. t :{; :u. or m of Murpliy and Cher County. N ?rth Carolina V- ill InIIKI) KVKKY THURSDAY Kill ?\i In in Post Office at Mur ? . N ?itn Carolina sfcond class ?? ? 'uuir ( (Hmstisl Editor-Publisher 15. st.uisill Itusincvs Aliinaccr V. 1* Hythc Associate Editor ?Vi >.ira Mcroni*> Social Editor -.1 list KIPTION PKU i: ! V ir. in North Carolina $1.50 ti V.?s? in North Carolina 75 Y *ar. Out of Slate 2.00 I*ayable Strictly In Advance v t )- >f hanks, tributes of respect individual- lodges, .hurches. or ? ?!i 'tons or wietie will be re i ? (ltd ;u> ? i.-ins4. Such notices i " .ulv." :ti compliance a. i' ii .i xstal regulation.-. SELL THAT SCRAP! >'.v miterial shortages arc bc .mui't in i: s< nous day by day. The i nvn: '1 A.:: u.t'iif lias ask ?-? the farmer.-. throughout this v ? :try to i -oiled and to sell tlieir . i 1 ;) :rm for t-i in dHense pro ? ' i.'.ion " i<- Office of Production Man > . nun lias or; uuzitl several drives ? ? increase the flow of scrap metal, iiuminum. and iron from ine cities ? ?> defense industries Tliis Office ? . now asking the farmers to join in Cicm drives. f would seem that there are three io.nl reasons why every farmer .. mid cooperate. Fir..t, we must re ??i-mber that modern taimini: de mauds modern machinery and that f'rm implements take a great do.ll ? ? iron and steel. If we are to have h n uninterrupted production of farm "iip'.ements, we must have more iron. A scarcity of iron and , scrap may curtail production ? necessary farm machinery. Sec ii nt. the farmers can make a lit ' I ?? extra money by selling scrap in.-l.il. The Department of Asricul ( i ? t i.i.'. asked state and county ag .??iti to cooperate with farmers in i 1 1 is endeavor and to keep them in f ?lined on the prices of scrap metal Third, the b.irny ird and fence corn ?i.. look much better when broken | ? iov. n implements and discarded i ! >o!.s ara picked up and .sold. .iid he made A little mon <- an f '.he "place" looked much ?r ??.?.out the junk" lying -:.a r . ;.j se m tlwt this is an ex < ? i for every farmer not i"' i :? ?.;? ins government, but al- j i i '.i-'lp himself. It sounds like a> ? d idea ' i TAKING A BEATING ! T: :.?? country is ju.st oeginnmg toj (??I oun'.cr .omc of the bisge.it and, ? .... difficult problems that a milt- 1 (uy economy makes unavoidable. The arms program Ls getting into' id-v Oar aircraft production is at I i ? rate of about 25.000 planes a a ? ir. Production of tanks, machine oj'is, army trucks and other vital ?i<- essities, is increasing last. The t ? >-ocean navy will be completed far ? Vad of the original schedule. In I' ? r.ext two year:;. unless something t expected occurs to change the pic t ? e. we should become the foremost m.litary power on earth. rhis doesn't mean that we are do "i : our theoretical utmost. We ? fn't Liabor troubles continue to i " >unt and undermine production Governmental red tape, delay and indecision still hamper industry. A f "v segments of industry have not ??e n able to get away from the business a; usual" point of view. There is plenty of politics in the -J -. ?!**? set-up. and there is too mveh divided responsibility wtilch ?ns>':es for passing of the buck and -ral disorder. Even so, the gl ean ic AmTimn production machine is . wing forward. and it is success full making the Immense change fro:, a peace-time to a war-time ec or. imy T > 3ome, thU change means prof i'.s ?nd ?"'i irities N.> one without i .1 hir.ii priority rating ran now ob ? tain tin1 > ii- itietal< No out can j build a h .ini' cost in:; more than $t?. : ikh). There ai t* short ages of (Kiper, ,loth. rubber, chcnucah, clranin : : fluid commodities which in nor I mil pel i od s are excessively ah tin - ' dant. Anil legions of businesses, cm ' pining trillions <>f people, depend on such commodities is these for their ' very Iif?* I* -? mists believe that this defense I pro: : am may mean the virtual death ! if ! la- buMiit .s in this nation. That 1 may b" an excessively dark forecast, j Htil the lurd fact remains that 110 j one has yet been able to formulate I a program under which we may ob tain maximum military production and at the same time preserve our busincv. system more or less intact. VV;uOitn?:on. of course, has given attention to this small business prob lem There has been an effort to farm out contracts, under a sub-con tracting system, so that small and middle--iized concerns may obtain a fair share of the orders. So far. how ever. little progress has been made. The bulk of small businesses luven't the equipment or the personnel which ire needed. If this trend continues, it is ap parent that a revolutionary change will take place in the Amerio.ui economy. Whether that change will be for tlie better or worse is a mat ter of argum- lit In the meantime, it is an ironical fact that hundreds of thousands of men are being thrown out of Jobs during a time when htere is a short age of suitable labor ? and thousands of businesses are in danger of being shut down during State eould not get Uw highway ' >'ed era I used " The protest me delegates went iu.iv noMutt. trusting 111 tin- prom i is of a promise-laden admiulstra lion. Upon Invest igation. it was found that no attempt l'ic. administered is a soporific for t lie votinjr sense ? of Northwest issue of the Blue Ridge Roaci > beginning to throw some light on the political chicanery of the Tal madgc Administration, and we be lieve that light is g;>ing to eliminate u lot ol the darkness which lias shrouded so m ay of the Georgia State Highway Commission's actions. Fortunately, a Oeorgla guberna torial election is approaching, and the Talmadge machine will have as one of its opponents, the incumbent attorney-general. The attorney-general has announ- I ced his determination to make the I Blue Ridge Road one of the main issues of his campaign. Whether he will be successful de pends on the Talmadge machine's support in other sections of the , state', and whether that support will , be strong enough to over-ride what appears to be certain d-feat in Northwest Georgia. Whatever the outcomc. the State someday will realize that it is ? to u.sc an old cliche ? "cutting off its nose to spite its face." Buyers in this section who under ordinary circumstances would make their purchases in Atlanta, now are buying in Chattanooga. Knoxvillf. Asheville. and other cities which af fni ci hpltflr npfwy: o? ? Lions Club, Health Dept. Hold Eye Clinic Here; 27 Children Examined Under the sponsorship of the Mur phy Lions Club, an eye clinic for indipent children was held recently in the Cherokee County Hospital. Dr. Schnoor. of Duke University Hospital, was in charge of the ex aminations. Of the ?7 children examined. 13 j wen- found ti need classes. and tw ? , other, will ri quire minor operations. A Hilar < lime \\ is conducted In K ' H . i ; i \ He died at his home near Hayes- I v'lle mi Nov 8 Mr. Swanson was; ?v idely known throughout this area, j The last rites were held in the i Haycsville Baptist Church, where he had served as a dojcon ror v)tw f If tv yew*. *'Hh tin- Rev. j h Wil son olflclaling InU-rmen' *as in the Huyesvlilf Cemetery. *ith Ivlr p?. iral Home at charm-. M. Arthur Colcmuil. Lee BurlaiMt C. W o?r ltnser. J. \V. Winehe.-tcr. Ed Murray and Ouy Burland ?? re jmUi '.arm. Mr. 3wan?on is survived by three daughters, and eight sons Mrs. Alice Earn rd. of Andrews; Mrs Edna Belong. of Underw Kxi. W.1..1 Mrs. Ocia ScroKBS, of Richmond. Vircmia. John. Charles. Glenn. Itay and Foster Swanson. all of Hayi-.ville; K. S. of Filer. Idaho; P.< d C.. of Charleston. Tenn.: and Wayne. of Ashcvillc. THERE'S JOY IN WISE AND THAT'S OUR SPECIALTY Served As You Like It ? Or Take It Home Or Phone, and We'll Bring It Champagne - Port - Claret - Sherry - Whatever Your Choice We Hav e It! TRY OUR CHILE CON CARNE AND PABST BLUE RIBBON BEER SANDWICHES OF EVERY KIND Deliveries "Around the Clock" PHONE 9105 THE SMOKE HOUSE Listen, Mister: ? You can't clean and press your own clothes any better than you could do the family wash. Fortunately you don't have to. Call us. We'll come and get 'em. and bring 'cm back the same day if you wish. A perfect job ? and we mean perfect. Phone 13 Today Loral accnts for the famous SYlrVA LAUNDRY Imperial Cleaners Distinctive without being expensive CHEVROLETS NEW MODELS DtSIGNID TO IEAD IN STYIING ? DESIGNED TO IEAD IN PERFORMANCE DESIGNED TO LEAD IN ECONOMY Their surpassing quality ? plus th?lr surprising economy ? sets them apart from all other "Torpedo" models Superlative grace and beauty distin guish Chevrolet's new Fleetline Aero sedan and new Fleetline Sportmaster. And, of course, they also bring you all of the Unitized Knee- Action comfort . . . all of the Valve-In-Head "Victory" per formance and economy ... all of the 30-year-proved dependability which char acterize the new Chevrolet? The Finest Chevrolet of All Time. See these distingiiished cars at your nearest Chevrolet dealer's, and convince yourself that "It fxiys to buy the leader and get the leading buy." IT PAYS TO BUY THE LEADER AND GET THE LEADING BUY DICKEY CHEVROLET CO. MURPHY, N.C.