PATRICK NEWS Mr and Mis. Atlas Coleman and two children ol Decatur, Tenn.. were the guests of the latter's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Rlcklostmer Friday night. Mrs. Estu Griffin and two clilldren of Harbuck. Tenn . are visiting her sister. Mrs. Glen Hamby Mrs Nancy Mash bum. who has been spending some time with Mr. Mr and Mrs. Glenn Hamby. has re turned to the home of her daughter. Mrs Maud Kelly at Oak Park. Mr. Nip Adains is seriously ill. We wish him a speedy recovery. Mrs. Bonnie Qulnn of West. Mrs. Icle Pierce and three children of Georgia, and Mr. and Mrs. Duel Bur gess and baby, were the guests of i Mrs. Mary Hamby Sunday. W. L. Ce!=iur. the of J. j". Pickleslmer Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hamby and two sons i were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Glen Hamby. Sunday evening. Mr. and Mjm. Estill Hamby and two children were the wiest-s of the former's uncle. N. P Adams. Sunday, i Mr. an dMrs. Duel Burgess and ; baby and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Allen v ere Ducktown visitors Sunday af ternoon. George Reid was the guest of his mother. Mrs. Martha Reid. recently. Mr. Birchfleld. fire warden of Cherokee county, passed through our midst Sunday afternoon looking af ter a forest fire. Mr. Bircl'.ficld was handin gout pamphlets about fire, tellinp the laws. TEXTILES Due to the greatly increased war lequirements. 1941 United States consumption of the four major tex- , tile fibers ? cotton, wool, rayon, and silk ? broke all previous records. HENN THEATRE MURPHY, NORTH CAROLINA Sat.. Feb. 28 BUCK JONES, TIM McCOY RAYMOND HATTON "THE GUNMAN FROM BODIE" Sunday. March 1 GLORIA SWANSON. ADOLPIIE MENJOU "FATHER TAKES A WIFE" Monday. Tuesday. March 2-3 ROSALIND RUSSELL, WALTER PIDGEON ?IN? "DESIGN FOR SCANDAL" Wednesday, March 4 Double Feature Program WA K RE N WILLIAM "SECRETS OF THE LONE WOLF" Also GEORGE MONTGOMERY MARY HOWARD "RIDERS OF THE PURPLE SAGE" Thursday, Friday March 5-6 LINDA DARNELL. JACK O/tKIE "RISE AND SHINE" With GEORGE MURPHY MARBLE NEWS Prof. J. Frank Walsh, principal of Marble School has announced the I following "Honor Roll: First Grade ? Fred West. Hoyle Parker and Maxine Trull. Second Grade ? Kenneth Coffey. 1 Jackie Ingram. Maurice West. Loyal j Trull. Betty Kllpatrick. Janice King. Marilyn Lit tie John and Alma Coffey. I Third Grade ? Bobby Hass. Robert Kilpa'rick. William Mars. Betty Ann Barton, Mildred Day, Ida Belle Lov j iiiKood. Mary Nell Loving ood. Helen i Totlierow. Winnie Lee West and Harley Lovingood. Fourth Grade ? Clifford Arp, 1 Winnie Baxter and Leona Howard. Fifth Grade ? Bobby Ingram. Le- 1 iov Walsh. Morgan Kllpatrlck and Maurice Hall. Sixth Grade ? Porter Griggs. Dor othy Mae Coffey, Mary Willie How ard and Betty Jo Sltalfer. Seventh Grade ? Nelle Rodgers. ; Tear! Griggs. Boyd Hedrick. Eugene Gnann and Joe Mltz. PERFECT ATTENDANCE LIST First Grade ? Fred West. Lynn Goode. Hoyle Parker. Maxine Trull n nd Mary Ellen Onann. Second Grade ? Harold Clayton. Jackie Ingram. James Stiles. Maurice West. Blaine Thompson Loyal Trull. Alma Coffey and Marilyn Little jolin Third Grade ? Robert Browning. Bobby Hass, William Marr. Larry ! Trull, Betty Lois Boling, Betty Ann Barton. Ida Belle Lovingood. Winnie Lee West and Harley Lovingood. Fourth Grade Leona Howard ; .uid Billy Mintz. Fifth Grade ? Devereaux Barton. Benny Goode. Bobby Ingram. Lerov Walsh. Alice Derreberry and Ruby Stiles. Sixth Grade ? Porter Griggs. Reg- j Inald Wilson. Dorothy Mae Coffey. , Mary Willie Howard and Betty Jo ' Shalfer Seventh Grade Henry Braswell. ; Boyd Hedrick. Joe Mlntz, Pearl i Griggs. Lena Jenkins, Nelle Rodgers. 1 George Gnann and Eugene Gnann. ; CULtstKiuN NtVV5 Mr. L. B. Collins and family moved ,nto the Bailey house here Saturday. ; Mr Everet Bell, who lived in the j Sweetgum section was found dead j near his home one morning last j week. It is thought that he froze to | death. Mrs. Bill Elliott and family moved 1 into Arlln Moore's house a few u ?ys j ago. Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan an- j nounced the birth of a son. Jack ' Wayne. Mr. Guy Hyatt left last week for ! Florida. Mr. Bobbie Kisselburg, who has , been In the north for some time, has i returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Hadley Russell and i jon. Edward. Mrs. J .W. Russell and i son. Frank, and Bobbie Russell of j Marietta. Ga.. were visitors here Sat urday Business is still good here. TV A i crews working day and night loading ' and unloading material of various | kinds. j Mr. Jack Reedy and Misses Loma ! Kate and Edith Anderson, visited ! Mr. an dMrs. J. B. Griggs in Chatta- ' r.ooga Sunday. Mr. Glen Owenby. who has been on the sick list has greatly improved. WOLF CREEK NEWS Victor Baxter, of Marble, and Ralph Shields of Culberson, were j business visitors here Monday after- i noon. There was born to Mr. and Mrs. i Roy Smith. Sunday of last week, a ' baby girl. There are many cases o fflu in our section at tills time. Rev. B. L. Mull of Bcllvlew. spent ; one night last week with his sister.! Mrs. Joe Hcnson. News reached here Sunday of the ] tragedy near Sweet Gum. Ga.. Sat-' urday afternoon, where, it is alleged, the Rev. Pryor Balicw shot and fa tally wounded Clifton Harper. Both parties were known In our section. J. M. Duvall who recently moved to the M. M. Withrow place was out visiting among the neighbors one day last week. James Ryner has sawed one set of logs on A. L. Cole's place and i?s now moving to another set on the farm. Herbert P. Garren of Graysvllle. Tenn.. spent the week end with his par rets here, Mr. and Mrs. W JL. Garren. Upper Wolf Creek i The Home Demonstration Club met Friday rt the home of Mrs. W. L Cook, with the president In chargc. { After the business problems were dis cussed Mrs. Alllne King gave a dem- I oust ration on vegetable cooking and j ! helpful suggestions on seed planting Refreshments were served to: Mrs Bill Bandy. Cecil Clore. Mrs. Morgan. Bill Curtis. Edith Cook. Madie Cole. Frances Cole. Mrs. King. Sybil Ciasham. Mrs. Florence Ensley. The next meeting will be held at Mrs. Florence Ensley's. Mr .and Mrs. Pat Verner, of Isa- ! bella visited Mr and Mrs. W. A ! Bandy Sunday. Mrs. Fred Burger returned home Thursday from a Franklin hospital. ' Mr. and Mrs. Buford Helton, and daughter. Ellen Rose, visited Mr. and ' fcuo. W. J. Helton -ad Mr. sr.d Mrs. j Carvus Curtis Sunday. Mr and Mrs John Cole visited ! mends and relatives in Murphy Sat- 1 urday. 1 - SHADY GROVE Mrs. Paul Hawkins is confined to her bed with flu. Maud Shields and Nellie Rich ; were guests Sunday afternoon of j Bessie Lee Barber. Mrs. Boise Truett visited Mi and . Mrs. Hardie Truett Sunday. Mrs. Carl Strandge visited. Mrs. Joe HuV.'kin? lust w?ck. Mr and Mrs. Edgar Rice and family, Mr and Mi's. Everett Rice , and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Rice. Sunday afternoon guests of Mr. ! and Mrs. Paul Hawkins included. ! Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Hawkins, Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Arp and grand daughter: Mr. and Mrs. Cast/eel Hawkins and family. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hawkins and son. Mr. and Mrs. | Edgar Rice an dfamily: Birdie Hen- j son and Dora Rice. Mr .and Mrs. E. L. Shields visited Mr. and Mrs. Richmond Qladson j Sunday. Thedron Shields was a guest of his j uncle an uauiil, Mi. aiiu Mis. T. m : Rice Vast week. Mrs. Carl Standridge and daughter \ visited the former's mother, Mrs. | Will Collins of Swectgum. Oa.. Mon- i day. Mrs. John Arp was called to Cop- | perhlll Sunday due to the Illness of j Mrs. Frank Arp. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Rice and cliil- , dren visited Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Rice. KINSEY NEWS Miss Mildred Sneed spent Tuesday night in Andrews, with Miss Helen Taylor. Mr. Eugene and Floyd Nichols of Morristown, Tenn., visited here Sat urday. Miss Helen Taylor spent Saturday night with Miss Mildred Sneed. Mr. L. A. Sneed spent a few days last week at his home in Sylva, North Carolina. The Home Demonstration Club met Monday, Feb. 16. at the home of Mrs. Blanche Kilpatrick, those at tending were: Mrs. Charlee Kilpat lick. Mrs. Paschal Hughes, Mrs. Wlnslow Hall. Mrs. W. D. King. Mrs. Norman Kilpatrick, Mrs. Claude Sneed, Mrs. Jim Kilpatrick. Miss Mildred Sneed. Miss Geneva Kilpat- ' lick and Mrs. Blanche Kilpatrick. Mr. and Mrs. John Stevens and family of Atlanta. Ga . visited Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Hughes Sunday. SUNNY POINT NEWS ! Mr. Dewey Lafencrs of Virginia, j j-pent Tuesday night with Mr. and Mrs. Wilburn Lafencrs. Mr. Voyd Wallace from the Army, spent one day of last week visiting homefolks. Miss Viola- Jonei spent Saturday ! night with Edna Whitener. Miss Myrtle Darling of Vests Is visiting her .sister. Mrs. Shirley Brown. Mr. John Mason spent Wednesday I with his mother, Mrs. Mary Mason of Murphy. Mrs. Ballew was the Sunday guest of Mrs. Laura Jones. Miss Edith Chamben: and small niece. Mattie Edith Rose, spent last week with Mr. an dMrs. John Bry ant. Mrs. Esta Mason spent Friday with Mrs. Mattie Whitener. Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Brown of Farner. spent the week end with ?.!r. c-'v ;;* Mr and Mrs. John Brown. RANGER NEWS Mr. K. O. Kilpa trick, now employ ed at Alcoa has been at home con fined to bed on account of Illness. Mr and Mrs. John Stevens and family and Mrs. Dora Henry, of At lanta. visited here Sunday. ^ Mr. H. S. Predmore and Miss Jean Murray were the Sunday dinner KUests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Sneed Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hughes spent the week end with Mrs. Hughe's par ents. Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Kllpa trick. Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Radcllffe and family, of Copperhil. visited here Sunday. Mrs. Tom King spent Monday af ternoon with Mrs. S. V. Evans. Mr. and Mrs. W -A Evans visited in Murphy last week A community prayer meeting will br held Thursday afternoon, 2 o'clock vv?u lime, at the home OI Mrs. N. O. Kilpe, trick. SNOW HILL NEWS We are glad to learn Mrs. Lum Mull is improving after a long Illness. There are said to be several cases ! of mumps in this part of the count;. The Rev. Truett will preach a? Snow Hill next Sunday. March 1. , Mrs. Muriel May is visiting her nusband at Port Oglethorpe, Ga. Miss Katie Walker, who has been ill fo rsomc time is improving, we .ue glad tc learn. Joe Ledford has the mumps. Rev. Pllparlck has been visiting at j his home and was taken sick. He Is employed at Maryville, Tenn Low grade, unmarketable tobacco j can now be processed Into paper, soap, varnish, and fiber board. PERSONAL MENTION Mrs. Prank Brown and son, Bobby, .spent last week end In CroasTllle, Tenn Mrs. Jewel Oarmany and son. Clark, spent last week end In Lafay ette. Oa. Mr and Mrs. Uyle Martin, of Le noir City, spent last week end here with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Martin. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Pullum. of Knoxvllle. spent Sunday In Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ferguson and son. Tommy, of Sylva, spent Sunday here with Mr and Mrs. Tom Evans Mr. and Mrs. Archy Jackson, of Knoxvllle, arrived in Murphy, the first of the week. Mr. Jackson Is with the TV A and will be here perma nently. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey and son left this week for Pontana. where tncy will icoiuC. ?uile Snodgrass spent last week end in Virginia. He waa accompanied home by his wife and small son, who have been visiting there with rela tives. Miss Mary Willard Cooper spent one day this week In Andrews on business. Mr. and Mrs. King Walker.or Haysville. were visiting in town last Sunday. Calvin Milliner will spend this week end in Sweetwater. Tenn. Fred Dickey, of Brvson City, spent Sunday In Murphy. Calvin Stiles will !e?ve thw we** end for Detroit. Miss Elsie Perry spent last week end in Brevard. Miss Morlnell Williamson has re covered from a short illness, her many friends will be glad to learn. Chic Theatre MURPHY, N. C. Saturday, Fcbmarj 28 CHARLES STARRKTT RUSSELL HAYDEN In "RIDERS OF THE BADLANDS" Saturday Late Show 1?:36 F. M. RONALD REAGAN. JOAN PERRY In "NINE LIVES ARE NOT ENOUGH Sun., Mon., March 1-2 BCD ABBOTT. LOU C08TELL0 "KEEP 'EM FLYING" Toesday, Wed., March 5-4 WILLIAM POWELL MYRNA LOT "SHADOW ON THE THIN MAN" Thursday, Friday, March 5-6 JOHNNY WEISMULLER MAUREEN O'SULLTVAN In "Tarzan's Secret Treasure" Tuesday, March 10th Tuesday, March 10th ? Matinee and Night Admission: Children, 25c; Adults 50c Including Tax

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