CULBERSON NEWS Mr* I ucile Hvau of Mineral Bluff visi d relatives here over the week en?l Ji- Kat-j Hyatt and son. Edijar. ?rr. <-d here last week where they w ? t ? called due to the illness of Mrs Doyle li Ichett. Mrs Jotter Cearley and childrsn of1 Cj 11 > i: here visiting rei.c.vei. Mr ??.? i Mrs WUUrd T.Hun of G ,i- itonl.i vi here over the ?ce* enJ. Mrs V. C. Hustles and daughter. Loretta. were \*vsiU)rs here one diy last week. Mr. and Mrs. John Hngan xitd son, James, were visitors here last Friday. Miss Naoma Nichols who has been Save Money with a Truck that Fits Your Job! ? Take (his tip? it's Mound! Get "set" for the "long pull* with trucks you can depend on (or extra performance, for extra miles of trouble-free, low-cost operation. Get Dodge quality . . . Dodge dependability . . . Dodge economy in a truck precision-built to fit the job ? to last longer and save more money on the job.' Prices are still right down with the lowest, for every capacity, and our "good deal" offer is still open ? with easy budget terms and liberal "trades." We can save you some real money if you act now! Prices and Specifications Subject to Change Without Notice E. G. MOORE Murp y, N. C. SPECIAL For the Month of July A $2.75 Combination Service FOR ONLY $199 Here's what You tjct: 1. Drain, flush, refill crankcase with Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil. 2. Lubricate chassis according to recommendations of your car's manufacturer. 3. Check transmission and differential, radiator, battery, tires, iffhts, windshield wiper, spark pluers. /*nd we'll present you with the atest Sinclair road map. WE GREASE ANYTHING THAT ROLLS PALMER'S SINCLAIR STATION | Ben Palmer, Mgr. Phcne 202 t '? Mijrr?V?v N C. K j'.j iiJ.::, ch ! a. S. >?. X. C. h?. : eturned to .irr honu Mr. and Mrs. Root.: C a:.\- ?:ii children and Mr. and Mr?. O-i Hyatt and children vl,:;ed Mr.. Glcii Owenby m Lenoir City la->t Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Calhoun of Murphy visited Glenn Elhs Sunday Roe Arton and Mr. and Mrs. Ro-? Arson of Copi^rhill \ i.slted Mr^;. Nemer Ledford Sunday. Joe Bryant was a bus;:ies> visitor here last week. Mr?. Thomas Mart.n .i::d daughter Bilhe and Mr. and Mrs Hoy Aoer nathy of Cartersville visited here Sunday. Miss Bilhe Martin is spending the .wek here with friends. Sheidan Watson ha> returned fr.-m franklin where he his been mploytd LtGAL i?(j 1 i(Jti NOTICE OF SALE UM?s i-.v ij- rtrcue a . idgnur. of the Su.:..."r Co-.. "... Cdso of W . s o : ! j: d Garland .-t a! .vlu signed c'omm: .-:on. : ?> ? < resell the the lands h.e . i: ... ' scrii - d i> tii > .1... v cash. Said I i ... ?>nd reported : > ? ? . . I fore a:d .-a'.- o if ? iarlanri r.'.s- ! :.d - 5449.0 )| uid .i ? dJ.r. I :o start at i..i : d lj.d ?>:' 5 -M.C3: j NOW. 1.: :v: .:e. .? . . j .in1 ord r th cn ij I "'-T'-t T*" ? : ! ; \ m j I'cwn of N. C.. . .. -I sale to start s-ald a: : . d it ilie ?. . .a.M luttlilg a ins Kan. a G ilard OU Hur. ? Place sn -N" o'l.i Township. Ch'< ? 1a 1 County, N. c? and aore panic :Urly described a? follows, to-wit " "RST BOUNDARY. Being Tract ? o. 83 .n Da', -i. N v 4 1 Cherakee County. North Ca... _i. rrai:::;: 72 acr ? n.:::e vj. lr ... . 1 hiciir, . invir -u:d N). 8: and :aru Sjj 15 poles *'i h th.' Old :in* to a -j oak. the old corner of ;i.d tr:c*.: :!i*r.ze South I poles to a post oak bush: thenc Southwest 6 pales to a pos: oak in the head of a hollow: thence N. 70 V. 120 poles to a black oak: thenct North 40 poles to the beginning. B' ing the lands conveyed co Han-man Garland by James Raper. SECONDARY BOUNDARY. 3ein? a part of Trac: Nj. 81 Old Survey, in District No. 4 of Cherokee County. C. Beginning on the Southwe; corner of said Tract, and runs thenct North 94 poles ".o a hickory; thence 5. 73 W. 44 pjl?s to a Spanish o k thence S. 30 W. 32 poles to a post oak "..lence 3. 25 W? 23 poles to a stake in the South line: thence East to th ? beginning, containing 32 ! _? acres more or less. Beng the lands con "cy.'d to Oa:.a::i vj J.n".;-. ftapt.v . This the 15th day of July. 1941. J. D. MALLONE2, Commissioner. <2;-51-chgi NOTICE TO TAXPAYER To Amos Cutler, James H. Cut ler. or all unknown heirs art law of James H, Cutler, if he be dead. and B. McGee. and all unknown heirs a law of B. McGee: You. and each of you. will take notice that pursuant to Chapter 310~ Public Laws of 1939, the County Tax Supervisor of Cherokee County his listed for taxes for the year 1941 and the five previous years. 93 acres of Tract No. 639. Grant No. 2391 issued by the State of North Carolina to B. McGee, and lying in Beaverdam Towns;, p. Cherokee County. North Carolina, which has not been listed for taxes in Cherokee County for ; years. You will further take notice that the Board of County Commissioners of Cherokee County, at its Offce in the ourthouse in Murphy N. C., at 11:00 o'clock A. M. y of July ' 1911 ' THE BOARD OF COUNTY COM MIocSIO.VEERS OP CHEROKEE C? NTY. VJ. C. O NOI! S SALE INHER A DEED ?>f am ?vhere.*.-* 2a >: !>.. x'.vr :?3). \V M. Fa.:-, j:i2 j vi. e. Zei;u ? Tin. rv.i'*. J ar. i d ij .1 deed of trust tj the undersigned ccurirn the parymj::t ?r 1 note du- *.V Wi:h?rss>oon a-: af o. v f >r S?u:'-.em States P->ri :*!. C-:.;-;: . Cimpany. and there by tlw indebtedness d'.v a. 1 c:aspany: said deed of trust e. i- 1 ::: of '.lie Reijuter I >f Z-j; for c:. rok ? County. North Car :a Sjo's No. 123. at page ? 10: AND WHEREAS. default hai been .if : " Hitchcock i -? , ded in if- I ..... ... ?; ' ?" I C>. Carolina, in " ? ' . " e Cr. :p^;.n:e .0". -i made for fuller p;r : . . i description. r.iu: .' 2nh dajroJ June. 1341. j E r;. NORVELL. Trustee. . < 43-41 >. _ _ I NOTICV iv FSUMMONS BY PVLLIt AT ION NORTH C.-vriOLLNA. w - - ?. z ? V- ? ? - ? C O c N 1 * i IX Th*Z SUPERIOR COURT i 3.-...CE MA i'j.N and husband Z. L 1 MA JO.". PLAINTISVFo. M 511V COLE 'Widow: FLOR ENCE FERGUSON and husband X AY FERGUSON ; W Y V E T T A MCORE and husband. HARRY ilCCRE: EDNA SLACK and hUJ ?rnj C'TFFCRD SLACK: IRA .'L'RTTS ' Unmarried ? : WILLIE ,vrL.?: :i jr.J Viofcand. CECIL WTL SON: VA'JD I-IZTTNTTM and husband CLINT KEENCM: KATE WAL DRO'JP and hosbind. RALPH WAL DROUP: NELLIE 3ELL and hus , DEFEND ANTS. The above-named defend art:; Ira Curtis and Lane Curtis will take r.oticj that an action entitled as a'oove has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, by the plaintiffs f->r partition amonsst the tenants in common of real estate situate in Shoal Creek Township, Cherokee County, North Ciiolina; and t'r.3 :-aid defendants w.ll further takJ notice that they are required to appear at the Office of the Clerk of :he Superior Court of Slid County, in the Courthouse in Murphy. N. C? w'rhin ten <1C> days the 30th day of July, 1941, and answer or demur to the complaint or peti tion in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to tJin Court for the re lief demanded irt the complaint. WITNESS my hand, th.s the 2 di? of July, 1941. ARIETTA RAMSEY Assistant Clerk Superior Court, Cherokee County, ft. C. (49-4t-chg. O and C.) ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE HAVING QUALIFIED as' admini strator of the estates of RoXie Gar land, deceased, and Harret Mc Allister. deceased, late of the Cotmty of Cherokee North Carolina, this ts to notify alt persons having claims against the estate of Roxte Garland, deceased, and all parties having claims against the estate of Harref. McAllister, deceased, to exhibit them o the undersigned at Culberson. N C.. en cr before the 21 day of June. 1942, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of 'leir recovery. Ail person* indebted to either of said estates wll' please make immediate payment. This the 21 day of June. 1941. W. S. Garland. Administrator of the estate of Roxie Garland. deceased. arid A^m'rut-^tor of the c-'-atc of Bu ret McAllister, deceased. (48-8*-3d- ) CHURCH NOTICES Catholic Services -Vf r>- Sunday 8:00 ji.d ? A M. F. p. T. C.i k>?. tf>vr/ 3rd Sunday. 8:00 A M., E. S. T. 3? C:*y. ?vsry Sunday, 8:00 A M E. 3. T. Franklin, every 2nd and 4t:i Sun , )) A. M . E. S. T. H.sliljr.di. every Sunday lt:00 A. M.. E. S. T. An'iri' .i. "v.-rv i4; Sunday, 8:90 A Z S. T. Ma:;ih?. v^rv Sun:a.v 10:90 A M. ' n ' . ? T j-jc i Rfv A F Rohrbacher BAPTIST P 'k* I ' " \ in ti ins P.?*to' Services 1 1 A. M. and 7 P. M. CALVARY BAPTIST li--\ Ct. i; 'Ts o A \ P:i?tor ? h ...? I i I': i. .t Meeting VWlnea i ., - a' 7:0 ) p. m PRESBYTERIAN H-'nry L. Pa:. D.. Pas^w. Services every Sunday at 11 a. in. anc 7 p ni. except or* the fir it S mda> mornings and the third Sunday even ing. T^motla Baptist Rev. Harve Stansberry, pastor. Civarcu : i ?very Surday at ua. rr.j 17 p. m. est. Mt. Carmel Baptist Rev. E. A. Benver, Pasior Rev. Graham. A??t. Pi=tnr Church services at 11 a. m. and 7 p. m. Prayvr services 7 pm. Wedneff Jays. Friendship Baptist "'5 ; Pastor: the Rev Edgar Willix Church services 11 a. m. Praye ' ?I. ?# 1 1 - - ?r i P m. Worlnosdiys BTU ounday evening at 7 p. m. Ranger Baptist K?*v t.V T Ti-i.5er.f? pastor Church services 11 a. m. 6:30 p. en. ? BTU. .. Swanson Baptist Church Rev. Bill Johnson pastor Services Saturday night at 7 p. m : on first Sunday at 11. Wolf Creek Churches BAPTIST Rev, W. A. Hedden, Pastm Services second and fourth Sn !t> r iays 7 p. m. Second and fourth Sun days 11 a m. BYPU Sunday 5:45 p. m. ; -V.. . i H DAY ADVENTIST L. "??"??. focal Elder < ::.T .-cn-re each Saturday 10 30 m. r SNOW HILL CHCRCH > Rev. W. C. Pipes, Pastor Sunday School each Sunday 9 A. M. Church sertfteca each second and foarth Sundays? ? 11 A. M SffADY GROVE BAPTIST CRBtCU Pastor. W. T. Truett Services held evei? third Sund'*?. OAK GROVE BAPTIST CHURCH" The Rev. E. A. Beavfrs. Pastor J. C. Cloats. Sunday School Sup * erlntendeiK. Preaching every first awd fourth Sunday. Sltlgtag every sHaday at 1:00 o'clock. HATESVH.LE MTIHODIST ?irtnlt I Rev. J. A. Cleaner Jr., PasOw 1st. Sunday ? Oak Forest. 11 A St.: Hickory Stand 2 P. M.; Ogden J M P. M. 2nd. Sunday ? Hayesvllle 11 A. M . Sweetwater 2 P. M.: Peachtree 3:39 P. M.: Hayesvllle 7:30 P. M. 3rd. Sunday ? Hickory Stand 11 A. M : O^den 300 P. M : Oag Forest 7:30 P. M 4i.ii. ouuuay ? KayesVule 11 A. Sweof?a??r 2 P. M.: Peachtree- 3:30 P. M.: Hayesvllle 7:30 P. M.