Puzzled Him Housewife?I don't suppose you know what Kood, honest work is! Tramp?No, lady, what good is 't? Chickens are funny creatures. They are the only ones we can eat before they are born. Missed Most "JVj, IVe moi-eH out into the coun try. It certainly hits it% inconveniences." "II hat do you mi.? moji?" "(Tic last train home at night." HERE BELOW "Darling, you've made me the happiest man on earth!" "Only on earth? The last man I was engaged to said he was in bis seventh heaven." Ways and Means Alford?I certainly have been pinched for money lately. Tubby?What a strange way of getting it. My wife liisses me when she wants money. Blackman's Uck-A-Brlk Blackmail's Hog Powder Blackman's Stock Powder Blackman's Poultry Powder Blackman's Poultry Tablets Blackman's llct Powder Blackman's Dip A Disinfectant HIGHEST QUALITY?LOWEST COST SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK BUY FBOM YOUR DEALER Calm in Danger True courage is cool and calm. The bravest men have the least bullying insolence, and in the time of danger are found the most se rene and free.?Shaftesbury. For Only 10/Now Less than a dose Lesson of Value If you would know the value of money, go and try to borrow some. ?Franklin. USE THE OUTSTANDING BLADE VALUE Truth Driven Out In excessive altercation, truth is lost.?Syrus. VIGILANCE COMMITTEE ADVERTISING is a great vigi lance committee, established and maintained in your inter est, to see that the men who aspire to sell to you will always be worthy of your trade. I OS ANGELES. ? What happens to our star football pros after the last kick-off? How do they man age to kill time between December and rcxt August when they put on the old harness again? You might be surprised. On my way to Texas for the Cot ton Bowl game I spent two days with a pair of fair country football players from Tex as. They were Sam my Baugh and Dick Todd of the Wash ington Redskins, who had just left the all-star battle against the deva stating Chicago Bears. "Well," I said to Baugh, one of the great forward pass Grantland Rice ers and also one ol the great kickers of all time, "nothing to do now until next August." "No," he said, with the old Texas half-drawl, "nothing to do but han dle my 800-acre cattle ranch and see those cattle get plenty to eat. I know an 800-acre ranch isn't so much in Texas, but I hope to add another 800-acre patch this winter and give my cattle plenty to eat. That'll keep me busier than chuck ing a few passes, even against those Bears." "What was your college weight?' I asked Baugh, who is 6 feet 2. "One-eighty-two pounds," Sammy Sa'd , ? ux "What was your reporting weight in August and what did you finish with?" I asked. Silent Sam "One-eighty-two pounds," Sam answered. Sam is strictly on the la conic side. He says what he has to say in the fewest possible words, which is one of the greatest of all human virtues. "Where are you headed for, Dick?" I asked 168-pound Dick Todd, one of the best of the running backs. "Just a tittle ranch outside of Sweetwater and a few head of cattle. Gee, I'm glad to get back. That home on the range looks good to me." About Sweetwater Both Baugh and Todd got oft at Sweetwater. This, also, is where Lew Jenkins lives. There must be something in the Sweetwater air that breeds athletes. I asked Dick Todd what he thought of Jenkins. "Lew's a much better flghter than tic looks to be," Todd said. "You see he came up the hard way and I guess that's the best way, if you are trying to get somewhere. I don't want any part of the flght game my self, but this pro game is no easy way either. "Early in the season I took a pass from Sammy here (meaning Baugh) and just as I straightened out of a half-spin Falaschi hit me. All he did was to drive part of my intes tines back against my spine and I had to live on milk for two weeks till I got straightened out. Don't let anybody tell you they don't hit you in this pro game. Both Sammy and X ought to know." I asked Baugh about better pro tection for the passer, after he has gotten the ball away. "That's where the damage comes," Sam said. "I've had to take plenty. I think the officials might keep an eye on what happens after the pass is thrown. I don't mind being knocked down so much, but I don't like fists in my face." Who does? I can't remember ever seeing an official watch the passer after the ball was thrown down the field. They all watch the ball. I've seen plenty myself that should have been called double-roughness?which never was called. Or was even seen. About Danny Fortman Sitting on the bench you look at Danny Fortman, the star guard of the Chicago Bears. Danny in his harness is a burly looking individual who doesn't seem to be headed anywhere in particu lar?off the football field. But Danny graduated at the head of his school at the age of 16. He graduated from Colgate at the age of 20 summa cum laude. He was a brilliant student. He is vsing pro football to get his medical degree and there is cer tainly no student in the Ivy league who has more ability or greater am bition. . , .... He is one of the great football guards of his era?smart, keen, ag gressive, alert, and physically pow erful. He Is an exceptional medical student who is almost certain to go a long way in his profession RIoomin Parrot Was Passing Its Ia>ssoh On Bert had s pen*, hours trying to teach his parrot to say "Hello, Uncle," reaily for the visit of his wealthy relative. Uncle came?the parrot was dumb. Bert seized the bird by the throat. "Say 'Hello, Uncle.' or I'll wring your bloomin' neck," he roared. And when silence continued he twisted the biri's neck and threw it into the (owl pen. Queer squawks drew him to the fowl pen next morning On the ground were three dead hens. The parrot had a fourth by the neck, shaking him and shouting: "Say, ?Hello, Uncle,' or I'll wring your bloomin' neck." QUINTUPLETS CATCH COLD At the first siku of a chest cold?the Quintuplets' throats and chests are nibbed with Children's Mild Musterole ?a product made to promptly relieve the DISTRESS of children s colds and resulting bronchial and croupy coughs. Relief usually comes quickly because Musterole is MORE than an ordinary "salve." It helps break up local con gestion. As Musterole is used on tho Quints you may be sure you are using just about the BEST product made. Also in Regular and Extra Strength for those preferring a stronger product. Work Lives On Man's actions here are of defi nite moment to him and never die or end at all; man with his little life, reaches upwards high as heaven, downward low as hell, and in his three score years of time holds an eternity fearfully and wonderfully hidden. DON'T BE BOSSED BY YOUR LAXATIVE-RELIEVE CONSTIPATION THIS MODERN WAY ? When you feel sassy? headachy, logy due to clogged-up bowels, do as million* do?take Feen-A-Mint at bedtime. Next morning ? thorough, comfortable relief, helping you start the day full of your sormal en*rrv and pep, feeling like a xnillionl Feen-A-Mint doesn't disturb your nighf s rest or interfere with work the next day. TVy Feen-A-Mint, the chewing gum laxative, your sel f. It tastes good, if ? handy and economical... a family supply FEEN-A-MINT To* Our Merit There is scarce any man who cannot persuade himself of his own merit. Has he common sense, he prefers it to genius; has he some diminutive virtues, he pre fers them to great talents.?Sew all. MERCHANTS ?Your Advertising Dollar buys something more than space and circulation in the columns oi this news paper. It buys space and circulation plus the favor able consideration of our readers for this newspaper and its advertising patrons. LET US TELL TOU MORE ABOUT IT IMPROVED UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL s UNDAY CHOOL L esson By HAROLD L. LUN!>QUIST. D. D. Dran of Yhf Moody llible Institute of Chicago. (Released by Western Newspaper Union.) Lesson for January 26 Lesson sublerts and SiMpturp texts sr lectrd ?nd copyrighted by International Council of Hclitiioua tdui-jtlon; used by permission. CHRIST'S CONCERN FOR TIIK LOST LESSON TF.XT?Luke 15:1-10. GOLDEN TEXT?The Son of man Is come to seek and to save that which was lost Luke IS:10. Lost! What fear and disquietude grips our hearts when we hear that word! A little boy strays away into the forest, and the whole country side gives up its work to go and seek him. An airship fails to reach its destination, and hundreds of ships go to seek after it, while an entire nation waits in suspense. A ship is lost at sea, and the whole world grieves. But listen! It is only when ap plied to the spiritual life that the word "lost" finds its real depth of meaning. To be "without God in the world" (Eph. 2:12) and without hope?that is to really be lost. Yet parents who would not rest a mo ment while their child was physical ly lost go on without concern over his spiritual condition. Our Lord had no such unconcern. He was deeply moved over the lost condition of men; He came "to seek and to save that which was lost." The two parables of our lesson teach us three truths. I. Lost and Lamented (vv. 1-4, 8). The publicans and sinners recog nized their need of a Saviour and He, knowing their lost condition, re ceived them, much to the disgust of the Tharisccs and scriben who felt no need to be saved. They have their descendants in our churches today. The good shepherd cannot rest while one of the sheep is lost. Though "there were ninety and nine that safely lay in the shelter of the fold," he sought the lost one. His grief-stricken heart compelled him to go out into the night to And him. One wonders how we who profess to follow Christ, the Good Shepherd, can be so complacent about the lost, j What if we do have the ninety and nine in church?where is the lost one? Even if we do have a large Sunday School class?where are the l boys and girls who are lost? Do j our hearts grievo over them? If so, i we will go and seek them. We who j would quickly join the woman in I seeking for her coin?will we join I uie Saviour in seeking the lost? II. Sought by Sacrifice (vv. 4, 8). The woman laid aside her usual duties and the pleasures of life to | seek her coin. The shepherd left the warmth, the comfort, and the ? .rest which he had earned to go cut ! ?nto the wilderness to seek his 'sheep. "But none of the ransomed ever knew How deep were the waters crossed; Nor how dark was the night that the Lord passed through Ere He found His sheep that was lost." Soul-winning calls for sacrifice. If the love of Christ constrains us, we will do it gladly, but if the self seeking, comfort-loving spirit of this age controls our lives, we will al ways find some excuse (not a rea son, but an excuse). III. Restored With Rejoicing (vv. 5-7, 9, 10). The lost coin back in the owner's hand brought joy to her and her neighbors. The shepherd calls in friends and neighbors to rejoice over the restored sheep. How intensely human that is, and how altogether appropriate. The great truth, however, is found in verses 7 and 10, where we learn that the repentance of one sinner sets even the bells of heaven ringing as the angels of God rejoice. Our lesson will not be complete unless we consider the rest of the chapter?the parable of the prodigal son. In its main points it is like the other two parables, but there is this vital difference?the shepherd sought his sheep, the woman searched for her coin?the father did not seek the son; the son sought the father. Some prodigal, far from the house of his heavenly Father, may read these lines and say, "I wish some one would seek me out and bring me to God." But, my friend, you need not wait for anyone. Do as the prodigal did?"arise and go" to God. He is waiting for you; His love has never faltered; He wants you to come now. Make His heart rejoice, and set the choirs of heaven singing, by coming to Him by faith?just now. THE CHEERFUL CHERUB BABY CHICKS -Jlsk Me Another A General Quiz Tflt 1. In what country is the stone a unit of weight? 2. How many Presidents of the United States have been elected by the house of representatives? 3. Friday is named after what goddess? 4. How long is the Grand Can yon of the Colorado river? 5. Who was the first to hit upon the theory that the earth moves around the sun? The Answers 1. Great Britain. The legal Eng lish stone is 14 pounds. 2. Two (Thomas Jefferson and John Quincy Adams). I 3. The Norse goddess Frigg, ! wife of Odin and goddess of the ! sky. 4. It is 280 miles long. 5. Aristarchus. INDIGESTION may affect the Heart Ou trapped in >5a atomach or ?ullet may act Ilk* ? hair-trigger on the heart. At th* f\r*t sign or dtitrflM itmart men and women depend on Hell ana Tableta to ??l cat free No laxattre but made or tfae fatteat actiag medicine* known for acid lndlieitlon. If the KIBMT DOSE doesn't prove llell-am better. return bottle to ua and recelre DOv'ULB Mqdcj Back, ^e. To Have Lived Kappy he, who secure within <-an say. Tomorrow, do thy worst, for I have lived today.?Dryden. Go Forth Fearless Go forth to meet the shadowy Future without fear and with a 1 manly heart.?Longfellow. WNU?7 4?41 Present Is Uurs Wisely improve the Present, it is thine.?Longfellow. Help Them Clcanso the Blood of Harmful Body Wast? Your kidneys aro constantly filtering *Mt? matter from the blood stream. But kidneys sometime? lag in their work?do not act aa Nature intended?fail to re move impurities that, if retained, may poison the system and upset the whole body machinery. Symptoms may b? nagging backache, persistent headache, attacks of dizzinaaa, getting up nights, aw#lling, pufflneae under the eye??a feeling of nervous anxiety and loss of pep and strength. Other signs of kidney or bladder dis order are sometime* burning, scanty or too frequent urination. There should be no doubt that prompt treatment is wiser than neglect. Uae Doan't Pilln. Doan'% have been winning new frienda for more than forty years. They hsve a nation-wide reputstion. Ara recommended by grsteful people tba country over. A*k your ntigkbm!

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