Nurseries To Get Inspection Soon K A LEIGH. X. C., June C3.?North Cj." na*5 200 nurseries will be in ; d by State Department of Agri- ' :ur entomologists beginning July | I determine the presence or ab. ! j,, V.-V- f "dangerous plant pests.** All nurseries will b.' thoroughly icted and those found free from .- us pests will be issued State, r. -,ry certificates upon payment; regulation inspection fee." C. H. Rrannor, Chief of the entomology n said The federal govern. and ail other states honor North C . ina certificates. 1 - :n nurseries will be inspected by " A. Harris and western nurseries i l P David L. Wray. The work uded in Sep:.. nun . phe Hew Goodrich wj 8 Safe^SWv?ggT i fMANY TIRES COST MORE BUTA j \H0 OTHER TIRE AT ANY PR/CEi ; CAN GIVE YOU THIS 7 j TWO-WAY PROTECTION \A \AGAINST ^/C/^ANoj # ^Tht new J town is the ^ safest thing 1 on wheels. 1 Not only does it protect you from danger ous high-speed blow-outs I nth the exclusive Golden M Ply, but the amazing new \ Life-Saver Tread makes a dry W track on wet roads?stops m you seconds quicker than m you've ever stopped before I V For safety's sake, let us equip M your car with a set of Good- m rich Safety Silvertowns with M the Life-Saver Tread. Come % in today. m ?- sv A : f Remember, the new Silver- M town also gives you all these m other "extras"? PAT- % ENTED TRUCK-TYPE B Hi-FLEX CORD that adds M strength and long life to the B tire ..A BROADER, FLAT- B TER TREAD that gives M months of extra mileage and B greater riding comfort.. NEW B STREAMLINED SIDE- M WALLS that gi /e a new dash B of beauty to year car. | ;Goodrich^ SAFETY Silvertown m auo m tumrni mnemi GULF SERVICE STATION FRANK ELLIS, MGR MURPHY, N. C. PHONE 33 The Cherokee i WO LOCAL MEN NAMED ON STATE PROJECT BOARD Dr. Hill and Dr. Mauney On Advisory Council Of Vocational Farm Appointment of P:. J. N Hih and Dr. Waiter Mauney. both of Murphy, as members of the Advisory Council of Robin Hood Farms was announced at Rah-igh today by George Foss Pou. chairman of the Steering: Committee. Rogin ood Farms is the unique voca tional project which plans to make worthy and propely qualified Ta: Hell boys and girsl self-supporting and self-respecting citizens by teaching them practical farming Starting with a small number of boys, it rplanned to increase the number gradually to 500 boys and 100 git Is. Practical farm education will be given by experienced farmers, augmented by cooperation of the extension facilities of North Carolina State Co. g* -T-"- ' i ne iarms pian to select careful!;, a limited number of well preparei. boys and girls over high schoo age and without m.ans. Education, chai actor and training- will be among the Qualification.- to bo considered by will be no expe nses to those selected, and a small amount of spending money will be \ rovided. Ar option has beer, obtained n a tract of 2.275 of representative farm property, located near Pine, hurst. The land is neithed the be-* nor the worst in the state, affording experience under average conditions About 700 acres are cleared, and pait are now in cultivation. The re. mainder inclucf.s valuable wooded land, lakes, the largest barn in the State and an excellent water supply. It is believed by thos interested tha* the community established near Pinehurst will be all inclusive ar.d selfsupporting. It is believed also that after training there, the young men will have little difficulty in getting jobs or farms or in industries related ti BE SURE TO GET AN AMERICA'S ' STANDARD TIME1 Gel trualwurthj lime in m nuri Ingeraoll watch. Yankee k the malic*! and thinnest pockety watch at 91-50. Chrome?plated ease, dear numerals* enbredh?v able cryiul * "I'm not hard to get along with. But 1 certainlw rot un on my hind lep when Bill went around with his top-shirt plastered against his skin?sopping with perspiration. He looked like something the cat wouldn't even bother to drag in! "Bill's got some HANES Undershirts now. He looks better ?and feels better. You need the absorbent knit of a HaNES Shirt to soak up perspiration ... give you even evaporation ... keep your top-shirt neat and dry. (at right) MANES Sports A Shirts, ISc te S*c each. Sports In cslscs or whits Scout, Murphy, North Cart 7dr. waldroup-is taken by death in bryson city Dr. Rufus M. Waldroup. 64. promiment dentist ana large p rty ewn. ei of Bivson City. d d a" 5:40 o' clock Tuesday afternoon :r. the oflice of Dr. D. R Bryscr. a: Btysouj i City. Dr. Waldroup suffered a heart attack earlier in the day and had gone to Di. Brysor/s rffice f? - t? atmer.t. He had sufficiently recovered t be able to sit in a chair and was talking to Dr. Brys-.-r. whvii the end came, j Dr. Waldroup wh was well known 1 here was a native f Clay . art;, and 1 was reared near Hayesvii.*. He wen: ] t Bryson \ ty 55 years ag< an . nac: practiced denistry there sin:-v. Dr. Waldr.-u: o\n . d th* Btvson City Ice compare , the C tdel. r. :v. and other property at Brv- .r. City. 1 He was a:, unsuccessful candidate 1 the June nominatio: f. - lepres.nta, t:ve fom Swain county the legislature. Surviving are hr- widow: the fornun Mis. Hat:.- P -t:: of An crews. his mo the-. if Hayesvii'. -, :ie .-isiter. Mrs V. K Hyatt, of Hay-v.. ... 1 sinti .????- * - " ,,.?v uiUkiitr: i.': . \ erg V\ t..;: uj ; of Hivassec. MRS. I. DAVIS. 42, OF GRANDVIEW, IS BURIED ON MONDAY Fune-al s.rvicv for Mrs-. I*m Davis- 4-. of Gran iview. were con- j ducted from the White church r.eai j Grandviev Monday afternoon at . 'clock with the Rev. M. Max: of- i ficiating. Interment was in th< I Grandview cemetery. W. D. Towns : ( v\a- in charge of funeral ar range-' i men is. Mi>. Davis, a devoted member >f h^ Baptist church for many years, died early Sunday morning a imp ering illness. E I Surviving are the husband, three children. three sisters ar. i brothersField Day Dates For Farms Given 11 , RALEIGH. X. .. June 2 !.?Apricul tural research and the need for an adequate marketing: program will be 1 discussed at the field days to b. held ' at the >:x test farms of the North Carolina Department of Agriculture : eginning July 14. The field days will 1 held as fob lows: Biackland Te>t Farm at Wenona, July 14: Piedmont Test Farm | i.ear Statesville, July 21; Tobacco Test Faint at Oxford. July 2S; Upper Coastal Plain Tt>: Farm Rocky Mount, August 11; Mountain Test Farm at Swannanoa. August 18 aid Coastal Plain Test Farm at Willard, September More than 25.000 farmers, their i wives and agricultural leaders attended the field days last year. J. J. Rocco of Dover- O * ( jwo for darcinp ,o Ta I oa nation Army meeting-. i . ??_? j farming. Mrs. Edwin Clarke Gregory, of > Salisbury, is State Chairman of the , Women's Advisory Division. And Bill says HaNES tails are so long they don't creep up and wad ?.t his waist 1" See your HANES Dealer today ?and see HaNES Und?r?Kirt?. Light, cool, comfortable. Look at HANES Shorts, too. They have all the seating-capacity any man needs! P. H. Hanes Knit? tting Co., WinstonSalem, N. C. >fint If Mr. Goop Liv CT\ \^ ^ U, + \ 7 I - Ay >S- \ v. JI H 1 \ I s I I I iVc Vl PI "ft a" do Emerson ut;'{ Life .s nc t sc short but that there 1 ? always t.rr.i for courtesy." There r s more need for this sage phi:-! I cophy now. than when iie wmW 1 before the motor car was :n- c ented. r The automobile. according to a ; e-A bookie: entitled Death Be- ; I ^ ~' \ M, i ! Sl-s M --?_--<--liitj>1'1""^ N? ?m4w (Mh iiBimiw W '~r tc? IwhwwHw <* ?? ?TBOK ? tortions. ^ ? *-ts YOV USE MENSfcN 6UwS^L?SS v X ITSA t nqt A grease OjAlOR ClOG^h >otb?? tti? ?Win / ? ?. 4.,. A W n^HR W i b" IW iiip^ '< W ^TBM> 1 fit*. $5s.95 1 IL...USV TEUi :? igsgjr iroher J?Hb( )ok wtlk THOB irniir ? tlwiDlbwt ? mm iWt?(> Cawkia^wHi tes Power Co. Murphy, N. C. B^oners