ahr (?hr ' -.V?/ Org,*tn ? t i \.. P I'l -II! D Entei ! . th I' -i office c ' .it! ; . r A- t ??1 M. i icTon i OBii>rt ( i tRhM K R. DA sin>( One ^ ear Si. Pa \ able ' Lij^il Advertisement-, want a thanks, * . 5c line each nsei furnished " n request. Murpii\ . \??rth 1 ir??l TOWN MUST EH OR PLAY J \ew?* ! i'>in \ndrew-. tli. the old prison ? amp site am i'.> \Vurnl< v t .. .. 4 l.ir llinii"! -.J Nftirphy Chamber of Com The site whieh \ndrews tban five I- re- Highway t - !1 the t;a? t i..| >100 an ac On it \ndrews will t:. 11 will make the town nuts! \ huge barracks, once ti tpiired. and used ?- a recrea night. The re-ult> w ill ! that the; choice o| golf. tenuis. SV board In da\ or checkers ai at night, the young folk- wil hmiii\ place, -auctioned h\ t! tin objection from the most \ii?I what, meat-while. \v "\<>t a thing in the worl r.k.None of these, by thei -i-ter t ii\ has -? enet \ tit ti out that the visitors but that not one ble? "Your \ isitor has not a tl Phe i*.hi see that driving away dont offer him one thing that with manv other attractions . "Tourists ate on vacatioi ammusement and entertainim unless you supply that need, y ing just one night?and then Mr. Dickey's words were sadly, all too true. And the day when a tc purely natural advantages, a cover it has passed. Instead of waiting, v.e 11 gotten, we must have what it From this desk it would ing us the wav. In Mayor 'I six days .1 week, mailing out the nearby points of interest tels and tourist homes, and e: Murphy hasn't a folder much less any to mail out b Andrews has a growing lawns; make everything spie Murphy?well, Mr. Diel official declared bluntly thai phy, he must be asleep on hi: Andrews is going after seems to be sitting idly and s us?and see if we care." Of course, nobody reall let's bestir ourselves, and D( Some famous philosph fthat "if you build a better m you live on a mountain top, to your door." Maybe that was tri high-powered advertising, it Nowadays, no matter w the world about it over and to death. Everything that Andi double?if only it will. We for many years. Ix-t's kee] LET'S CET BUSY! ritkrr ^rniit \hrph \ ami Chert *e C >rth Carolina i \ !i-N 1!H li-DAN at Mu?t?hv. North ' ir a i- second irrli i. 1397. .1) E lisor ami Publisher MEL Duan ess Manager KIIM'IO.N PK1CY. ,">?) *~i\ Months ?5c >!: icily In Advance i ic-uding ?tices. obituaries, cards of t:on. payable in advance. Display rates ina. rhiirscluN. 0< 1??1kt >. l'XW "HER WAKE AND ACT SECOND FIDDLE ;it tin* Town Board i- planning to buy J convert it into a playground should lit. and should furnish the newly form* merce with a mark to surpass. plans to acquire contains a little more Commissioner MrKee has consented to re. build .1 playground and athletic field landing to tourists. s?'d l>\ prison guards, also may be action room by day and for dances at \11d1ew- will he able to offer tourists . imming. baseball, croquet and shuffleid chess in the one-time barrack*. And I be offered a place to dam ?a fine fie city fathers: a place that can bring watchful parent. ill Murphy hu\e t reach by motor almost phy was waking up. . astern Manager of the T nited States some biting things to the business men re to help organize the local chamber. town was attractive enough to draw -sed thing was done to keep them. ling to do but look at the scenery ?and from town". Mr. Dickey said. '*\ou he cant find in a dozen other places? idded. t. Unless they are very old. they want ...? T1?a\ * *.??,?? fttwl ;ind ou are going to find the tourists stoppmoving on." "had medicine to take"?hut they were un can sit hack, pin its faith in its nd wait for visitois to come and dis? msb go out and get them. And. once takes to keep them. seem that our sister. Andrews, is sliow'illitl's office two girls are employed, , circulars which tell about the town, and?most essential? a list of all hosactly what they charge. to give out even if one is requested.? y the thousand. [ movement to paint up homes, trim and span. key, the U. S. Chamber of Commerce t "if there is a paint salesman in Murs job." tourists in a big way, while Murphy laying: "Here we are?take us or leave y feels that wav. But for heavens sake ) SOMETHING. er?was it Emerson??once declared ousetrap than your fellow man, though the world will tread a beaten pathway. lie, when he said it; but in these days of is different. hat you have to offer, you have to tell over again?or you'll just about starve rows can offer tourists. Murphy can have been foremost in all this section 1 that place. I SCOUT. MURPHY. N. C. THURSDAY ? CLASSIFIED ADS^ S? o us for your FHA loans or direct loans. MURPHY REALTY COMPANY. Insu:an--u a' ! Rval Estate. Phone " Wanted LOOK HOUND DOC OWNERS I want to buy a load of hound dogs in Murphy FRIDAY, OCTOBER 13th. I don't want you to give me your dog I want to pay y u $$ > MONEY $$$ in cash for him. I am a new man, come and see what I look like. The Date is Friday, October 13th. Dog day in Murphy L. WILKES 9-3t-pd> ror Kent FOR RENT: T\\?? rooms and private bath. Centrally located, completely furnished. $17.50. Apply Cherokee Scout. Classified Display DR. E. L. HOLT Dentist - X-ray Specialist Hill-Parker Bid Murphy N. C. Quinn & Humphrev I'UICK AMBULANCE SERVICE "uneral Pirector* A Embalmer* Day Phone 74, Night 97 and 77 COPPF.RHILL TF-NN tsrTVYT> t ^y \\^l y DR. J. E. SARRELL SPECIALIST Refraction and Mobility of the EYE COPPERHILL, TENN. The most modern optical office between Knoxville and At.anta. Can examine the Eyes, grind and deliver the glasses same day if desired. Over 30,000 pairs of glasses made and delivered from this office. Established since 1909. All work guaranteed?always on the job. _^seeJWELI^R^E^SARREL^^ 1 rmsk. Give Your Car A Shot In The Arm sE?. I Is Now Solvenized l More Miles Per Gal. I NO CARBON ?ALSO? Washing & Greasing BY PROFESSIONALS Tires?Accessories TRADE "AT J. L HALL YOUR FRIENDLY DEALER r. OCTOBER. 5. 1939 ; ITS Time vou : Bhe Colossus of Rhode: i ejected about 500 B.C. i took 12 years TO build and ' CONSTRUCTED ENTIRELY Of BR( HOW LONG V, 1 0:D IT L (h I LAST AND Answers To IV SUBSCRIBE TO THE SCOUT $150 PER YEAR HOMES FOR SALE Weaver & Coleman 519 Valley River Ave. at eor Vance St. 5 rms, bath. lot approx 83 x 128. Price $1600.00 507 Valley River Ave. 7 rms hath. lot approx. 56 x 150. Pric? $1200. 505 Valley River Ave. 5 rms bath, lot approx. 101 x 175 Priei $1400. The above properties can hi purchased with as little as 109? clown, balance like rent. ASHEVILLE. N. C. Phone 410 P. O. Box 714^ Injured Radios Economically Repaired! Get full enjoyment from you radio without buying a new one Our expert repair man can fix i . . economically! We will make check of your tubes, wiring, con denser* and speaker. AT LONG'S TAVERN LONG'S RADIO SHOP ;i- We call for and de ij: in the town limits. J ? the Southern and yo led with Speed and s RAILWAY EXP X H Knew- bv LAWRENCE""] CYRUS W.Field aul 1 THE LAYING OF THE I I ATV-AKITU" r?n>= LIE"AT THE BOTTOM Of WHEN A BREAK CCC RS HOW DO THE ENGINEERS K! WHERE THE BREAK IS L ~ - TED ? Sarah Bernhardt is c . tl - )g$~S 6V MANY ur,.< AS ^THE GREATEST |jj ful >/A 93 OPE RATION'S Ixtl * ARE re OUI Rto TO make the six pinions o'eo O* y. I IN ONE BULOVA WATCH BW*3F WHAT ARE THE NAMES OF THESE PINiCNS? e Found On Page 10 -\ QTRANTk tJ THEATRE U MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA ? Coming Tues. Ot'; 10 JIMMIE SMITH AND HIS WYOMING RANGERS 7 From the Cross Road ~ Follies and featured over Stations WSB and WAGA. Atlanta ?ALSO Frankie Darro In? WANTED BY POLICE Two Complete Shows I Beginning at 7 p. m. '* A Treat For The Whole Family Admission 15 and 25c You'll Never Growl If You Ship By Express | liver without charge with- -J; ust phone the L and N or | ur packages will be hand- ). ibsolute safety. $ RESS AGENCY INC.