I ThURCH NOTICES j METHODIST YV. Arthur Barber, Pastor I ^ will speak at 11:00 a. I i?- ?? | \ ^ aool will convene at ! i ' [eeti ig at j :X5 p. BAFT ST Re J. C. Ammon*. Pastor | j i-. I. Sunday School. N'oal.! kjj i. I. Morning Worship. - . : : Uapt'st Training Union, I-..., v. Director. ? -|. Evening1 Worship. - [. Wednesday Trayc-t )Eeetinpv t. : welcome to ail (tf) PRESBYTERIAN Her.:1 I> Paisley, D. D. Pastoi Sard school every Sunday at i pr.: : very Sunday except the fir?t Surd, v morning and the third I Sunday :unR 11 ? m- anu ' P- : ? i Xcxt > ility morning Dr. Paisley ^ -i "The? Challenge of a! Great 1 * There was a large in- j fll , .{tendance at the Sabbath; ? . s.indav. Two new classes' <1 ' ttcri t"1 ' \'k I to our Sunday Scnool all | P;, .. .. :i!i> of the community and j jay v. , ii f not attending some othtr < :; School. Sunday evening car will worship with Bro W 1; i in his last service here as pa-t- ' A ; ne and a blessing await jdu at all of our services. |j| Pie Supper To Be Held At Macedonia 'Church A pie supper will be held at Macedonia school house Friday. October 28. at 7 p. m. Everybody is cordially invited to come. Girls bring the pies, boys bring the cash- There will be music and speaking for entertainment. Funds will be used for ceiling the school house. All come and share in the fur. w 'Wwwffwy'W i?,< /K M 0 R P H ? W I itE 1 If you want to I omically?the 1 ments to us fi I service. 1 ? [[_ MUR The Cherokee Land Transfers , Tuesday, Oct. 11 Lee Sneed and Nora Sneed to J. E. and Bossio Hogsed. J. E llog.-ed and Bessie Hogsed to W. A. Green. Wednesday. Oct. 12 !?. L. . o Dixie Hughes to J. II. and Bertha Ellis. K. l>. ;-.n?l Lela Cole to R. \V. Ourt 11 f Thursday, Oct- 13 C: : >lina Tide Co. to Joseph W. Baiiey. Friday- Cel. 14 .Meilie C. ..idler ct als to lvatherine -I ustice. .'delia- C. .Miller et als to Harry Miller ami Lmily Campcell Miller. Saturday, Oct. 13 B. C. and Fannie Moore to John and Kathleen Davidson. Monday. Oct. 17 W. H. and Jettie Ga. hani to Posey Garrett. Tr. John P- Whitakcr et als to Lee and Blanch B- Thompson. Lee and Blanch B. Thompson to D. 11. Tillitt. Tr. Tuesday. Oct. 18 * A. M- C has tain ct als to Ellon F ranks. j Wednesday. Oct- 19 I' A! Mauney et als to U. S A. Mellie C. Miller (Guardian of | Mvrrb Miller) lu Kaiherinc Miller Justice. Mellie C. Miller (Guardian of Chares Morris Miller) to Harry Miller and Emily Campbell Miller. Thursday. Oct. 20 I). C. and May Stiles to T. 0. Gilliland. Jr. Saturday. Oct. 22 1 ^4 T. and Dora Raper to W. M. Prince. L. I,. Nichols to Delia E. Nichols. Charles McDonald to A. E. and Nancy A- Earwood. Mary Em. and M. B Dockery to Nancy Ann Earwood Matt McBrayer. Jr., and Sallie Kate McBrayer to Isabell Bradley. Henry M. Harshaw et als to Mrs. Gallic Hall. Monday, Oct. 24 Nelson and Emma Gassclin to W. R. Everrett. D. Witherspoon (Executor of Martraret S rAwnJ* 4- ,r " vwmu/ uo n- ivlir:sty. r B. Fcrebee ct als to M. N. Hembree. M. N. and Ethel Ilembrec to Per^y . R. B. (Jack) Morphew DEMOCRAT CANDIDATE for State Senate 33 District Active in State and County affairs for the past io yearsRepresented Graham County three terms in the state Legislature I Will Appreciate Your Vote General Election, Nov. 8, 1938 (Paid Advertisement > it A Ail iiii 5 llAfli 3 nr. A Si A&VVJS Mp U AKVUK Up|/VU. n send your fall and ?r first class workn JUST CALL NE FIVE NINE [PHY LAUN Scout, Murphy, North C< J3. Ferebee and Don Witherspoon. Mack and Annie Cooper to Lonnie 1 C. McFalls. I Tuesday, Oct. 25 Jarres II. Dockcrry et als to Rollin Bates. Mrs. Alice Adams et als to D WitViei spoon. TrWednesday. Oct 25 Vn . D. rnd L- ia Simpson to Lenia IMPROVED CONDITIONS Improved conditions affeciinjr the domestic demand for farm produchave been reported bv tho T" c reau of Agricultural Economius- Inch - rial acti i v has expanded and consumer incomes have increased in recent months. FARM WAGES DOWN Farm wage rates declined during the July-September harvesting period, in contrast to the usual increase in these months. However. Said Julian Mann. State College extension statistician, wage rates on October 1 were 118 percent of their pre-war average. UPPER MARTINS CREEK CHAMBERS-CHASTA1N Lee Chastain. of Martins Creek, and Miss Dollie Chambers, of Georcrjp wom Hnil n.nrried Sunda" I October lb, near Blairsviile. Ga. 1U v. Miller performed the ceremony. We wish them a long happy married life. They are now residing in theii own home on Martins Creek. | Mr. and Mrs. II- W. Chastain recently. visited Mr. anil Mrs Jesse Ledford at Kinsey. ! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martin, Mr. and [Mrs. John Robert Martin and baby. | <>1 Ranger, visited their parents, Rev. I and Mrs. C F- Martin Sunday, Oct. I 10. Miss Onia Bee Kimsey, of Young Harris eolleero wi?? ? * * ..nv, ...... .1 IVV.VIIL JJUCM OI Miss Geneva Chastain Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Keasler and daughter. Eva Nell spent last weekend with Mrs. Keasler's brother. Mr. I and Mrs. R. V. Martin. Blairsville, I Rt- 3. They stopped by Sunday to see Mr- Keasler's parents. Mr. and Mrs A. J. Keasler. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Chastain spent last week-end with Mrs- Chastain's mother, Mrs. Chambers. Mr. and Mrs- Aster Hughes and three children. Edna. Louise and Christine visited Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chapman and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crisp Sunday. Billy Ruth Ricks is right sick with whooping cough. Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Crisp who are staying with the boys at their sawmill in Georgia spent last week-end at home. Mrs. Norma Carringer has been right sick, but is improving. Mrs. G. \V. Keasler and Mrs. Aster Hughes visited Mrs. Sis Chastain one day last week. Boyd Chastain went to work at IIiwassee dam Monday. MARTIN'S CREEK Mr. Henry ' Hank" Ellis who has been employed for the past two years, in Nebraska, returned home a feu days ago to spend the winter months tt/uiJ winter gartianship and : with his parents. Mr- and Mrs. Vick . j Elis. Miss Irene Hedden was the guest I Sunday afternoon of Miss Ruth Cole- j ma n A large crowd attended the Den ocrat ;c m eting which was held at. th .-eiiool house Wedne day night. Mu i< j war. fu; r.ish ?! by local boys. Entci ia:nment : ml s ?. < chc s were greatly ' enjoyed. i Mts J. c )'. tain whose foot; was injured a fev days ago in a f;?!? is iinprovi r :t the pre en: time- i I Word ; ' -ji received here by j friends r.r.d i-.?iv that Mr. Will ! Birclific-'d in a critical condition a1 j the home ? , i. v :-:s. K v. and' j Mrs. Frank Birchfield, of Gastonia- j Mrs. H I>. Brown. f-vnimly Mi - , i Mary Lou Coleman, of this community ' | | m iTHOSE p WCr tfif ^ V l\F ?fi > SKSDDY 1 ROADS Q WITH THIS NEW KIN ... a tire that will safer than you've e , Don't risk your neck. Now | tread-worn tires with a set of i rich Silvertowns?the tires v I that gives you a dry track o , that hold you straight-in-l Believe us, you'll never kn< means until you've felt the gi Saver Tread on a skiddy ro new Goodrich Silvertowns wheels" we'll give you a free demonstration ?? ..I? jdridr[vertown I PLY BLOW-OUT PKOTECTiCa ce Station ! MURPHY, N. C. cijat a a imuicr. \_uinc in next time it rains. HOW NEW i LIFE-SAVER I TREAD DRIES #/ WET ROADS fp Its never-ending spiral bars If . ?like a battery of windshield \ wipers?sweep the water \ tight and j \ left, forcing i t o u t \ L through wA ' '\rZ-~I / deep drain- VJi <;\r~ age grooves ?making a A YTSitA dry track ^ for the rub S- ber to grip. ( OUR SHIPMENT OF TH [ NEW GOODRICH SILVER V HAS ARRIVED...COME I f A F*E? DEMONSTRA I AND GET THE MOTORI V THRILL OF A LIFETIME p SAFETY Si] UFE-SAVER TREAD COIJEI Gulf Servi FRANK ELLIS, Mgr. hursday, Oct. 27, 1938 and party of friends, left Atlanta last week for Los Angeles. Calif. The party plans to motor through. Stopping at all points of interest on their wayMrs. M. I)- Coker, of Brasstown. visited Mr-. Tally Ledford and Mrs. T. S. Chasiain Saturday of last week. Several club members were present for the meeting Friday, which was i<-!d at the m. . ml house. All ni ? ? :ue urged to e present for t! next in* e'ing. Mi - Ilicharasnn pirns to demonstrate or. ''How to Can ota :?nd Pumpkin". Tt v?-? rtcd that sev ! children are j'Tering from * ' 11 ing cough in our section. Mr. Fletcher Colcu an, who is now employed in the Peachtree section, was the Sunday dinner gurst of hi? innth'-r. Mrs. Mae Coleman. stop you quicker, ver stopped before r ia the time to replace unsafe, those big, deep-grooved Goodnth the new Life-Saver Tread n wet slippery roads?the tires ine. 5W what the word STOP really -ip of the new Silvertown Lifead. And to prove that these i are the "safest things on towns^ IN FOR I k. ^.^V n0'/\A ^