(Elprnkw ^rnut Published every Thursday at Murphy, N. C. ADDIE MAE COOKE Editor and Owner ROY A. COOK Production Manager MRS. C. W SAVAGE Associate Editor SUBSCRIPTION RATES Cherokee and surrounding counties' One Year $2.00 Six Months $1.00 Four Months 75c Outside above territory: One Year $2.50 Six months $1.25 Entered in the Post Office at Murphy, North Carolina, as second class matter under the Act of March 3, 1879. MEDITATION "It thou consider what thou art within thee, thou wilt not care what men talk of thee. Man looketh on the countenance, but God on the heart. Man considereth the deeds, but God weigheth the intentions." Farm Safety Week This week, July 21-27 is National Farm Safety week, and people are being urged to follow rules for the prevention of accidents that take a heavy toll annually. More people were killed by accidents in farm homes alone last year than were killed in the great Chicago fire, the sinking of the Ti tanic, the San Francisco earthquake and fire, and the Johnstown flood combined. People do not hear much about the acci dents that occur in the farm home. Many of them do not get into the papers. And yet that is the scene of the greatest number of farm acci dents. National Safety Council figures indi cate that nearly 7,500 farm home fatalities oc cur each year. There are many suggestions in this week's advertising columns for observance of safety rules, to make the farm and farm home safer places to work and live, and readers are urged to take note of these suggestions. Prevent an accident and save a life. COMMISSIONER OF BANKS. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA | RALEIGH. N. C. REPORT OF CONDITION OF CITIZENS BANK & TRUST COMPANY OF ANDREWS, HAYESVILLE, MURPHY AND ROBBINSVILLE, IN THE STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA AT THE CLOSE OF BUSINESS ON JUNE 29. 1946. ASSETS Loans and discounts 'Including $ None overdrafts) $ 415.425.17 United States Government obligations, direct and guaranteed 2.746.896 88 Obligations of States and political subdivisions 26,1 18.72 ; Corporate stocks 300.00 I Cash balances with other banks, including reserve balances, and cash items in process of collection- 1.179,411.55 Bank premises owned $9,534.68, furniture and fixtures $3,653.29 13.187.97 Other assets 76.711.71 TOTAL ASSETS 4.458,052.00 LIABILITIES Demand deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corporations 2.708.541.00 Time deposits of individuals, partnerships. ? and corporations 1.009,895.64 Deposits of United States Government (including postal savings) 135,744.20 Deposits of States and political subdivisions 352.096.51 Other deposits 'certified and officers' checks, etc.) 39,326.54 TOTAL DEPOSITS $4,245,603.89 Other liabilities 39.214.11 TOTAL LIABILITIES 'not including subordinated obligations shown below) ... 4.284.818.00 I CAPITAL ACCOUNTS Capital * 100,000.00 Surplus 50,000.00 Undivided profits 23.234.00 TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 173.234.00 ^ TOTAL LIABILITIES AND CAPITAL ACCOUNTS 4.458.052 00 * This bank's capital consists of common stock with total par value of SI 00.000.00. MEMORANDA Pledged assets : (a) U. S. Government obligations, idirect and guaranteed, pledged to secure deposits and other liabilities 340.100.00 (b> TOTAL 340,100.00 Secured and preferred liabilities: (a> Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law 340.100 00 TOTAL 340,100.00 On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was 529,952.00 Assets reported above which were eligible as legal reserve amounted to 1,179,411.55 I, Mildred Barker, Asst. Cashier, of the above-named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true, and that it fully and correctly represents the true state of the several matters herein con tained and set forth, to the best of my knowledge and belief. Correct? Attest: MILDRED BARKER. W. D WHITAKER W. T. FORSYTH Directors Z. L. WHITAKER State of North Carolina. County of Cherokee, ss: Sworn to and subscribed before me this 22nd day of July, 1946, aid 1 hereby certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. ... ALWAYNE STRATTON, Notary Public. My commission expires Nov. 19, 1947. \ Baptist Circles Have Meetings The Fannie E. S. Heck circle of the Baptist Woman's Missionary society met Tuesday afternoon with Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix. Mrs. Hendrix presided and led the program. She gave the Scrip ture reading and Mrs. C. W. Arn old offered prayer. Topics discussed were: "What Makes Our Nation Great", by Mrs Thelma Dickey Phipps; "Christian America's Contribution to World Peace", by Mrs. J. M. Ammons: "How Brazilians Win Their Home land" by Mrs. Ben Palmer, and "What Our United States Mean to Me" by Mrs. J. L. Savage. An editorial that was written at the Southern Baptist convention was read by Mrs. W. A. Paper. Following the program, refresh ments were served by the hostess Twelve members were present. Mrs. W. C. Kinney was hostess i to the Lottie Moon circle. Mrs. j K. L. Shields, co-chairman, pre sided in the absence of the chair man. Mrs. B B. Comwell. The de votional theme was "Our Coven ant of Peace", Mrs Shields read the scripture, John 14-27, followed by prayer by Mrs. W. H. Murray and the Woman's hymn. "We've a Story to Tell to the Nations." The theme of the meeting was ' What Makes Our Nation Great." Mrs. Elmer Fentress of Oak FRESH | VEGETABLES I Open Sundays except during church services VEGETABLES - FRUITS I CANNED GOODS I GROCERIES | HEMBREE'S TRADING POST I Hoyt and Glenn Hembree Murphy, N. C. | Henn Theatre Murphy, North Carolina Showing All Major Companies' Pictures First Run In Murphy Thursday - Friday, July 25 - 26 Wallace Beery - Margaret O Brien, In ? "BAD BASCOMB" ? Also ? LATEST RKO NEWS Saturday, July 27 DOUBLE FEATURE Jimmy Wakely Lee - "Lassie" White, In ? "LONESOME TRAIL" ? Also ? LEON ERROL, In? "RIVERBOAT RHYTHM" Late Show Saturday, 10:45 P. M. Lois Collier - Jess Barker, In ? "GIRL ON THE SPOT" Comedy: "HARE REMOVER" Sunday, July 28 Marjorie Reynolds - Fred Brady, In ? "MEET ME ON BROADWAY" ? Also ? SELECTED SHORT SUBJECTS Monday - Tuesday, July 29 - 30 Ray Milland - Jane Wyman, In ? "LOST WEEKEND" A Picture You Will Never Forget ? Also ? LATEST UNIVERSAL NEWS Wednesday, July 3 I Basil Rathbone - Nigel Bruce, In ? "THE SCARLET CLAW" Serial: "ROYAJL MOUNTED" | Grove, Ky . gave the topic, "Chris j tian America's Contribution to I World Peace," after which a short business session was held. Mrs. Kinney was assisted by Mrs. Homer Ricks of Akron, O., in serving refreshment* to eight present, including two visitors. About those sweet pickle pros pects. The cucumber crop is said to be 36 percent greater than the 1935-39 average. Sugar supply may increase slightly also. The old saying that the home garden increases high living and decreases high cost of living ? especially true today. Now Open For Business ON JOE BROWN HIGHWAY FEATURING SINCLAIR PRODUCTS 1 have just opened the service station and garage on Joe Brown highway. Here we offer you good service and a complete line of SINCLAIR PRODUCTS. Stop in for a tankful of new SINCLAIR H-C GASO LINE, Power-Packed with 1 00-octane gasoline for planes. And try new SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL ? the Premium oil that keeps your motor clean as a whistle. Drive in today. You'll like the way we treat you. General Auto ? Truck and Tractor Repairing ir SINCLAIR OPALINE MOTOR OIL * ELECTRIC WELDING * SINCLAIR PENNSYLVANIA OIL * BATTERY SERVICE it ACETYLENE WELDING Watch for Future Announcements FRED MILLSAPS SINCLAIR DEALER MURPHY, N. C. STOP WHERE YOU SEE THIS SIGN .... NOW OPEN 24 Hours A Day EVERY DAY EXCEPT CERTAIN SUNDAYS With the increasing demand for all-night service, be cause of the tourist and business travel that is becoming heavier every day, we have started staying open all night. When Your Car Needs I Service and Accessories i i . | You will find us i ; | ON THE JOB | TO FILL YOUR NEEDS i I > I i WOCO-PEP SERVICE STATION J. L. HALL, JR., Manager ! PHONE 9104 MURPHY, N. C. j