The Source HufTer ? How can you smoke Much a rank cigar an that? Puffer ? I can't. That's the one that you gave me yesterday. Definition of a boy ? Noise with dirt on it. What lie Thought Sergeant Okay, nou\ toughening up exercise. Everyone on hi* hark, tens in air. I*rctend you are pedalling a bi cycle. One, two , t>ne tuo Iter, y ou! Why aren't you pedalling? Hookie Stir nr. I'm prctt-mling I'm goinft downhill and coasting. Chrome finished case, unbreakable uyiUi mA~l cuy rcsdiss di*L Hi! ? ?C* and hand. Also N fc. W inarrsoU Sweep-Second Watrhea. $2.75 to $5.50. Faderal (aiM mttra. I rvger?oIl- Water bury Company, Water bur v. Conn. _ Prtetw auttject to change without notice Vocabulary of Stutterers Persons who stutter, 80 per cent of whom arc males, usually have a vocabulary half again as large as those who are free of this nerv ous affliction, owing to their use of synonyms for words, which, at times, they cannot readily pro nounce. !xv!.c?st !*:t f*"m tKat- amothrry feeling in the atomaeh. When ctuaed by exceaa acid from food fermentation or nervou? e*ritemcnt try ADLA Tablet*. I Contain Bia nuth anil Ctrbonat#* for UICK relief. Your druggist haa ADLA ableta. ADIA Neon Visibility Because its wave length is radi cally different from that of other kinds of reddish light, a neon sign has a 20 per cent greater visibility during a rainstorm than during clear weather. Beware Coughs from common colds That Hang On Creomulslon relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal r?w, tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to sell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. CREOMULSION for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis As We Love The more we love, the better wt are; and the greater our friend chips arc, the depr**!* we are to God. ? Jeremy Taylor. BIACKMAN'S MEDICATED SALT BRICK For Horses, Mules, Cow and Shoop No trouble to use, simply keep one in the feed box all the time. Stock will dose themselves. Use in the place of plain salt. Trf ?t a ?e?|( or to and be eonv'nced BUY FROM YOUR DEALER Manufactured by BIACKMAM STOCK MEDICINE CO. Chattanooga Tmnwi X . 0 * ASSURAWCE The buyer's assurance is the adverb* in? he or she reads in the newspaper. That is the buyer's gukie. It tells the prices one must expect to pay. Let the seller who tries to charge more beware! CHAPTER XII "Well? She's not your squaw, is she?" continued the Commissioner. "She promise to marry on me. She work for Meester Hale. She say she lak dark mans no more, she lak gol' hair." "Where were you yesterday?" "In mornin' cleanin' out hangar." "Did that take all day?" "No sirree. Word come dat chief marry. Mees Samp seesters, they sen" me to woods. I cut every t'ing green. Bring to H house and put 'em round room." "Yourself?" "Mecs Hale come an' Meester Chester. Bruder, seester, dey work togeddcr, odor mens Uniic isi." "Were Mrs. Hale and Chester in the H house all the time you were?" "No sirree. Meester Chester go first. Say to her, 'You feenish.' She sen' me for more green. Wen I come back ? she gonr too." "Gone, had she? Where were you last night?" "Squaw-dance." "Was your girl friend" ? he amended ? "was Tatima, this girl you expect to marry, with you?" "No. She stay at Waffle Shop for beeg marriage party there." He qualified, "She come to dance late, stay long night through." The Indian girl was called next. Tatima swaggered in. head back. Her face had the curious color dark skin has when drained of blood. "Have a good time at the Indian dance last night':" Tatima straightened. "Who, me? Me go to Indian dance?" Her con tempt was superb. "I stay at Waf fle Shop all night, help Mees Samp seesters clear up after marriage party." ? ? ? The Commissioner grinr.ed at Ka dyama. "Sit down." Tatima favored him with a dis dainful glance. "Who, me? I stan' up." "Suit yourself. You work for Mr. Hale?" "Who, me? I work for Mecs Samp seesters." "What do you do there?" "Wait on table. Wash decshes, sweep, do much t'ings. Work hard." "Yet, you had time to take care of Mr. Hale's caoin?" She tnssed her head, set her lips in a heavy red line of defiance. Harcourt commanded: "Answer the Commissioner's ques tions, Tatima. We all know that you worked for Mr. Hale. Tell the truth." She regarded him from under low ered lids. Hunched her fine shoul ders. "Who, me? Tell truth? You not like it p'raps much as you t'ink. I tell. I work for Meester Hale." A spasm of feeling twisted her face. She bit her lips. A drop of blood stained her teeth as she went on. "I tak' csrc of cabin v.-'ile Mees Hale gone away." "Been there since her return?" "One tam, p'raps." "Remember losing this?" The Indian girl bent forward to stare at his extended hand. In the center lay a blue glass bead. She clutched at the string about her neck. Inscrutability veiled the fright which had flamed in her eyes. She drawled: "Lose bead two days ago. Same tam she there." With a nod she indicated the girl at the typewriter desk. Janice felt the color mount to her hair as the four men looked at her. "You mean that young lady at the desk?" "Sure, I mean she. Meester Hale he phone for her to come. Say he have secret letter. First he send Mees Hale to Waffle Shop. Mees Trent come. He tell her letter. He tell her she beautiful. After w'ile he say, 'I kees yo' han's. I?' " "Didn't like Hale to tell Miss Trent that she was beautiful, did you?" "Who. me? I not care. He say to her, 'You run away from marry in'. Keen an' run kin'.' An' she say, to keep to boes-ncss. He talk more, much more. Then beads break. I busy peeking them up. I hear no more." "Didn't hear Miss Trent's voice again?" "Ask much questions, don't you? P'raps you t'ink Tatima some leetle detccter. I hear her speak outside, that all. She speak very mad to Meester Jimmy Chester, 'fore he come in." "Chester! Did he come into the cabin?" "Sure, he come. He say very loud, "Wat you mean sending for Mees Trent, Joe? Try any funny business an' I'll shoo!.' An' then 1 Mees Hale come in an' say, 'Wat you doin' with that pistol, Jimmy' j Joe's frightened!" An' then she i laugheH an' laughed 'sthough she I iidn'' k"-v what she doin', an' I went to Wuflle Shop an' wash deeshes." "You didn't see Mr. Hale again alive?" "Who, me? I not see heem again, never." "That's all. You Triay go." She swung out, head up, the Yaku tat blanket trailing from one hand. The Commissioner watched her till the door closed. Made a note on his pad. "You take stenographic notes, don't you, Grant? Take Miss Trent's testimony." He looked at Janice. "Sorry to bring you into this, but I want to hear about your visit to Hale's cab in." "Mr Hale Dhoned me to come and take a letter from his dicta tion. A codicil." "Codicil! Did he sign it?" "I don't know. I put it in shape and sent two copies to him by one of the men." "Make a rough draft for me when we get through this afternoon. While you were at the Hale cabin, what happened?" "Tatima has given an exact ac count." "You met Chester as you went out?" "Yes." "What did he say to you?" "He asked what I was doing in Hale's cabin." "And you answered?" "That it was none of his busi ness. The suspicion in his voice made me furious." "Mm! All the next day you were away from headquarters, I under Tatima swaggered in. stand. There was a party here in the evening. Did you dance with Chester?" "Yes." "Did he mention your meeting of the day before?" "Yes. He apologized for his man ner and I explained why I answered as I did." "You parted good friends?" "The best." Thank heaven that was over! She had squeezed by without telling what Jimmy had said in reply. "Was inai ai! that was saiil?" Her assurance crashed. Good grief! She wasn't under oath, she hadn't sworn to tell the truth, the whole truth. She would say nothing which could incriminate nice Jimmy Chester. She smiled engagingly at the Commissioner. "Anything more would have been I anti-climax, wouldn't it?" His smile was bland, too bland. "You were in the H house when Mrs. Hale came last night, weren't you? Sorry to remind you of what must have been a gruesome intru sion on your happiness, but I want to know what happened." "We were sitting by the fire talk ing when someone beat furiously at the door. Mrs. Hale stumbled into the room. She was breathless as though she had been running. She braced herself against the wall, tried to speak. Mr. Harcourt said, 'Steady, Millicen'.. What has hap pened?' Her ejes were wide with horror as she called out, 'Joe's dead! Shot!' She pitched forward to : the floor." "You can remember nothing more that was said? See who's knocking, ; Grant." Janice's eyes met Harcourt's. He must be intensely relieved that she hid been reprieved from answering ; tha' question. Tubby Grant opened the door. Martha Samp stood on the threshold. In one hand she hold U ?. ox" Harc?urt rose. ... We..wer.e lo scnd 'or you later. Miss Martha." The woman's grim lips twisted in " ?m!,e- "Which's Polite for s?yin'. What you doin' here?' Mr Bruce. I came to save you wastin' the gov ernment's time." She stepped into the center of the room. Her voich quavered with excitement. "Found the revolver that shot Joe Hale' I Must be somewhere." "Obviously." The Commissioner's voice dripped sarcasm. Martha bamp frowned at him. ?k .W.hat do you mean speakin" like , ? . to me, to a woman old enough y?UJ mothe^ I want you should understand that the engi 'P'iP8"1? didn't leave tneir manners behind in the States. You T?iJen waf"es for your lunch. Mary hJm.'T' # J"11'1 under anV oblign ? n?. Z; you an' your assist ants while you re here on this case. Ml" .y t0 be a smarty with me. you II eat with the men or the Eski mos, understand?" Tubby Grant camouflaged an exu J"""1 chuckle with a racking cough. Dauntless Martha Samp bel ligerently faced the Commissioner. A smile tempered the amazement faf? as he rose. He was de cidedly attractive when he stepped outside his official self, Janice de ciaed. "Miss Samp, if it's ? C2?? nt jov, my waffles, love me, I'm eating out o' your hand. I never tasted any thing so good. Sit down. We'll lis ten so long as you'll talk." She sat down. k nnlak" flive\ 1 sucss you don't know what you re promising. I'm quite a talker when I get goin'. How ever, I haven't got so much to say unless I get started on crime or matrimony. Surprisin' how often the" n ?"l T rclated- I've found the pistol. From the box she cau tiously extracted a revolver wrapped in a soft white cloth. A revolver with a gleaming mother of-pearl butt. The office whirled before Janice's incredulous eyes. Bruce Harcourfs! ^ 1 tound it on the shore when the tioe went uul," Martha continued. When I heard about Mr. Hale, en' there not being any weapon found. I says to myself. 'First thing'll be done will be to bxamine and check e.T? Pisto1 at headquarters. Tisn it likely though that whoever did it will keep it by him, he'll get than f h' Pl.SCe 1 know of better than the shore. So every chance I had I ran down to the shingle while the tide was low. I had what you call a hunch that it wouldn't be far away, and it wasn't." The Commissioner broke the re r?i,Ter' ^ "?ne cartridge gone." He replaced it on the table. 'Ever SB"Yes gUn before' Miss Samp?" "Where?" It belonged to my nephew, Ar ehip Harper." "Who owned the revolver after your nephew ? went?" "Mr. Bruce." "Did you know that it was miss ing, Harcourt?" nf hICh " Curtly Br"ce Harcourt told of his discovery of the empty holster on his wall, added that he had in qun-ed among the engineers if any m had borrowed it. tDidn,t connect it with the shooting, I suppose?" "The shooting hadn't occurred at the time I missed it." The door swung slowly open. A man with dazed eyes swavprf the threshold. His face was bruised his clothme torn. The Commission^ " d t , J)"11' 0Pen mouthed. r Where did you come from? Plane crack-up?" =i,Iue ?wn S head ach'eved a wobbly shake. Never got off. Fella grabbed me as I was climbing into the cock P lung me down with such force that I was stunned. I heard Thing3" ,hcn 1 didn>t kn*w "y What did he look like?" The Commissioner shook the dazed man in his eagerness. "Go easy, j fc? on tha{ grm Couldn t tell what he looked like goggles on. But when he grabbed me I noticed a big black seal-ring on his finger." 8 "Who ?ears a seal-rinc in tm. outfit. Harcourt?" 8 th,s ??Mhest 1^' ,th<: sccond engineer." "Yes " 13 Chcstcr's sister?" Ill talk with her next. Is she ?? ?Twin0!. anyone' M'ss Martha'" Twill do her good to rouse out of her daze. If M s. Hale ,sn"t roused I'm 'fraid she'll get lower n lower in her mind. Twould be a Rot a lot to live for." ? . . , .you mean, she's got a lot to Jive for?" K a "Joe Hale was a rich man. I've hnfh' d,dn 1 nced to work but he was crazy over bridge-build (TO RE CONTINUED) THE. CHEERFUL C Wtm Tk? ut y tk? world jvst tl-.rouijk 3pi.ce. V/itkout mt?cKinery or fuss Is qvite disquieting I kope, Tkere s some one looking I t.Ft%r U3. WNU Service. the fa mo US 2 o*or **r to are rout He AO COLO The Milt, use as omecreo. v'C5 9 amors of coouno. sooth mo 1 PENETROSS The Covetous One The covetous man is like 4 cornel with a great hunch on his bock; heaven's gate must be made higher and broader, or he will hardly get in. ? Thomas Adams. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP ? When bowel ? are sluggish and you feel irritable, headachy and everything you do is an effort, do as millions do ? chew FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A MINT before you go to bed? sleep with out being disturbed? next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell srpirv 'all of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-fl-MINT'Io* Our Business To turn all that we possess into the channels of universal love be comes the business of our lives.? John Woolman. ? Is Your Dauqhter ? Maybe the needs some- HaHI lljlKp thing to really bring KUUUIUI % out tier charm. She can't be attractive if ahe's pale, underweight and scrawny. Encourage her appetite with Vitamin B1 and Iron, in VINOL. Your drug* gist hat this pleasant-tasting tonic. ? .VINOL Elevated Her Miss Jinks ? You moan you let that lall cbrporal Meal a kiss from you? Miss Short ? Yes, hut he had to hold me up to do it. middle-age; WOMEN (?S) HEED THIS ADVICE!! If you're cross, restless, nervous ? suffer hot flashes, dizziness ? caused by this period In n woman's life ? try Lydla Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Made espenially for women. Helps to relieve distress due to this functional disturbance. Thou sands upon thousands of women report remarkable benefits. Fol low label directions. ^ J Man the Actor Man is a make-believe animal he is never so truly himself as when he is acting a part. ? Hazlitt. Lack Sugar In Blood Some rude and boorish people get that way because they have a small amount of sugar in their blood, for that is one of the symptoms of this condition. Their rudeness often dis appears when they eat a piece of candy. WNU ? 7 7 42 By Its Proverbs The genius, wit and spirit of a nation are discovered in its prov erbs. W/HEN kidneys function badly end ?V you suffer a nagging backache, with dizziness, burning, scanty or too freauent urination and getting up at night; when you feel tired, nervous, ail upset ... use Doan's Pills. Doan's are especially for poorly working kidneys. Millions of boxes are used every year. They are recom mended the country over. Ask your neighbor!