Price Again Heads Jefferson Standard; Company Declares Dividend: Pavs Rnniis Grtensboro. 'Special! ? Present prosperity of our country is largely ?!u;. to the tremendous sums of money being spent by our govern ment on defense measures." reports Julian Price, re-elected president of ?he Jefferson Standard Life Insur ance Company. In his annual statement to stock holders here yesterday. President i Price admonished that "while we can reasonably expect prosperity in this . ounty for the next few years whether the war continues or whet her it comes to am early end. we must prepare for the future by con tinuing to build on a safe, sound and i onservative basis." The stockholders' and directors' meetings were held yesterday on the 14th floor of the Home Office build ing with Col. William A. Blair of Winston-Salem acting as chairman for the re-election of all officers and directors. The only change made In j the official staff was the naming of Dr. W. M. Jones, assistant medical director, to the full directorship In uccession to the Iste Dr. J. T. J. Battle, who died September 29. 1940. In addition to the declaration of the regular dividend of 75 cents a .share on stock (payable January 31 id stuckiiuiuers of rccoru on January 27i. the directors, following last ??car's procedure, declared a five per cent bonus on the earnings of all home office and branch office em ployes. Million A Week Prom the standpoint of earnings and progress," Mr. Price started in his annual report, "the year 1940 has been' as satisfactory as the year i 939, when we experienced an out standing year." One evidence of thart is the $51,000,000 worth of new life insurance sales made during the year, *n average of almost $1.000.000 a week, with a mortality ration de scribed as "very satisfactory." "During 1940," Mr. Price further reviewed, "our assets increased $7, 264.000 and now stand at $94,764, 807. The unassigned surplus and contingency funds Increased to $4, 730.000, making a total of $6,730,000 in the capital, unassigned surplus and contingency funds." The Jefferson Standard continued to maintain its leadership in the in terest earning field among life in surance companies by earning 5.11 per cent on invested assets during the year. During the year just ended the company paid policy-holders and beneficiaries a total of $6,700,000, bringing to more than $118,000.000 the total amount paid out by the company in policy benefits since its organization in 1907. The opening of a new branch of fice in Phoenix, Ariz., completed the company's system of branches from the Atlantic to the Pacfic. Branches have been maintained in California during the past 10 years. The onl7 offices opened during the year were in Casper, Wyo., and Phoenix. Ari zona, which gives the Jefferson Standard 47 branches and 1,000 agents in 26 states, the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Officers Re-Elected The re-elected officers are Mr. Price, president; C. Elmer Leak, vice president; Julius C. Smith, vice president and general consuel; Jo seph M. Bryan, vice president; Ho ward Holderness, vice president; Kalph C. Price, vice president; H. P. Leak, secretary; L. M. Johnson, treasurer; Ralph B. Coit, actuary; and D. E. Buckner. associate actu ary. The board of directors includes Julian Price. Emry C. Green. Ho ward Holderness. C. Elmer Leak Ralph C. Price. Pierce C. Rucker, Julius C. Smith. Joseph M. Bryan and Cherries W. Causey, all of Greensboro; A. G. Myers of Gas tonia; Selby Anderson, of Wilson: w A. Blair of Winston-Salem; W. L Brooks of Charlotte: Shepard Bryan, of Atlanta, Qa.. and W. G. Clark. Sr., of Tarboro Motorist Kenneth Carson of Buf falo believes in complying with ths letter of the law. He stopped sr jour ney to report to police at Medina. N. ?hnt. he h?.d rim dr-:n and killed a rauoa. JULIAN PRICE Martins Creek News The Rev. James Truett preached an Interesting sermon at the Glade church Sunday. He used as his text. "Who's going to stand in the day of wrath?" Mr. and Mrs. Tony Ballew were the week end guests of Mrs. Ballew's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Ashe. Mr. and Mrs. Winston McDonald have been visiting Mr. and Mrs B&rnet McDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Pred Blair and son of Lenior City and Mrs. Margaret Carringer spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cunningham at Brasstown. Nelle Phillips spent Thursday night with Ha t tie Frankum. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Blair and son. Mr. and Mrs. Dallas Ore. Mr. and Mrs. Tommie Phillips and children. Mrs. Margaret Carringer. Mr. and Mrs. Willie Phillips and children, Miss Maude Carringer were the din- | ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Josie j Phillips Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hall and j children. Thelma and Jerry, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. I. Hall last Sunday ! Wilma Arrant spent Sunday night ! with Miss Dorothy Ingram. Mrs. Ben Mann visited Mrs. Josie Phillips Sunday night. Mrs. Clifford Hall and Mrs. Frank Ingram visited Mrs. Benn Mann and family last Wednesday night. Ruby Cornwell has been confined to her bed for several days with the flu. Violet Buchanan spent Sunda? afternoon with Louise Mann. Tommie and Herbert Hall visited Frank Ingram Jr.. one night last week. Hlllard Phillips spent two nights last week with Odeen Stiles. Edward Mann spent Saturday night with Charlie Hedden. Mrs. Garland Frankum from Georgia spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Buchanan. Hattle Frankum spent Monday night with Nelle Phillips. Devero Rogers of Peachtree visited his daughter, Mrs. Tommie Phillips last Sunday. Miss Cleo Stiles and Dot Ingram visited Mr. and Mrs. Dillard Stiles last Sunday. Mrs. Carringer and Maud spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs Jake Stiles. o Claud Taylor of Pittsburgh dis located his shoulder in a fall. A police patrol, rushing him to a hos pital, struck a hole in the road way. bounced Taylor against the car top. and his shoulder was snap ped back into place. o Although he never worked for the city. Bob Skinner of Nashville. Tenn., was recently voted a pension by the city fathers for his years of unof ficial service as office-boy In the municipal building. o Herbert Cottle of Providence. R. I? reported to police that three bicycles had been stolen f'Cii mm. "When were they stolen?" asked the lieuten ant. "About 15 years ago." replied Cottle. Hiwassee Dam News P T. A NEWS The Parent-Teachers association will have a Founders Day Procram Thursday evening. February 20. Miss Tolbcrt. who has charge of the pro n. will present many interesting j numbers, among which will be a skit , on "Schools of Yesterday and To day" enacted by Miss Kccnum's fifth grade girls. Mi. H. Bueck. superintendent of 1 the Murphy schools, will make the ( principal address for the evening, speaking in benalf of a litgh school? for Hiwassee Dam. Mr. Lloyd, sup- | crintendent of the county schools | will also be present for the meeting i Tlie public is invited to attend | Refreshments will be served after j the meeting. The P. T. A. will sponsor skating 1 on Sat-.irday from 1 o'clock to 5 and on Sunday. The admission will be 5 and 10 cents. Clod drinks will oe on sale. Proceeds will be used to paint the class rooms. BASKET BALL Hiwassee Dam school girls played the newly organized basketball team composed of the Village women and won by a score of 12 to 2. The school boys also played the men.* newly organized team and were defeated with a score of 20 to 7. The two teams were under the direction of Miss Tolb^rt first grwrtp teacher. CLUB NEWS The bridge club met with Mrs. Eugene Curtis Tuesday afternoon. Nine members were present. Mrs. Allen won high score and Mrs. Bell the Bingo prize. The hostess served refreshments. Mrs. O'Dell entertained with a tea Tuesday afternoon complimenting members of the faculty of the Pres byterian Orphanage. She was as sisted in serving by Mrs. Snedicor. Those present were Mr. and Mrs Brawnley. Mrs. Stevenson. Mrs. Wolf. Mrs. Tubbs, Mrs. Kitchen. Miss Git son. Mrs. Snedicor. Mrs. Curtis and Mrs. Gschwind. The Sunday school at Ihe Dani i had been invited to services at their j chapel at Farner last Sunday, but : due to th ? me.isle epidemic it wars postponed until later. The Sunday school will send an offering to them 1 for foreign missions. TIil- Womans Club is planning a Valentine party for Thursday. Feb ruary 13. Bridge. Chinese checkers and rummie will be played. Admis sion will be 25c. Proceeds will be used to buy at new net for the tennis court. A surprise shower was given for Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Raley last Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. E. Curtis. Sixteen were present. Contest winners were Mrs. Snedicor. Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Bell. Mrs. Byrd. Mrs. Cordes, Mrs. Pitts. Mrs. Gregg and Mrs. Curtis were hostesses. CLINIC Miss Neal, county nurse, will hold the next clinic day on March 3. Both prenatal cases and well pre-school children from 6 months to 5 years old are invited. Hours are from 1 to 4 p. m. Dr. Young is expecting to at tend and both he and Miss Neal will examine the patients. All examinat ions are free The Womans Club and the P. T. A. are striving to make this clinic a success. Mrs. Cordes and Mrs. Oschwind are daily visiting the school check ing children for measles. Several homes are quarantined. All carses have been reported to the health de partment. C C C NEWS Twenty eight CCC veterans moved to the Dam Tuesday morning. For ester Burges is the Junior foreman of the personnel department in charge. After several plans are set tled. Mr. Smith will be the Junior foreman In charge. These men plan to tear down the old buildings and landscape the vil lage. Mr. Burges will be in charge of the Persimmon Creek Dam which they will start building in the near i future. The road is now under con struction. PARTY Mrs. Oschwind entertained her daughter. Constance Lea. with a birthday party Friday evening The children played bunco. Donna Jran Wood won first prUe. David Qsch win won second and booby pri i went to Patty Corde-v Those present were t'aujr Cord Barbara Curtis, Francis. Floise and Junior Dockery. Donna Jian Wood. LaFay and Edith Wood. Jchn A. Gilbert. Eugene Curtis Carole Webb. Joe Dell. Janice Lou amd Buddy Oakes. Constance. Theo dore and Drvid Gschwlnd Mrs. Gschwind assisted by Mi Woods served cake and punch to those present. PERSONALS Mr. Sncdicore returned to his home here Tuesday alter spen img i two weeks in the hospital at Duck town with flu. Mr. O'Dell is on annual leave un til April 1st., after wl.lch he will be transferred to Lentor City He and j Mrs. O'Dell plan to stay here until , then. Mr Wallen. Mr Sheaffer. Mr C. C. Hoover of Pittsburg and Mr Berry of Atlanta. Westinghouse en gineers, are here making tests on the units which were installed last year. Mr. Fagley. Mr Beatle and Mr. Farrell, T. V. A. engineers from Pickwick, arc here this week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Webb and daughter, Carole, spent last week end in Knoxville. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Wood and family have invited Mrs. Gscliwlnd and family to spend the week end visiting friends and relatives in Young Harris. Capt. Carter of the U. S. Army and Supt. Deitz were out Tuesday to inspect the new CCC quarters. Officer James Bogle has returned to work after a few days visit in Chattanooga. Officer and Mrs Kin*: Walker are visiting in Kn^xille with Mr Walk er'?: parents Office William* i>a.s been trimx !?.. ? <1 ; Wi! ' ti Dan. M rid Mi'* W:? son mil) ?tan . ill a: her home Mrs M&. Hamby who ha bvin ill with measles is expected back in her cla*. rc :n 'K>n 9 Miss Tollxrt was called to Bryson City last Thursday due to the ill ness ol her aister. She returned Sun day evening. Unaka School Newt Per foe l att< ndance for filth month: First Grade- Ella Paye Barrnes. Annie Bates. Ruby Brannon. Emjlec | Davis. Wayne Murphy. Second grade Marcella Thompson. Third grade - Edna Murphy. Dorothy Jean Ev ans. Howard White. Fourth grade Billy Crowe. Eva Jean Brannon. Fifth grade Nola Davis, Lucile Thompson. Mary Lou Odom Sixth grade?Geneva Radford Honor Roll for fifth month. First grade Ella Faye Barnes. Annie Bates. Ruby Brannon. E?ni!er Davis, Wayne Murphy Third grade ?Edna Murphy. Howard White Fourth grade- Eva Jean Brannon Wade Mainer and his Sons of the Mountaineers from WWNC. Ashe ville. gave a program Wednesday night at Unaka. sponsored by the school A large crowd was present I 0 I George Edwards, a farmer of Mat toon. Ill . declares he found a rabbit . living in a large turnip from which the ccnter had been eaten out. TfiUCHS Come in an