iarble Sc ; BOYS DEFEATS UNAKA ! boys basketball team I'lla';a in a upset victory ie Marble court Tuesday In Marble score was led by avis who shot 9 points. As ore was led by Rose who sup is as follows: POS. UNAKA i C Rose (18) i I8> ..F Johnson1 i 81 F Rates (5) - G Plemmons, G.... Thompson (3) : :>r Marble: Stansberry, (4),i I), Brasswell, Kimbrough. ? Unaka: Dockery (0). iTIZENSHIP AT SCHOOL we be good citizens? Yes! izenship is what we do, or, r character Our citizenship he good, or bad. If we act behave and do as we should ire good citizers, but, if we e are not good citizens- In lave not shown good citizen. /SSki I 7 Wk PROTECTION I without NAPKINS OR BELTS . Vrt rmir.j h f i f f r.vtion safely, efYi?. r.tly. with new im.'urt . . . yet so riny that" a day's ?'i;>ply can lx? cari.'.J in a handbag! Boxes of 12 ? 29c . .. Boxes cf 6 ? 19c Candler's murphy, n. c. Parker Drug Store ! MURPHY. N. C. * r 1-ssKVj H??p[ M l r 1 COAL | - T i.1 J ire Also Lo< 11 CRO 9 BOTT :key ? M The Cher hool News;' 1''' j Some of the ways for instance in iSc |which we can he good citizens at dc jschool are: We can say excuse me or'h i pardon me when we walk in front of j ~~ anyone or blimp into them, we can,' a also, be good citizens by never running through the halls and most of all by being courteous. ^ 1 If. we are good citizens everyone I will like us better and we will get a- j long much better. nc A good citizen always cooperate u with his or her community, home, or school. e** Ola Kilpatrick v* WHY SHOULD WE STUDY Why should we study is a very simple and interesting question- Should wc study or should we not ? What ^ would happen if we did not study? i a Would you rather be ignorant or ed-11" ucated? We can study in schooi from oar. books or we can study at home. ' ^ If we do not study we will be ig- j a norant- Wc may have sense but if a we don't study our mind will not be p trained. j Sl There are several reasons why we j should study. When we go to school p the state has to pay muci each n day we go so we should study while d we have a chance. t Ola Kilpatrick d 1 t| \ .. WHY STI inv f __^. L e Why study? This is the question e of lots of lazy school children. Well f not in fun hut really why study? You n should study so you won't be a dumb s head all your life. If you study you c may sometime amount to somthing. Perhaps you have heard the story of Pal and Mike. Mike knew nothing because he did not study. Pat was | vi ry bright because he studied. One day when the teacher asked Mike to answer three questions, Pat happened a r.II the questions. This was cheating. 11 to be in Mike's seat so, he answered ^ Your teacher had rather you not study as to be a cheat like that. ! Lets all study to be successful in ^ future years. t Doris HcConiiell ( GOPER ATION NEEDED TO MAKE ' A BETTER BALL TEAM j( One thing we need most of any- C tl.ing is cooperation on our team. If we do not cooperate we cannot < win games. If each player wishes to Ci play only for himself or herself there isn't any need to have a team . "w Py cooperating on our team we can rday bett r, win more games, and be f ; good citizen. COOPERATION Cooperation is wording together. _ There are many ways in which we can 7 ....... u a ?. !! Oil our t( ;ii'i \ tk. V. e can cnnp, rate in our -rii:. . \\ in.. e ohcraU' in our school ' v each one having up his or her i. s- i ' us ai I mo t of 11 !>y behaving or obeyiig our teaching. if v.v cooperate wi.h each other we can get along much better. I'erhaps you have heard the story of tin- three men who would not cooperate; i.ut finally succeeded in co N c H ' ' *v>/2 Bfl I IVERYBODY VOTES I )UU iritKM oiAK S| IE HOTTEST COAL P :al Agents For m iWN COLA I IIHG CO, I Murphy, N. C. okee Scout, Murphy, N< ?orating. Each one tried to break iA indie of sticks by himself but could >t. Then all together the three tried eakir.g them and did. This story teaches us to cooperate. >, if we cooperate we can get more ?r?e. By learning to cooperate we can j ad a better life in the future. j GOOD SPORT Everyone can be a good sport. A i ?od sport is liked by everyone. i For instance if we have played a ime of anything and lost we should >t get mad. We should tell the other am we had a nice game. We should be a good sport in rerything we do, especially in actities. AMERICAN EDUCATION WEEK This is American Education week, very teacher and every layman lould do his part to make this week period of great national revival; a eriod of rededication marked by a trong purpose to go forward to et.ter things. Let each of us revive to make our community a beter one by carrying out the following inis of American Education week s given us by Reuben T. Shaw, resident of National Education Asociation: To put children first; to attach imortanrode\s mother, Mrs. J. M. Pat* erson. Mr. and Mrs. Gay Hawkins anounce the birth of a son on Nov. .'>, im. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Pounder- vis d Mr. and Mrs. Carroll Threet at hattanooga, Tenn., Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zanc Davis of Hiwas e Dam were the Sunday afternoon illers of Mr. and Mrs- Gay Hawkins Mrs. Iiuth Payne spent last week rith relatives at Duck town. -Miss Jiattio Parker i rtcovn mm an attack of influenza. Mi-, and Mrs. \V. V. Allen anrl lr. and .Mrs. linden Mickey visited rr. and .1I1-. Ross .-.dam in Murp!i\ unday. As a commercial bar three main functions: 1. To accept and safegua depositor.", with all of the c to exercise. 2. To permit payment of t these deposits. 3. To lend funds at intere needs of the people of our we invite you to make vices in your own f lar Citizens Ban /p M' JH PHY irth Carolina 1 Mrs. J. W. Kee.ium and daughter Bfi ta Belle, spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs. Loir Wood. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lawrence mad* a business trip to Murphy Saturday Miss Gladys Chumley spent Satur day night with Miss Roberta McNabb Mrs. liifus Hibberts is a patient ii j the Petrie hospital at Murphy, i Kathleen and Nell Keenum visit*'* ' Eula Mae and F'aye Kecnum Sunday, j Miss Piste 11 Henson of Oak Par) | is spending sometime with Mr. an* j Mrs. Gay Hawkins. Ii Mr- Quinton Townson a member o the University of Alabama, is visit in# his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Car jTowsend, this week. ' LEGAL NOTICES ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as Administrate of the estate of J. S. (John Steele P'oard, late of the County of Cherc kee and State of North Carolina, th; is to notify all persons having clairr against the estate of said deceased t present them to the undersigned i Murphy, North Carolina, on or befoi the 8th day of October, 1930, or th notice will he pleaded in bar of the recovery. All persons indebted to tl j vo?.io win please maxe prompt pa; I mcnt. This the 4th nf Optnhor. 193 H H. Foard Administrator of J. S. Foar (lO-Gt-g&c) Decease EXECUTORS NOTICE Tho undersigned having qualifit as executors of the estate of J McD. Harshaw. deceased, late i Cherokee County. North Carolin this is to notify all persons havii i claims against the estate of said d ceased to exhibit them to the unde ! signed or to their attorneys. Mallon & Mallonee. at Murphy, North Car lina. on or before the 27th day October. 1939, or this notice will 1 pleaded in bar of their recovery. P persons indebted to said estate w please make immediate paymentThis the 27 day of October. 193 HENRY HARSHAW, EDGAR HARSHAW, Executors of A. McD. liar ha (13-6 t-p) Decease NORTH CAROLINA,? CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN T1IE SUPERIOR COURT\V. R. EVERETT VS. MARY M. EVERETT NOTICE SERVING SUMMONS U PUBLICATION The defendant Mary M. Evert will take nuticc that an action em | EMMM MII.I.IONS SAY- - 'IT TASTF.S S1-:" d>~ : */<'? "f -?*, a W THIS DIG FOIL DIMENSION ] ^ ;Y ^ TiRE SAVES YOU r.'S (SV ' ? j IN TWO WAYS?1. ON THE 1 t: tow THRIFT FRICC? ? ON t T \ THE EXTRA M'LEAGS Gt'lLT )*? INTO EVERY jnh y 7 GOODRICH \ ^ /^ f^fcOMMAWDFR ! I/, \ ,i v- ? Man,vv'Mtat:rc nnrf n! ft'-* 1 rich at a ro."k-l>ot m; I ^ ' * dimension wilbextr. of s;' .cir.l ' . ar-i . ' ' i - ' * | bcr that gives you 'on. | No v. onuer we e; 11 it . "thrift" tire. Why t c - . . on "unknowns" when * t: n **?* equip your car v.ltli G ( } Commanders at a bit; s. : \ ^ EHM: p6-' $8? i 4.40 <21 4JiO * 20 j " *085 j * | 4.50 ? 21 4.75 * 29 ? $7?2 syss 5.09x19 ^Ms.QO r. 20 w OTHER SIZES IM PROPORTION " r.o::ce Goodrich f&ctoU/ f Com man ders ???.** 9 ' ? C " SERVICE STATION FRANK ELLIS. MGR. j MURPHY, N. C. PHONE 33