(Thursday, Oct. 27, 1938 Held Examination For Postmaster At Marble Th I'nhtd ?t-?4 : C'vil Servic C mntission has announced an open t tive < \ miration to fill the . ? - > of po>-! in MarMo, in accordance with an >*' ? : * '\' 5 Juno 25, 1938. :,i. } v? tHi : ? delivery! i f ' ' 'fo for vhvh the o\.xn' ir.rf >-: ; he'd, ?v wir'vn the <->y o hen - ; office is situated for a* It 4 one - rv iviiii" !i".t:ely pror? ling the date fixed for the close of rocipt of applications, must be in . , ,? p}\v' rendition, and within i' ?" s?" ho?I aire limits. The compote >v is open t>? both men and women. A RESOLUTION OF RESPECT IN MEMORY OF GRAYSON S. PARKER Whereas: It has pleased the Almighty to remove from our midst, by ccath, our esteemed friend and co singm. Grayson S. Parker, who has for many years occupied a prominent rank in our midst, maintaining under all circumstances a character untarnished. and reputation above reproach. Therefore! Resolved. That in the death of brother Parker we have sustained the loss of a friend whose pleasure to enjoy; that we bear wiling testimony to his many virtues, to his unquestionable probity anr stainkss lift-; that we offer to his bereaved family and friends, over Whom Sorrow has hung her Sable mantle, our heartfelt Condolence, and Pray that Infinite Goodness may I bring sreody relief to their burdened hearts, and inspire them with the Consolations that llope an 1 l'eturity and Faith in God. given even in the Shadow of the Tomb. Resolved, That this convention oxpress its sympathy to the bereaved family of brother Parker. Be it further Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be sent to i the family of the deceased brother! kand that the original be placed on ! the minutes of the Convention, and j that The Cherokee County newspa-! pors publish the someRespectifully submitted. j Tho ('horolroo ! F Convention John Donley. President. Krnest Trantham, Secretary Upper PEACHTREE NEWS The I? V. P. U. program was in- ] teresting Sunday night. A large crowd | was present. j Miss Bcttie Laura Curtis has been \ sick bus is better at this writing. | Tin t'arnu'is are all busy gather j irg corn and plowing. .Miss Grace Moore was the Sunday dinner guest of Miss Eunice Lunsford. Hill Thomasson was the Sunday dinner guest of Alfred Lunsford. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Johnson were the Sunday visitors of Mr and Mrs. B. A. Breedlove. "St ,y^C f wori" odor $ (> \y^B L coniea 'r<>m *' ^ ? C > _,"_ \y ^ perspiration odor un-' C^ll . /MW Jf{ der the arms tL-Ti ufr Mm - Take I minute to KiH C/ i #111 uso YatScrs .- -i PH-* v amazing deodorant 1 ///JM^M cream that works j , , directly ??n underarm excretions Nor mally (ops odor / ro J daps. Yodora also redtyt *? amount of perspiration Made without lard?Yodora is utterly dif ferenf from stlfT. grainy pastes (1) Soft ? smooth as face cream <2) Leaves no sticky film on Angers or underarms (3? Leaves no "lardy" smell on clothes 25*?oQf. Get it today? money back if not delighted. Trial size rsKs Send coupon YODORA DEODORANT CREAM " k?|?S"^l Send coupon for trial * Lflli It I size to McKesson it I ImLaLiS I*"bbins. Fairfield a pap* <-?-! a p S Fhe Cherok< Fred Moore left Saturday week for the CCC camps. Graden Breediove. of Swain county. spent last week end visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. B A. Breedlove. Paul Anderson, of Andrews, visited friends and relatives of this place !:is: wee!;. We are having a coed Sunday School at thi< plr.ee and everybody iinvited to come and bring some one with you lliXAKA MWS 1 .1 \. i'Ii . pi c 'lT.pd in resting sermon here Sunnay night. T- C. Kilpatrick. of Zion, ill., visited frieiiUs here Sunday. I*. T. Phillips, of Mooresville, X. C-. spent the week-end with his oarcms Mr. and Mrs. U. S (i PhilPps Mrs. Wm. Roberts returned home Saturday from a visit with friends in Tennessee. She was accompanied 1 home by Mrs- Horace Moneymaker Mr. ami Mrs. Fd Kilpatrick. of Farner. Tenn., were the Sunday quests 01 .mi ana -Mis. i ? u. rniilips. Mrs. \Y. M. Phillips. Mr. and Mrs. James Harrell and Miss Grace Phillias were the pucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Green Sunday Mr. and M rs. H. J. Rrrpess, of Moores eille, spent Thursday niirht Mr. ui.d r^io- AVIU.luuii^* Mr. ITardinjr. of Andrews, attended the preaching1 services here Sunday niirht. Mr. and Mrs. Fred White, of IIiwassee Pain, visited relatives here the past. week. Mrs. Laura Radford was the guest of Mrs. Irene Phillips Wednesday. k Y A 1 / T M jj NEW LONGER RIDING-BASE in a car jy||| that is much longer over-e I ! m CHEVROLET'S m FAMOUS VALVE-INm HEAD SIX jj?S8 Saves as it Satisfies mi / MBSSUMMKinVK'HHMH I I ? | Tops lor Stops! | | DICKE1 se Scout, Murphy, North MARBLE P.-T. A. TO I SPONSOR CARNIVAL HALLOWEEN NIGHT The Parent-Teacher association of the Marble elementary school will ponsor a Halloween carnival in the Marble school auditorium, Saturday /nt. Oct- 21). at 7p. m. Refresh-' meats will be sold and there will be neral booths at the carnival. An admission fee of a penny will be charged to enter each booth. R Among the side show attractions will be: fortune telling. House of Horrors. Weight guessing, for men only. For women only. Greatest cur- 1 i sity in the world. The Fifth eye- . There will also be a Bingo game i where prize:, will be given to the win- j ner. An admission fee of 5 tnd 10 cents I "1 < charged. The public is invited ( to attend. LOWER JIARTiNS'CREEK j Rev. Ira Helton and Rev. Chastain ! held a few days revival services ai the Glade church. It closed Sunday. People enjoyed the spiritual and interesting sermons that were delivered. Odean Styles was carried to the hospital Saturday with tonsilitis but | autpiOViug. Mrs. Hilda Ilall was a visitor of Mrs. Josie Phillips Saturday. Miss Kvancll Queen, of Murphy, spent Friday night with Mr>. Nell Ingram. Mrs. Bessie Hall, was a visitor of Mrs. Pearl Phillips one day last week. 32321 re Quality A1M1ALLY KEL [' j 1 i I ~ 1 '' ^| ^ ^V I B 1 - - - -'bs>-jB8S ,h || ^qTO^aWtg^SfaBWr.^. I PERFECTED VACl S greatest driving a i S giving swifter, safer, I I S Now you ran shift pears i ft 1 with only a fifth of the eff< B 9 your hanil always safely c B 9 Simply touch Chevrolet's Pe 6 "'',0 magic finger that sh & jfi mechanical servant called a eighty per cent of the shifti W| models at slight extra cost. -Vcir JHUA *. Afro1|||0 Strrant ' CHEVRi MURPHY, NOR Carolina Miss Carrie Stiles was a visitor o Miss Evancll Queen, of Murphy on day last week. Mr. and Mn> Willie Phillips wer the dinner guests of Mrs. Onia Car linger Sunday. Nell Phillips spent one night las week with Si hie Hughes. Jim, Flishia and Miss Evelyn Bircl were pleasant visitors of Mr. and Mis M. I. Hall Sunday. Mrs. John Byers, who has been 01 the sick list the hist four weeks is ah lo to be up again we are triad t< hen% Mi4lpr rt \2 JUM GEAR-SHIFT I id ever developed 8 finger-tip gear-shifting! | with the fliek of a finger? B irt formerly required?with HjH lose to the steering wheel! H j rfected Vacuum Gear-Shift? ? 1 lifts gears"?and a hidden B j| "vacuum booster" supplies 19 ing effort! Available on all . I V .Veir Bodies by >0^ Fisher?mith f fte K Style That Step* B ' ? , Eye! J ,J* ^ ig> w OLET CO fH CAROLINA f | Mr. and Mrs Willie Phillips andB p children spent Saturday night withH | Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Carringer. * e ; Mrrs. Ida Stiles was the dinner B guest of Mrs. Emma Stiles Sunday. B Mrs- Erna Postell spent Saturday I t night with her mother, Mrs. Jenni. B Stiles. B , Mrs. Josie Philiips was a visitor ofB Mrs. Kate Mnnr. Monday. ? ;j BATES CREEK I j Mi*. \V V. Killinn is v .. fl writing. We hope him a s] ccdy ..c Guard Clark is moving away from fl this place where he can purchase a B better home. m [ Rev. Lee failed to fill his 1 ogula* B appointment at Bates Creek Sunday I Glenn Ashe was the dinner ruest of B . Lee Dockery. ! Earnest. Dockery spent Saturday B I night, with Boh Dockery. Willard and Floyd Clark snent B , flUiiuav with their sister. Mr: . fl " i Woods. I Little Mildred Clark is v. ill a' fl ' I this writing We hope hint a -needy fl KimOREUUB^ fl Jv'llL. Uiu.< a VI ES3 /all prices , ([ reduced ? \ V some modcii as much at E m$45 M VjH A Ride's a Revelation! g 1 K Perfected I \ Knee-Action Riding 1 1 System B 1 1 (with Improved 1 ' Shockproof Steering) \ AvailabU on Master Da Luia BgMss 1 models only ||p||g 1 \^^o^eipon%ivel \ ^ TIPTOE-MATIC ^ \ CLUTCH \ The Easiest Clutch of All B \ to Operate fes \