? Uncle PAilC* jS? T_shot a torpedo into its innards and big ship had successfully dodged thi lantic. She was racing down the had forgotten their fears and were I suddenly, at two o'clock in the after Pat lianley had shaved and c before, and he saw it all, right immediately. People ran wildly friends and children. Then?in gan to list. "Right there," says drowning. They got on the inclii rail was broken away to starbo the water. An officer bellowed 1 one must get on a life preservi gers were in such a state of col! to stand still to get a life prese Pat found a life preserver and st A woman ran into him, and down I difficulty he managed to keep from had done. But he got to his feet ag Only five life-boats got clear of got fouled in the davits and the peop "They fell like a load of sand," sa Only five lifeboats g of them seemed to survive that ups pushed off so that people in the wj there was no chance to launch any under water to the second deck on t Pat arrived safely at the ste other men, made ready to jum jumping from the side," he sa ship might turn over on top of ter was full of bobbing heads, soot shot up from the second and ing the after-deck and turning ship was going down steadily no didn't jump soon the suction ' went under. Overboard we we Fishing Trawler By that time an Irish fishing tr rescue?was just arriving at the ! his life preserver, began swimmir sailing vessel equipped with four 1 Trojans, Already they were picking Lifeboats were rowing out to it, u back to pick up more. The small forth, but they only picked up tho: time we reached the trawler there The time Pat spent on that itself. The cockpit?the deck? erally jammed with people. U stand close together and hang packed right to the edge of the keep them from going overboar space was occupied with the t little craft took in tow three life cued, and started away from tl Less Than 80 Pat clung for lus Itlc to ilie inai full of other craft steaming?rowing hove to and took the crowd off t back to pick up more survivors, the toward Queenstown harbor. But the trawler didn't pick the records show that less thai total of nearly 2,000. Pat says tl ins to the rescue, bnt they wen up the dead. The boat Pat was on landed o'clock that nisht. The next mo the Cunard pier, which had b morgue, to see if he could id< had lost their lives. Pat still has the life preserve! stern of the ill-fated Lusitania?a He'll get it out and show it to you drop over there at an evening. But know Pat well enough to be droppi a chance to spin that yarn here i Copyright.? , Murphy, N. C., Thursda club jep. HE LIVES mfr^: 0 U R S E L F I ^mrale Head" J. Hanley at his home at Richvv you an old life preserver that noon of Friday, May 7, 1915, off e coast of Ireland. And maybe af that life preserver and how he Pat wouldn't part with that old for half the wealth of the Indies, ?h his life's greatest adventure, s you will easily realize when I eleven hundred and ninety-eight was over. jnch what this story is going to be isale Head has struck a responsive n, maybe it hasn't. It's been more remember that the Old Head of Kinof marine disasters, the sinking ot on the Lusitania. iicifania whon a 0?r!YiSH EllbmSrinS sent it piunging to the bottom. The 2 U-boats all the way across the Athome stretch, and the passengers beginning to have a good time when noon there came a loud report, ome up on deck about 15 minutes from the first. A panic started about the ship searching for their less than a minute?the ship bePat, "was where people started te and started sliding. The deck ard and they fell wholesale into hrough a megaphone that every;r, but two-thirds of the passenlapse that you couldn't get them irver on them." arted stripping off his outer clothing, be went on the slippery deck. With sliding overboard like many others ;ain and began working his way aft. the ship with passengers. A sixth le in it were dumped into the water, ys Pat, "and I noticed that not one ot clear of the ship. et. I saw two more boats hurriedly >ter could cling to them. After that more on either side as the ship was .he starboard side." rn of the ship and, with about 40 p. "We couldn't take a chance ys, "for it looked as though the us if we did. Already the waSuddenly a shower of water afid I third funnels of the ship, drenchus all black as ink spots. The w, and we all realized that if we would carry us down when she nt." Came to Rescue, awler?the first craft to come to the scene of disaster. Pat, held up by ig toward it. Says he: "It was a big oars which the crew pulled like people out of the water by the dozen, nloading their passengers and going boats made several trips back and ;e who showed signs of life. By the were 500 others already on it." trawler was an adventure all in the hold?all of them were litp on deck the passengers had to onto one another, for they were deck and there was no railing to d. When the last bit of available ask of saving a human life, the boats filled with more of the resle scene. 0 Were Saved. a next to him. Now the waters were ;?sailing to the rescue. A large boat he trawler. While the trawler went big boat, with Pat aboard it, steamed up another load like her first, for 1 800 people were saved out of a hey met several patrol boats coms too late to do anything but pick him in Queenstown at about nine riling he was asked to go down to een converted into a temporary sntlfy any of the poor souls who r he wore when he jumped over the souvenir of a remarkable adventure, and tell you the story of it when you ; for the sake of the people who don't ng in on him, I'm glad he's given us n this column. WNU Service. y, November 10, 1938 Farm || Topics |1|| DAIRY BARNS CAN CONTROL DISEASE Mangers and the Platforms Should Be Kept Clean. By Dr. George E. Taylor. Extension Dairyman. Rutgers University?WNU Service. The proper type and construction of the manger and standing platform in the dairy barn is important from the standpoint of controlling tuberculosis. Bang's disease, mastitis and other diseases affecting dairy cattle. The manger and standing platform should be constructed of cement or some similar impervious material which is easily cleaned and disinfected when necessary. The manger should be equipped with individual drinking cups and solid manger partitions between each cow. lhe feeding manger should be separated from the feed alleyway by means of a front manger curb high enough to prevent litter from the alleyway getting into the manger proper. The organisms causing Bang's disease and aiso tuberculosis gain entrance to the body principally through the mouth and digestive system. Anything that will prevent or partially eliminate the chances of the animals consuming infected feed or water will be a great aid in controlling the spread. The spread of tuberculosis is usually greater in herds that are watered by means of common drinking tanks. Watering animals by means of flooding the manger several times daily is 3n excellent way of spreading disease in an infected herd. Likewise, feed and litter in the feed alley is apt to become contaminated from the shoes of the herdsman or caretaker in the daily routine of feeding and milking infected herds. A manger curb will help eliminate the chances of infected grain and hay being swept back into the manger. The standing platform should be wide enough and long enough to prevent udder injury. Udder injury of any nature should be regarded as a predisposing factor to mastitis. A solid platform curb six or eight inches high, extending from the manger back to the gutter between each stall, will tend to control the shifting of infected bedding from one stall to another. The organisms causing mastitis gain entrance to the udder through the teat canal. Any practice or equipment that tends to eliminate the possibilities of the udder coming in contact with the causative organisms of mastitis will aid in the control of the spread in a herd. Profit in Good Finish Is Cited by Poultrymen Every poultry producer should market a large proportion of his surplus stock at between three and five pounds dressed weight, well fattened, contend the Eastern Ontario Poultry pools. Officials point out that the greatest profit in dressed poultry is brought by the finishing touches. A thin bird is hard to sell at any price, while a fat one brings a premium. This premium is not difficult to secure, nor long deferred. Finishing for top grades takes only a couple of weeks. Pool officials suggest that breeders confine birds to a small crate or pen. Feed a mixture of finely ground grains, preferably with coarse hulls sifted out. This is mixed with buttermilk or sour skim milk to the consistency of porridge. Feed twice daily during the fattening period, lightly for the first day or so, and then all the birds will clean up. A few boiled potatoes make a good addition, state experts; also, 5 per cent mutton fat. Farm Topics Most of the eggs are laid early in the morning, the time varying with the seasons, or more properly with the length of the day. A cantaloupe picked when it is ripe has a clean stem scar with no stem attached. Cannabalism among chicks is largely caused by lack of something to do, by overcrowding houses or by hunger. Successful sterilization and preservation of milk tor indefinite periods is announced by a Wisconsin firm. Good layers have broad, deep, short heads and beaks; bright, prominent eyes; straight backs and wide spring of ribs, with deep bodies. Smiles She's Not the Same Zoole?Today I met a girl who had never been kissed. Kulper?I would like to meet her. Zoole?You're too late now. A bachelor is a man who has made up his mind that he can't make up his mind. First Requisite Butcher Pryce?Round steak, Madam? Mrs. Noowedd ? The shape doesn't matter, just so it's tender. HE'S DOING IT "You might stay at home a little more," complained a wife to hor husband. "You're ulwevs ou* playing golf." "I know, my dear," replied hubby, "but you know the doctor told me to live on greens as much as possible." NEVER SLEEP ON AN "UPSET STOMACH Neutralize excess stomach acids to wake up feeling like a million To relieve the effects of over-indulgence? escape "acid indigestion" next day ? ao this: Take 2 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Mag; nesia in a glass of water ? AT BEDTIME. While you sleep, this wonderful alkalizer will be sweetening your stomach ... easing the upset-feeling and nausea . . . helping to bring back a "normal" feeling. By morning you feel great. Then ? when you wake ? take 2 more tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia with orange juice. That is one of the quickest, simplest, easiest ways to overcome the bad effects of too much eating, smoking or drinking. Thousands use it. But ? never ask for "milk of magnesia" alone ? always ask for "P/iiffi'ps"'MilkofMagnesia.gjg5^ PHILLIPS' MILK OF MAGNESIA * IN LIQUID OR TABLET FORM Source of Progress And from the discontent of man the world's best progress springs. ?Ella Wheeler Wilcox. How Women in Their 40's Can Attract Men Here's goot) ?dvi?> for a woman during her change (usually from 38 to 62) who fears she'll lose her appeal to men, who worries about hot flashes, loss of pep, dizzy spells, uP?et nerves and moody spells. Get more fresh air, 8 hrs. sleep and if yon need a good general system tonic take Lydia E- Pinkham n Vegetable Compound, made tipetxaU* for women. It helps Nature build up physical resistance, thus helps give more vivacity to enjoy life and assist calming jittery nerves and disturbing symptoms that *f Hfa. WELL WORTH TftYOiG! " ^classified! ADVERTISING Have 70a anything aroono the house you would like to trade or ae!l?Try a dasClassified aified ad. The cost is on!} in. few cents and there an _V probably a lot of folki* look' _ h| for just whatever it ti Result* 70-1 no longer have use for