Lincoln Inscription The inscription in the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D. C., reads: In This Temple ?4s in the Hearts of ih ? American I'eoplt h>r U horn lie Su ed the ( nion The Memory of Abraham Lincoln I % I nxhrtru tl Forever It was written by Royal Cortisf jz, author and art critic. Now 72, Mr. Cortissoz is celebrating his 50th year as art critic for the New York Herald Tribune. Mr. Cortissoz, who was born in Brooklyn, N. Y., left school at 14 to take a job with an architectural firm. But though his formal education ended, he continued his sclf-education, and was soon writing art, music and literary criticism for newspapers. Flightless Duck The steamer duck, Tachyeres cinereus, found off the southern coast of South America and so named because, when swimirsing, it churns the water like a side wheel steamboat, loses its power of flight after reaching maturity. How To Relieve Bronchitis Creomulsion relieves promptly be cause It goes right to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phlegm, and aid nature to soothe and heal raw. tender. In flamed bronchial mucous mem branes. Tell your druggist to iell you a bottle of Creomulsion with the un derstanding you must like the way It quickly allays the cough or you are to have your money back. r hCAiiin r i/\ k.i vivcvmuLjivn for Coughs, Chest Colds, Bronchitis More Raleigh Jingles Raleigh Cigarettes are again offering liberal prizes in a big jingle contest to be run in this paper. One hundred and thirty three prizes will be awarded each week. ? Adv. Acid Indigestion What many Doctors do for it ' Vhen ncfM stomach add causes s* a. soar stomach or heartburn, doctors prescribe the fastest - acting ine< >nn?'B known for symtomatfc relief ? roedirinea lik- those in Bell-ana Tablets. No laxative. If your T*r) first trial doean't prove Hell-an* better, return hot) * to ue And act double your money back. 26c. Best Medics The best doctors in the world are Dr. Diet, Dr. Quiet and Dr. Merryman. ? Jonathan Cwift. ACHING-STIFF I SORE MUSCLES For PROMPT relief ? rub on IJub terole! Massage with this wonderful ''counter-irritant" actually brings fresh warm blood to aching muscles to help break up painful local con gestion. Better than a mustard plaster! Made in 3 strengths. Appetite of Evil fcAil has an appetite for falsity and eagerly seizes upon it as truth. ? Swedenborg Great Wealth He who owns land, owns up to the sky. ? Law Maxim. One Brush I, on* Time W. E. Carter of Atlanta, Ga.. has vised the same shaving brush every day for 30 years. North Star TV?n North Star is onf* of th* sky's most prominent stars Included in the Little Dipper. mODERIIIZE Whether you're planning a party or remodeling a room you should follow tht advertiitmenti ... to learn what'* new . . . and cheaper . . . and better. And the place to find out about new things is right here in this newspaper. Its columns are filled wiih important message* which you sSonld rsid Washington. D. C. HOODOOED NORMANDIE There is not much consolation to be had in connection with the virtual sinking of the S. S. Normandie? ex cept for one thing. The French had gone to a lot of expense to build the giant vessel so that she could be converted to an airplane carrier in wartime. To this end, special funnels were arranged on the side of the deck, to give space for runways; especially large eleva tors were installed at each end of the snip; and the top deck consisted oi x'ne biggest "sporis deck in me world. However. U. S. naval engineers decided that despite all the French preparations, the Normandie's UPP^* decks were not strong enough to hold a flock of planes. The French had sacrificed reinforcements below, for the purpose of beauty in the pas senger salons. As a troop ship the Normandie was considered useful, but not near ly so useful proportionately as a medium-sized vessel, such as the Manhattan. Reason: big ships draw so much water that they could not efficiently carry troops to Dakar or West African ports. Small boats would be necessary to take soldiers and cargo ashore. Also the Normandie was too big to get through the Suez canal. ? ? ? SINKING U. S. TANKERS The navy is being more hush-hush than usual regarding the sinkings of oil tankers off the Atlantic coast. However, here arc a few important facts about the situation which are j r.ot military secrets. First fact is encouraging. The tankers sunk were old, small and slow. All of them were 20 years old over, ar.d the largest, Standard Oil's India Arrow, was 8,327 tons. On the surface, this would indi cate that oil and gasoline losses on the East coast would not be heajy^ Huwevei, tills ia iiuv the C?5c. rwi all of the big, new American tank ers have been taken over by the navy. This was under an arrange ment whereby the maritime com mission had lent the oil companies around $800,000 per vessel to build fast modern tankers making 19 knots. This is so fast that they can avoid submarines and also keep up with the fleet. However, these new tankers, built in co-operation with the navy, are now with the fleet. ? Buv Defense Bonds ? HEAVY LOSSES Two other factors indicate the im portance of the sinkings on the At lantic coast. One is an announce ment made by the British last week that sinkings for the entire Atlantic, including the East Coast of the Unit ed States, has been heavier in Janu ary than ever before. The other is the fact that comprehensive rationing of oil and gasoline for the East coast is now a certainty. In other words, oil and tanker losses have been very heavy. Reason for these losses is easy to understand. It requires no official explanation. As everyone knows, especially the enemy, we had to rush various kinds of shipping to the Pacific to replace the damage done at Pearl Harbor. Also we had a large number of warships busy convoying vessels across the North Atlantic. Hence we have been caught snort handed on the East coast. Note: Most people don't realize it, but the oil shortage along the At lantic could be relieved considera bly by a curtailment of tank car rates on gasoline and fuel oil. Last tall the rail rates were reduced on crude oil but not on gasoline or fuel oil. ? ? ? POLITICAL-GO-ROUND Democratic insiders are predict ing that Gov. Herbert Lehman of New York will be persuaded to run for a fourth term this year. Lehman has told party chiefs he doesn't want another term, but they urge him to be a candidate again on the ground of wartime duty . . Meanwhile former District Attorney Tom Dew ey is busy behind-the-scenes organiz ing his political fences for another try at the governorship. This will be the springboard for a second sbnt at the G.O.P. presidential nomina tion in 1344. Wisconsin's Gov. Julius Heil will run for a third term this year to get himself in position to take on isolationist Sen. Alex Wiley when he comes up for re-election in 1944. Both are Republicans, but privately no love is lost between them. Fiorello LaGuardia's ambition al ways has been to become a U. S. he steps out as mayor j oi New * ork city. Farm Topics CHOLERA REMEDY NOW PERFECTED Disease Costs Hog Raisers Twenty Millions Annually. By W. H. BOYNTON ( Proleisor oi Vttrrtamty Scirmcr. U Biversttr ?! Cahlaimia.) Hog cholera is admittedly one of the most destructive of all animal diseases. The yearly cost of this disease has been estimated at be tween $20,000,000 and $30,000,000 in the ITnit?*? =Icr.s. With?. the past few years the author has de veloped at the University of Cali fornia college of agriculture a new tissue vaccine which is expected to cut this annual cholera "tax" very substantially. This vaccine is known as BTV and is now available from commercial companies. It has been used on more than 100,000 hogs on the Pacif ic coast and in the Middle West. BTV is composed of finely ground glandular tissues from hogs infcct ed with cholera. These tissues are taken from the hogs at the height of the disease and then treated with puraiyptol. The result is a vaccine which cannot produce cholera in a hog but does produce an active im munity to the disease. When BTV is used, vaccinated pigs can mingle with unvaccinated pigs without transmitting cholera to them. Furthermore, pigs harbor ing latent infections, such as pneu monia or enteritis, at the time of vaccination arc not subject to the danger of flare-ups of these infec tions due to the lowering of body resistance. This danger of lowered resistance followed by death from some secondary infection has been one of the major drawbacks of the semm-vim? of vnrrination for cholera. The vaccine is not intended for pigs that already have cholera. It should be given only to swine that Ho not have the dissssc. Sine* 2 period of at least three weeks is re quired to build up a satisfactory im munity in the animals, pigs which have been exposed to cholera or are suspected of having it should be treated first with anti-cholera serum to make sure that the infection is checked. Later they can be given the tissue vaccine. At present this vaccine is not rec ommended for garbage-fed pigs, al though successful experimental re sults have been obtained by admin istering the vaccine before and after weaning. AGRICULTURE IN INDUSTRY By Florence C. W??d (This is one oi a series of articles showing how farm products are Ending an important market in industry.) Research on Hemp As soon as science can produce a hemp plant free ?from a narcotic drug, this crop will offer a good market for farmers. Unfortunately the plant, in its present form, pro duces the narcotic, marihuana. The misuse of this drug has caused the passage of the federal marihuana act which forbids the growing of hemp .except under federal super i vision. ! Because of the lesll ictlofiA, less than 1,000 tons annually are grown ] in this country although in former years the growing of hemp fiber was a flourishing industry, in 1859, Kentucky alone produced 75,000 ! tons. The word "hemp" is sometimes ' applied to about three different fiber plants including manila hemp and sisal hemp. The common variety grows well in the United States, at taining a l*ight of 3 to 20 feet and sometimes yielding 800 to 1,000 pounds of fiber per acre. The plant is cut by machine and allowed to dew-ret on the ground. Then it is i collected in stacks and sold to the hemp mill. The mill dries the stalk ! and removes the fiber in a "hemp I brake." Cordage, which can be made from | hemp fiber, is one of the urgent needs of the defense program. Hemp | can also be used in making ciga I rette paper and this commercial out let has already been opened. From the seed a useful oil can be ex I tracted and when mixed with other seeds the hemp can be utilized as bird food. Research is already under way to find a variety of hemp that will con tain only a small amount of mari huana. This work appears promis ing since some plants have been found to produce only small quanti ties of the resin. * IMPROVED j UNIFORM INTERNATIONAL SUNDAY I chool Lesson By HAROLD L. LUNCQUIST, O. D. Of The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago, i Rfirjifd by Western Newspaper Union.) Lesson for March 1 Lesson subjects and Scripture text* se lected and copyrighted by International Council of Religious Education: used by permission. the parables ay the sea J0?N TEXT~M?* i X Xt. M.tUww thS?^fnE^j"*7^N?"r m*n *?*? Uk? tZr":S means of conveying hand, of ,KChe.? perfection ? the Takfno .h . Teacher. Jesus. eventf n, 7 .St^ries of weIl^nown presented , fr0m da,|y 'ife. He presented profound truth in the most simple and attractive form f?l7,X(LeP!i for 0,6 parable of the nr^tJ^/u Seed which He >nter >3:18-23), He left it to nlir?? *,ene" to make their own ap ferenee" f has led to some dif the carnhL ?PU1,?n- but in ^eral Parables are received as excel wSrd clpful Potions of God s <^%2S?. Gr0Wth " God is patient. He awaits the heMa?y,i Steady gr?Wth of ?timulrt? forcedS wUifartific i al ening of' the fruitf^" BrtifiCial ^ cueof'h!?* .a"itude ente? into his nhlL children. They must get ahead in school beyond their years They must Ket out an normal ripening, men harvest ? ihat is God's order and it is a good one. *bn,ormaI Growth Is Danger ous (Mark 4:30-32). cjf<^ 0,6 mustard tree is a small plant, and when it grew into a fark?' s?mething abnormal had taken place. Birds (which always turpi something unclean in Scrip Just Trh"- ?dge its branches. Just so, Christianity was never in tended to be made up of a nominally Christian world empire in which un^ godly men (the dark birds of the evil one. Matt. 13:19) should find comfortable lodgment. Unfortunate ? J"st what happened to of the R the so-called conquest R.oman empire at the time of The resuIts we ?d^ rW ? same Principle is evi dent today m the control of much of the church by worldly men 13!"uf)ede,nPt,0,, ,S Co,t'y (Matt. While it is true that our redemo tion is worth more than anythino else in all the world and that thf would he'T?Uld g'audIy set aside (or Take vet ?heye7thmg t0T Christ's thought of this parable0' Jjf what has a sinner (whose own right' saw" oving heart noting in lallen human Church PeH ?/hgreat price. His own clorv Hp h !? ?iVes up aI) the STEMS.'" ? H? 13^47-50)Ud'tment " C?^i? (Matt. All kinds of fish were in the net and until the cord was drawn and nM,? emptied they looked much alike and enjoyed much the sami. standing as "citizens" of the w? But when they faced the fisherman there was a quick division and ? Anal judgment upon the bad onfs It is true that in God's kinJ!f (as it is now manifested in 'wT tery" ,n the Church) there ?r? many who have come In bv profession, through carelessne/s of pastors or church officials, etc Thev go through ine motions, they look ind act much like Christian, though even here they create tions in the minds of true fon,? of Christ). The dav i, ?wers ever, when thev ohall 4n7in ment before the Christ whom th/, profess to love and follow u hey rible shall be thefr dj^om, H?W tCr" God ^ rt Kin^nsmp v.'iti: Afghanistan Proposal Afghanistan weddings don't go in for much fuss or feathers. It a man sees a girl who suits him, he simply cuts off a lock of her hair or throws a sheet over her head ? and that's all there is to it. She's his. DON'T WORRY MOTHER! If your boy or girl just won't eat. If vegetables and other foods necessary for health cause daily arguments. Maybe their appetite needs encouragement. Vitamin B1 and I ron in pleasant-tasting VINOL helps promote appetite. Ask yo>T druggist for VINOL. Sun at North Pole If you lived at the North pole, March 21 would be your sunrise and September 23 your sunset. ACT FAST WHEN A TUnEATlUfl mncHicna At the very first sniffle, sneese, or any sign of a cold just try a few drops of Vicks Va-tro-nol up each nostril. If usea in ume, va-tro-noi s quick action helps prevent many colds from devel oping. ....And remember this, when a head cold makes you miserable, or tran sient congestion "fills up" nose and spoils sleep-a-?arr?s* Va-tro-nol does three Important things. It (1) shrinks swollen membranes. (2 > relievos irritation, (3) helps clear clogged nasal passages. Enjoy the relief It brings. Follow directions In folder. All in Hope He who has Health has Hope, and he who has Hope has Every thing. ? Arabian Proverb. DON'T LET CONSTIPATION SLOW YOU UP ? When bowels are sluggish and you fed irritable, headachy and everything you ?" do is an effort, do as million a do ? chew 1 I FEEN-A-MINT, the modern chewing gum laxative. Simply chew FEEN-A MINT before you go to bed? sleep with out being disturbed? next morning gentle, thorough relief, helping you feel swell again, full of your normal pep. Try FEEN-A-MINT. Tastes good, is handy and economical. A generous family supply FEEN-A-MINTTo* Our Kingdom A good mind possesses a king dom.? Seneca. Only Good Merchandise Can fit CONSISTENTLY AJvrti*