Thursday, Nov. 3, 1938. iSOCfE Miss Juanita Vestal, PI Missionary SocietyMeets On Tuesday rTiio Mi-thndist Missionary Society J i;ei*l its regular monthly meeting on | Tuesday afternoon, in the 1-nlios Par | lo* 01 the church. The v. feting ope nod with soft music by Mrs. Tom \xley. Mis. II C. Mattox, program leader for the afternoon, read the Call to Worship. This was followed by the hymr. 'Come. Peace of God**, sung by the group, ami responsive reading by the leader and the group. After a short ! ? i it'd of silence the group was led in prayer by Mrs. ,1. H. McCall. The Scripture Lesson taken from Matthew Ft; i>- 1P-21: and from John 14: 27, was lead by Mrs. Mattox. after which she read the Prayer for Peace. The Missionary Topic. J "Bridging National aril Racial Barriers". and the Meditation Talk. *"( hrist or 'Crutches' was very capably and interestingly presented by Mrs Mattox. Mrs. J. II. McCall. Piesident. then had charge of the uusiiicpa uivcliiig. ?? ?? time ! i lit" vu'iiniii t'l :n-\\ vi ticrr.s jur UK' coming year was held, as follows: President. Mrs. J. H. McCall; vice-; pi' sident. Mrs. K. C. Mallonee: cort-ponding secretary, Mrs. E. S. Millet: treasurer, Mrs. H. G. Elkins. as. t. tiv.'-ut "! , M: - Edna Hastings supt. of Babe- Work. Mrs. Willard Axley; supt. of Children's Work. Mrs K. K. (roll; supt. of Mi sion Studies, M - W A. Hoover; supt. of Chri- :a S Relations. Mrs! K. F. : M . .1; -up:. f" Outlook, Miss , Ada lis:-haw; sujr. of Supplies, Mrs j .jr. Tlk. alt ndiug the mooting were * j Mesdani F B. Nom II, Willard' Axley. W A. Barker. Tom Axley. J 1 yl?- !' : ' ii, R. B. F- _ru-on, E. I).. Akin.La' \. S-tva-. ,J H. McCall. j iv. i . Maiiox. E. F. Mc EI f resh, dames ' Smallshaw, H. G. Elkins, W. F. Stud* still. Mrs. \\ . M. Kuykendall and Mi.-. -Iulia Martin were welcomed J into ilie S rciety as new members. | Young Woman's Circle Meets With Mrs. Case Mrs. T A. Case and Mrs. H. C. Elkin> were joint hostesses to the ( Young Woman's circle of the Methotlist Church at the home of Mrs. Case. Following the business session Mrs. Tom Mauney and Mrs. L. A. Lee took j charge of the program the subject bong, "Mary, the Guiding". Mrs. Tom j Mauney read an interesting article j :i!i *prayer." Mrs. W. A. Barber, ' who will 1 -ave .soon for her new | hone, was delightfully surprised with a handker hief shower. A salad course was served to the following j member- .Mrs- W . A. Rurbei. Mrs. j Wade Massey, Mrs. O. E. Madder., ; Mis Adela Meroney, Miss Alleine I Richardson, Mrs. .1. T. Mauney, | Mrs. Tom Axley, Mrs. W. A. Hoover, | Mrs. 1.. A. Lee, Mrs. H (i. Elkjns I ami Miss Elizabeth Ann Klkins. 1 GET READY for THANKSGIVING 1 Get our new improved end curl Permanent foi* $1.50. Oil Vanity croquignole wave $2. Others $3 & $4. Guaranteed, CANDLER'S BEAUTY SHOP Candler's Store, Murphy, Ph. 53R. TO THE CITIZENS AN OF CHEROKEE CO I am now coming again my county to reelect me tKn - uav l^upci AU1 V^-Ulirl. I havf norttip.5 to offer you fo have established during the past foi I HAVE NOTHING TO SAY A THAN HE IS A GENTLEMAN. I am not receiving ai what I receive from my : My opponent is a world war v as such; however, he receives adequi or at least the veterans administrati I am glad of the fact, further, from world war officers of my coun veterans and not have to go to som JOI (Paid Poltical Advertisement) The CI TV* CIJ tone 9082 ! Miss Posey Entertains | Charity League Miss S:ua Ruth Posey entertained the Charity League at her home or Da.vless St. Thursday evening. Mrs. ISuster Bayless and Mr<. Ann Ward had charge of the program the subject being. "Historic Poems of X. C." The league voted to donate $5.00 t. help purchase a piano for the negro school. A handkerchief shower was given Mrs. Ed Madden who is leaving Murphy. Various card games were played. then all enjoyed refreshment? served Buffet style, to friends and husbands of the members. Those attending were: Mr. and Mrs. .!. B. Ward, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop Mi. and Mrs. John Bayless. Mr. and \1 i*t: V/i Mtfltlpn \f ? nnH \lr; (? \V. Cover. Jr., Andrews, Mr. and Mrs. John Davidson, Mr and Mrs. Buel Adams, Mr. and Mrs. R- B. Wootcn Miss Virginia Benton. Edwin Hyde Miss Uiuia Overton. C. B. Bullock. Mi::-. Dot Higdor., Johnny Pane^n, Miss Annie Mae To\vns? :i, Alden <"orvard and Miss Meredith Whitaker j and Sydney Andrews. Miss Justine Johnson 1 Has Birthday Party On Tuesday evening Miss Justine Johnson celebrated her fourteenth hirihday. (lame- wen- played and lancing enjoyed after which the presents were opened being numerous Hid useful. Ice cream, cake and candy were served to the following: Margaret Meroney, Elizabeth Franklin. Jer.-amine Vestal, Virgina Richardson, Maxim* Davidson, Mary Barber, Maurene Lovingood, Jane Ricks, Martine Moore. Melba Holder, I.-'is McFall, Doris llailey, Jean Davis, Effie Barbara* Mclver. Billie Barnes, Pearl \\ iehaitl. ('harlot:* May. Mary Porte.- Fain. Buddy and Jr. Jolu on. Harry and Jack Dickey, Wade Ricks, Han? Christopher, Fl-yd Tate, Wiley I lanes, Walter Caiiinger, Hubert MulKey, Jack Barton Akin, John Paul Class and Bill Wiehard. Epworth League Has Scavenger Hunt The Epworth League of the Methodist church enjoyed a Scavenger hunt an last Thursday evening. The gi nap formed at the church where lists were given out in which Miss Mary Frances Bell and Jack Barton . Akin won the prize for marking out the entire requirements. Returning to the church new members were solicited Refreshments consisting of dag hunts and coffe were served to about 20 guests. Mrs. 1 helma Dickey Mrs. Thelma Dickey, who entered Christenbury Hospital^in Knoxville Tenn., last Sunday for treatment is) very much improved. She expects to | return home the latter part of the, week. John Brittain, of Atlanta, was in Murphy over the week-end. ID VOTERS IJNTY to ask you as citizens of to the office of Clerk of p myself except my record which I ar years. .GAINST MY OPPONENT OTHER r?y compensation except services as your Clerk. eteran and I certainly admire Kim j ute compensation for such services, on must think so. that I am able to get endorsement ty as to what ! have done for the I e other state. W W. DON! FY. ! | _ I tierokee Scout, Murphy, I IeES Miss Lovingoods Hosts i o Sunday School Group Mr. and Mrs. Noah Lovingood entertained the Sunday School officer? and teachers of the First Baptist church at their home Tuesday night The house was beautifully decorated with autumn flowers, ferns and pot ted plants A business meeting was neld with ' Mr. Lovingood in charge and plans | were discussed for many improvei ments in the church including a Cradle roll anl a membership drive. After the business meeting a social hour was enjoyed with contests and games. Delicious refreshments were seived by the hostess assisted by Mrs. Robt. item ana Mrs- Allen Liovingood. Those present were: Mrs. W. M. Lay, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Ilall. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Amnions, Mr. and Mrs. Allen Lovingoou, Mrs. Robt. Iieid, Mis. J- \V. Davidson Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Mrs. John Donley, Misses Gillie Martin and Lorena Johnson, Messrs W. C. Kinney. Everett White, Cyrus White ami Howard Lovingood. Hyatt Bible Class Entertains Here The ladies of the Hyatt Bible class n?et at the Methodist church on j \Y ednesday evening to entertain the j younger members at the church and organize a new class. There was a.j hearty response from those present! and officeis were elected the follow-, ing Sunday morning. A delicious dinner* was served to about thirty. ATTENDS MUSICALE Mrs. Xell Thompson-Miller is attending the annual musicale given at the Andrew Johnson hotel, Knoxville, Tenn. under the direction of the local Branch of League of American Pen Women. This musicale features the compositions of Pen Women composers. Mrs. Miller will receive with the Vice Presidents as the only Knoxville composer whose music will be featured. \t... A XT rr:_. 1Ui8. ?-i. rxiTrton anu uaugntcr-inlaw. Mrs. Hubert lliuton spent Tues day in Hayesville. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Butler, and Mr. and Mrs. Hutchinson of Fort i Valley, 1* la., are guests at the Maples j this week. j Mr. Bill Thompson, who is at present located at Anderson, S. C. and I Miss Doris Hedden of Greenville, S C., were guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Thompson over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jones, connected with the TVA are registered at the Maples for the present. Mrs. Bessie Dewcese and granddaughter. Julia Ann Nichols spent the week-end at Ducktown. T. L. Harrison of Oklahoma City, Oka., brother of Mrs. Carolyn Harrison Bryson has returned home after several days visit in Murphy. Mrs. G. W. Ellis and daughter, Mrs. Wade Massey are the guests this week of Mrs. Fred Wood in Knoxville. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Weir and small daughter, who have been spending the^summcr with their mother, Mrs. Delia Meroney, left for Atlanta this week. They will he at home at 2640 Peachtree St., Atlanta. Mrs. H. M. Hayes left Wednesday to join her husband at Santee-Cooper dam near Charleston, S. C., where he was transferred last week after being connected with the TVA here sometime. Mrs. Ray Brown, of Shelby is visI it ino- hor no.-on+o J " ^ o i>n- AIIU mis. X/OIl n'luierspooii. Mr. and Mrs. Bonicamp, and "William McKay, of Shelbyville, Tenn., spent the week-end with their aunt, Mrs. C. W. Savage and Mr. Savage, at the Regal Hotel. Judge W. H. S. Burgwynn, of Woodland, N. C., is staying at the Regal hotle this week while holding court at Hayesville. Mr. Littlefield of Chattanooge is connected in Mr. Blagg's Department at present. Myles J. Muholland of the Forestry Department "will be stationed in Murphy for a short time. Mrs. .T. R. Ryan, daughter of Dr. C. Z. Candler, of Sylva, spent the week-end with her cousin, Mrs. Dale | Lee. Morth Carolina Hattie Palmer, Phone 20 j Miss McCracken Hostess To Mardi Nuit Club Miss Dair McCracken entertained us hostess the Mardi Nuit club on Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. K. C. Whight. Four tables were arranged. High score prize went to Mrs- Burgess Bailey, and low score went to Mrs. Wright. A salad course with hot chocolate was served to the following: Mesdames Buster Bayless, IIBueck, H. C. McCaslan, Roy Stiles, K. C. Wright, T. A. Case, Bob Motz, Burgess Bailey, L. A. Lee, Misses Virginia Benton, Ida Belle Entrekin, Emily Sword, Laura Overton. Clara McCombs, Hope Yeager and the hostess. S Intermission Party (Given Friday Night j Mr. an church following the missionary j programs. Mr. Thomas King Has Halloween i arfy Mr. Thomas King entertained a group of young people with a Halloween party on Monday night. Gamewere played and everyone enjoyed themselves very much. Those attending were: Mr. Zeb Chastine, James Stalcup. Waldoti Hatchett, J. L. Hughes, Frank Stalcup, Herbert and J. B. Hall, Agnes anw Gwendloyn Stalcup, Kvanell and Anna Bell Hatchett. Marie and Irene Huerhes. Tnmmv t ? - ' - " Mvwiuig., 01" Blairsville, Ga. Mrs. Esther Freas has returned home after a visit with her sister, Miss Lucy Morgan at Portland. N. C. IVote For Henry A. Barton |jk FOR Register of Deeds Bfefc YOUR SUPPORT AND |>g? INFLUENCE GREATLY W APPRECIATED Rcgardlcfft Of Party MY MOTTO IS A SQUARE DEAL TO ALL THE hBK PEOPLE gB| dvertisemont) fflSSi ?Yet 3 from Any Room in Your Home! Miuazing, urcaio-iakiiiK ! iffine the thrill of changing ?tais, controlling volume, even turnoff this new Philco . from uprs, downstairs, on the porch ... lout (oins near the set. And renber?no wires ... no connects of any kind I Away with tireie inconvenience! Let Philco Jtery Contol brine you and your lily complete radio enjoyment. iOME IN - TRY IT You'll Be Amazed! about our Special Introdurtory Offer 'Hiiro Mystery Control Fad ion. Liberal Trade-in Allotoance. Eony Terms COLEMAN Murphy North Carolina I