tTln* Jt t *r j c Official Organ of Murphy and Cher alter County. North Carolina. PCIIIJSHED EVERY THURSDAY Entered in the Post Office at Mur phy. Nor'li Car-.iilna as second class matter under Act of March 3. 1897. Victor C. Olmsted Publisher lladlrv Williamson Editor Raibara Meroney ... Social Edito* Payable Strictly In Advance .. Legal Advertisement. tint ads. readtnz notices, obituarist, cards of thar.k^. etc.. 5c line each insertion payable in advance. Display rates furnished on request. Obituary notices, cards of thanks, tributes of respect, by individuals, ledges. churches, organizations or societies, will be regarded as adver tising and inserted at regular classi fied advertising rates. Such notices will be marked "adv." in compliance will. ' stal regulations. SUBSCRIPTION I'KICE One Year . Six Mouths SI 50 75c WASHINGTON SNAPSHOTS li ii reported that the even- tem pered Robert E. Lee became tired of reee ving instructions from so m.iny sources at one point during the Civil War. and humorously complained ? th.i he had got a crick in his neck l ?m looking over his shoulder to wards Richmond." The average business man with a defen <? contract is likely to fee! j amount of sympathy with Lee's plight these days. Partly 'oe caus ? of ti.e <? impl of * work, but even more because . he burr -aucratic habits of Washing* -r itsel.'. it frequently looks as .a >u ['. ther- are more officials ? more cook-. than customers"- ".'.?.an th ?re are occasions to off: ';atj. IT'.'is, one c li-ir.*. i :? c' v.* . a regulation fro. . i'l- Of.". .? c: P.- - ducrion ^ianageioen' will be ' by five imjte; a.t .fi als a.-.d : ??? ed by another ger.tlemam. Meanwhile the Labor Division of the same OPM will announce "a r.ew and ear.-v:: trated a > ;> o i t le probleir ' which it immediately ?iwlis.M fcy naming cne man -r> i d;r?c:.:r _ t particular branch to v.ork ..?. .1 ? - ation with 12 othe 'hi; . c'.'.i. men. and commissions It all points to ? :i - d. -1. registered here by .1 servers, fc.- :ii irai. .v .1 : and execu iv? sen- ? 7 :? i.: ??! authority -no" ;h *o -a- " ? 1 ? fen" pro?r-*m's amb:?uties and di | vidcd responsibilities. I I Incidentally, all t:i ? cn.-ks In in . dmtry's neck don't come from lo>k int: : > Washing* >n for "go-ahead" I i'snalt. You'v ? !? -ard a lo! a'wi' rowim power jf la'wr union offi r \V-:i, . *r ?' an actual :i;' vh re en-1 a!'! I 'd life or del h" lutiuri.y >v-r )?rt of the defens" r v am i'<*lt ? \ TV nr. .. ? tar.-' ed .1 n ? c . *r : >r.: ? Army and : 2ia . . quired ?rtain raw materials or. which pri > wj-: > i?> . i Ly applied to he Army O: dinar, e D. ; r :iv. :iv for cy .4* -rr* * . i ". which v..i n *n* Wt>hins n. o ur.or-i. i. nd i -1; "ftj ? w!ii re. !!??] .. i . nd fill th d tens . . j B " I. . lite w ? a . .?? in ?? UM, i. . "1.. c >::i.;.'..iy . iuiiti It et;ld oe permitted to submit tile . . rlties certificate to union officials .van would determine whether he im .'lit ot raw materials was .?> iffi . . : ... to - .it;, doll et;- . The officials having concluded that was worthwhile to have the Je . . ... equipnt nt .:. , tiM n -iave the company -i o; ap ? roved" truckers and also presented : with tiie names ot men whom it ?>uld hire to unload the needed ma terials. Thoughtful people law already ceii greatly concerned over the man ler In which defense strikes have unstrung larze parts of the def n-e I'sram. But how would they react o the idea of I :>cal union ott'i.-als ntering into the realms of high st.ategy and deciding w.iet-J :.r Army orders are .mpjrtint en . - .1 to -V f..4cdt V.'j i-.uuton Snapshots: Buried m ? m.dile of Leon Henderson's re i cent nloornv report on sacrifices thai ; .-heal in the det-nse program was a r a", ti . . e '.o efflc: ney . Aa':.':.i!i :ud\i-t : ani its im r. it, .ttU ? i ::'.ana?-::nent :il' 'i :r. . ;i d:-' laved that we can out-produce Naz .many and .ts conquered terri tories V v iritirn '.'tree hours out I ~f ei"r ? eight cr. defence, although ! Germany i.- v.otiir., four to five ! '.lo ir's cut t" oight to produce war tr.ateriaK The Pr.ce Administrator ? 9-> the rawM for this j uperiority, 'out th;y ought to be ; . y plain ? prival, ? enterprise, and j . .vay ot' ba.ii upon individual j .^crtunity! ^ V \ on ' M '.V Ledt'ord visi' e<1 Thad L-eiford and family Satur v night. Gardenia Queen Chooses Chevrolet Pretty Martha Mitchdl. Queen of the Gardenia Festival at the famous Cyv.ics? Grtf<kr? Florida, bft? J11?* put he*" royal seal of approval on the Chevrolet Convertible Cabriolet? the outdoor car? by purchasing a new one for her own use. Ever willing to oblige by posing for the hundreds of camera fans who consider the Gardens a mecca for picture-taking. Queen Martha can now reach location quickly and flood herself with sunshine by rolling back the vacuum-operated top at the touch of a dash button. . . . and slif mi*ant "*f" It was an old fa '.'.od f a at houw .iti-hen with a k stove t o: j Summertime use ir. .':jnt of the coal . :u ?? A tci! . t..u'i .-.ur.4 on the .wit of : he do . in >. ... dining roan: .ut .1 ,-hor" -handled pump ;>erc.:ed i'!., > the sink which was .?!?.} piped : ; runni... va: r I troujh' oac1: memerieo of k. ? I h.;d known J? ?. child so when I m '.nv..od to si: for a ''as of cold milk and ::i ? cookie?. I ^laciiy accepted. M hostess, in a fr. -a housedresj .tnd ample ki.chcn apron, wen". ;ack to her job of paring potatoes and dropping : horn into a bis yellow lock which she held on her lap jr.ct I 'iuught how far away it all was from "war and rumors of war" and >.? colossal production effort in vhich our own country is new en :.'-fd. Bu: 34 we .a: there d.-ou.-,:::^ . . ? roa I I had stepped t > <k aaou: ? veather and cookie recipes, this wor'.d I was trying to forget sudden - '.y broke in upon us. ,,, , They tell me. sue said, that we ' built more airplanes thjr. ever las: ?n>r.'h? over 1.400 of them. I believe.' "Yes." I .-.aid. perhaps showing my urprise. "and still* more the next ' She nodded lier head. "I know. You see my son works in he big airplane ;'ac i" !00 miles from here and my la\:,>.te:' -ponds part of each week keeping trick of things down a: tiu teal shop 'n 'he village. They're making something that ihey use on planes, too. I'm not sure just what .: "hey're busy as anything. It's f ?:!. c:' co. rse, to think of U3 hav ; to ake so much of our efforts away fr.-m the peace " \d i to * >. J 'ouiliin, if jmn :nents. On the o:her hand, '.-.'s prelt;. ? nderf'i! -??> 'hink we can turn to and do it when we have to." . She said "we" I noli - d, and she 1 :?.eant we. Tor altlnugh 'he is a | f irmer's wife, living on a remote farm. .3 lie feel", a'; if she his a vital j -Art in the work industry is doing. I He" children are actually part of it ? and her own sympathies and interest | are wi'h it as it turns out the equip ment for defense. We may h;v; various ideas about I what caurse the nation should take | t; 'In; months to com? an-! we e:<- , i !?????? these ideas loudly so that we | nmetimes 1 'o'i divided B ;t on on.- 1 thing we are certainly all aji'-e ?' . That is that Americi must be made I ton? and that the plants and fac of the nation are now at work I the int:rest of us all. | N.) matter where we live or whac ; we do. it is actually "ou." effort and ! ov.r" vic38ss a.; the pi. ties and tanks ? :he guns and ship, roll -ft the assem ! bl" lines of Industry. I , o use THE CLASSIFIED AD* i Q | J T> T- T-. T CLEArrNG PAY"! fabric- uemar: i rsprrt clean in? to keep t sn fr^'i and n c v.- looking. Imperial will turn out high quality work for you every time. At reasonable prices you ran af for'* ,r> be ready fpr all occas ions with freshly cleaned clothes. For those rushed try our 24-hour service. PHONE 13 IMPERIAL CLEANERS THIS BUSINESS i W.N.C.Associational Sundav School Meet S^yT?cr 7" - v." ? m North Ca-olina Bap !.?: 1 ? ? iti, Sunday school con ies. ?' will rr.-ct with the Hangip/i 3o- - s n.: v afternoon. July ii. . r.r'.njt a: 3 o'clock. C TJ Br-v.r.ln; Jr.. prominent B,' " l.wvin and Sund i ? schoo" *a*o* k .' of A hevllle. will be the prin cipal speaker. Til - iJ:egra-.: : r :iie da;.* follows: I 3:00 -50114 service: 3:05 ? devotlo- | nil Rev. P ; Ta'ott; 3:20? roll c.<: or . nd i" - >. . .- by score*. ait: 3:3" ? ?) clal nr.* ;c: 3:35- address by C R. Brcvnlna Jr.: 4:00 ? report of ? or. organization of new Snniay .-o.-.ooU: 4:05 ? business and a::::-' Tiie association includes all 5 1 i Ust Sunday schools of Clay an :ha*. each school wll! be represented by lar,je delegations. Cherokee counties, and it is expected Eat More Peaches Through the South Drive Is Begun All f'V- a oubUc-splrlted co operative effort to increase the con sumption of fresh peaches during the period of July 24 through July ) '-ere announced today by G. R Bate. -nan. area supervisor of surplus commidities administration. U. S .rlcultural department. The movement in Cherokee county is being sponsored by A. Q. Ketner county agent, who is directing his efforts to encourage people to eit more peaches in the variety of form in which they can be prepared Hju ewives are also advised to can and preserve as much peaches a.s as possible. Sewral delicious recipes for pre paring peaches make them into the finest dishes that can be served, peaches being the most popular fruit for the table in this country. The exceptional food value of aches is also stressed and the pre ; -mu surplus of peaches on hand make Use The Want Ads and the World Smiles with You!" "The Voice With a Smile" is contagious ? it makes friends ? it's a real social and business asset. Many times people form their impression of you by your voice and the manner in which you telephone. What are the points of a pleasing telephone person ality? To speak pleasantly, of course. And to be con siderate and courteous ? such things as answering promptly, talking directly into the mouthpiece in a normal tone of voice, and hanging up the receiver gently when the conversa tion is complered. U possible Tor everyone to pie.urs ?inU serve peaches as often ai Je ?jlred. ANNOUNCEMENT or CPIZC'AL INTEREST TO pr>or?T^?'7'Y o\yv?^5 The modernisation yection of t'.is National Housing Ac' bttr. cr-r.M: r-.i t ? -.54S. T.-.i Citterns Bank & Trust Co . be pirated to c-n'.iuuo to mike lo-n- to responsible property ? mtidevr.iza'Sor., painting, plumbing, heating, roolin;. w r in?, ir. :>.ticn v. r.?r?l repairs and additions to both r-esi i;:v and busine property. Bring your plan and estimates to this bank for complete detV. Citizens Bank & Trust Co. Murphy, N. C. Andrews, N C. Capital and Surplus $100,000.00 Membrr Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation .

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