NEWS of SOCIAL and PERSONAL INTEREST Ruby McCombs Winchester, Society Editor, Phone 49- J Mrs. Odom Hostess To Christian Service Circle The Woimr.'s Society of Christian Service, Circle No. 3 of the Metho liist church, met Monday afternoon jit 2:30 with Mrs W P. Odom. Mrs. Odom. chairman, called the meeting to order and Mrs. Dixie Palrr.'T gave the devotional Mrs. Cutting, a vsiitor. gave some very r teresiing po;its on how. we might help in Home uetens' Aiiei eral routine of business the meeting was adjourned and refreshments er>- served by the hostess. Those present were: Mrs. W. H. Griffith. Mi>. J. W. Thompson. Mrs. Dixie Palmer. Mrs. B L. Padgett, Mrs. Manita Jenkin . and Mrs. Henry Ellis, a newmember. n Mrs. Grady Honored At Bridge Party Mrs. Duke Whitley entertain. d w:t;\ 3 tables of bridge Saturday n'fht honorine her guest, Mrs. P. D. Grady. Jr., of Kenly. N. C. Those playing were Mrs. X. A. Mattox, Mrs. Harry Bishop. Mrs. Frank Forsyth, Mrs. Bill Darnell. Mrs. Robert Wells, Mrs. Mary Taylor. Mrs. John David son. Mrs Walt'r Mauney. Miss Lu cir.e Wells. Miss Dot Higdon. Mrs. Duke Whitley and Mrs. P D Grady. Mrs. Walter Mauney was winner of high score and Miss Lucine Wells HENN THEATRE MURPHT, NORTH CAROLINA The Most Popular Playhouse Saturday. May 23 TIM HOLT ? JANET WALDO "BANDITTRAIL" Sunday, May 24 VIRGINIA WEIDLER ? RAY MCDONALD ?IN? "BORN TO SING" Monday, Tuesday, May 25-26 EDWARD G. ROBINSON JANE WYMAN "LARCENY INCORPORATED" Wednesday, May 27 DOIBLE FEATURE PROGRAM FLORENCE RICE ? BRUCE BENNETT 'TRAMP TRAMP TRAMP" AND BRENDA JOl *"!E ? IN ? "MARRY THE BOSS' DAUGHTER" Thursday, Friday, May 28-29 RODDT MeDOWAIA ? JANE DARWKLL "ON THE SUNNY side" i low score A icucst prize wa.v presents to | Mrs. P. D. Grady. ; Mrs. Wayne 1 ownson | Honors Small Son On Saturday aft'-rnoon. May lfitli. I Mrs Wayne Townson 'ntertalned >i I group of children with a lawn party in io"o: of little Eric's third birth day. Tin jf;crnoo" was spent in play ing games and later ice cream, c.ike anci punch wer>> served. Various color' d ilioons were Riven as favors. Guests invited were: Jane Si.,-h 1 Dolus Mclver. Ann Carringer. Ann Paikir J* an Kennedy. Billie Brown-! in? I -on nip Hoovi'r. Richard Town- i -on. Bilii- Townson, Gordon Bates. Carolyn Bate.--. Patricia Ann Woiih ii. K.i.v Beavers. Guidon Daincli, ! B;il:e Hensley. The Guest of honor was p]' sent?'d a ;ii many gifts. o M iss Martine Moore Weds John Frederick Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moor'- of Mur phy, announce the marriage of tlvir ' daughter. Margaret Martine. to John Frederick Man they, of Antigo, Wis., and of Murphy. The ceremony was performed by : the Rev. V. Maloney, at high noon. I May 10th. in St. John's Church i? I Waynesville, N. C. Only a few close friends of the couple were piescnt. The bride wore a b< ig?' and brown dress suit and brown and white sailor hat. Her accessories were white and she wore a corsage of yellow orchids a"d y'llow tailsman roses. Mrs. Manthley received h>'r edu cation at the Murphy High School and Mars Hill college. Mr. Manthey received his educa tion at the Antigo High School and is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in 1941. Mr Manthey is at present a jun ior hydraulic engineer with the TVA. The couple left immediately af ter the ceremony for Antigo to visit Mr. Man they s parents. After their honeymoon the couple will make their home in Chilhow, Va. Th<" bride is the granddaughter of 1 Mrs. A. L. Johnson and t.he late A. L. Johnson, of Murphy, her mother t being the former Miss Fannie Joh.i { son. o Miss Barbara Reubensaal of Rob binsville. is spending this week with Misses Euince Shields. Tommie Slay ton and Jean Mauney. Miss Pauline N<-al had as her guest last week-end Mr. Henry Rulii and Miss Edna Proffit of New York. Mrs. Paul Lambert of Hcnderson ville, is viting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Shields. Mrs. Johh Zimmerman of Etowah returned home last week after a visit with her mother. M-s. Prank Palmer. Mr. Vance Wilson. Jr . of Parks ville, Tenn., spent last week-end with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilson. Mr. Troy Fleming of Parksville, Tfnn., spent last week-end iiere with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Flem ing. Mr. T. C. McDonald and Warren McDonald of Fontana spent last week -end in Murphy. Mr. and Mrs. V. I. Butt of Blairs ville, Ga . were visitors in town Sat urday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harden spent last week-end in Waynesville. N. C. Mrs. Dorothy McCombs left Wed nesday for Franklin, where she is employed. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickey and son of Fontana spent last week-end I in Murphy with friends and rela tives. Mrs. Carson Thompson spent last week-end in Knoxville. -vith her mother. Mm. Keith. Mrs. Harold Wells spent last week end in Franklin, with relatives. Mis* Patsy Proffltt of Bryson City, was the week-end ruest of Mis* Net tie Dickey. Mrs. Tom Axley spent last week in Bristol. Tenn., with her daughter. J Mrs Geo. Atkinson, and Mr. Atkin son. Mr and Mrs. Guy Brittain and son of L? noir City. Tenn., spoilt last week-end here with Mr. Britain's mother, Mrs. L. M Brit tain. Mr. and Mrs Tom Axley. Jr.. of Andrews -pent last we?k-end her* with Mr and Mrs Tom Axley. Mr. and Mrs. Walt - : Coleman were in Chattanooga. Tt ; n. .??*? day this w ee k on business. Mr and Mrs. Pumphre.v of Ashe vjll* . will spend next week in Murphy and Hayesville with friends. Mrs Patsy Led ford of Gaston ia. arrived last w?-ek for a visit with ? m : s&. Mr. Ficii V. Jolv - ^ " and N't: Johnson. Mr. Hum- BowIe> of Fenian : spe i t last week-end here with hi* family, g M ? and Mrs Kin? Walker of Hayesville. spent last wek-cna with M v a??d Mrs. Pied Johnson. Mrs. Walter Mauney, Mrs. Duk?* Wi- ,r\ Mi - P;r : ; Grativ and Mr^ Wirren Adkins spent las: Wednes day in Atlanta Mrs Duke Whit lev has ?? her cii* st. Mrs. Paul Gr&uV of Kcnlfv. ft r Mr. and Mrs Warren Adkins of Mario". N. C.. spent several days last week in Murphy. Fred Johnson. Jr.. of Pontana, spent last week-end here with his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Johnson. Mr. Walter Mauney and Mr. Harve El kins spr.? r p< :?t las: Sunday in Copi* rh'll. Mrs. J* rry Davidson a ill h ave ^ :ui. for Albuquerque New Mexi- i >c for a visit with ;it: so", Jerry; Jr who :s stationed there Mr. Don Withe: spoon returned :n? Monday from A*i?r :a wher* sftfry'lMMi bffn vith her mother who 1 i :n a hospital there. ~?a?i IfrSjBESl Little H.rk Ark ar- . i M I MadcftT. > parents. M: r! Ml L> | Witherspoon. 1 M , I u F. wo .. : . : Mr- Price Carter and > ':dr? " w j :? timed from a U n day \ i-it with ; :< ativf in A h< * and K . ? ,vi!!e j | Til" many I;. ends ?I Mr*, ti H [Nurvell who .nideivwit ,;n Deration ja: Emory Hnspita! tn Athmt? win j 3c mad Id inar ? gritim . j very nicely. Mr. Wuliani Tn*n..o of Foii; .. t week-end h* re witn his I Aif? a. visiting her mother. Mrs. | v w? :is. M: L.ivi Hyde . ;>ent la .t week end n Cornelia. Oa . with relatives. CHF * 11 ~ * T^LJC A TDT I M ILin M A \&J MTRPHY. N. C I III HOl'Sfc OI HITS