LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE W MTUJCATION In thr Superior Curl NORTH CAROLINA. CHKKOKHK COUNTY Laura Wise Patterson. Plauitiff. *4. Jim Patterson. I* fendant. Tilt' defendant. Jim Patterson, will lake notice that an action entitled *o. above ha> been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, wherein the above named plaintiff is asking for an ab solute divorce from the above named defendant upon the ground of two years separation: and the said de fendant will further take notice that av is required to appear at the Of fice of the Clerk of the Superior Gourt of Cherokee County of said County in the Courthouse in Mur phy. North Carolina on the 17th day ?f April. MU, ur wiiooi thirty dzyz thereafter and answer or demur to the complaint of plaintifff In said action, which is now on file in said . ffke. of the plaintiff will apply to the Court f. : rhe relief demanded in .'Aid complaint. This the 18th day of M^rch. 1942. J. W. DONLEY C1e*"k .^'inerlor Cr>\ irf 3-?3. 26-4-2-y o ADMINISTRATRESS NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administra trix if * :a Estate of C. D. Mayfield. defeated. lau> of Cherokee County. North Carolina, this is to > otify all persons havinc claims against the Hstate to present them to the under signed at Murphy. N. C , on or be fore the 14th day of March, 1943, or this notice wil Ibe pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said Estate will please make prompt payment. This the 12th day of March. 1942. SARAH F. MAYFIELD, Administratrix of the Estate of C. D. Mayfield. Deceased. 33-6t o IN TIIE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA FOR THE WESTERN DIS TRICT OF NORTH CARO LINA A^'neville Division. Civil No. 290. U: d States of America v. 106.0f a aeo of land in Cherokee County, North Carolina .Receivers of Chero kee Iron and Marble Company, a corporation, et al. Notice of Action i>7 Publication of Summons. To: Sue Arrowood Palmer and husband, G W Palmer. Murphy, N. C: Allen Arrowood and wife, Andrews. N. C; J. H. McGee, Receiver of the Chero kee Iron & Marble Co., Charleston. S. C.: Charley Arrowood and wife, ?towali, N. C; V. Q. Johnson and wife: Unknown heirs of T. J. Arro wood. deceased: and all persons whomsoever who have, or claim to own any estates or interests in the fee or otherwise in and to the prem ises dsecribed in the petition filed in *his cause and described in this no tice, and any and all heirs and devi sees of the several parties above aamed, whose names and addresses are unknown, and all and singular iheir heirs, husbands, wives, devisees, axecutors. administrators, represen I t?Uv<r?. ilkmecs. successors and u ; ->:gni of each osd every or Cm; .x'C all unknown owners, lienors, or c^&unanu. ha\..i(t. or claimm; to have, any right, title, estate, equity. interest or lien, ami all o i' a pants. . ?et-s. users. hokS*i"s snd oanrrs of ; .'i d claimants to itir righto of ease l.-C(i)t or prescript^! n. ove-. ac ott >? ti .ouch .-aid .a- Is. o: any part you ?i'l gVi-? t:\K>* :: r.nv i ha: an action entitled as above has been commenced in the District Court of the United States for the I Western District of North Carolina. At Asheville. N. C.. that summons has been duly issued out of said Court, and petition therein asking for the condemnation of the lands described in the said petition and hereinafter described that you. and f acli of you. are necessary and prop parties to the Just and final dis | position of this action: that said ac ; UoL has been Instituted hw I United States Attorney for the Wes :ern District of North Carolina, for the purpose of the appropriation and condemnation by judicial pro i cess, for the public use and benefit ! of the United States of America, of he lands described in said petition and hereinbelow described, under S and by virtue of the provisions of the "'epics Law. Act of Congress if March 1. 1911: Chap. 186 '36 Stat. 961 1 Title 16. Sections 513. 521. 553. tnd 563 ;>f U. S. C. A.. and according to the method and procedure pre scribed in the Act of Congress of August 1. 1888 '25 Statutes 357 <30 U. S. C. A.. Sections 257. 258 and 258-a?: that the lands proposed to| be condemned and appropriated by | the plaintiff United States are de- 1 scribed substantially as follows: ! Trac*. 272a. apparent and presump tive owner being Cherokee Iron and Marble Company. L-ont a-nirip. ac cording to survey 1 tic. Of" acres, situ ated in Cherokee County. North Car : 'na. more pari .ularly described by i. -s and bn:nd:> ;n Exhibit "A." and upon map or n.a: Exhibit "B. ' I fi!f<i with t ie CI- :', of t;ic Unitrd | States District Court at Ashevlile. j N. C: You and each of you are here- , by notified to be and appear at the i office of the Clerk of the United i States Court for the Western Dis- ' :rict of North Carolina in the United States Courthouse Building at Ashe- | vtlle. Buncombe County. N .C.. not later than ten (10) days from and : after the completion of service of j this summons by publication for foui j ' 4 1 successive weeks, and answer or : demur to tile petition or complaint ; herein filed by above named petl- : tioner in the office of the said Clerk. ; and you are further notified that if ! you fail to appear and answer or j demur to the said petition or com- | plaint within the time specified the pettitioner will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said pe tition; witness the Honorable E. Y. Webb, Judge of the District Court for the Western District of North Carolina, this the 20th day of March, 1942. J. Y. Jordan, Clerk. By: A. Lytle. Deput7 Clerk 35-4t An electric hook-up has recently , been perfected which warns the pi lot when an airplane Is flying through an atmosphere where ice may form on the wings. ! | HEADQUARTERS FOR "STAGS** The Only "Strictly For Men" Cafe In All This Section 2 SPECIALIZEON WINES, BEERS AND GOOD FELLOWSHIP Fabst Blue Ribbon Beer on Draft ? at a Penny an Ounce ? other brands of beer and ales in cans or bottles at the bar, in a booth, or take it home, The w* Hum raoica mm _ muff. IN SUrai OK C OURT NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTT. Margaret H. Irwin. Plaintiff. T?. John R. lew in. Drffndtnl. The defendant. John R. Irwin, will I take notice that an action entitled as above lias been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, to secure an absolute divorce against him on the grounds of separation for two years: and the said defendant will take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Cour: of Cherokee County. North Carolina, in the Courthouse in Murphy. N. C . within twenty days after the 24th day of April. 1942. and answer or de mur to the complaint t- said action, or the plaintiff will apply tc the Court for the relief demanded in >.! d ????>m plain'. ** ?.?. ? Civ Ol AVtA. Aric't* Kamscy. Vsistnnt Clerk Superior Cour*. Clier kee County. N. C. 35 -4t. chg NOTICE In the Superior Court NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY Blanche B. Davis vs. Austin Davis. The above named defendant. Aus- i tin Davis, will take notice than an I action entitled as ..bove has been I commenced in the Superior Court j cf Cherokee County, North Carolina j by the plaintiff to secure an absolute j divorce from the defendant upon the j grounds that plaintiff and defendan' I have lived separate and apart for more than two years next preceding the bringing of this section and to secure custody and control of Jeri7 Jack Davis, minor child of plaintiff and defendant: and the defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, in the Courthouse in Murphy. North Carolina, on or before the 18th day of May, 1942. anil answer or demur to the Com plaint in this action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief din said Complaint, this the 24th day of March. 1942. J. W. DONLEY. Clerk of the Superior Court. 33-4t o Special Call Meeting ! March 25, 1942 Present: Noah Lovingood, Mayor. Commissioners: L. M. Shields, P. G. Ivie and T. W. Axiey. Upon motion made duly seconded and carrlcd, it is ordered by the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Murphy that an election be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in May, 1942, It being the ?nth day of said month, for the elec tion of a Mayor and six Commission' ers of said Town said election to the held in the Court House in the Town of Murphy, the polling place estab lished by the governing body of said Town. Those wishing to qualify for said office are required to file their namvs with the undersigned not later than 6 o'clock P. M., Centra] War Time, Saturday, April 25, 1942; otherwise, their names will not appear on the ballot. Porter Axley is hereby selected as Registrar, E. L. Shields and B. R. Carroll for Judges of said election. E. O. CHRISTOPHER, Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners. SNOW HILL NEWS Mrs. J. R. Elliott and son, Willard, spent Friday night with her brother, Mr. C. J. Bryson at Mertans Crek. Mrs. Lilile McConnel and two daughters, Mary Nell, and Annie Mae. spent the week end with the lattcr's parents, in Georgia. Mrs. Mamie Robcraon and daugh ter. Mrs. Floyd Mull, visited Mrs. Griffie Ledford Sunday afternoon. iMss Emma Lee Baity visited Mrs. J. R. Elliott Sunday. Mrs. Lizzie Keesler. of Murphy, vis ited her daughter. Vau Frankum one day last week. Mr. Houston Keesler and Mr. Wil lard Hughes, of Marysville, Tenn . were visitors at Snow Hill Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. James Evans were visitors at the home of Mr. Isaac Elliott's Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Jane* Beavers and little sons. Jammie and Leander. vis ited Mrs. Isaac Elliott on Monday. Jasper B. Cobb, 79, . Stricken By Death . . From Heart Attack Never completely recovered from the shock of losing his wife. Jasper B. Cobb. 79 year old farmer, of Cul berson. Ht. 1. fell dead from a heart attack las'. Friday morning, as he left his home for the fields to su \ pervise spring plowing. A physician said death had been instantaneous. Funeral services were held Tuesday morning at the Mount Zior. Baptist church, in Georgia .with the Rev. John Cook .an old friend of the fam ily officiating and with grandsons as pall beavers. Townson funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Mr. Cobb is airvhrf ty Ciilii children: four sons and four daugh ters. One of the sons. A. B. Cobb, of Cut bank. Montana, is a multi-mil lionaire oil operator, and the others are all prosperous. Informed by long distance phone of his father's death. Mr A B. Cobb goe pecial permission from the Gov ernment tn fly his nrivat# oWQSd plane, so that he might get here more quickly His brother. Erous. also of Cutbank. flew with him. Uinding at Chattanooga the two ?. re met by two other brothers. Johs S.. of Fontana. Calif., and R. T of McKittric. Calif., and by one of his sisters. Mrs. Zelma MeNami ;;t also of MrKittric. They made the remainder of the trip in a chartered car. The other three sisters, who also journeyed to the old home for the funeral are: Mrs. Zona Crawford, of McKayesville. Ga.: Mrs. Tishia Cur ley. of Gastonia: and Mrs A. L. Lou dermilk. of Murphy, Rt. 2. Survivors in addition to the imme diate family include two sisters of the dead man: Mrs. Amanda Patterson, of Knoxvlle: and Mrs. Bud Mason. Blairsville: and two brothers: J. C. Cobb, of Hemp, Ga.. and M. l>. Cobb, of Long Beach, Calif. The dead man's grandfather. Da vid Thompson, was the first white man to settle on the Notley River, or in the section now known as Un ion County, Ga. o 1TPER MARTIN'S CREEK We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Guy Crisp into our community. They have moved to Mrs. Elizabeth Chastain's place Mrs W H. Aoc'.is.thy anil Lucile Chcstain visited M.s. Addle C lastain Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Jackson and son. Mack, of Georgia, spent Satur day night with Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chapman. Mr. W. N. Crisp, who is employed in Georgia, spent last week end with his wife. Guy Crisp, Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Chapman and son, Robert Hayes at tended Sunday school and preaching at Maggie's Chapel on Brasstown Sunday afternoon. George W. Keasler and Zeb Chas tain .who are employed at Pontana, spent lut week end at ho a* Mr. John l*e Chiturn hat ^ on the sick list, but is improrh* Mrs. O. w Keasler visited lb j? Mia. Boyd Cnastaln Svmdaj noon Mr and Mrs A B. Sulcus. Jr recently visited Mr. SUlcups p?;l int-s. Mr. and Mrs A B Stalcup Mrs. Floyd Oliver and Mrs. Mabry visited their brother, Ch&stain. who is seriously ill at tb: Otcen hospital Mrs. J. B. Martin visited Mrs Gjj Cr'sp Sunday afternoon Clarence Hughes and J B. K fuk: attended the senior pUy at Murphj Friday night. SUNNY POINT NEWi Mr and Mrs. Virgil Jenkins mvj children spent Sunday with Mr ,p1 ni is. *?. is. JenKins. Miss Lola Brown of Akron, u spending a few days visiting home folks. Mr. and Mrs Robert Hampton, ol Georgia, spent Friday visiting Mr ami Mrs. Wilburn Lafeuers. Mrs. Pearl Wright and small son. of Atlanta. Is visiting her brother and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lather lUNAKA NF.WS S Guests of Mr. and M. George Crawford lasi Thursday night ?e:e Messrs. John Queen. L. L. Mason, E. L. Shields, J. B. Shields, Abe Hem blee. Wiiiard Cooper. H A Mattoi, Sheridan Dickey and Nolan Wells o{ ! Murphy. N. C. George Bates, v Charlie Bales, Jerry Jenkins. Bill , Roberts and Pearl Roberts. Rev. Edgar Willix, of Andrews, N. C.. preached an interesting sermon Sunday morning at the Baptist church. M.\ Billy Dockery died last Wed nesday and was buried Thursday at 10 o'clock. He leaves a widow and two so'is. Charlie and Lawrence, also several brothers and sisters. Pvt. Leroy Roberts, of Camp Jack son. S. C.. spent the week end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Rob erts. Mr. Otis Kilby, of Lenoir City, Tenn.. spent last week with his par ents. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Kilby. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chambers, of Lenoir City. Tenn., spent the week end here with friends and relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hoyt Jenkins were Sunday night guests of Mr. and Mrs. Garland Coleman. Mr. Lee Crawford and children, of Andrews. N .C., were visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Bates and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie McNabb Sunday at Suit, N .C. Mrs. Kate Everett, Mrs. Lucinda Moss and Mr. Jimmy Crawford spent the week end in Marietta, Ga. Master Howard White was Friday night guest of "Steve" Crawford as | Murphy. To relieve Misery of COLDS LIQUID TABLrr* ?ALV* NOSE DROP# COUGH DROPS r?Y "Rub-My-Thm'.A WONDERFUL UNIHtWT To The Voters of Cherokee County I wish to announce myself as a candidate for Sheriff subject to the Democratic primary to be held on May 30th. If nominated and elected I will devote my ener gies to being Sheriff all the time. You won't have to hunt me ? I'll be on the job. I also want to say to the voters of Cherokee County, if nominated and elected, I will do my very best to enforce the law, and protect the cit izenship of our county. I will play no favorites. If the tax books are turned over to me ! will col lect the taxes and turn the money over to the County as fast as I get it. Also I will settle with the County to the last pen ny just as I did in 1933-1934 and 1937-193? when I was Sheriff and tax collector. Finally, I want to say to the voters of Cherokee County that if nominated I will not try to buy my way into office. I want a fair election. Thanking one and all in advance for your votes and support. LLMASON

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