U? household questions\jm) Sandwich Filler.?Peanut butter mixed with a little cream is a good filling for white or graham cracker sandwiches for children. * White. Tender Chicken Meat If a chicken is well rubbed inside and out with a cut lemon before being cooked it will make the meat white, juicy and tender. * To lltsten Cooking?When using a double boiler tiie food will cook more quickly if the water in the outer vessel is salted in the proportion of a fourth of a cup of salt to one quart of water. Cap. Scarf, Mittens To Keep Tot Warm Pattern 6504. Any little girl will be overjoyed to find this woolly set in her Christmas stocking. It's done in simple crochet. Pattern 6504 contains direetions for making cap, scarf and mittens in a 4, 6 and 8 year size; materials needed; illustrations of i them and stitches; color schemes, i T > obtain this pattern send 15 cents in coins to The Sewing j Circle, Household Arts Dept., 259 \V ',4th St Npw Vixrlt N V NIGHT COUGHS COLDS Need More Than "Salve" To Quickly Relieve DISTRESS! Before you go to bed rub your throat, chest and back with warminR. soothing Musterole. You get such QUICK relief because Musterole is MORE than "just ( a salve." It's a marvelous stimulating "counter-irritant" which helps break up 1< ?cal congestion and pain due to colds, j Its soothing vapora ease breathing. Used by millions for over 30 years! 3 strengths: Regular, Children's (mild) and Extra Strong, 40*. Hospital Size, $3.00, Habits to Cultivate Cultivate only the habits that you are willing should master you. ^Elbert Hubbard. HEADACHE? Here Is Amazing Relief of Conditions Due to Sluggish Bowels thfuY/XfavriSYLl if ^ thlnk a11 IjUlU 11 yWi0JKl4t? act alike, just try thia ell vegetable laaatlve. j ? muiougn, icinaning, invigoraung. i^cProduMe relief from sick headaches, bilious spells, tifwl iccling when associated with constipation. Without Pick a 2Sc bor of NR from your niUlOUl KISK druggist. Make lite test?then if not delighted, return the box to us. We will refund the purchase sa?af2 Wr*^ Christmas 1939 will ho a caval in his $225,000,000 pack, St. Nick military playthings, 'l'here will b Learning by doing is stressed for gr feature microscopes. . - ? Above: An example of mcclu made in England. Far more popuh trucks, harrows, spreaders, mowers bag will be rubber-shod toys, tcfii show will use 100,000,000 tiros?twi jn - ST* Hi Above: Dolls and doll bouses scaled to life. The /J tot is a model of Netll- /// erlands' Princess Beatrix. Ar Ar yml:^<13 frf jt ^fS&y ft? Jtj?. 'tQvA "" ? * ?IB Y?> - :... ^^Bj&i'W |j^F ^-ijfe ^ vntfift v y**^ ' T^ DECEMBER 7. 1939 eatures Toys I ildren This Year * ifmill/*' . i LMt cade of peace for American kiddies: will carry less than one per cent of e fewer imported toys, too. A hove: - o j a ? uiiviuwh j at'is am inization in toys. a miniature army nr mechanical toys are farm tractors. miff reapers. Biggest item in Santa's ch B. I'\ Goodrich company surveys ice as many as the nation's real autos. ja?|. 'Mplt [. *V>4ui* > ???*' >-'l^ff'^wi-- -o-- v.I Miscellany: Above is an electrically-driven drawbridge, a sample of the new "progressive education* construction toys. j Left: Late bulletins from toy! land come imm tJtic rn/nrv | printing press tvltich is strictly in line icith recent advances Mof the craft, using rubber type and plates for economy. Beloxv: Real-life characters pory._. trayed in dolls. IIoic many can you identify? Hft*, Sv OUR PRESIDENTS Of our Presidents. John Adams lived to the greatest age? 91 years. He was the first President to be inaugurated on March 4, at Philadelphia. The mothers of seven Presidents lived until their sons were inaugurated. These were Mary Ball Washington. Kelly Conway Madison, Eliza Garfield. Nancy Allison McKinley, Hannah Simpson Grant. Jane Knox Polk and Sara Delano Roosevelt. The Adams. Harrison and Roosevelt families have been twice represented in the White House. Made From Spools By KUTH WYETH SPEARS CO MANY readers have asked ^ for more spool ideas after seeing the directions for spool shelves in Sewing Book No. 3. that I know you will love making these amusing toys. The two spools for the doll's arms are strung together with cord. Start with these, then bend the body wire over the center of the cord. Run both ends of the wire through the two body spools, r!lc te >?; i I Pj- oiww { :W\BE tYES / vrr WITH ' V use -/ (crayon . s \ WIRE DRAW rrj < !, 1 UP TIGHTLY AND ?* I TWIST ENDS AROUND TAIL CORD \ then bend the wires and run them through the spools for the legs. Bend in flat loops for the feet. Twist wire around the bonnet spool and fasten to body tightly so the bonnet tips up at the back. Cut a face out of a fashion magazine or draw one and paste it 011 the front of the bonnet sdooI. The dress is of two straight pieces; the bright sash and bonnet ribbons match. One end is cut oft the spool for the dog's head. Bend the wire over the whiskers, then run both ends through the head and neck spools. Run one end through the two leg spools, then both through the body and one through the back spool. Twist together arcund the tail. NOTE: Readers who are now using Sewing Books No. 1, 2 and 3 will be happy to learn that No. 4 is ready for mailing; as well as the 10-cent editions of No. 1, 2 and 3. Mrs. Spears has just made quilt block patterns for three designs selected from her favorite Early American quilts. You may have these patterns FREE with your order for four books. Price of books?10 cents each postpaid. Set of three quilt block patterns without books?10 cents. Send orders to Mrs. Spears, Drawer 10. Bea!ord Hills, New York. CLOTHESPIN Sensational extra help for colds |ai v ?with Luden's! These frmous "S{ cough drops not only help soothe throat, but release a HKjph&g&.. 1 menthol vapor?which, with j every breath, helps penetrate clogged nasal passages, helps ?s\ ; relieve "clothespin nose!" LUDEN'S 5 Monthol Cough Drops Enthusiasm Enthusiasm is grave, inward, self-controlled; mere excitement outward.?Sterling. ?ti >LH iJ ^ I mODERIIIXE Whether you're planning a party gM or remodeling a room you should BB follow the advertisement... to learn HB what's new ... and cheaper . ..and better. And the place to find out OflHB about new things is right here in HH this newspaper. Its columns are N^H filled witn important messages ^^|^whic|Mrou^hould^ea^^egularl^