Calvary?Triumph Through Sacrifice HIGHLIGHTS ON THE SUNDAY SCHOOL. LESSON % By NEWMAN CA.MrilKI.l. (The International Uniform Les ion on the above topic fur Man li 17 is Matthew 2<1 .'>7-27 5?. tin Golden Text being Isaiah ' "He was despised. ami rejected of men; a man of sorrows, anil acquainted with grief ") , AFTER JUDAS" betrayal of 'Jesus in Gethsemane, the Lord iwas bound and taken Brst to Annas, the high priest. Caiaphas' father In-law. There is no ac count in the gospels of what transpired there. Then He was taken to Caiaphas. This man was head of the Sanhedrin. the highest court in Israel, composed of 70 Jewish men. all over 40 years of age. all scholarly in their attainments ar.d of unblemished Lreputatlon. ?mm r#notved that Christ should die. but they made a semblance of trying Him, pro ducing false witnesses, one of whom said Jesus had said. "I am (fable to destroy the temple of God. Hand to build it in three days." a {thing Jesus had not said. The high priest asked Jesus if this were true and He held His peace, so Caiaphas asked Him. "I abjure thee, by the Living God. that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God." Jesus answered, "Thou hast said: nevertheless, I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coding In the clouds of heiv?n."? ? ~ " ? ?' - tiuilty of Death Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, "He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses ? behold, ye have heard His blasphemy" The others answered. "He is f^iilty of death." These men then spit in His face and buffeted Him. the story says, others smiting Him with palms of their han?.s. It was at this time that someone asked Peter if he was not one of Christ's companions and he de nied it. Three times was he asked this question, and thrice did he deny his Lord, and at the third denial the cock crowed as Jesus Jiad said. The next morning they took the Master to Pontius Pilate, the gov ernor. because only he could con demn to death. In the meantime. Judas had repented of his be trayal of his Lord. Ke had not spent the 30 pieces of silver, so he took them to the high priests and offered them back, saying, "I have sinned in that I have be trayed the innocent blood." But they answered. "What is that to us?" and refused to take it. Judas thereupon threw the Ynoney down and went out and hanged himself. The priests did not know what to do with this blood money, and finally used it to buy a "pot ter's field"?a place where the very P0?r could be buried T > t day U?e burial place of t!'.? out cast Is called "potter'* Acid." Pilat* questioned J?*sus. mil at admitted that he could find n?> fault with Hint. At the f? :ist of the passover. It was the cus tom for the governor to release a prisoner. Now there was a pris oner named Barrabas. a criminal, and Pilate asked the people if they wanted Jesus released or Barrahas. for he found Jesus in nocent of any crime, and wanted to release Him. but feared fo an ger the people. They cared?noth ing for Barrabas. and demanded that Jesus be cruciflcd. Pilate's Wife Has Dream ' Pilate's wife sent word to him that he should have nothing to do with condemning Jesus, as He was righteous, as she had been yagggj ? Hrwm But even with this warning. Pilate had not the courage to release Him. All he did was to publicly wash his hands to signify that he would have nothing to do with the death o^this innocent person. "I am In nocent of the blood of this Just person, see to It." he said. And the multitude roared. "His blood be on us. and on our children." m So Jesus was led away and beaten. The soldiers of the gov ernor took His clothes away and mockingly dressed Him in a scar let robe, platted a crown of thorns which they put on His head, and a reed In His right hand; bowing before Him in de rision. they cried. "Hail. King of the Jews." and they beat Him and otherwise abused our Lord. Taking away the scarlet robe, they gave Him His own clothcs and led Him away to be cruci fted. Il is almost more than we can bear to think of these last hours of Jesus, the cruelty which He bore patiently for our sakes, the a?;ony of that dreadful death which He suffered as a man His disciples all had forsaken Him; when He asked for water they gave Him vinegar mingled with gall. Over His head on the cross was nailed the legend. "This is Jesus the King of the Jews,'* in mockery, of course. They taunted H;m for not saving Himself, but after His death, wheh the earth grew dark and there was an earthquake, they became afraid and ran away, for they thought "Truly this was the Son of God." None of the apostles seems to have been present at the cruci fixion. but Jesus' mother. Mary Magdalen and Mary, mother of James and Joseph, were there, grieving, and they were the first at the tomb in the morning, for the evening after Jesus' death a rich man. named Joseph, took the body, wrapped it in clean linen, and put it in his own newly-made tomb, rolling a rock against the opening. Distributed by Kine Feature? Syndicate, Inc. IT PAYS TO ADVERTISE Look, Mr. Lewis!?It's Milk John L. Letris, CIO chieftain, should get quite a.kick out of this allowing Vice Praaldant John Nance Garner drinking a glass of ??. yw, milk, while he daintily holds a piece of cake in his other hand. Not Ion? ago Mr. Lewis referred to Garner at a "whiskey drinking old man. Tbe Vice President is pictured at party given S?nator Burton K. Wheeler ? Montana on hi* 68th birthday, in Washington. MARRIOGE MONEY . . . much." A n <1 all the while, Leona had Urn watihlt^l her hands over and over ami I intern rig. A IhitomiiMl dollar*! If the hwt j| t T ? * Ihou^M-tl I*.aw iv ?t. she r? ;I?t t a k ?? u cha* s?:al m.r.y him And 1'ike n?!? ??? aw. f?;2\v a ? '?u* M it to u?*t tti ? r- I l . ?*au*e the M h u v ? i Iv* th?M'-aM?i tufk? i w.i, u- t\. .? ??:' ,(>.?. or lint l\ke must d t ever kmw that slu* had it. because thru lit M wait to know uhere nln? pot it. And much as I* i k e needed money, he wouldn't stand for h?*r get lint; it thut way. i'tkc ?rot awful mad if you did things he didn't like. Hut if he didn't know anything about it. he couldn't gel sore a'jou! it. could he? She could tell htm she had to work that night, and he wouldn't know. She could he sure he had money for his dinner. So si* played with Un :dca while she dried her hands and went back to her desk. Mr. Burgess was the lawyer's name. His office was on the floor above. She'd have to be careful not to let on how she'd heard about it, if she went after the job. Stenographers aren't sup posed to talk like that. Well, she could go in when that girl was out at lunch, and say she was willing to a<*t as cofespondent in divorce ??as< s. And if she was going to do it. she'd letter do it right away, before Mr. Burgess found out that other lawyers only paid two hun d i ed dollars for corespondents. I'lo tie Continued) f'opirrirht, IV}.'. b? Jane Littell DiMrituitrti to Km* Feature* Syndicate. T ne. Defies Census Republican Daniel A. Reed, New York representative, declares he; will risk jail rather than answer' "snooping" questions by census j .takers. He objects particularly toj ?.proposed questions on value off property, mortgages, interest ratej and other queries on income, and 'declares he is confident parts of the census are unconstitutional.! Household Hint Melt fat in cake pars in oven for greasing them. Use a brush or soft paper for spreading melted fat. 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