SOCIAL EVENTS Miss Posey Is Honoree At Tea On Saturday Mrs. Harry Bishop and Mrs. H. A Mattox were hostesses at a seat ed tea Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Mattox compliment ing Miss Sara Ruth Posey of Ashe \ille whose marriage to Frank Mor gan of Montevallo, Ala., will be solemnized April 6. Mrs. Bishop and Mrs. Mattox re ceived with the honoree in the liv ing room which was decorated with arrangements of red roses, snap dragons and lighted red tapers in brass candelabra. Mrs. Frank Forsyth received in the dining room and was assisted in serving by Mrs. Jim Gibbs and Mrs. John Posey, Jr. The table was covered with a \ enetian lace cloth and was center ed with a silver bowl of white snap dragons. White candles in silver candelabra completed the table ap pointments. Refreshments consist ed of molded bridal ices, individual Henn Theatre Murphy, North Carolina Showing All Major Companies' Pictures First Run In Murphy Thursday - Friday, March 7 - 8 Alice Faye - Dana Andrews, In ? "FALLEN ANGEL" LATEST NEWS & mmmm xSnmnt mm m ' Saturday, March 9 DOUBLE FEATURE SUNSET CARSON, In? "BANDITS OF THE BADLANDS ? Also ? ADELE MARA, In? "TIGER WOMAN" ^ws8?iHi??*n[tP -? m Late Show Saturday, 10:45 P. M. Phyllis Thaxter - Edmund Gwenn, In ? "BEWITCHED" Sunday, March 1 0 Lee and Lynn Wilde, In ? TWICE BLESSED" SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Monday - Tuesday, March II - 12 \ Joseph Cotton - Jennifer Jones, In ? "LOVE LETTERS" LATEST NEWS MMmmmmm me mmsm Wednesday, March I 3 George Sanders - Ella Raines, In ? "UNCLE HARRY" Chap. 1 3 SECRET AGENT 'l!ll!!llllllllllll!llll!llllllllllllllllllllllllllllll!llllllllllllllllll!l!lllllllillllllllll!lllltlllllllllllllllllllilll!lllllll!liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiii!iiiiiniiiu!i Mrs. Williams Is Given Shower By Nurses' Club The Tri-county Nurses' club en tertained at the home of Mrs. Fish er Hubbell on Wednesday evening, with a surprise shower as a fare well courtesy to Mrs. Ola Williams who left March 1, to join her hus band at Caulderwood, Tenn., to make their home. Miss Llba Sneed was associate hostess. After refreshments were served, card tables, loaded with a variety of gifts for their nome were brought in and placed in front of the honoree and during the social hour, music was furnished by Jack Barnett. The club expressed regret at j losing Mrs. Williams who has served faithfully and who was president at the time of leaving. , Club members present were: Mrs. John Brittain, Mrs. Frank Crawford, Mrs. Elaine Gill, Miss Nelle Sherrill, Mrs. Tnompson of Hayesville, Mrs. Don Allison, Mrs. hubbell and Miss Sneed, and a few close friends who included, Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Mrs. Peyton G. Ivie, Mrs. Tom Axley ,Jr., of Andrews, Mrs. Willard Cooper, Miss Kathryn Youorski, Miss Marvie Walker, and Mrs. A. G. Hornsby. Miss McCov To Wed In April Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McCoy of Gneiss have announced the en gagement of their daughter, Miss June McCoy of Murphy, to Rex Hall, son of Mrs. N. Showers of Detroit, Michigan. The wedding will take place some time in April. Miss McCoy has been employed at the Farm Security office here for the past three years. The Rev. and Mrs. J. Alton Mor rir. and children, Sallie and John, pre spending this week visiting relatives and friends in Hartwell, Ga., and Blackville and Orange burg, S. C. cakes and fancy mints. White satin sachets were given as favors. During the afternoon. Miss Posey was presented a shower of attrac tive gifts. Guests wei*e: Mrs. T. A. Case, Mrs. Quay Ketner, Mrs. Buel Adams, Miss Frances Dickson. Mrs. Wade Massey, Mrs. B .W. Whit field, Mrs. Dale Lee, Mrs. H. Bueck, Mrs. Robert H. Cox, Mrs. Edwin Hyde, Mrs. Frank Forsyth, Mrs. Jim Gibbs, Mrs. Salo Horo witz, Mrs. Walter Mauney, Mrs. Duke Whitley, Mrs. Lonzo Shields, Mrs. W. A. Hoover, Mrs. Ben V aught, Mrs. John Posey, Jr., Miss Meredith Whitaker, Miss Eleanor Cover, Mrs. Marshall Orr. Mrs. G. W. Cover, Jr., Miss Woodfin Posey and Mrs. Jack Lovingood. ii'miiiiiiiimi* iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ill Illllllllll Repair Shop Opens We have built a new service and repair shop, on Duke Street, back of Candler's Store, and are readv to do repair work on all makes of cars. - GOOD MECHANICS ALL WORK GUARANTEED Franklin Motor Co. J. W.Franklin, Prop. Murphy, N.C. Jensens Hosts For House Guests Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jensen en tertained informally Sunday after noon as a courtesy to their house guests, Mr. and Mrs. Max Mitchell of Asheville. Guests included: Mr. and Mrs. iMtchell, Mr. and Mrs. Mason Banks, Mr. and Mrs. Ned Lesesne, Mr. and Mrs. Earl \an Horn, Mr. and Mrs. Cloe Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond English, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hauer, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Allison. PERSONALS Mrs. Jack Lovingood and small daughter, Kay, of Hendersonville were called here last week on ac count of the illness of Mrs. Lovin good's father, Dr. S. C Heighway. I Miss Gladys McClesky spent the I week-end with her mother in Mari- j ( etta, Ga. I Miss Kathryn Youorski spent the j week-end in Asheville, and attend ed the Melchior concert at the audi- j , torium Sunday afternoon. ' Dr. and Mrs. W. H. McCall of | Asheville spent the week-end here with their mother, Mrs. J. H. Mc Call. Mrs. Bill Thompson spent last week in Atlanta with her husband, Dr. J. W. Thompson who returned with her and spent the week-end here. Mrs. Frank Justice and children, Cecilia and Frank, returned Mon day from several weeks in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Brown of Gainesville, Ga., were guests Sun cay of Mr and Mrs. J. L. Savage. Mrs. Brown is the sister of Mr. Savage. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McBrayer of Anderson, S. C., were here last vveek with Mrs. G. W. Candler and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee. Miss Mary Jo Davis and her brother, Jimmy Davis of Cedar lown, Ga., were guests last week end of their grandmother, Mrs. Dixie Palmer, and their aunt, Miss Hattie Palmer. Mr. and Mrs. Max Mitchell and sons, Norman B. and Myron Lee. of Asheville, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Myron Jensen, and sons. Jan and Joel Jensen. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Howell of Asheville spent the week-end here with relatives. Miss Sara Ruth Posey, Miss Yvoodfin Posey, and Mrs. G. W. Cover, Jr., of Asheville, were week end guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Mattox. Major Gerard E. Haven of Ashe ville and Lt. Wm. G. Heidinger, Jr., of Franklin were in Murphy Thurs day in interest of recruiting men for the army. Dr. A. J. Headrick attended a ! Veterinary meeting at the Alabama Polytechnic Institute at Auburn, Ala., last week. Mrs. B. G Brumby, Sr., is spend ing this week with her sister in Marietta, Ga. Mrs. P. R. Cagle and son Jimmy of Knoxville, Tenn., spent several days this week with her mother, Mrs. J. H. Queen. Miss Frances Ricks of Akron, Ohio, arrived in Murphy Saturday, to send some time with her sister, Mjss Jayne Ricks. i:i!ll!!llllllllll!lllllli:il!llllllllllilllllll!IIIIIIIU!IIIIIIHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIl SEE OUR NEW ASSORTMENT OF f Diamonds Matching Bridal | SETS I Starting At $23.00 up | Tax Included | i DAVIS' Jewelers *?* Corner Regal Hotel Bldg. *t* PHONE 305 MURPHY, N. C. ;j; lllllllllllllllllllnlliiliiillllllllllllilllilllllllllHIIIjliillllllllJ Henn Theatre Andrews, North Carolina ? 1 ! ? I hursday - Friday, March 7-8 Lizebeth Scott - Robert Cummings, In ? "YOU CAME AL0NG"_ ? Saturday, March 9 jf "CORPUS CHRISTI BANDIT" I ? Also MASTER KEY No. 6 and GUEST PEST | ? Late Show Saturday, 10:45 P. M. GEORG ESANDERS, In? "FALCON IN SAN FRANCISCO" Sunday - Monday, March 10-11 ABBOTT and COSTELLO, In? "ABBOTT AND COSTELLO IN HOLLYWOOD" Also LATEST NEWS Tuesday - Wednesday, March 12-13 KAY FRANCIS, In? "DIVORCE" I . Also ZORRO'S BLACK WHIP No. 5 ^ and MARCH OF TIME No. 5 llllllllllllllllilllliillllli^ "Daddy's never coming home, Darling!" Yes, i know he promised, but thai was a promise he couldn't keep, darling! Remember how he told you to be a brave girl if he couldn't come home? Daddy would want to be proud of you, you know be brave for his sake, because he can never come home, now. SO MANY small sons and daughters will have only shadowy memories of their Daddys . . ; so many young mothers must face the future alone ... a future they're so ill-prepared to cope with. Children have a way of needing so many things . . . clothes and food . . . school supplies and new shoes. And somehow one just never knows where the money goes. Think of all the problems that arise in every day living. It takes a steadfast heart and an unfail ing couragc to meet them all alone ; ; : and at times even the strongest courage wavers. Where can she turn when the going gets too rough? Who will give her a spark of hope when it seems as if she can't go on? While she is making her adjustment, the Red Cross stands ready to be of service ... to help her face the future. It is a friend in need ... a neigh bor who will understand, provide guidance and help over the lonely road ahead. There are so many people in the world who need help? your help through the Red Cross. Your contribution makes it possible for the Red Cross to do all it does. Give to the Red Cross today. .... Red Cross MUST CARRY ON Citizens Bank And Trust Company Murphy-Andrews-Robbin?ville-Haye?ville Member Federal Deposit Innmace Corporation SERVING SOUTHWESTERN NORTH CAROLINA