Official {ft?an of Ifurjmy tod Cber okee County. North Carobna. Pt oLiSHeii HTUr rni Altered in -.n* Poet Off:e? it Mur pby. North Carolina as second ciaat natter under Act of Marcn 3. 1897. Victor C. Olm.>t*d Publisher C. K Duiel BuOneu MXT. HftdlfT Williamson Editor Barbara Mrronry .... Serial Editor SUBSCRIPTION PRICE One Year ?140 Six Months . TSc Payable Smelly In Advance .. Legal Advertisements, want ads. reading no'.ic-;, obituaries. cards of thar.k etc 5c i:r. ? each insertion, payable :n advar. :p Display turn i ?rud on r-<c ueet. Obiiitry nouc*: . '-ards of -i.anlts. tributes of reapect by individuals, lodge-., .'lurches organizations or societies ?111 be regarded as adver tising and lai'rted at regular classi fied advertising rat-- Such notices will :k marked ' :?dv " r. compliance Where's Cur Share? ~ M : . ??-: v.. t. * turn mnU h*d to work 24 ixmrt a i i rnanci lor coito."'A pie aii-tur.t: re cord tosh .1. num . >nd '.alue o! hard money w? >*:. ?itn 1 478 - Ms v. mp*re4 with the p:' U? - ! Tift 74j m..v ' .a Pot :m; m . .... .-a .smaller *. plentiful . . rr. " : . Of lir.f ' rr ? jutp.jr * ii ew coin.-, * n ? de: drive Officiary Mi Rosi attributes it to .ncrea.sed volume of retail business. new taxes increase m State sales taxes and the increasing use of -.lot macr.ine de vices." The stream of jitneys pour ing into juke-toxas seems to be baclc vaahine clear to the U. 5 Mints As to gains in retail trade, ali re ports admit that they have been pretty much centered in industrial area-; where the bullc of the defense drive spending was going Now how- i ever, it is predicted that the situation will begin to level out. is the flo* of money spreads. This means that our own section soon is to share in the defense-bom propsterity. It is devoutly to be hoped thit this happy forecast comes true. We've been wondering, for some time, where our shajre might be And we sure could use it! Texas Longhom Turns Into A Tarheel Mr and Mrs. Roy M Ruffner, have come to Murphy from Dallars, Texas to visit Mrs. Ruffaer's mot her. Mrs Mattie Taylor and have found the mountains so delightful that they intend to stay here. Mr. Ruffner describes his reactions to the mountains in a letter to the .Scout, as follows: Dear Sir:?Por many years I have j wondered what the mountains of i North Carolina looked like: how it I would se?m to move from the plains to the Land of the Sky. Of course we have mountains in the Western part of Texas; but they are more the barren tvoe:?mostly sreat piles of rock with crabby timber ant! very' little vegetation. There also ar<: great i plains, where you can loo'.: as far as the eye ran reach, with your v.ew obstructed by an occasional ranch hous . oiu-buildings and a few trees set out bv the rar.cher In the Eastern part of Texas you find pin" forests, great oaks, and trees of mar.y other fchrls. with saw-mills every few miles. Also there arc ranr'-es of from i in-jr bund rrl t/i thou; nds of acres, roamed by white-fa -o cattle On .rp rxturi'ri over the entire State, producing the "black itold" 'ha', sometimes turns poor people into mlllionaries and some times changes millionaires into poor people. But I started out to talk about ? Korth Cm.-j.m* Of counc .n the fe m lay* Z h*v? 3?ea ."^rt I can .?-arce;y t*?in to ?pprec.ate the of tnis country It is itrante to T-.?r to x-r u>: . x.njw from the I ?idr? of hill? nulilM ??jmh. n* doirr. . o i??r ?irea:n? 'hat ?-?-ai 'x> tx ? .-a* * num '.o . e it . u* s?a I ?.?.and ioo-. and marve. Z ?1 -r. i". have to p.r. : .T.yi*;f to vk :! i IB iAjUf T.-.ey tei: me the mountains ?re . .Xv-r? b-aititu: .n ihe Spring A . Z -in Spr:-..' you rot'.a ho* 31?' Z don know no? your fialung is o- :_?><? Z ..a-.e r.;t >< go-ten my ..c?-r.-. We may fjii .r. T*xas w.thout x license it at dc not use Jures. H ' - ver Z oel.e'.e :t ae great v r. tr.t streams -??tr. Z ii not <et a strike? ' .??:? me the fishing ^ good. Z ...e so. ? a.-- Z .ntend . .rens? ar.J nr.d out fo; my . I .t. . ng ?. ?et a r.untmg lice: :.*ot that Z air. ... J great f ..-.mar. .nter bu" Z 1-iC-r ' t .' Z >'? :p. .- .e. Z !.nd the:, -i? r? V, ,, j . .rft* "?*." ?ri?a: ... -mile :-ardv *o ? . *he.r mountain ?>nd:*.r. - :. Ar ... tli o * I 1:1-:' v..v I not ...iv any - fm n't ? cDmethm? ?oo** o- au.v- :f he do sen * A? arc* HnSy a? ^ :n Texa . t. .r. 15, and am mlyhty proua of :i State--out f:om now on is goins to be in North ..r.a And you car. coir:t o . t.i; ?ir. - teady bo-.ter too: wu; acrtpt me us one L-se I totem jo '.>? Tarheel." Roy M Rjfin..-: formerly Dalia T :: NOBODYS BUSINESS BY GEE McCHEE SUNDRY NEWS ITEMS FROM FLAT ROCK i ?mr. holsum moore says he is pat riotic and all that and that he is ! anxious to help the alleys as much as possible, but he thinks his wife went about 1 pair o 1 britches and a suit of underwear too far last week when she was gathering up "bund les for brittamhe do not know how | m the world he will make out thru the balance of the winter, he hap pened to be in bed with the flu when mrs. moore was gathering up things 1 to be sent acrost, and that's why he ' i lost certain garments. ?the opperation which dr. hubbert green performed on one of his pati- j ents was not a suckess. but he said it was not his fault, the said patient had waited too long and had been : taking all manner of pat tent medi sons much to the injury of her inn ards?befoar he went inside, of coarse she mought recover, she was i took to the hos-spittle after the first set-back and she is getting along smoothly at present., her husband will not pay for his mistake, they are saying that dr. green opperated for the wrong thing. ?the german nastis and the it-lay an fastists did not like pres. rosey velt's recent speech, they don't won't him to help brittiam. hitler mought make a talk hisself shortly and con demn it outright to his followers, mussy-lena has alreddy spoke his mind, that if. what part of it is left, if annv. he says that he reddy to fight the u. s. anny time, thart is 1 too Ivad imagine the it-layan i fleet steaming up to new york bay ?nd rttackin? u". we hope it won't I come to that, but we don't know ' piny other way that ill ducey can I strike back, he's powerful mad at the li. s. and grease. I - ? ' ?mr of! rti tor plea*?- print i piece ] 1 about the draft and tell us how j long it will befoar the rest of the V;: '?nm fl-* 10C'< I? C?IleJ nr. art square's son. 1. c. square, wants to put in a crop and ask for govern ment aid. but as he is a draftee, he Is afeared that about the time he eets his cotton chopped out. uncle i sam will call him and he will lose all of his work, plus the parrity. if i the Kovvernment will send his check ! befoar he pitches his crop, he says , he will fe?l better over i?, rite or j foam YOl' CAN COtTNT Mr Ol'T: I DOVT LIKE THE GOVERNMENT LEADER* re are a f** d-*zer. pee\?d ennat >r? ar.d .n "he upper and lower ncu--'- :n wisruug tor.. <1 c they cm : ?et over ;he ?lec*tior. nothing tha: the preaer.: add-mtnui' ration doe suit?, them and they are igin :t befoar 'he question came* befaar them wi did not think big men would be thai little but such is the c?se ?o far as -orae of them is concerned the only emergency that face.s us no* is: the dimmercrats are in power ail other things such as wars and roomers of wars is incidenti!, these are the words of rev will wane ?a .T. ? rment :?> :. w on if}-. :r. flat :o d? something for "r.e - *~.ri -. - and con.-ressman mear. .nu those that have chips on their ;!' ? ,.ad - jn: ? axis ' i.:nd are a ting childish mr hoi m m :e is ra: :n? a fui. 1 :o buy ' .en ? rr.--' t v?:- play sr. ..r.d . ,r:- .v:-e plamr.:r.g to ?end . rr. Mme ill day seekers so's they v.i!i . be too btzzy to pay anny at- r.'ion t ??-..a- .? nn.' -.r. he they wi: ... thing to do b it ? t and ? ir.: -quatt -avs. Clf : ?lili . rirt 1 t ri SO - .... i : their. id new dealiers rv.) them th :. way m :vver w... -ni.-tit down their little hair and pet their I:"."!- bald-heads old donkey is a rr.frar. old donkey and -hould not treat our little mens ;o >3d mr i -veil is acting bow sky-w wskv he ought to ask permission of the ' . ing senna tors and congressmen ?that have been rubbed the wiottga wa:- befoar he fcr:nzi any be f ar them lookout mr. del'.ann r're fcoogv mar. will jet you." mrs. squire i i, ?o motherly?well. folk.s will be like that when you put little mer. in : big places they will still be little men. if ycu refuse to play their way they won't play a-tall. but mebbe the u. s I will move right on and the defense j program will continue to function , without the help of the offended fel lers. it ia too bad the way they are taking it. they won't even stand up and receive it. mr. slim chance says when he in a kid in school, he found boys just like those "hurted" politicians. yours truhe. mike lark. rfd. carry spondent. VENGEANCE CREEK Mr. and Mrs. Major Lunsford of Peachtree were the Sunday guests of Mrs. Floyd Rogers. David Ownaby of Browns Creek visited J. H. Lovingood Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Rogers visited Mrs. Rogers' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Lunsford Saturday night. Man Lad d and Hardy Miller were visitors in Cherokee Saturday. Bruner Lunsford and Ralph Wat kins visited John Chastain on Satur day night. Jake Lovingood. Mrs. Bonnie Ladd and son. Bob. Hardy Miller. Miss Lorene Adams. Floyd Rogers. Ralph Rogers and Mrs. Delcie Watkins NICOTINE th.?n the amo|? of the 4 other lo/fieet ? vlllnit djarmw tested ? !??? than any of them?ac cording to independent scien tific tests of the smoke it*? If. EXTRA MILDNESS, EXTRA COOLNESS, EXTRA FLAVOR THE SMOKES THE THING! A fluMv Star on fee E*?lyo Domin-Figure tk*ter?Snappfd itSunViUtj . .-:?d Mr and Mrs. Pearhe Luns ford last Sunday Ledford has been iil with 21u but has improved. Ralph Rogers Howard Cloer. Eu Roger- H A. Rogers Jr.. Clyde L ::.*ood Eugeno Ledford and Wallace Rogers attended a meeting e homo ->; Lum Greene las* .. ar.esdav nig:." A Roger- J: visited his father B. S-amp T -ver la.- Satur day. M. Ma a Lad and ? n Ken* v. . ? .; M: Pearhe L .n-fo:d or.c r.ight last week Willard Lov ingot d :s visiting re latives at Grape Creek Miss Edith Queen has returned from a eefcs visit with her sister Mrs. H A Rogers. - o As he watched an automobile !xed away after striking Michael Flahert:- a fellow worker. John Cu' of Quincy. Mass. wrote en.? number in a pile of di". re-u'. :?.? m the arrest of George Puop. : s A jug of bootleg whiskey explod ed -A:ien placed near a steam radiat or. and blew out the wtnUows of a police station in Chicago. LAST CALL The Board of County Commissioners has extended the time for listing your property for 1941 taxes until February 15,1941. If property is not listed by you, or your agent, a penalty of 25 per cent will be added-and this penalty positi vely will be collected. List now, and save yourself expense and trouble. BOARD of COUNTY COMMISSIONERS NASH PROVES ITS AMAZING ECONOMY! h tke o?ieial A. A. A. Gilmore Ran, this Big Nash, mM Fomrth Speed Forward, Delivered More Miles Per Gallon Than Any Other "6", "8", or" 12"Cylinder Car Regardless of Size, Price, Equipment. Here's a kind of carvixh coil springs on all four wheels . . . new twist-proof tafety body construction . . . Weather Eye Conditioned Air System . . . great est seating width in the Iowest-pricc field. Come in?see it today! BIG NASH 4-Q00R SEDAN , Delivered at faci*xv. include* stand- ? ard equipment, federal fa*. Wejthc Eye Conditioned Air System. Fourth Speed Form .ltd. Bumper Guards arc optional extra* RANKLIN MOTOR CO. Fraehtree St. 124-W

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