SOCIETY Barbaia .\ieroney. Society Editor, Phone 49-J Trir> Entertains Friday Evening at Card Dance In Library Ciub Rcoms ElU ; .? Franklin. Vir j- ;; Kn .ia d i Mary Cat.u i ni- \..l > hosLesses to a ca:d 1 id y iiiu; in the club j . L: .a:y. , Ui wi-r ? ?... J in dscara:ia?. ^ . i *..* assisted - n ?<.'r ?.i hr :r ? by Mr?. Jim M C C. Richardson and ill Axli : . ; ? I . ?: mciua-ri Mu? ? . ..ii G.e n. Kate P>d i r.? 1. i ii. Cov .. u.i.i ' .i . . ij.i ?? .i ? an ? A; ? - ? ?: Mary VVUlarJ ( Earta..'. M - ir.ey. I. i: c 1 , . cd. Uillii! Jackson Dot ; .? a ii. a And r . :i : d V ivDaOa, Effie Mr 1? ? Rlieba Rici, Mterion Axley. Witherspo n. Kathlrcn Roberts, ,i Kiii Mrs. R -nca'.i !'?:? ard child: 3-!'. enter: *.r. id Friday nUitt at her ii :ce . ; Valley Hr.-r A. -r.ue v... -. an "int? - mUjicn" party. A yello.v a:... viiu'e c^i ).' >che:ae .va- carried ou" in decoration'), ve :resnir.on: -. etc. The centerpiece the lace >. ,-vered dining taa;e *a* ?* crjst. i bov. 1 tf .'.'.j daU> > :lans . or. either side -7 CinSi.s in . *r L-.rki.!!. Rrr.;; were oufft w. .. j.:-. ? - :iOr ?. :>re?id'n? a; the '.t taV..-. T:V?>o in.;:?.i uere K. ?\\ l.n \V ;ti Martha Brumby. Maiy \vi avd t\-o4.;. E. _ao am. Ka:?- Gray. Deri H*j tor.. Ua: >arc Merone;-. 3.1... Catherine Axley. Virginia RichaJ-^n. M-irtfca G. . Anderjoa, "l:- i Cooks, i- ? i 'ooth l ? ii-Iilin. Mickey Putmaa a: So'a Hi-, .on. Bill B.irkhal ??:. - j. : 3? Ta'.ly. J. ?-? Ao-. - na:hy. Jim F at. V M:tiere. Bill l r.aia. Edgar Wood, Jj- Morgan Edgar Darnell. 3;:: K ibalitzell J ?? ?Jockey. Harry licit in and \\ . ?.Vhltaker. M:.? . Deris Bailey who ha. o vlsitinj here e-.e . ..i . .. btlwr lei: Tuui .. . - her in ChtUistis .a Mis, L. arrived I .. here wi:h .... Chandler .. Hull, C-\ . .. u ten di ? vtij; ...>:er. Mrs. R. D. Mr. atii ?.! : i. Herman Elli>". r - - a Tuiod-y nah: frim a visit jr. Atlanta. ? ? ? ? H. E. Bi hop spen. la it end witn her pjr?n:s. Mr. and Mrs. A ;i. S.ii, .r. Knoxville. ? ? ? ? Mr. and M 3 Wade Massey spen: hi', week er.j in Lenoir C'.-.y. Term., v. i:h Mr. ana M. >. Ward ? * t ? Charles ?endiey of Marietta is v.ning relatives here this w-e-jic. Mi"? Rosa v>a viJO h?; >-".J visiting here with her sister. Mis. Jim Gb'os. left Thursday Tor her r.ome ir. Sparar.b'ers. S C. ? ? ? ? ?: i r..: ? : T . ".oy for a visit in Leao.i" Cit/ s:.<:-*r. Mrs. Maurice Gentry. ? ? ? Iiliiiei S.. ? and Sate G.ay Svr.d.'" .1 ' ' v.-. .; "".a . Elite; ? n .'1 .1 .ha . m c..". 3..; eta: . I i.o :,g School ? ? ? * Mrs. Jim Glb'os and lirt'e son. Ed, '. . Thur da;- for a visit L: Spartan ? /. S. C. with relative;;. ? ? ? ? "* C i . nt Tur- diy ir. Fr. uk " . 1 ' ;v Mi - M"i; ?. I . ; Ci . EL.-.:. : - I I d" v. H?r- ley v.-;- ?> ?;?> M A. O. ??? anc! sr\ ' of B ' ? jr." with . . . Z " - " " G . Mr. nrid V s. Bnel Adams return ed la.- k ? f a vocation ir: the Wf T. G. rii! . jr. mitaviai. with the Co. II ? '' - "r- n*. was a '??'?or ir. 'own Sunday. Mrs. Ammons Hostess I To Baptist Circle Nc. 3 ; Circle Nj. 1 >: .1? 8*3! i ? r.i ' jf'.emaan -*ith Mr? C Ammjn< Mrs. J. \v. Uavid&on led lilt di". ? ! unit and Mr-.. Ro'oerv Rc:d gave a I . r.ip.e- :>? '.tie v.udji course. Mr.? i Amrr.jns sa;d closing prayer A juain- .s meo :r.g wj .. Thj^.- pre- r. *cre Mtj L T. R\ n : . * v.. .. J w. Du-.i-i M. D. C -.indlcr. M: ? C'..i U M.5 Rjiter: He;i. M:- i .. Hy r. and Mrs. Lloyd Hor.drtx. -o Doris Bailey Hostess At Party o.i Tuesday V crtatn?i la-; 4 (I j . ?' Ut . . ? . tjLirr and Fr.i:-.k Dl U H C..:. J.;: I on B-j X. I una C. . .. . Methodist Circle Nc. 3 Meets with Mrs. Pa J ; C.rclo N 3 of '.he Won-.ans S . . . .^ a..; S :vice of the Methodist .. . -. :n ? . . Mr 3. 2.. . .iJ ' Mr--, n B Norvell, chilrman. let! | ? dev-tiona'. F^'.rvtng t sha r." ; =?- ion the hostess, a* ?d 'oy her aaddaughter. Mi -)o.- Miss D-1" MT.sle- and Billy "jnslev spend Wednesday and Thursday in Asheville. ? ? ? ? ?>' a:--* Mr- Richard Mauney spent last week end in Kentucky. ? r v ? ir-? *?.??? r*'-.-- ^ - e 3 ? f-??* Sa? Tfick }y* after a two weeks visit with relatives. ? * ? ? i:..- .. .r p.-" -.!.- rj- -V-^-v " ! ?voiV r>"r" ''ffg ni - ; ? - - T"" S. Parker and Mrs. B. G. Brumby. here last week end. *???.? *-???; , - T,g r?.% ? -\r r' ?? -> r- - - ?.:r f- m ! a \v -ks visit in Manteo. ? ? ? ? ?r ... ? a ? ? r ??r'nt- ?. Marion Axley. spent several days la >t ?vee-: l% " ??-r ? ?cccmrir.:',d Iiomo by Mv- Ax'ry and John Ax'. " who had beer. v: - - , 'n? thcrr a ?* ? ? ? ? Mr.?. O-rri Manival md sin, jjavid. 1 t;~ " " ' ' * ? ?" In He ^--yy ^ ,? ? . g,.\ ' } ' ? r - - r jr tjw " :T? - ? t r * J ? t~ . t. " i * A ? < *4_ Or >!:?. impllctlv M.Ircl - c;'."r ? w * ' ? ' a v ( ns'ilt Mr*. ? .1c Lor. frr.c \i*o i'rrs ? ? * .n i r>yi1f) i CT M??7 . ? . J ? ' H ' H M ? j| 1 . - ? ? . f - lt:: also irtEd sircxcal fhiincs. Mrs. Nannie Mu*e, 88, Laid to Rest Friday At Hampton Memorial M. .. 1- i .'. ? Miik. 44** #. dt-d a: ; ? ? tunic it dlUl.K' ?' ?. i - .t. ? Friday morn.iw a. J . v. >.r:. Kane. a. ervlcu wvre iui.l a. M mortal church in :he allot noon * ;th ? R v Tiumas Ttuo.t anil the Hev. '. in Str.i; i atf.c1a.in4. Inu-rnuv.. ?. .:t ? \ ceuitftt'O'- I . ".. 1 Her... l ad ci. .. of o-itia ?.;at'..vmit'. ? .. . t!u ?? tlaUKiUeto. a 11 n >n 1 ? c M: .ianip attJ Mr- W L I't.. . M - au 1. .S:a't'v.;lie. Sr.- . I,: i V t'. C r:i'' -1; a. i o Helps V acatiwists . ... ,u.,u>.u ?- V.t. W. O. f UlCO. j ervice cor. r ; . - sv ? r.:?.tv J .v.ies.; , . .. .* :... .unci ..u.. ... d j sj.?. ; :h> ".p'.v '.???) National (forest ?> j rtl# booklet ww : sueJ 1:: .:v .) the ... ^ andi of Inquiries the Fr Service receives each jear concern ing p'.iices to go at-.d things to .;ee n the national forest. National Forests arrt? free t . all who came to enjoy ".'.em, and tile public trend :o ciaiple out -door rec reaticn is indicated >y the fact th.v last year some 35 million people visited the national forests in tht Vnited States. National Fore.sts in Southern Region afford.1:! p ,."01 unity for picnicking, csmpmg . ng and swimmng to more tha:. .?i )?) )00 of these persons, and an dtiitiinal 4.987.875 motorists drove : !0;:ih th .se forests to enjoy the eauty and scenery. A juecial feature of ;he r.e-v recre ? inal bookie: is an alphatMIca i-..:Se. by States, with t.vjm'onat: J .criptions of the diversified out ij;, -;porti. points of interest. the location of supervisor's headquarter. :i ' general types of accommodation '-?'.I of the N j "tonal Fore?ti. 1: y : : : information and Ijl'..'. tna?> vi.itors are invited ' a: headquarters of the nearer, vjpervisi in. rang r or s ;:c P.tturji of the vari'd -nenery a.' ' .! :y the National For?.-:s. a Kd":jr'1 H*?? 'femier ir Prance. ?n r-C'-n*:y fired >y lha ly : ivcraien: >m . ?>ia' .T.J ? -? h.- :ndu ? : 'il eltv i'L. in?. an office he liai held f >r m >re -nan 33 years He is r. i* you. ? A letter ?!;:?< A v ? :e*u :.rm contains the foUonliu Hie o-long -threatened imasion . c-iuntry has not yet been -r ten: r ed. -a: we expect that in a lew i s it will be." The letter 'A > s ii.i td ? ! iroa -A. 1804. and referred :o an . \ jled invi i in i.v Napoieor. Since 1852 the leg.t fee : . per forming > nv.ur .i-- c- :n in A. i>a:r.a i .i. J .. ?:! iff'.cials has been s: B ;' :.>. me *r\ex"Ulned reason i l.i i? i ?.!. j'.ioi ? t i. ' i w?M ' : - activities that pro \1J ? .t f aim ? a mill ju pea:3i * . :oi. ::r 'rferlr. * v the : ! a ? ..a : 4 a.i. .? oo^rd naied pattern ot .use w". ?: v. ill pr^d'J?? t>. ? 1 :.'st r.c. total of p;)llc bo::.:.. c: )ies a* the booklet may be obtained bv writing tj the Regional Fo-e * . U. S. Forest Service. Glenn Building, Atlanta. Ga bui * -s ? ? ? *? 1 irj I A Cli . , t E 1 ! U Q w sL QU i &4* ' 7 ' ?' ? : ?????'> ? oa>e thine i> ran ? ? n - s' ? '? < crc.l ? ? - ">u v. ... ..oi;r ? '" r ? t your !' flour ?" ' u 1 2 ? ..\r-'u\ i ? ? ! V. rrl; ? ml d ' > : ; :v! n ? . . . -oaiis ? \'\e I kin'! vm-.'v i. . ? ? ' r \.;x I" ! r? : U ' i ! ?? ?.r. of th. '?;? ... d. 33 . i" ' 1 . ' > up tvlv ? ' for :*v t] 1 r' Ii> r. T- 7." rv 7 ? TO Murphy Laurrv