(Ehfrnkfp ^>rnut ??L THE LEADING WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN WESTERN NORTH CAR OL1NA. COVERING A LARGE AND POTENTIALLY RICH TEMRITORY VOl* M. ? N*. ? WWW. NORTH CAROLINA rHVUHMl B I ITEMBER 17. 1942 ?< ( OPY- *1.50 TKK VK.UI JUNIOR RED CROSS 25TH ANNIVERSARY JS CELEBRATED First Aid Certificates Issued To Junior Red Cross j Or Tuesday morning. September' 15. the Murphy Elementary and I High School joined with the thous "" ?' Junj?' Cross Ciiapters over our nation in celebrS r r ?"f ^ of the found! mf.?* ',he Jun,or Red Cross, in the midst of the first World War p-i dent WiLson called upon the' sdml cMldren of America u> rally t^j ' e great cause of human liberty to I which the nation had pledged it This 25th for any social or recreational purpose of the driver ! or operator, at moe than the I prescribed speed limit, c> for the [ purpose of making commercial de | liveries of property. more than | ten miles beyond the corporate limits : of the muncipality in which the trip i originated, (e> for the purpose of i picking up passengers by cruising. ; 'f> more than twenty-five miles 1 from the point of origin to the point of destination, (g) nor shall any person operate a taxicab without j distinctly markinc the vehicle to ln | dicate that it is a taxicab. ! The order also provides that no ? person shall operate a taxicab in any muncipality or other governmental subdivision in which a group riding ! plan for taxicabs is lawfully In effect unless such person participates in the plan wherever practicable. The order does not apply to: (1) Persons carrying passengers to or from burial. (2) the transportation of passengers to and from work "by a person driving an automobile be tween his or her home and place of work." (3) the transportation of passengers in connection with "em ergencies arising from an accident, sickness, death, buplic calamity, or military eceKity." provided an ex planation In writing is submtited to the ODT within forty-eight hours. Every person engaged in taxi ser Mrs. Nesfield Olmsted Sells Cherokee Scout, Graham CountyfiNews Finds Victory Spider Among Flower Plants Mrs. W. Christopher reports that she hay no doubt ol the final out come of the war. She has found a mony her flowers a very peculiar spider. It has markings unlike any ' -spider known to this section and of more particular interest, is the fact I | that the body is divided into a per fect V Educational Association Holds Meeting Tuesday First meeting of the Murphy Unit of the North Carolina. Education As sociation was held Tuesday night in the music studio of the elementary school building. Following the business session a very interesting program was given. Mrs. John Thuss sane "Shortnin Bread". "Gypsy Love Song" and "The Like Tree". Miss Folly Neal gave p talk on "School Health Program in National Defense". Walter Car ringer sang. "The Lord's Prayer" and "Oh Sweet Mystery at Life". Army Recruiters Postpone Visits Due to the fact that MpJot George H. Van Kirk, medical officer. Lieut. L. E. Chaiken. and Sgts. McBride and Webster of the Army rscniitlss service are in Greenville. S. C., for several days. Staff Sgt. Ted R. Blackwell of the recruiting staff will be unable to meet his schedule of appearances In RobbinsviUe, An drews. Murphy and Hayesville, this yreele. also has been found necesary to pc Tone the aviation cadet exami ru ans that had ben scheduled for Ai. ^rews October 2, It has been an nounced. Under a revised schedule, Sgt. Blackwell will be in Andrews Sept. 22. RobbinsviUe Sept. 23. HayesvlUe Sept. 24, and Murphy September 25. .1. \V. BRYANT MURPHY VISITOR J. W. Bryant, of MaryvllJe. Tenn., was a business visitor in Murphy this week. Mr. Bryant, was born and reared in tliis county but for the past thirty years has made his home in Maryville. While in Murphy Mr. I Bryant was a pleasant callcr at The | Scout office. , Hayesville Service Man Is Reported As Missing Samuel Johnston Birsiol. Jr.. l'4. son of Mr. and Mr.- S.imuel John ston Bristol, ol Hayesville. is miss ins after action", the parents were notified by tin navy department Bristol, a ship fitter, first class, hail been in the service for seven years. He was a graduate of Hayesville high school. No other details are available at the present time, but when they are : available the parents will be notified. vice shall keep a dally record of the number of miles and hours each taxicab used In such service 1s op erated. the number of passengers carried, and the gallons of fuel transferred to Its fuel tank, and shall keep such other records and make such reports as may b ercqulr ed by the office of Defense Trans portation. Such records shall be a vailable for inspection by airthortaed representatives of the Office of De fense Transportation at all times. B. Arp Lowrance, Char lotte Publisher, Miss Addie Mae Cook Will Take Over Papers On October 1. Mrs. Nesfield Olmsted, owner and pubXsheT of The Cherokee Scout ? nd th?- Graham County News, an nounces the sale of these newspap ers together with all printing equip ment and good will to B. Arp Low rance of Charlotte and Miss Addie Mar Cook of Gatesville. the sale to become effective October I. Mr. and Mrs Victor Olmsted bought tile Cherokee Printing Com pany and the two newspap?rs in 1939 and Mr Olmsted was publisher of the papers until his death last May. Mrs. Olmsted has been pub lishing the papers since that time. Miss Addie Mae Cook for the past ten years has been half owner and editor and manager of the Gates County Index in Eastern North Carolina and has been a. sMGCttfifuJ newspaper publisher during that period. Her paper was a part of the group of newspapers owned and published by Parker Brothers. Inc., of Ahoekie. Miss Cook will he editor and man age of tbe Cherokee Scout and will move to Murphy on October 1. B. Arp Lowrance Is owner and publisher of The Mecklenburg Times, of Charlotte, The Mt. Holly News. Mt. Holly, and the Belmont Rnwrmr Bftlwwmt Me hwn in the newspaper business for approx imately 30 years, liaving served as service editor for Western Newspap er Union and a number of other newspaper connections in the state. He will spend a part of his time in Murphy. The new publishers are making plans to add a number of high class ed newspaper features to the Mur phy .uid Robbinsville newspapers and will make them two of the out standing weekly newspapers In North Carolina.. They will announce these features and such other changes as might be made when they take over the paper in the next few weeks. It is their intention to keep the present staff and mechanical em ployees. | "Boy Of The Month" Will Be Guests Of Andrews Rotary Club | The Andrewt. hish s-c.hoo] will nave a boy of the month" selected ! : nr end ol each calendar month espo<- iv*-I.v from the ,itin;or and sen ? :? classc These two "boys of the month" will be guests of the Andrews Rotary club ,! ; it~s weekly luncheor: | meetings for the ensuing month. There are no fixed requirements i for the boy of the month". How ! ever, the following traits will likely j be (riven consideration by the high i school faculty members who will do the selecting of the boys to be thus lionored: scholarship, industry, ini tiative. courtesy, citizenship, neat ness. and school spirit. Quite a rood deal of Interest has been aroused In the local Rotary club In this coming event. Also the school authorities look with (treat favor upon the movement, believing: that it will be a great Incentive the boys of the upper high school grades. The students have also ex pressed much interest in the move, and doubtless will eagwly await each month's announcement of the "boys of the month" for the Andrews high school. The first announcement will be made October t.