SOCIETY Barbara A. coney , Society Editor. Phone 49- J \lrs. Hates Entertains For ^on On Birlhday jl; . (.. nil B :t'.s entertained Sat urday ? nioon at her home with a in: his Mule son. Gene, on his sixth birthday. Tl ? :nall uuests played various cam' ?'< the lawn. Punch and cook ies were served. Those invited .ire as follows: Little XIi>ms J :ilv Nichols, Carolyn Alex ander C".: nda I vie, Shirley Bates, and o. i n S.ttes. Gordon Darnell. Steve Crawford. Tommy Gentry, Sammy A ute. Billy Hensley, Larry Posey ?Hi' * ' 'hn Axley. HENN THEATRE HtKI'IlV, NORTH CAROLINA Thur. ? Fri., Sept. 25-26 Brcnd.i Joyce A Jane Darnell In 'PRIVATE NURSE' Sat., Sept. 27 Don ? Itrd" Barry In ? "TWO GUN SHERIFF" Late Show Sat. 10:30 Mary Beth Hughes, Geo .Montgomery In ? "COWBOY AND JHE BLONDER Sun., Sept. 28 Herbert Marshall, Virginia Bruee ? ill ? "ADVENTURE IN WASHINGTON" Mon.-Tues., Sept. 29-30 James Cagney, Bette Davis "BRIDECAME C.O.D." Wed., Oct. 1 dovble feature I -ron Errol In ? "HURRY CHARLIE' HURRY" "TRUE THE TOILER" Thurs.-Fri., Oct. 2-3 Skflton, Ann Rutherford "WHISTLING IN THE DARK" . . Sat., Oct. 4 J?hnny Mack Brown In? LAW OF THE RANGE" "SAN ANTONIO ROSE" r; m 7Adu,ts , ChMdrJ' *? 9:30 P M. Ulr ch AfIu|t'< 20c c^Z at 10 P- M c ? Adults 30c Methodist Circle No. 1 Meets With Mrs. King Circle No. 1 of the Woman# Society cf Christian Service of the Methodist church met last week at the home of Mr.;. W. D. King in Murphy. Mrs. Pauline Bundle was joint hos tess. Mrs. J. K. Pitzer, chairman, presid ed over the meeting. The devotional was given from the "Life of Christ." Mrs. Frank Ellis presented the mis sionary study on missionaries in Cuba and Mexico. A poem entitled "The World Out look" written by a negro was read by Mrs. Willard Axley. Mrs. Axley also gave an interesting talk on the negro school in Greensboro. The hostesses served a salad course to about 15 members. o Mrs. Davis Is Hostess To Mallory Y. W. A. At Home Monday Evening The Mallory Y. W. A. of the First Baptist church was entertained by Mrs. Loren Davis at her home on Hil ton street, with Mrs. Joe Hamilton as joint hostess, Monday evening at a special meeting. Mrs. Alvin Buchanan had char, to of the program with the Rev. A. B. Cash presenting a talk on State Missions. Mis. Buciianan also led the devotion al. Plans for the month's persona: service were dscusstd. The Y. W. A. colors, green and white, were carried out in the re ireshments. Those present were the Rev. and Mrs. Cash, Mis. J. C. Amnions, Mrs. Buchanan, Mrs. Pritchard Smith, Mrs. Ruth Nichols and daughter. Juuy, Mrs. Blanche Davis, Miss , Kathleen Roberts, Miss Irene Barton. 1 Miss Mai v I,ee Roberts, Mrs. John Donley and Miss Arietta Ramsey. Miss Frances Dickey Weds John T. Stillman j In Ceremony On Friday Mrs. Leila Dickey, of Murphy, lias announced the marriage of her daughter. Prances, to John T. Still man of Knoxville, Tennessee. The ceremony was performed Fri day evening at the First Presbyterian church in Knoxville with the Rev. Lawson, pastor, officiating. The bridegroom's brother and wife, Mr. and Mis. Gene Stillman, and the bride's sister, Mrs. Kenneth Denny, were the only attendants. Mrs. Stillman wore a navy blue dress with matching accessories. A corsage of sweetheart roses and taby breath completed her costume. After a short wedding trip through the Smokies the couple will make their home in Knoxville where Mr. Stillman is connected with the Gray bar Electric Co. o Initial Meeting Of Year Field By Womans Club At Library Wednesday The executives of the Woman's Club, composed of Mrs. C. L. Alver scn. Mrs. C. W. Savage. Mrs. Jim Gibbs, Mrs. Hall Cobb. Mrs. Harve Elkins and Mrs. Jerry Davidson, were hostesses to the club at the first meeting in the club year on Wednes day afternoon at 3 o'clock in the club room at the library. Mrs. A. G. Maxwell of Atlanta, noted speaker, presented a most in teresting talk using "Women and De fense" as her subject. A placque, mide by Miss Evelyn j Brown, art tcacher in the Murphy high school last year, in memoriam of Mrs. L. P. Kinsey. president of the club from 1917 until 1926. was pre sented by Mrs. C. W. Savage. Mrs. C. L. Alverson. president, ap pointed a luncheon committee and decoration committee to serve during the district meeting of Junior and Senior clubs to be held n Murphy on Tuesday. October 14. Mrs. T. A. Case is chairman of the luncheon commit tee with Mrs. Don Witherspoon, Mrs. R. S. Parker and Mrs. W. M. Bell serv ing. Chairman of the decoration com mittee is Mrs. Frank Ellis with Mrs. T. W. Klndley. Mrs. Tom Mauney :nd Mui Adelia Moroney. M:'> B W. Whttlield \\a.s elected to atr\c as secretary until such time a.-i one could be elected. New member* Joining tho c'.ub we.e Mrs. Jolia Clark.-, Mis. L. L. Key. Mrs. Morns Phillips. Miss Dora Hir.ii Parks. Mrs. Harry Watkins. Mrs. C. A. Bcatly and Mrs. W. IV Odom. o Junior Wotnans Club Has l irst Annual Meet W ednesday Evening The Junior Womans Club held the first meeting of the club year Wed nesday evening in the club room at the Library, with Miss Marinell Wil liamson. president, presiding. Plans made for the coming year in cluded voting Miss Mary Jo Davis to become a regular member of the club and voting Miss Mildred Hampton a.s adopted charge. Other prospective monitors were suggested and voted in the club. A committee was voted to make plans for the alloween celebra tion. The hostesses. Miss Dot Higdon and Mrs. Duke Whitley, served a dessert course. Approximately twenty members were present. o Reception Given Friday For Rev. And Mrs. Cash Ar. informal reception given by the Womans Missionary Society of the First Baptist church was held Friday evening at the church honoring the Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Cash. Throughout the evening music was played and refreshments served. The public was invited. o "Get Acquainted" Party Given By Mrs. Phillips Mrs. Morris Phillips entertained last week a; 417 Valley River avenue with a ccca-cola "get acquainted" pariy. Guest.1! were scaled on the lawn Coco-eoias. sandwiches, cheese straws and cookies were served to the fol lowing : Mrs. Allison Fraker. Mrs. Thomas Watkins, Mrs. Harry Watkins. Mrs. James Key, Mrs. Jack Marshall. Mrs. Leslie Key, Mrs. Richard Hall. Mrs. Myron Jensen, Mrs. W. W. Hyde. Mrs. Charlie Mayfield. Mrs. Jack Beatty, Mrs. Tom Allington, Mrs. Jack Edwards Mrs. Clayborne Fleming. Mrs. Morris Stanley, Mrs. John Clarke Mrs. Julia Martin, Mrs. Mark Brit tain, Mrs. Hunt and Mrs. Duncan. LOCAL PERSONALS George B. Jones who has been em- ; ployed in Harrimon, Tennessee, ar- : rived in Murphy Monday where he is transferred with the T. V. A. Paul Smith of Kentucky spent last week end here. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie Weir and lit- ? tie daughter. Sara Jean, of Atlanta. ' Ga? spent last week end here with i Mrs. Weir's mother, Mrs. Delia Me- ' roney. John H. Bayless of Jefferson City spent last week end here with his wife. | The many friends of Miss Maud Bennett will regret to learn she is in the hospital. Miss Frances Christopher spent last week end in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Leon Blake of Ala bama spent last week end iiere with Mrs. Blake's mother, Mrs. Ruth Car ringer. Miss Frances Calhoun who is em ployed in Sylva visited here last week end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I Charlie Calhoun. Miss Jessamine Vestal has return ed from a three weeks visit in Mor gan ton. Mrs. L. E. Bayless spent last week in Franklin with Mrs. Henry Slaele. Mrs. Maurice Gentry of Watts Bar is visiting here with her mother. Mrs. Bessie DeWeese. Hugh Hensley was a visitor in Ashevillc Wednesday. Mrs. L. M. Shields and daughter. Miss Eunice Shields, were visitors in ( Copperhill Saturday. ! H. A. Wardrup spent Sunday in I Knoxville. Mrs. Harry Ferguson and little son. i Tommy, and Miss Ella Prince of Syl va spent Sunday here with Mrs. Fer ; guson's parents. Mr. and Mrs. T. S. | Evans. MARBLE NEWS The P T. A. m>'i Friday afternoon in the school auditorium Mrs. Frank Lir.lejohn ltd the devotional. Mi>. 2'. A. Arrowood, president. presided over the meeting. MUs Ha/ii Cham berV room won the banner this month for having the most parents present | lur this mc'ling. Slch teacher gave talk on what they wanted the P. T. A to do tins year. Miss Hazel Chambers, lioness, served refreshments to twen ty-two members. Miss Pauline Beaver returned to Oastonia Friday after spending a week here with relatives. Mrs. Quince Stiles is spending this week visiting in Murphy. Buster Henry who is in the U. S. A: my is visiting his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henry, here. Vernon Palmer of Akron is visiting Ills parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pal mer. Miss Flonnie Huskins left last week lor Gastonia where she is employed. Mrs. Euun Iwllock ul Louuen. Tenn.. is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Chambers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Seigel and | -on. Jack, of Cincinnati. Ohio, arc visiting Mr. ivnd Mrs. Fred Hill Mrs. Frank Littlejohn entertained her Junior B. Y .P. U. class with a social at her home Tuesday evening. Refreshments were served to the fol i lowing: Helen Garrett. Marynell Lov r.ood, Minnie Lee West, Betty Jo ShaUer, Virginia and Frank ie Little john, Mildred. Ester and Stoakes Day. t Joe and Jilly Bryson, Wendell Lov ingood, Leroy Walsh. Bobby Ingram and Fred West. Miss Ruth Stepp returned to Aqu cne after visiting here with Mr. and Mia. Warren Steppe. LOWER MARTINS C Orady Smith .1: Mar tins Creek, Mrs. J. B. II II and Mrs. Cliud Kite: of Bell.'VU'v. v ..ocrt Stiles of Tomotla. Mrs. W. D. King of Mil pliy. M . Ldi. .>.1.1.1:? of Hayesulu ? and M: . .. . key speiu ! i.-t Saturday in A-.hrv.lle ?. isit tng :h ? Homo D nion r.v. . :i Club market and cr-f: shop. Mr. and Mrs. Vilgus Phillips and cluldrt n w-ie ihe dims r gr..- of Mr. and Mrs. Willie Phillips las: Sun day even In:. C. L. Hall lias Lven ill wit a tlu. A... and Mi'j. Jr loyd ClaiK and family have moved in cu: conn.. unity. Mrs. Boyd Stiles visited M: "rank Ingvani one day last w. ek. Mrs. M. f. Hall and Mr ..' an In gram spent last Wednesday uii.i Mrs. B. W. Cl1asta.11. PATRICK NEWS M nd .Mi -Ml:e a..d two child t n and g-in ldau : . Far ner were the dinner k 1 Mrs. Lie urHten and J< an Pick'.esimer j Sund Mr. and Mrs. Grad.v Williamson and Mrs. Tcm P. kli - 111 1 ae guests of Mr. and Mrs. Aruel Williamson at > isaiv 1... . oi.ndav :i . !?>il!f ?r. BUta;. ci li.s pareir... .V and Mrs. a. . . unu .... -. 1 ul / . n \> '.o the Will Allen II:.. a r..l.. . Ooorpe Ri'irt of Cha.t in o i "isited at Hiwa. sec Dam Simd: .n crnoon. Geared... to Serve the South ! I SYMBOLIC of Southern 1 Bell's tremendous im portance to the vital com* munication system of the South is its Seal? an emblem of proven service to industry and the public and now to defense. The national emer-, gency is making unprec**] dented demands upon every, resource at our disposal la men, women, materials and ' money. Recruits are daily swelling the ranks of out trained army of workers. ? . Our reserves of basic equipment are being taxed to the utmost to keep pace with the ever growing de mands for more and more telephone service. The more than 51,000,000 dollars re quired thisyearfor construct ing, reconstructing and a dapting telephone facilities to meet government and other telephone needs is be ing willingly invested to in sure the expansion and pro tection of telephone sen-ice throughout the nine south eastern states we serve ? Soutbrrn Bill is gtartd toteru * tb* South. H C * SOUTHERII BEILTeLEPHOM1 BHD TELEGRAPH COHIPRny IMCOftPOR AT I 0 For Those Who Want Fresi- '*&:>? ,5gs WE HAVE A FLOCK OF 600 NEW HAMPSHIRE REDS NOW IN GOOD PRODUCTION". WE HAVE CONTRACTED OCR OUTFIT OF EGGS TO SYL VESTER MARKET, DICKEY FEED CO.. AND V. M. JOHN -UP MARKET. THEY WILL TRY AND HAVE AT ALL TIMES FRF MI YARD EGGS THAT YOU WILL LIKE. THESE EGGS WILL NEVER BE OVER TWO DAYS O: ' * V OFFERED FOR SALE. Twin Oaks Poultry Farm W. S. D\c\c~ > * ?