Our Aim: ? A Better Murphy A Finer County Dedicated To Service For Progress THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALI Y RICH TEURITORY VOL. 53 ? No. 29 MIRPHY. NORTH CAROLINA THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 8. 1M2 5c COPY ? SI S* PER YEAR COUNTY TO HAVE I HORSE AND MULE CLINIC THURSDAY Vererinarian Will Visit Five Communities To Give EjAdiiunstions For the first time to its history, | Cherokee County will hare a scries of horse and mule clinics nex- week Pivc clinics will be held, in as many localities, uii on Thursday. Feb. 19 There are 100 animals here of woik- ! in? age. County Farm Agent Quay Ketner. ; T ho arranged for the clinics. ;iad j hoped to have them over two days. [ in order that more localities might ' be visited. This was impossible how ever, an dso they have been eliminat ed to five places from which sp.,ci?i requests for veterinary aid have been received. Clinics will be held at J. E. B cwn's farm. Andrews from 8 to 10 o'clock, and at. Ahmmthy> !!! -K1~ from 10 to 12:30. In the afternoon the veterinarian will be at the Mar tin's Creek school from one until three o'clock, and at John Shields' Farm, in the Culberson section, from thhree until five o'clock. The hours are all "war time". Dr. M. M. Leonard, a specialist on worms, bots. and teeth w?i h? in charge. He will examine without charge, every horse or mule brought to him, and will give free advice on remedies and care. If the animal is O. K. the owner will be told how to keep it that way. If something is wrong, the owner can have free in struction as to how to admlnUM-7 home treatment, or Dr. Leonard will give treatment, for a small fee. made to cover expenses. For instance, one to ten animals may be treated for round worms for fl per head. For 11 to 20 animals the rate will be 75 cents per head, and from 21 animals tip, the charge will be only 60 cents per head. Bots will be treated at a flat rate at 35 cents per head. Floating teeth ?will be filed for (1 per head, and other dental work done at rates to be agreed upon by Dr Leonard and the owner. County Agent Ketner stressed the fact that no owner will be obligated, in any way, to buy treatment. If iimii?wng de fine ml m wfth the labor needs said, 'will win the war and write the | peace." J. J. Morgan, statistician of the j Department, viewed the selection of ' North Carolina as one of the two ' states to conduct the survey as "a j distinct resognltkm of the State's achievements In agricultural statistic work.' North Carolina, through Its j State Department of Agriculture, is the only Southern State making an j annual farm census survey and the j Federal-State Crop Reporting Ser- j vice of the Department ranks No. 3 in the Nation. I More than 30,000 farmers win be j contacted through the mails and by workers in connection with the sur- J vey. Other agencies cooperating In the j survey win include the Agricultural Adjustment Administration and the ! Statistics laboratory at State Col- i far Su-mm nhen tM?U. It tM beeniegv. BIG DRAFT GROUP LEAVES TUESDAY TO ENTER ARMY Censors Forbid Listing Of Names, Homes, Or I heir Destinations One of the largest groups of draft ees. yet to be sent from Cherokee County lett for "a camp" Tuesday mominc They left Murphy, by bus New censorship rules forbid statins the exact number, the names of tho men. or their destination, but it may be toid that most of the nc .v sol diers are from Andrews and Marble. However, practically every lor \lit:? in the county was represented. Prom now on. it is piobabk- U\al r roups of draftees will be lcavlnc ?i'uii increasing frequency, and it is not unlikely that summer will find every man in uniform, except those physically unfit, or deferred because of dependents. A group of considerable size left Murphy for Asheville Monday morn ing. to take physical examinations. The trip was made under the new system, which does away with the necessity of sending men to camp before being finally accepted or re jected. The men returned to their home Monday night, but those who passed the physical examlna . tion Monday are practically in the 1 army. They will be sent to camp with next group. No call for their service 1 has yet been received . and even when It comes. It will not be publicly an | nounced. Every man. however, will l be notified Individually, by mall. (Continaed on back page) George Abbott, 79, Claimed by Death; Rites Held Tuesday George Edward Abbott, widely known throughout all this section, died a* a local hospital last Monday, and was burled Tuesday In the o'd Methodist cemetery. Nephews were pall bearers and the honorary escort was composed of old friends and fel low members of his Bible class. Ivio Funeral Home was in charge. He died just ten days before his 80th birthday, after being in failing health for a long time, A bachelor, he made his home with Henry Hyatt one of his nephews. Mr. Abbott was related to some of the most prominent families in Western North Carolina. One of his sisters, Belle, now dead, married E. A. Davidson, former Murphy bank er. Another. Lou, also deceased, was the wife of R. A. Herbert, of Hayes ville, who built the Murphy branch of the L. and N. railroad. A third sister, sister, also dead, married the late Jim Vaughn, once one of the leading merchants of Murphy. Two sisters survive: Mrs. R. H. Hyatt and Mrs. Anne J. Chandler, both of Murphy. Nephews and nieces who survive are: Paul and Henry Hyatt, of Mur phy: Ed and Prank Herbert, of An drews: Mrs. Martha Candler Lee, of Muiphy: Mrs. C. A. Brown, of An drews: Mrs. Ida Belle McClammer?, of West Asheville; and the Mrs. Es tella and Anne Penland. who married brothers, of Hayesvllle. The active pall bearers were Henry and Paul Hyatt, Ed and Frank Her bert and Arthur Penland and Dale Lee. The last named two are neph ews by marriage. o Death Takes Baby Girl Of Carl Cunninghams Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cunningham, of the Belleview section. ?ro grief stricken over the loss of their Infant daughter, Iva Lee. Hie baby, only 14 days oia. fiied Saturday, and was buried Sunday, after funeral aerrloess conducted at the home. ' John C. Herbert Dead ; I ' Twice State Senator, And Wedded 67 Years Jolm C Herbert, former R."p;esen ' tativc und State Senator, and for 40 \t-ars a U. S Commissioner iu Clay County, died In a Murphy hospital Wednesday aged 84 years He was I Thursday from the Havesvllle Baptist church, with Prof. Adam^. of Young Harris College, a close friend, delivering the funeral oration. Town on Funei al Home was in charge of 1 arrangements. The married Ufc cf Mr. Ilerbs.i ' probably sets a record. Back in 1875 j Iif married Miss Octave Tayljr. of j Hendersonville, N. C.. and th two ; iived together for 67 years The i widow, just 17 days younger than hei ' husband, survives. Mr Herbert was sent to the House cf Delegates three times, anl served ; two terms in the State Senite. He was a Mason of more than SO years standing, and was buried with full Masonic honors He is survived by three sons: Dr. j Fred Herbert, of Andrews, and Tom | and Frank, of HayesvlUe. W. R. Hughes Killed By Dynamite Blast ;!n Oregon Gold Mine ? Killed by the premature explosion of dynamite as he worked in a gold mine near Diston. Oregon, the bi.dy of 29 year old William Radfcrd Hughes was brought home for burial last week Services were held at the Martins Creek Baptist church with Rev. Will Hedden officiating. Young Mr. Hughes, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Ast er Hughes, was born and reared In the Martin's creek sec tion. He went to Oregon about a year ago. alter working for the TVA. and hU wife an dfive small children joined him last summer. His wife, who survives, Is the former Lola Sex ton. According to a sister of the victim, ! he and a fellow worker were blasting ! and one of t-i > charges was defective. ! The explosion killed him instantly, ! and his fellow worker died next day. 1 In addition to his widow and chil | aren, the deceased is survived by ms 1 i father, six brothers and 3lx sisters. ] j The latter are: Mrs. Hazel Derre- j 'berry, of Andrews and Mrs. Ruth Owneby, Mrs. Josephine Williams ' and the Misses Edna, Louise and j Christine Hughes, all of Martln5s Creek. The brothers are: Emory, a sol dier. stationed at Ft. Benning: and Harford Walter, Clay, Otis and Wil liam, all living at the old home. o WORKERS Government economists predict that the labor situation will be much more acute this year, and that farm ers will have to pay higher wages to those helpers they can get. BOARD WILL ASK FOR INCREASE IN TIRE ALLOTMENT Figures Show Present rv ? . I *T?1 S2eWv" yuuid L.C85 i nan r>U /(> of Essential Needs A petition is being drawn up, for tit-natures all over the toun'y, re questing an Increase in tlie monthly Illotnwim of tires. It is declared tha present number of tires obtainable) ne not enough to meet pressing re quirements. The petition will get the enthusi astic bucking of the Coun'.y Tira Rationing Board .which Is composed of E O. Christopher. Murphy Towu Clerk. Police Chief Fred Johnson, of Murphy, and Police Chief Frank Me haffi-y, of Andrews. Mr. Christopher said he hoped the petition would be completed quickly, and turned In to the Board .In order that it might be ' in cv mliiai pitrtt "u.v tile . Board. "The County certainly is not get ! ting enough tires to meet needs which come under the heading of j "essential', Christopher said. "The , Board had already planned writing I the authorities asking for an in crease: but we will hold up the letter . until we get the petition, and can i state facts and flgwes. Theso facts an dfigures liave been gathered by W. D. Townson, Murphy Undertaker, and operator of two am bulances. -who can show that the tire allotment for Cherokee County Is less than half the number absolutely re ! quired to deliver the malls, to enforce ? the law, and to preserve health In January, the total county allot i menl was ten tires, and this number ! was for both light trucks an dpas i senger cai-s. For February the al j lotment was only eight. Next month's figures may be still smaller. | Altogether .it Is believed that, under I the present system, the County will get only about 100 tires in a year ? and these must serve for light trucks as well as passenger cars. As against this, the actu&l require - ' ments will be for more than 200 tires. 1 It is pointed out that there are eight rural mali carriers and seven 1 star route carriers in the county, and these will average not less than two sets of tires per car. per year. This estimate is called conservative. Even so, It requires 120 tires for carrying the malls. There are four ambulances In the county, and records show they use two sets of tires each per year ? thus :equlrlng a total of 32 tires. There are three policemen in Mur phy and two In Andrews .who will use one set of tires each, for a total of 20. Sheriff Carl Townson uses at least two sets of tires a y ear. or a total of eight. There are nine physicians in the (Continued on back page) Skirts Banned sa Class of 60 Students Begins Red Cross Course in First Aid BY HARRY CARRY The speaker stood before a life sized reproduction of the human frame, marked with vital "bleeding danger" spots. "I wired for my own skeleton, ani) cxpeot It any time now", he said. "In the meantime, this one that Mr. Bueck dug up over at the school house will do." The speaker was Red Cross expert James, "Call-me-Jim" Hall, sent Ui Murphy by National Headquarters to instruct Instructors in first aid. Pro moted largely through the efforts of Mrs. T. A. Case, the first class was held Monday night In the Woman's Club room at the Library, with sixty students; about one- third of there men. The course consists of 30 hour* of iastrucUvB, aynmd over two weeks, with classes held at night. "Prof Hall started things off with a bang when he announced: "Ladies I don't want to hear % skirt rustle from now on. Wear slacks, overalls, or what have you ? ? but no skirts! We'll he all over the floor, and all over ourselves in this coursp. and we can't be hamper ed." The Professoi" added ti:at he would brook no complacency or shirking, and predicted that the class -would soon be calling him a heartless slave driver. In reality, he said, he is a nice kindly person Who usually comes to be known to grateful stu dents as "just plain Jim." Alter a high pressure lecture which Included bandage demonstrations by himself, and Prof. R. P. Lovlngood, of the Andrews Hlghschool, who Is a graduate instructor, the Whole bunch wrapped bandages, in contest fash ion . striving for speed and accuracy. Tuesday night's instructions fol "z-'.'ns l on back Pag*