f SOCIAL EVENTS Hi WED IN WINSTON-SALEM ? Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Horace Davis, who were married at Waughtown Baptist church in Winston Salem February 3. Kenneth Davis , Miss Day Wed In Church Miss Carrie Rich Day, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. David Evans | Day. Sr., of Winston-Salem, be- | came the bride of Kenneth Horace . Davis, son of Fred Davis and the i l??te Mrs. Davis of Murphy. Sun- 1 day, February 3, at four o'clock : in the afternoon, at Waughtown Haptist church in Winston-Salem. Dr. A. M. Church officiated, using the double ring ceremony. A background of ferns and greenery, insterspersed with white gladioli and cathedral candles in seven-branched candelabra, form oil the nuptial setting. Prior to the ceremony, Mrs. 1'alph Conrad, pianist and Carson Johnson, soloist, presented the fol lowing program: "Intermezzo" Romance", "Prelude in C", "O Perfect Love". "Always", and "The Belles of St. Mary s". The tradi tional wedding marches were used ;.nd during the ceremony, "Clair de Lune" was played softly. The bride entered with her father, by whom she was given in marriage. Her gown of white satin v. as fashioned with a sweetheart neckline and long sleeves ending in points over the hands. The full skirt extended into a cathedral train and the full length veil of illusion was caught by a Juliet cap. The bride carried a prayerbook on which was pinned white orchids showered with Roman hyacinths. Mrs. Caldwell N. Day was mat ron of honor and Miss Eloise Davis, sister of the bridegroom was maid oi honor. Miss Mildred Winfree and Mrs. O. N. Holt of Greensboro were bridesmaids, and Dale Con rad and Margaret Susan Day of PROTECT YOUR LOVED ONES With A QUINN & HUMPHREY Mutual Burial Certificate ONLY COSTS 25c TO JOIN QUINN & HUMPHREY Mutual Burial Association Copperhill, Tenn. Winston-Salem were ring bearers. The attendants' gowns were fash ioned with pink satin bodice with sweetheart necklines, three quar ter length sleeves and net skirts. They carried bouquets of blue iris, rose and gladioli. The ring bearers wore white satin dresses, the skirts of which were trimmed with net ruffles and carried white satin pil lows upon which the rings were placed. Arden Davis of Murphy attended the bridegroom as best man. Ush ers were Bob Day, Caldwell N. Day, of Winston-Salem; Merle Davis of Murphy, and S/Sgt. Will iam Day of Winston-Salem. Following the ceremony, the bride's parents entertained at a reception at their home on Long view Drive. After the reception, the couple left for an unannounced wedding trip. They are making their hon?.? in Murphy since their return. The bride received her educa tion in the city schools of Winston Salem, at Mars Hill college and Salem colhege. Prior to her mar riage she was employed by the ac ? counting department of R. J. Rey nolds Tobacco company. Mr. Davis was graduated from Murphy city schools and Mars Hill college. He has recently received his discharge from the service after 30 months in the Pacific. Those from Murphy who attend ed the wedding were: Miss Eloise Davis, Arden Davis, Mrs. Joe Hamilton, and Mr. and Mrs. Merle Davis. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Moore and [ Misses Marie Price. Moselle Moore of Shelby, and Jane Moore of At j lanta spent two weeks in various points in Florida, returning home hist Friday. They visited St. Peters burg. St. Augustine, Auburndale, where they saw Mr. and Mrs. Dutch Kindley; and other points. L^AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA SEE OUR NEW ASSORTMENT OF I .1. Diamonds Matching Bridal SETS Starting At $23.00 up Tax Included DAVIS' Jewelers Corner Kef*1 Hotel B1 I MURPH*. C' PHONE 305 Mrs. Styles Is Circle Hostess Mrs. Hoy Styles was hostess to Circle No. 3 of the Woman's society ? 1 Christian service at her home here Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. J. M. Hughes led the devo tional service which was a memor ial to the late Mrs E B. Norvell v. ho had been a member and chair man of that circle for a number of > ears. Mrs. Styles conducted the Bible quiz. Mrs. J. 11 Hampton of Cir cle No. 2 was a guest of the circle ; iicl reviewed the second chapter of the mission study book, "The ( ross Over Africa." The meeting was closed with prayer by Mrs. Hampton, after which Mrs. Styles served refresh ments to six members and two visitors present. Mission Program Featured By YWA Miss Janice Hall, president, pre sided at the Y. W. A. meeting Monday night at the home of Mrs. Verlin Jones, co-counselor. The meeting opened with the singing ol the Y. VV. A. hymn, "O Zion flaste", followed by scripture read ing by Mrs. Verlin Jones and pray er by Mrs. J. Alton Morris. After reports of different com mittees, Miss Jayne Ricks was ap pointed corresponding secretary in place of Miss Jo Jo Moody who re signed. A short mission program, "Ad ventures Toward Tomorrow and the Frontier We Face", was pres ented as follows: "Adventures of the Past" by Misses Janice Hall, Barbara Arnold, and Hallie Winset te: "Adventures of Today" by Mrs. Roger Ammons; "Unto the Hills" by Miss Jayne Ricks; "The King dom Is Coming", sung by the group; closing prayer by Mrs. Win ston Craig. Mrs. Jones, assisted by Misses Jayne Ricks and Grace Ramsey, served refreshments to Misses Janice Hall, Betty Lou Ammons liUcy Winston, Hallie Winsette, Sybil Hembree, Entha Laney, Mrs. Virginia Craig, Mrs. Gwendolyn Wilcox, Mrs. Morris, and Mrs. Uoger Ammons. Miss Susan Beck Given Farewell Miss Susan Beck, who loft Sat urday for her homo in Salisbury, having resigned as FSA home su pervisor. was honored with the fol lowing social courtesies just prior to leaving: On Thursday evening Mrs. Ver lin Crisp entertained at a dinner for her. Guests present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Donley. Mr. Crisp, and Miss Beck. On Friday evening Miss Addie Mae Cooke entertained at dinner, with the following guests: Mrs. Verlin Jones, Miss Beck. Miss Jayne Hicks. Howard Adair, and Dr. A. Hcadrick. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Verlin Jones entertained at a party, when music was played by Glenn Ellis, and games were en joyed. Those present were: Mr. .??nd Mrs. John Berrv. Don Ramsey, i Miss Posey And Mrs. Cover Honor Engaged Couple ASHEVILLE ? Miss Woodfin l'osey honored her cousin, Miss Sarah Ruth Posey, and Frank Mc Conaughy Morgan, whose engage i lent was recently announced, with a buffet supper at her home, 1 Woodlawn. on Saturday evening 'I he house was decorated with cut flowers and candles. The guest list included Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bishop, Mr. and Mrs. Hen Vaught, Mr. and Mrs. Frank For syth and Mr. and Mrs. John E Posey. .Jr.. of Murphy, Miss Fran ces Mashburn, Oak Ridge. Tenn., Miss Meredith Whitaker. Andrews, Mrs Beverly Millaway, Jr., Old Fort, Mr. and Mrs. John Bayless, hnoxville. Mrs. Giles William Cov 6. MISS BRUMBY WEDS ? Mr. and Mrs. B G. Brumby. Jr.. of Murphy have just announced the marriage of their daughter. Martha Dodd. above to Frank Epting Dreher of West Columbia. S (' . on August 22. 1945. Mrs. Dreher is a graduate of Breneau Academy and Breneau College. Gainesville. Ga.. receiving her degree from the latter in the class of '45. She is a member of Delta Delta Delta, national social sorority. Mr. Dreher. the son of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Dreher of West Colum bia. S. C. is now completing his fourth year as a student at Clemson j College, S. C., after receiving a discharge from the army February 1. He was a navigator in the Army Air Force for three years. At present Mrs. Dreher is making her home in Murphy, until living quarters can be found at Clemson. Honors Guest With Valentine Party Little Miss Rosiland Ammons. I assisted by her mother, Mrs. Roger J Amnion'-., entertained with a valen- ( tine paity and handkerchief show- j er on February 14. honoring Nancy j Marie Lovingood of Summerville, j Ga.. who is visiting her ?*randmoth ei, Mrs. J. C. Ammons. As the guests entered they don ned formal costumes and crowns fashioned after the "Queen of Hearts". The artful decorations of the rooms and heart shaded lights added the "fairy land" atmosphere which promoted the imaginary pre tense of the little queens. After the enthusiasm of being queens grew old. games, singing, stunts and posing for pictures were enjoy ed. As the queens posed for the camera they crowned Nancy Marie as queen of all. She 4 hen found gifts that had been hidden by the tiny fairies. Refreshments were in keeping with the "fairy land" party. PERSONALS J. W. Franklin left Tuesday for Crystal River. Fla.. on a ten-day fishing trip as the guest of Judge Wilson Parker. Mr. Cox. Dr. Coch ran. and Dr. Turner of Atlanta. Mrs. Dale Lee was in Atlanta for several days last week on business. Miss Ann Hill arrived last week | to be with her mother. Mrs. J. N. j Hill until she leaves for the Uni- ? versity of Illinois where she will I take a course in Library Science. Mrs. Edwina llagaman and her mother. Mrs. Minnie Bowles have as their guests this week their relatives. T. F. Bowles of Long Beach. Calif., and Pvt F. B. Bowles of Ft. McPherson. Mrs. Hagaman's brother, F. W. Bowles with his daughter. Gulalia and son. J. C. Bowles, and her sister. Mrs. C. 11 Wynns, all of Paris, Tenn.. return ed to their home last week after visit here. Mr. and Mrs. .1 A. Gray of Sylva visited the former's brother. J. B. Gray, and family here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Hilton and I son David, of Asheville are visit- 1 ing Mrs. Hilton's parents, Mr. and I Mrs. Ben E. Warner. Mr. and Mrs. Peyton G. I vie. and daughter. Glenda, and Mr. and Mrs. J L. Savage and daughter. Peggy, spent Monday in Atlanta. Miss Myrt Padgett of Hayesville, spent the week-end here with Miss Elizabeth Gray. ' Miss Nettye Dickey student at | the University of Chattanooga, spent the week-end with her moth | c r. Mrs. Thelma Dickey at Hotel 1 Hegal. J. W. Davidson spent several days in Atlanta on business, last week. Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Miss Frances Waldroup and Miss June McCoy spent Saturday in Bryson City. B. C. Moneymaker of Knoxville was in Murph one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Owenby of Marietta and Murphy are spending the week here. John Ivie went to Atlanta Friday and he and Mrs. Ivie. who has been visiting there for the past ten days, returned to Murphy Sun day night. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Franklin and grandson, Joe Sidney Fulmer. spent Thursday in Knoxville with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Simpson. Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Ward and Mr. and Mrs. John Bayless of Knoxville will arrive in Murphy Triday to spend the week-end with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dalrymple ol' Fontana Dam are spending a few days here. B. E. Brenton of Canton, parole supervisor, was here Monday for a meeting with the 10 parolees in the county .at the welfare office. Mrs.RoddaIs Honored At Tea ANDREWS ? Misses Anne and Frances Van Gorder entertained at their home with a tea honoring Mrs. J. S. Rodda of Portland, Oregon, who is now making her home in Andrews, on Friday after noon of last week from 3 to 6 o'clock. The table was covered with a lace cloth and centering the table was a crystal bowl of orchid and yellow spring flowers. Mrs. Morris Bush presided at the punch bowl and dainty sandwiches, cookies, and mints were served. Those invited were Mesdames Harley Palmer. Tommy Axley, C. T. Almond. W. G. Scruggs. Mary Willie Rayburn, Louise Rogers, Andrews Personals Mr. and Mrs. Boyd B Robinson and Misses Mary Frances Robinson and Carolyn Smith spent last Sat urday in Chattanooga. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hay and chil dren Robert and Ardith, left last v eek for Boynton, Florida, where they will spend a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Huffman end daughter, Virginia, have re turned after spending ten days in Florida. Capt. and Mrs. Frank Swan and A1 have returned from a vacation in Florida. Supl. I B. Hudson is back on the job att< r being out several days last week on account of illness. Mrs. Anne F. Collins and small son of Marietta, C.a . are visiting ?..'rs Collins parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Frazier. C.ua> Herbert. Eddie Plesko, A. 3 Chandler. \\ . G Lail. Nancy Love, It il Montony, G B Hobiitzell, W. J'. Teas. Morris Hush. Giles Cover, A \I Brittain. .Jane Orr, Eleanor Hudson. Molly Stanley, Wade Keeee. C C. Washam, T. E. Ogg, F.awin Bristol, Jack MeCraney, Buck Darden, Bob Heaton, H. A. \ an Gorder. Frank Swan, Ed Swan. Catherine Braillar, Donald Wilson. H. E. Davis, C. E. Holder, Harve Whitaker, L. B. Nichols, Olive Ellis. Lorene Derreberry, Walt Brown, Gerald Almond, Miss es Eleanor Cover. Hildred Heaton, Imogene Hall, Mildred and Fan nie Barker, Meredith Whitaker, Vivian Moore. Jean Christy, Gladys Christy. Winnie Hickett, Frances Cover. Frances McPherson, Polly Hicks. EMULSIFIED CLEANSING CREAM and PINK CLEANSING CREAM $' I EACH, p/u< tax Two wonderful cleansing creams ? to help keep your skin silky smooth ! Tussy Emulsified Cleans ing Cream for dry, flaky skin... Tussy Pink Cleansing Cream for normal or oily skin . . . ON SALE! LIMITED TIM t ONLY I $1^ ^ usually $175 $3 size onfy $1.95 each All pric< olua lax Mauney Drug Co. MURPHY, N. C. SO YOU'RE DINING OUT? Well, we have a delicious dinner awaiting you! Bring family and friends, too. Choice of appetizing menus STEAKS CHOPS CHICKEN OYSTERS Murphy Cafe Murphy, North Carolina