IDEAL ^5T|| VACATION (4)I|L I RESORT ~ Ithf leadint Vol. 50.?No. 6. GALA OPENING PLANNED FOR COUNTY FAIR Extensive Preparations Being Made For Annual Event Everything from pickled beets to colored minstrels will have its moment when the Thirteenth Annual Cherokee County Fair is held in Murphy Tuesday through Saturday Sept. 27?Oct. 1. More comprehensive and more expensive preparations are being made for the Fair this year than ever before. If the Fair itself is any indication of the amount of work that is going into it, then Cherokee coun " in ns. ttnu CitiZCiiS of SUiTOunuilin communities, can say they've seen the gamut run of county fairs. From the opening: moment on Tuesday when the first heifer is led through the pates until the last moment Saturday nipht when prand father is led out, the Fair will he one hip round of somethinp new. Cherokee county folks have indicated one thinp to the Fair officials ?they like their Fair, they want their Fair, and as long as they're going to have a Fair they might as well have a Fair and not a half of a one. For this reason the Fair committee, leb by County Apent A. Q. Ketner, has deceided to "shoot the works". Premiums lists have been stepped up; arrangements are being made for larger capacities both for crowds and exhibits, and a I >r and better Mi Cohen, of Hiwassee Dam. were awarded $100 each following a successful subscription campaign conducted by the Cherokee Scout ai, Shoal Creek. Murphy To Get New Telephone Service Oct. 15 Improved telephone service will be rendered Murphy citizens on October I 15, it was learned Thursday. A group of experts from the Wes. tern Electric company are expected to arrive here Monday to install the ? new equipment in the local office of the Southern Bell Telephone and , Telepgraph company. A crew of workmen and line rel pairmen have hen stationed in Mur-1 phy for the past six weeks repairing I . all lines of the local exchange office. New telephones are being installed ! in some of the homes and business houses at present. All will be install-1 ed for the opening of the new service. The new telephones will not . * be used, however, until the service is completed. The new switchboard to be installed has arrived. It represents the im-1 proved common battery system where \ in the batteries are charged by electricity rather than the magneto system that is used currently here. Local citizens last fall petitioned the company to install improved ser, vice here. The company agreed to ^ do so but asked for an increase in , rates that represents about 25 cents I per month for most types of teleI phones. j rf.i imni tq uvuidit 1 HD1 1 j AT LOCAL LIBRARY The Murphy Woman's Club is arranging: an exhibit at the Library on the subject of "Christianity in Art". The exhibit will open Wednesday. Sept. 14. and continue through the remainder of the month. Anyone having M Bibles, hymnals, prayerbooks. repi ^tions of religious paintings or b.i< its showing life in Palestine, please get in touch with Mrs. O. E. Madden, Telephone 6, or the Carnegie Library. Telephone 65. ATTENDS DEMOCRATIC MEETING Miss Sara Ruth Posey left Wednesday to attend the Young Democratic Convention which is being held in Durham this week. Miss Posey will be one of the speakers at the meeting. Attractive ^ That's? MURPH' rERRITORY $1.50 YEAR?5c COPY SCOUT-TROOPS ARE UNDERGOING REORGANIZATION Prominent Citizens Attend Andrews Meet Tuesday Night The Boy Scouts of Cherokee, Clay ind Graham counties were reorgalized at a meeting of prominent men from three couuties at the Andrews Hut Tuesday night. The meeting was presided over by Gilb -t Bush, special regional deputy exc< ive of the Boy Scouts of America, whose office is in Atlanta, Ga., and A. Wr. Allen, Scout executive of the Daniel Boone court. A.sheville. Committees appointed at the n1 noting are making arrangements for a "trainin" school" for the Scout advisors w\ .ch will be held in Murphy at future date. At the meeting officers and committee chairman were appoint a name for the tri-county district 1 discussed and arrangements v J made for a Court of Honor. Heretofore there have been only Two Scout troops in the district? one at Murphy and one at Andrews. Recently Mr. Bush circulated a questionaire in the schools of the three counties and more than 90 per cent the boys declared they would like to belong to some Scout group. Those appointed at the meeting were: Frank W. Swan. Andrews, district chairman; Harve G. Elkins, Murphy, district commissioner; the Rev. W A. Barber. Murphy, chairj man advancement committee; D. H. Tillitt. Andrews r?^oirmon r:? . i niniu'i* committee; O. D. Johnson, Hiwassee Dam, chairman training committee; S. B. Churchwell, Hayesville, chairI man health and safety committee; C| A. Bales, Tapoca. chairman camping \ committee, and J. I). Warrick. Rohj binsville. chairman organization committee. The committee chairman will i chose an outstanciing man in each I county to serve on his committee. jl | About 25 men attended the meeting. These citizens were selected from names suggested by the boys whet: they filled out the questionaires, Mr. Bush stated that Boy Scout officials at present were attempting j to organize and centralize rural dis! tricts to bring them up to a par with I urban districts. Fashion Show To Be Given On Sept. 23 I An entertainment < f so cial interi est wili be presented at the school auditorium on Friday, September 23, in the form of a fashion and beauty show, with varied added numbers. Fashions for various periods will be presented in an interesting way by beautiful young women. Current Fall Fashions will also be presented together with a beauty parade. The entertainment is bcir ^ s|mn_ I sored by the Methodist Ch?rc.(l under the direction of the f'Jilnwinjr committee: Mrs. Willp.Vd Axiey, Mrs. E. C. Mallonee, Miss Ida Belle Entrekin, 1 Mrs. W. A. Honvo* u? t mis. l?. A. Lee. i Mi>. Haii Cobb and Mrs. W. Arthur Barber Weather Vane Listed below are maximum and minimum temperatures for the past week compared with temperatures for the same period last year. TEMPERATURES 1938 1937 X P.? 64 86 65 2 87 61 8'.* 60 :i 86 62 91 60 4 84 61 90 64 5 89 64 88 64 6 90 60 86 65 7 88 64 88 67 RAINFALL INCHES 1938 1937 Since September 1 0.32 0.85 Since January 1 49.81 41.83 i2