The prognosticator is a .tudent of psychology as well as pos. essing an ability "to see the future". ^1 his half-lighted study, you state our problem. He talks it over with rou. He places his lean fingers over lis deep-set eyes. And gently and nidly he tells you what you can ex>ect, and which course of events it is >est for you to pursue. Predicts Many Events All in all it's a touching process nd those with the most cynical attiudes toward Mr. Cole's ability are ften the most confirmed after he has alked to them?or later when his yrognostications have had a chance o come true. Mr. Cole's whereabouts and Continued on back page this section) tmkm Carolina, Covering u Large and tor durphy, N. C. Thursday. FINAL RITES FOR 1 MRS. GENTRY TO BE HELD TODAY Prominent Church Work I er Passes Away On ; Wednesday Evening Funeral services for Mrs. M. L. ( entry, 50, of Murphy who died Wed. nesday nijrht of double pneumonia following an operation, will he held this afternoon- J " i tia)' ; HI ? O'clock at the Murphy Methodist church with the Rev. W. Arthur Barber and tli' Rev. J. C. Ammons officiating. Interment will be in Sunset cemetery. \Y. 1). Townson is in charge of funeral arrangements. Mrs. Gentry, who was 50 on January 27. was born in Cherokee county and had lived here all her life. She had been a member of the Methodist church for 20 years and was instrumental in organizing the Organ Circle of the church and took an active part in its affairs. Mrs. Gentry hail been serving as chairman of Circle Xo. 4. Active pallbearers will b : John Brit tain. Walter Mauney. John Donley. Tom Mauney, Frank Crawford and Howard Moody. 1 Honorary pallbearers will be: Di. B. W. Whitfield, C D. Mayfield. Tom A\|cy. K. (). Christopher. Bass Ferguson, J. X. Moody, J. C. Townson, I K. C. Mallonec, D. Witherspoon. (I. ' W. i amller, Xeil Davidson, J. M. I Stoiier, H. (J. Klkins, V. M. Johnson, Henry Hyatt, Koilin Lovingood, Nat Kinney, 12. I.. Holt. Fred Christopher, 12. C. Roister and Bill Brandon. I . wer giris ft ill be: Mrs. 3. I). Aku. vi? \\ . W. Ilaynes, Mrs. Helen ii 'iiutt, .Mrs. J. T. Sin ed. Mrs. I1. C. Gentiy, Miss Carrie Mallonee, Mrs. \Y. M. A ley, Mrs. R. B. Ferguson, Mi ( . D. Mayfi Id, Mrs. Bessie Dickson. Miss Bertha Mayfield. Mis. 12. S. Miller, .Mrs. Lyle Turpin, Mrs. \V. 12. Howell, Mrs. 12. C. Forrister arc! Mi>. Margar t Bell. Surviving .Mrs. Gviiti-y juv: hi, husband. M I.. Gentry, of Murphy; two children, M auric . if Murphy. :ui1.50 YEAR?5c COPY TVA APPROVAL ON WATER-LINE BEING SOUGHT Approval of Project By Federal Bodies Would Increase Water Supply Complete plans for improving: a j water line system for Mui*phy have I been submitted to the Tennessee Val. j ley Authority for approval before being formally filed with the i\ 1'A requesting: federal funds to aid in the The requisition had already been filed with the WPA but it was found that it would be necessary to got the TVA's apj roval as the water line runs in the TVA's Hiwassee Dam watesi If approved by both agencies, the I improvem nt will call for an expendi1 till* of about of about $.*12,000 in | federal and local funds. I The plan, which was recently surveyed, tails for tin improvement of about five mih s of water line from Marble Creek to the town's reservoir on Fain mountain. A dam 108 feet wide and 10 fee. deep will he constructed on Marble creek. The water will be carried through an s inch ca-t iron pipe to the reservoir. Hill Hrandon, town employe . who ; will be in charge of cons; ruction work, j said 4,tbsU bags of cement would be i r.ecessa: y t< build and in :]?rovt the 1 dam ami that upon . o n Vri H '.million gall ns of water i -,u "t? stored. ^ l'or severai years the pn -m uat< r line from Marble creek has he n In Pad condition, and through i..k ol' i funds on the par? f the town i: ha been impossible to r? pair it. T j neci'S tat d the the filer ! Iilillil ...1 : I, .1, tri?- 11 i v. ;;-e liver to furnish tin- town v i, w . i As explained i'\ * - fi? i iJs, heavy i \|?. ::>? \va . n Ke?ping th filter plant . ami a plentiful -apply of -.at' * ? . ti : not be maintained. Application \va- nu.de t? i ,i Wi'A | fund foi improving ji:-.., and it is believ d upon ap. r< v.- by tin- TV A the W TA allotment wk! i -.uk Mr. , Brandon stated that th- TV A has the privilege ot Mudying tie pro. ject for 90 days, anu ihtit it will r equire an additional r? 10 d..- to : ^et the allotment through. When co! structioi .-tared. the town's full force of \\T\ labor will 1 be thrown behind it, :;Itd about eight [months work is anticipated in its I completion. I The plans for the improved water , line were carried to the Chattanooga offices of the TV A by Charles D. Mayfield. mayor of Murphy. NIGHT CHASE CAPTURE OF LIQUOR i ar and ran across a creek, but was , quickly apprehened. In the, meantime, the chase created much excUemttii in town and a number of cars followed the polict I down the road. The event occured j about 8 o'clock. Mr. Johnson's car was ? ...WV.II KtMer | than the one driven by Ode!!, but the Chief could not pet around him due to the narrowness of the road. Sev| eral times he tried to force Odell | from the road. Odell would not get out of the middle of the road and permit Mr. Johnson to run around him. Sunday night Odell was locked up in the Murphy jail. Preliminary hearing was held Monday morning and bond set. o Court Civil Session Ends On Wednesday A civil session of Cherokee county Superior court ended here Wednesday evening after three day's trial of cases. Twenty-two cases and 13 motions appeared on the docket. Judge J. H. Clement, WinstonSalem presided.