SOCIETY Barbara Meroney, Society Editor. Phone 49-J Mrs. Ray, IViiss Stalcup Hostesses to Meeting Of YWA Monday Night Ttw Mallory YWA of the First Baptist Church held its regular monthly meeting Monday night. February 10. with Mrs. Joe Ray Miss Minnie 8talcup was Joint hostess. Mrs. Joe Hamilton, president, toolc charge of the meeting at which time reports were given from the various committees. A discussion of a special Annie W. Armstrong program to be held March 3 followed these reports. Finn* for a pot luck supper to be held February 24th were made. After several new members were welcomed to the group. Mrs. John Donley took charge of the program. A playlet, "The Magic Box," was stlven. Taking parts were Miss Ariet ta Ramsey. Miss Kathleen Roberts, and Mrs. Joe Hamilton. During the social hour the host esses served refreshments carrying out the Valentine motif to: Mrs. Wjlter Coleman. Mrs. J. D. Palmer. Mrs. Pritchard Smith, Mrs. John Donley. Mrs. Luren Davs. Mrs. Blan che Davis. Mrs. Joe Hamilton. Mrs. J. C. Amnions. Mrs. L. T. Russell. Mrs. Alvin Buclianan, Miss Arietta Ramsey. Miss Jimmy Carey. Miss Eunice Shields, Miss Louise Mauney. Miss Evelyn Hall, and Miss Kathleen Roberts. Miss Maysie Davis Is Wed to Donald Morris Miss Maysie Davis ol Chattanooga. Tennessee, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Davis of Grandview, became the bride of Donald Morris of Athens. Alabama and Louisville. Kentucky. Saturday. February I, at Rossvllle. Oeorgia. Only a few close friends at tended the ceremony. Mrs. Morris Is a graduate of the Murphy High School and a graduate of Baroness Erlanger's School of Nursing In Chattanooga. At present the is supervisor of a floor of nurses a' Erlanger's. Mr. Morris, son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Morris of Athens, is connected with the Du Pont Powder Co. in Louisville. Mrs. Morris will join her husband in Louisville, where they will reside, the latter part of this month. Nurse Club Has Meet In Hayesville Monday The Tri-County Nurse Club met in Hayesville Monday evening with Mrs. Ft. L. Starten. Miss Florence McOuire was Joint hostess. A round table discussion was held. The Valentine motif was carried out in the color scheme and re freshments. Heart shaped boxes fill ed with candy were used as favors. Those present were Mrs. Wayne Townson. Miss Pauline Neal. Mrs. Lewis Swain. Mrs. Ola Hamilton Williams, and the hostesses. BIRTHS Mr and Mrs. B. J. Fish announc ed the birth of a daughter las; Thursday. HEMN THEATER Murphy, N. C SUNDAY. FEBRUARY 16 "FOUR MOTHERS" Starring: Piisicilla, I>ola. Rosvnary Lane. Gale Pa*e MONDAY, TUESDAY. FEB. 17-18 MARX BROS. In? "GO WEST" WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 19 ?Tames Cswrnry, Ann Sheridan In? 'CITY Of CONQUEST' THURSDAY. FRIDAY. FEB. 20-21 Errol Flynn In? "THE SEA HAWK" Beta Club Practicing Play to be Given Soon For the past several weeks mem bers of the Bela Club have been practicing on the play. "Aunt Tillie Ooes To Town." directed by Miss Mary Lee Pelmet. Thj play will pro bably be presented in early March. Proceeds ?11 be used for the mem bers to attend the annual Beta Club convention which will be held this year in Charlotte. Mrs. Studstill Hostess To Character Builders At Night Class Meeting The Character Builders Sunday school cla;.s of tlie Methodist church hold its regular night class meeting Friday evening at the home of Mrs. W. E. Studstill. Mrs. C. L. Alverson class teacher, was join", hostess with Mrs. Studstill. Following a short business session was the devotional led by Mrs. C. B Newton. The guests engaged in seve ral fjames arranged by Mrs W M Axley. The hostesses served an ice course | to the following: Mrs. Ernest Nutting. Mrs. Dale Lee. Miss Mary Akin, Mrs. C. B. Newton. Mrs. Elizabeth Hillis. Mrs. W. M. Axley. Mrs. H. G. Elkins. Mrs A. R. Bell. Mrs. T A. Case and Mrs. Samsiead. Mauney?Caldwell Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mauney have announced the marriage of their daughter. Miss Rebecca Mauney. to Brown Caldwell, son of Mr. and Mrs. D. A Caldwell. r The ceremony was pertormed in Blairsville. Georgia. October 14. Mrs. Caldwell is a graduate of the Murphy High School. Baptist WMU Society Has Meeting Tuesday Afternoon at Church The W. M. U. Society of the first Baptist church met Tuesday after noon at the church. The meeting was opened with a hymn, "Jesus Saves." followed with the Bible Study by Mrs. Robert Reid. The program. "An Urgent Gospel. Free or Bound" wars led by Mrs. William Qettys. with Mrs. L. T. Rus Isell. Mrs. H. Bueck, Mrs. T. S. Evans. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix taking parts. The program ended with a special prayer by Mrs. J. C. Ammoas and Mrs. Bessie De Weese. Mrs. Hendrix presented "A Parable in Action." with the Misses Kathe rine Howell, Clara Mae Townson. June and Mary Jo Lloyd taking parts. Members present were Mrs. Am mons. Mrs. Hendrix, Mrs. Bueck. Mrs. Russell, Mrs. Gettys. Mrs. Evans. Mrs. W. S. Dickey, Mrs. George Townson, Mrs. Paul Hyatt. Mrs. DeWeese. Mrs. E. J. Darnell. Mrs. Reld. Mrs. Clyde Oennett. Mrs. L. E. Bayless. Mrs. J. B. Mulkey. Mrs. W. H. Murray, Mrs. Noah Lovingood and Mrs. Henry Hyatt. o Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Browning and Mrs. E. O. Christopher were visitors in Atlanta Tuesday. Presbyterian Circle Meets with Mrs. Hyatt | The Evening Circle ol the Presby I ter la p. church met with Mrs Henry j Hyatt. Miss Lorene John on had charge of the program on * Christ ain Giving." Mrs George Phillips led the devotional. During the business #s5ion it wet. decided to change the d.?tc of meet ing from the second Monday of every month to the first Monday. After the program and business a social hour was enjoyed Those present were Mrs. George Phillips. Mrs. J. Franklin Smith. Mrs. Henry Hyatt. Miss Willie B. McKinney. Miss Frances Waldrop. Miss Lorene Johnson and Miss Mary Jo Lloyd. o Woman s Club Changes Plans for Weekly Meet The entertainer who wsrs to ';ive the progrnm for the Womans Club ?? the next meeting Wednesday. February 1?. will not be able to be there due to illness. As a result the meeting ?'ill not be held in the school auditorium as planned but will be held in he club room. A program has been arranged with Miss Evelyn Brown, art teacher in the Murphy school, as speaker. Mrs. C. L. Alverson will be chairman Of the hostess committee. The meeting is to be held at 3 o'clock All members are urged to te presrnt. Miss Elizabeth Gray Entertains at Bridge Miss Elizabeth Oraj entertained with three tables of bridge at her ho m? on Valley River Avenue Tues day evening. High and low scores were held by I Miss Barbara Meroney and Miss j Hattie Palmer. The hostess served hot cocoa and i cookies. I Those playing were Miss Hattie ! Palmer. Mrs. J. B. Grar, Miss Eli zabeth Gray, Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Schuyler. Leon Axley. Jack Bamett. Miss Mary Willard Cooper. Miss Earbara Meroney. Jaci Christopher. Joe Miller Elk ins and Mrs. Robert AJcin. Kate Gray Honored At Teachers College Miss Kate Gray, daughter of May or and Mrs. J. B. Gray. was elected in the Marshall club at W C. T. C. Cullowhee at their last monthly meeting. Miss Gray was among the ten freshmen students who were NOTICE TO Mf CUSTOMERS February 12. ;941 | Saturday, February 15. will be my | last day to deliver the Atlanta Con i stltution. Thanking each ind every i one of you for your patronage in j the past. Respectfully. FRED BATES Jr. Benefit Bridge Friday evening February 14th 7:30 Woman's Club Room Admission 25 cents Sponsored by Jr. Woman's Club Announcing the opening of BLANCHE'S BEAUTY SHOP (Next door to Bank) New and Modern Equipment "Your Patronage Will be Appreciated" Phone 3 Mrs. Blanche Barton Davis -CALENDAR of CPMING -EVENTS The Junior Woman* Club will meet Wednesday in the club room A special program of music has been arranged for the evening Circle No. 1 of the Methodist church will meet Monday evening at 7 o'clock at tiie home of Mrs. Frank Ellis. Mrs. C. B. Chambers will be joint hostess. Mrs. Fiank Dickey will be hostess to Circle No. 2 of the Methodist church Tuesday evening. Circle No. 4 of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. S O. Akin Tuesday afternoon at 2:30. The regular meeting of the order of Eastern Star. Chapter 10 will be held Friday night ?7:30 in -.he Masonic Hall. Baptist Girls Auxiliary Has Valentine Party The Girls Auxiliary of the Baptist church met Monday with Mrs. Leo nard Allen for a valentine party. The girls engaged in varous games and contests. They all made favors to be used on plates for patients in the hospital Valentine day Those present were Mrs. Allen. Miss Maureen Loving ood. Miss Jean Dicke>, Miss Thomasine Slay ton. Miss Betty Burch. Miss Katherine Howell. Miss Louise Oheen. Miss May bele Hall. Miss Clara Mae Town son. Miss Jayne Ricks and Miss Mary Porter Fain. ANDREWS THEATRE ANDREWS, N. C. ? SAT.. Feb. M-13 TV Thrtr Xmiiiltnn In? 'Oklahoma Renegade' Also Clupter No 4 of? "King of The Royal Mounted" SUNDAY. Feb. 16 The Wearer Brothers and EJriry la? "Friendly Neighbors" MON. - TUBS.. Feb. 17-1? Ann Sheridan and Gtorft Brent In? 'Honeymoon For Three' with Charlie Rmiln. Oi> Muacn and lane Wym?n 1 FLOWERS ??K CARNAT JONQUILS GLADIOLI ROSES SNAPDRAGONS MURPHY FLORIST PHONE 160 STARTS FRIDAY ? CONTINUES THROUGH NEXT WEEK! Ladies AIR STEP SHOES Reduced from $6.00 to $4.50 Other Shoes and Oxfords $1.19 to $1.98 Children's SWEATERS, each 19c Children's ANKLETS, pr 4c WINDOW CURTAINS, Ready Made 98c CLOTH, yard 10c TOWELS, each 10c Men's DRESS SHIRTS, $1.00 Value 89c Men's BATH ROBES, $2.49 Value $1.79 Men's SOCKS, 3 pairs for 25c Men's OVERALLS, $1.15 Value 95c Men's OVERALL PANTS 98c Men's RUBBER BOOTS, Lace-to-Toe $4.50 Men's 8-Oz. OVERALLS $1.50 WORK GLOVES 19c to 80c TENNIS SHOES, New 98c Men's HATS 98c to $2.98 All Men's and Boys' Sweaters Greatly Reduced! C ARRIN GER'S DEPARTMENT STORE