Requirements To Be Met in Marine Corps C!wu: Marin** H SSsfva Cini IV 1 Juration of Knit* m .Sik tn >?? ills b-yoiul duration >f War. Kjh' limits From Je t'< inclus ive. f th?* uppivant ? ret>onabiy uutui physually. a' it men with ?iot bioit' .Itun tvi j lep ? ' ? * dldren otln r thAU wife. Pnr\ ious i> fvii - N >; required, but d' -sired Educational <jurements Must be able to read ?nd write have a knowledge \*>f sitnpk- irithnv'tlc and be able to wxuiain general orders. P.'ivsiral reciuiremm- s Physical ly 'jnd vision "?>t lower than 8 _!?* vithout ?. ia . *orr? i t' d to 18 no A'tth ? ? l;tss?*.s sufficient teeth of a - <>v. ;i ar ?: ? : ??p a ? ment 5cr pr?p^; ot rood: :iit '14 74' ' md s * ; d w? - h it: proportion to iHMtfut. Technical requirements Hot ? quired Ka . Form* A W j Id W ? . Vetera"* will --appointed ?0 the high1-, rank. n ; ? .lie '.rade ot ciiai ? ?*. not a'oove sergeant. World YV ?: w . . ? ,vli > a" re in the Naval Ser v. i l>: rr-'d as privates. Pa- Regular I in ? pay. plu> in all rad- 51 !"> p (lay for quirters if married and maintaining hom \ plus SO. 50 per day rations if notJ eating at ban.i-k Quarters illowan be gins ipon entrance ? 'to .service re gardless of port assigned if married and maintaining hom* . The Quart ermaster will pay for transportation household goods as per first thr?*e pay -'.rad?'- a l diseretion of Com manding Office;- a; * :- : :ui? trail ing and when assigned to regular | pus*., '/. rid W Veterans of less j tliaa o'c. ? 'ars rvu*e will receive >10.00 monthly 1) nus. Du' Mombe: of C.a - TV will .perforin .uard ci ty, and such other duties requii?*-l th ip ration off i Na ? Yard ; ; ird a Ire Command- j i"g OiTir r m iy de ni necessary. Duty in Class IV is limited to the continental limits of the United: States. A?>d will be assigned to duty i t1." near- .--.t por ; to tlvir hom?; within t i Naval District wherein Uiey enlLst. providing a va cancy exists. Should the exigencies of th?' service require, they will be transferred to stations other than that of their choice. Ex-Marines are ordered to sta tions c?f duty upon reenlistment. all othe renli.stm""ts ordered to Parris Island, S C. for training. BARLEY D. C. Snodgrass, assistant Extens ion agent in Cherokee County says I h" has noticed several barley fields ' in his county this year, whereas there was only one ten -acre field last year. LEGAL NOTICE An Ord'r Authorizing Thp Issuance of Bonds To Ih-rund or Fund thr l*rinrip;il of j"d InU-rpst on $248,001) OutsUmdine Bonds of Murphy Township, in ('hcrokf County. BE IT ORDEKRO by the Board of Comniiasio?CTs of the County of Cherokee, fuilow.s. Soction l The Board of Commis sion'Ts of the County of Clierokc* has ascertained and determined, and does hereby d'-rlare. that the Board of Commissioners of the County of Cherokc" duly Issued o" or about their respective riatos the following bo'i(Ls of Murphy Township i? said Count-/, viz.: M> iao.noo c," Bonds dated April 1. IS'24 payable April 1. 1954: <2> ill 0.000 5 %'~r Bonds dated April 1. 1914. payable April 1. 1944: '3> $91 000 5% Bonds dated April A Urn* aot ?{ inqr d*Hor we *oni IS OUR QUOTA for VICTORY with U.S. WAR BONDS . >12 payable Apr I !. 1942: 4 ? 413 000 ? Bond. di'ed July 1 : >J4 payable July 19J4 ? J' ?j0 000 i B nd- dated Ma;'. ! ? >t ?.???!? i. 1941. ?? MJ 0 > > S' rj 'iid. da'."1 June 1. ! ?:; payubl" Jun# 1. 194i: an.: : i ' it- >ne"- ".?ised by "he l i.l l! ?!d >? -tl?l > Tf ll'ed tO r ? vid impro- in "'.s md that ? . * ? ? prlTi - pal ?! said bonds1 i.i . b-en paid -,d tbat lntere<f in' ? !?.? amount of $24 S03 33 which had i i i i on iid bond- on or before 1 ay of Januar 1K40 ha-s not >'n p.t : :i and is now owing, and "hat aid bond- an- ? >w l"gal and fit obi - iid Murphy Tow"s'up. and that It jt necessary to refund .sui'h princiiul and *o fund vi.-h interest as hereinafter provid ed. Section There shall be issued pursuant to Chap: f -57 of tiie Fuo li I. aw . if i:>33 ol Noi ;h Carolina. . ani' aded. bond- of the aiflmnM prin i>al amount "f $248,000 to be Vsiiii av ' "Refunding Bond-" for ? i . of refund;' - the princi pal amount of the debt ? videncd by ltd o i-undlim bonds, and bond- of i tregmte principal amount of O4.S0'! 33 io oe d' -. - aatcu interesi Pi;:..:. ? ft;;id -alii unpaid nn .-5 in Said I! ftindin Bonds a I' "re:'. Pand:r.? Bond* ?:<1! ? issued in tile name of said : Township nd shall be obli aticri- of -aid Township. !! 4. Tne bud- aiitiioi i '<-o fe' tills bond o:di-. - i ..*11 i;o issued in lace :if and not in addition to the bond authorized by th> bond order nti'Ied An Order authorizing the isuaiii'! of bonds to refund or fund tiie principal of and interest ou $228,000 outstanding bonds of Mur phy Township, in Cherokee County".! adopted by the Board of Commls- 1 oii'Ts on the 15th day of December. 1941. and no bonds shall be issued I pursuant to said bond order adopted n the 15tli day of December. 1941, after this bond order takes effect. Section 5. This ordinance shall take i ffeet upon its passage and ? ill not bs submitted io the voters. The foregoing order was finally ? :i ti.- 1 9t i i da of May. 1942 mi ; . . first .wblished on tiie 21st . . of Ma..-. 1942. Any actio', or proceedings questioning the validity . f s. ich ortl"; must b? commenced withi' thirty days after its first pub lication. B. L. PADGETT. Clerk of Board of Commis i'l' e: s of Cherokee County. i 5-2t-CC> o NOTICE The people of the Rogers Chape! community are urged t o meet at the church Friday. M. v 29 for the pur pose of cleaning off the cemetery for the Decoration Services which will be held on Sunday. May 31st. NORTH CAROLINA. CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. HENRY CORBISHLEY VS. GRACE M. CORBISHLEY NOTICE The above named d?fendant. Grace , M. Corbishley. will take notice that | an action entitled as above has been | commenced in tile Superior Court of | Cherokee County. North Carolina, I by tlie Plaintiff to secure an abso ! lute divorce from the Defendant up j on the grounds that Plaintiff and I Defendant have lived separate and I apart for more than two years next 4 preceding Ui?* bringing of this ac tion: and the Defendant will fur ther tak" notic that she is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, in the Courthouse in Mur phy. North Carolina, on or before the 6th day of July. 1942, and answer or d''mur to the complaint in this ac tio", or the Plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said complaint, this the 12 day of May. 1942. J. W. DONLEY, Clerk of the Sup?rior Court. '42-4t-ceh> NOTICE OF SALE Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained In a deed of trust given by Lester Bates and wife Flon nie Bates to the undersigned trus tee. dated Sept. 30, 1941, and record ed in the Office of Register of Deeds for Cherokee County In Book No. 128. pa?e. 107, and default haying been made In the payment of the .indebtedness secured by Aid deed of trust. J. D Mallonee, the under signed truster. will on Monday. June the 1. 1942. at one o'cl'Wk P. M . at liir cjui ? "? " ji hi iae i .1 A' n of Mur;>h\ Cherokee County. North Carolina -11 to rlie highest b:dder fo- cash, the following described real .? .It. in Uie Town of Murphy. ?;h<T>kt"- County. North Carolina ind more ;>artlcul?rly described as follows : {{?' .?Inning >n a tak-' on the Old Peachtree Road or Street. W. H. Bates' comer. and runs S. 17 E. 139 fi . ; i a stake in the fence. W. H. Uat ?' corner in the T. N. Bates line: then with said fence, S. 57 W. 82 foi l t ? i stake corner of said fence, being F. O. Bates' corner; then N. if W. 160 feet to F. O. Bates' corner hi Peachtree Street or Road: then with said Street or road. N. 70 E. 46 fee' to the beainnin* Thi. the 29th day of April. 1942. ?T. D MALLONEE. Trusfe ?40-4t-cin? o Mllll / OF SALE INDER MECHANIC MEN NOKTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY By v'rtne of the authority con tained under Section 2435 of the Consolidated Statutes of North] Carolina. I the undersigned, mo I'iiBfllt will offer for ?.i|f a- pubiic miction, for cash, at the home of r undersigned Herman Moc?\ at Topton, North Carolina, at twelve : noon on the eighth day of May. '942 tiie following describ d properly, to-wit: one Chevrolet au tomobile. 1933 Model. now stored at ? he home of the said Herman Moose, for a mechanic lien or bill .11 tiie sum of seventeen dollar'; and fifty cents i $17.50) for repairs and work don" on the above described automobile on the 21st day of March. 1942, and for expense? and costs of keeping said property and selling same, and i>ay the surplus of tlx- proceeds of said iaJ-' to th? owner thereof This tha 24th day of April. 1942 ?''STwviAN MOGoE 39 at J M NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Margaret Lonir Payne, Plaintiff vs Bruce L Payne. Defend int ? , NOTICE The above r.amed Defendant Bruce I Payne, will t .ike natice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina, by the Pl.iintiff to secure an abso- : lute divorce from the Defendant ] upon (lie ground that Plaintiff and Defendant have lived separate and apai : for more ilian two years next . preceding th* htinsln; of it- j rod; and the Defendant will further take notice that he is required to ; apiw I!- n ? tho office of the C'crk of! :he 8upei1>: Court of Cherokee' County, in the courthouse In Mur North Carolina, within twenty day^ after the 15th day of May 1942 and answer or demur to the complaint in s.iid action, or the fiaflMSf TrSU apply to the Court ior the rtlief demanded In said com-' plain'. This 17th day of April. 1942 J. W. DONLEY. ! Clerk of the Superior Court. :i9 4 ? eh 7 NOTICE OK SATE OF H'TOMOBILE Under and by virtue of the power, and authority in her vested by law i'i such r;i^es and an order of the j Clerk of he Superior Court of , Cherokee County. North Carolina,! entered In the administration of the! estate of C. D. Mayfield. deceased. I the undersigned administratrix of said estate will o" Saturday, the twenty-third day of May, 1942, at twelve o'clock noon (Central War T:nw at the Cour'.hoiM* door la Mur-Jhy Oierokf" County. North Carolina. sell to the highest btdd? ? for ui public outcry 1941 Model Pon'.iac Coupe. Motor No 8-287727. Scr'al No. P-8JA-9328 Titl- Certificate No. Z-616729 ThU cu: ts "ow slored under lock and k'-y a : a rage of Mr. Arthur Akin Am y person desiring v> inspect tam? before '.he day of sale will see tin und-Tsla-ied administratrix it her home in Murphy. This 'he -?d day of May. 1942 SARAH F. MAYFTELD. Administratrix of the estate of C D Mavfield D> ceased 4: -3** Save Your Clothes With Qua'ity Cleaning 1 lU-if 18 no \\ ool Ra tioning among moths! I IIKV'LL HEVOI R EVERY LAST Ull KVI) II VOl I FT Tir;.M. ? The thing to do now I? to st nd .vour winter firmrats to us Tor cleaning; atid th?*n to be nut i'? luotii -storage ba?? until >011 u??d them next fall. We Call For And Deliver Imperial Cleaners Phone 13 We Take Orders ? for ? The Sylva Laundry In these days when it is becoming more difficult to secure n??w appli ances, it Ls more important than ever b?*fore to take al! possible steps to increase the iif?m and efficiency of appliances now in use. Here are a few simple suggestions which if put into practice not only will lengthen the lif?* of your electric range but will assist in obtaining the best cook ing results with the minimum use of electricity. 1. Always allow range to cool be fore cleaning, then wip?% surface, front, and sides with a damn soapy clof.h. rinse and dry. Never use strong abrasives on porcelain enam el. 2. Clean th?* surface units regularly. This is easily done by lifting the unit and removing pan and cleaning with soap and water or cleaning with a mild cleanser. 3. Clean metr.l rim around unite. Thes^ can be scoured with an abras ive when necessary. Food spilled on the unite will bum off; they should never be placed in water. t. To cl'*ai> oven, remove top and bottom units, broiler pan, and shel ves and wipe entire inside with s(wpy water. It is desirable to soah the shi-lves i<> the sink to thoroughly dissolve grease. 5. Defective switches or Inoperative units should be promptly replaced by your service man, and at the sara1* time it Ls wise to have him thorough ly check all the operations of your range. 6. Do not use the oven to cook or bake only one thing. It is good prac tice to fill the oven up every time you use it. 7. Use covered paw that fit units. Start cooking operation on High then turn switch to a lower position to complete cooking. 8. Use as little water as possible in cooling fresh vegetables. 9. Make liberal use of the deep well cooker if your range has one. It. Don't broil steak Immediately on r<-moving from refrigerator. Allow it to reach room temperature. It will take less current to rook and will taste better. City of Murphy Electric Department

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