Cherokee Communit t Shady Grove News K.v K.I Willis filled hi> rcpulai ppiuru Sunday. Scw-iii! i'? !ks from here attended the !.) , or :': ns a' Friendship an ! Hopewell Sunday. .diss Da-:.- Gregory entertained several young folks with a birthday party Saturday night. Lemonade and cake was served. Miss Dora Garland was the truest of Mr-- Kaby .Montgomery Friday night. M and Mrs. G. M. Teague were Sunny Point visitors Friday. PMr. and Mrs VV. C Standi idge an ? children visited Mrs. Staniirni^v's moth r. Mrs. Nettie Collii.?. >f Sweet Gum, Ga. last week. Miss Ruby and Ada Gregory of Murphy spent the week-end with home folks. . ir. and Mrs. J. M .Standridge and baby of \V If Creek were the Saturday r.rght guests of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Standi ridge. I. M. Anderson made a business ; trip to Duektown Monday. Homer Garland t?f Young ilai is. Ga. ha- returned home after a short i.i? i\ >t n .. .1? G. L. Kit h and small son, Cyrus were the Sunday visitors of their parent and grant!parents, Mr. and M> , ' 'olcmun Rich. ; . and Mrs.. G. M. Teague \ver?he Sunday quests of Mr. and Mrs.' \V. C. Standridge. The Decoration here will be on the iOth us usual and the program will | I i-1 ihreu-.rhout the day. We are e\pt-cti: l; - "me good preaching and smg-j i i. A!' ilv good singers are welcome i Bong w:th every body else. I:, i.utlier BryuiiL and "ii, Kre.? j ir? ! ' tti> T.^mpson of I'lev eland. -. at last Sunday with Mr. and Mr -i M. Anderson. ! '. \\ t ie and Harvey Anderson, .-pen: last Saturday evening in Can ton, Ga. idiss Jiiumie Lee Orton spent Saturday with Mi- es Kate and Reathcl i Anderson. M and Mrs. Willard Standridge^ of Ma.e-'t, Tenn. spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. Newton Gibson and fainii.v. hick Bryant of Murphy spent the week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. .I K. Bryant. MV- W~A~ A?.J ?. cimx miut-niun and son, Charles, spent last week in Hayes-' villi-. Mi and Mrs. E. F. Anderson, Mr. and Mr>. D. 11. Anderson and Miss Kate Anderson spent last Sunda\ at Hiwassee Dam. Mr. and Mrs. Itae Orton of Coppeihill spent Sunday with Mr-. l)o!!ie Orton. Mi ar.d Mrs. V. L. Kissleburg Sunday in Etowah. A W. M. Anderson is spending . few weeks in Blairsville, (la. with i" r daughter, Mrs. Walter .lonc.v Do you need onion skin paper ? i lega or regular sizes? You can get either of these at our office suuply department, ^ Keepin X \ financi; \ \\ \ substar \ V \ count c \l V \ keel, bi ' \l \\ Ta'n ar [ 1 V- \ \ taxes,; i It k\ \\ get ahe i ' \^.N m?y ar ft- ' * CITIZENS BAN MURPHY THE CHEROKEE County ; y News MARBLE NEWS REGIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE BOCK STATION llorap of ML. y Jean Foster. ^ Mi.- Louise Leathcrwood and Mr. Jackst n Loatherwood, ol* Bryson v City were the Sunday guests of \\ a vile West. M i>s Rubye Hall returned home 1 Monday from a visit with relative- ^ a: Mount Holiy. She was accompanied home by her -istcr. Miss Wilma .lor- " don. who will visit here for a few days. v Mrs. Bluett Ingram of Kallground. Cla. is spending some time here with j h?M* hlwiiilTld u-hn i-t uninlovml :il ?Vl?> Columbia Marble co. | C Miss Pauline Beaver spent the week end with Mi.-s Dorothy Barnes a: Murphy. Mr. anil Mrs. Fred Henry announce the birth of a daughter. May 21. Messrs Wayne, ( line and Lawson West I ft Wednesday on a motor trip f to South Dakota. , Mrs. F. L. McCotinell. Mrs. Arnold Brysott, Misses Mildred, Jean and Charmie Kaster.attemleii the funeral >f Mrs. colore Rickett, which was held at Andrew- Wednesday. , Mrs. 1. I) Jenkins left Monday for J j, a week's visit with relatives at Stecoah. K Mi Nell Hyde of Andrews spent several days here last week as guest ol' her cousin. Miss Dot is McDonnell. ^ Several of the young folks of the lommuuity enjoyed a weiner roast t and mushmallou toast at the PaiK 1 ,, Saturday night. Tho.-t pre-ent at thi } [. affair were: Misses France- Dockery. Kat.hiyn Mint7.. Maymio Cook, L>oro- ^ by Hi; 11 sucker. Lois Smith, Ola Killa'rick, June Kim: rough. Frances .j Xewiuau and Cat land Hunsuckei. Carl Ballard. Clareii. ? and Raymond I ,j ("amp, Walter Kim! rough. Ciiarle.. 1 r. I'ae C of- and M r and Mi C 1 re?l Barton. Boiling Springs News Connely I.ovingood filled his appointment Sunday. Mr. and Mis. Howard (Moll -pent I Sunday with her parent?, Mr. and ! Mrs. C C \Till.? Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Garrett vi.-iit.i 1 flu.- parents Sunday, M\ and Mrs. j | Monroe Garrett. 1 Miss Janice and Opal Odell and; Miss Cleo Mill v.-iv the Sunday j quests of Mr. and Mr.-. Don Graves. Mr. and Mr-. Gt-ory;e Walls and j children visited Mr. and Mrs. Mrs ' .-er Sunday. Mis; N'ina McDonald spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mr- Andy | Mel >onald. \ | Herbert and Robbie Odell speir , Saturday night with their ?t . dpar ! ents. Mr. and Mrs. C. <\ Mills. p Mrs. Vina Gaddis and Mr-. Tina Arms spent Saturday night with ??Ir. and Mrs. Ren Gaddi--. Thyis Gaddis visited (\ C. Mills ! Sunday. | Rev. C. A. Sexton will preach here Sunday. Every7 body7 come. // X / Vointment Sunday. Bill Killian is on the sick list at this viitiitg. His many friends wish him a ijpeedv rec??ver>^^M Mr. and Mrs. Roy Martin visited p.reir Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. 1. !". Martin. Mr. and Mrs. John Montgomery md ehiidnn were the Sunday mum - | a;est s of Mr. and Mrs. \\ aitseil j .1 niironit j y. Mrs. Ma: ; Johnson and children | -Sted her grandmother. Mrs. Marina Yhitener Sunday. Mr. and Mr-. Stanley \Yhite:ie? isited Mr. and Mrs. John Mont :??mery Sunday. Mrs. I.?ui (Jraves visited her pai er.ts. Mr. and Mrs. \Y. II. Mont omery on Friday. Mrs. Laura Freeman spent a few ays with Mrs. Jennie Crain ia t reek. John Lamest Whitener was in iurphy Sat unlay. Mrs. Laura Freeman visited Mrs. j ' 'ertha Mai tin one day last week. i SUIT NEWS _ REGIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE BOOK STATION?Home of Mrs. :. J. WIIIW. \I, ?...I M... A ?' n : I v . uvts !" their parents. Mr. and Mrs. .. K. Chumley. Mr. and Aiis. Moyt Bell of Cop- ' i i'li ill, were I he week-end visitors of ' Irs. Bell's mother, Mrs. Viola CurMr. and Mrs. Lakes Quinn and chillen of Post ell, spent Sunday with'] |pr^ I rH I j M Visit Our mim SA, MAY 25, 1939 Mrs. Quinns* mother. Mrs. Ida Pope. Mr. and Mrs. Koy Picklesimer and ! el ildren ? f fctowah, visited relatives Nancy Picklesimer Sunday. Air. and Mrs. Ralph Waldroup and vfiiMren of Htowh. visited relatives in Suit over the week-end. Mr. and Mrs. U. F. Keenum and1 ehildren of Sylva vi-ited relatives her*. Suiiday. Mi. and Mis. Knos Mason and Mr. and Mrs. Guy McXabb of Duektown. attended the decoration services held here SundayBB Mrs. Ileiiiy Holbrook and children of Duektown are spending several days with her mother, Mrs. J. K. ( Lambert. M.\ and Mis. Carl Farmer of Ctilherson, of Clinton. Tenn. are occupying ait apartment at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Keenum. Mr. Farmer is with the TVA. LfcTlTiA NEWS I REGIONAL LIBRARY SERVICE BOOK STATION?Postoffice Carrie Hayes, custodian. Rev. C. A. Voyles of Lewner, Ga filled his regular appointment Saturday and Sunday at Oak Grove. We were all shocked Friday morn inj," when the news came of Mr. L. P. Payne dying sudden. Mr. Payne was r. well known and beloved citizen. He was laid to rest in the Union cemeU ry. Our loss is heavens gain. Mi. and Mrs. Karl Taylor of Turtletown. Tenn., are visiting theii daughter, Mrs. Mertie Walker. Rev. C. A. Voyles spent the nigh: v\ it h Bill Stiles Saturday. Tommie Payne, of Ohio is visiting his mother, Mrs. Emma Payne, lor the past week. The Decoration will he at Oak Grove church. May 2Sth. Every body is aordialcy invited espe^.ally ali i*oi d singers. Charlie Beavers and Pauline Clouts were happily married Saturday at. Blairsville, Ga. Rev. Key. of Ktownh. Tenn. held services at Oak Grove church Thursday night and the message was cnjo> i*d by all present. Rev. C. A. Yoyle- was the dinner! ;uest of Arthur Graham Saturday. ' Oma Stiles spent a week with her J grandparents. Mi . Docia Clouts of I DON'T JUL Let the pr finding a suit ~nT*^ appropriate L gift for newlj TXy* a PerplexinS you. ;r ' We have m tiful and ini gifts that will undying gt and nothing \ i more appro j ^ mere com: i>w ^ than Electricz * ^ J ment with 1 ^ ctart off furni ~F1 home. / t YOU CAN I