- Mt ta?M cr oI the kut two ytm rftar reaching a peek of 17.3 trillion dolinrB in 1947. Grass income, on the other bend, continued upward in 1W? and did not show the flLrat postwar drop until 1949 NOTICE OF SALE The Cherokee Coun'y Board of Education wil! sell at Public Auc Hon at the Court House door on Saturday, January 14, 1950, at 11:00 o'clock A. M .'to the highest bidder for cash, the followfng de scribed school property: Begin ning on a rock on the South bank of the Pack Gap road, and then runs South with J. M. Clark's and M. C. Dehart's line 15 rods to a White oak and rock corner; thence west 15 rods, a marked line to a black gum corner; thence North 18 rods to the Pack Gap road a rock corner; thence East with said road to the beginning. Another piece or parcel of Land You w appreciate its finer 4K SPECIAL OpkeW** Beginning on a rook on the Sopth side of Pack Gap road runs South 100 feet to a rock corner; thence West 20 feet to a rook corner; thence North 100 feet to a rock I corner; thence East 20 feet to the beginning corner This tract con tains a spring. Containing two acres, more or less, and known as the Clark School Property. Deeded to the Cherokee I County Board of Education by J IM. Clark and Josie Clark, his I wife, recorded in Book No. tt8. j page 303, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee | County. Cherokee County Board of Education By. Lloyd W Hendrix, 22-4te Secretary NOTICE OF SALE ?he Cherokee County Board of Education wdl sell at Public Auc tion at the Court House door on I Saturday. January 14. 1950, at 11 (JO o'clock A M . to the highest bidder for cash, the following de scribed school property: Begin ning on a white pine tree on the North bank of Davis creek and runs in a Northwest direction as shown by a marked line about? ]>oles to a tree in the North and Sou til line of Tract No. 8444, and marked as a corner, then South east with said 3:ne of No. 8444. where said line crosses Davis creek, then up the creek with its meanders to the beginning, being a part of Tract No. 8444 in Dis trict No 5. containing one acre, more or less. This being the land deeded by James M Davis and wife, Lurena Davis, adjoining the lands of Frank Allen and Webb Allen, and known as the Davis creek school property; recorded :ri Book No 14. page 270, in the office of the Register of Deeds of Cherokee County. Cherokee County Board of Education By: Lloyd W. Hendrix, 22-4tc Secretary NOTICE OF SUMMONS STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHEROKEE COUNTY. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT Summons Docket No. CHEROKEE COUNTY, Plaintiff VS. J. M. Beaver and wife, Mary Genuine Silver-plate To acquaint you "with the grandest flour you've ever used, we oiler the biggest bargain you've ever seen. A $2.50 silverware value for only $1.00! Yes...a complete 4-piece setting of beautiful Carleton silver-plate or your choice of teaspoons, salad forks or many other settings, for only $1 00 plus 2 coupons. Here's your chance to start a whole new silver service f >r your home. See the coupon in c sack for complete details. Shop around! Compare! You'll pay up to JL50 for just a hol low-handled knife of this fine quality. ^All 4 pieces for */\QO?t2po?s Good cooks everywhere are discovering the secret of "fail-proof" baking. It's OVEN MAGIC '...the slow-acting baking powder -we've added to our finely milled flour that gives you a higher oven rise and saves work and money. For all your bakings, try this wonderful flour with OVEN MAGIC baking powder already mixed in. And remember...there's a coupon in every sack. Ask your grocer today for ?rss POLLY RICH M-to FLOUR Beaver; Lonao Beaver *na wic, Edith Be*ver; Jim Beaver and wife Lillie Beaver; Alvin Beaver and wife. Dorothy Beaver; Geneva Beaver, Unmarried; Mrs. Eva Dockery, Unmarried; Baliville Mashburn and husband. Lawrence Mashbum; Leon Beaver and wife, Keptola Beaver; and Gladys Beaver. Unmarried. Heirs at Law of J. M Beaver, Deceased, Defendants. ' The defendants, Leon Beaver and wife, Keptola Beaver; Mrs. Eva Dockery; and Gladys Beaver, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Cherokee County. North Carolina to fore close the lien of taxes due plain tiff by defendants for the years 1940, 1941 1943. 1944, 1945. 194d, 1947. 194# and 1949. against the lands of said defendants in Beaver dam Township. Cherokee County, North Carolina, to-w:t: Adjoining the lands of J. M. Farmer, and the Company, and I UUJCI3, WU.ruv I District No. 5, on the Wate-re I of Beaverdam Creek. BEGINNING on a large chest nut oak and runs South 60 West 180 poles to a chestnut; thence South 20 East 90 poles to a Stake, thence North 60 East 180 poles to j a Stake; thence North 20 West 90 | poles to the Beginning, contain ing 100 acres. Being the same lands conveyed to J E Beaver and wife, Eliza Beaver, from E V. Kilby and wife. Emmer Kilby, dated December 1, 1915, said lands being fully de scribed in the complaint now on file in this action, reference to | which is hereby made for more full description. And for the further purpose of condemning the said lands to sale to satisfy said taxes, tax liens, interest and costs of this action and to forever bar and foreclose all right, title, estate, interest, claim and lien of defendants in and to or upon said lands; and take notice that they are required to be and appear before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee County, North Carolina, at his office in the Courthouse in Mur phy. N. C. within Twenty (20) Days after the 12th day of Janu ary- 1050, to-wit, on or before the 1st day of February, 1950, and answer or demur to the complaint in this action which is now on file with copies for defendants, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the complaint. This the 9th day of December, 1949 J L HALL. Clerk of the Superior Court of Cherokee j 22-4tc County. N. C. NOTICE OF SALE 7:ie Cheroktc County Board of Education will sell at Public Auc t;on at the Court House door on j Saturday, January 14, 1950, at : 11 00 o'clock A. M , to the highest scribed ?cnooi property: Begin ning on a Spanish ojtk on the South bank of the public road leading from Georgia to Culber son, N C, and runs Northwest with a marked line 418 feet to a Black oak on the line between A. Haper and F. H. Qook, thence with original line West 209 feet to a Post oak; thence Southeast with a marked line 514 feet to a White oak on the bank of said road; thence witn meanders of said road 209 feet to the beginning, containing two and one-fourth acres more or less, and known as the Macedonia School property. Deeded to the Cherokee County Board of Education by A. Raper and wife, Sarah Raper, recorded in Book No. 19, page 265, in the office of Register of Deeds of Cherokee County. Cherokee County Board of Education By: Lloyd W. Hendrix, 22-4tc Secretary LONE RANGER By Fran Striker HERE'S WhERE I SHOW THAT J WASHED MANl 50AAETHING i WHOA, I SILVER!] THAT'S JU5T"A WARNING? ?^GET VOUR hAND5 UP.1 I'M COMING FOR VOU. VOU'D BETTER THROW j DOWN NOUR GUNS AND COME CuT WITH NOUR HANDS UP J NOU WIN, NI16TER\J WN'DVOU FIRE AT ME U FROM AMBUSH ?\ A I JUST PREO THROUGH NOUR HAT. I, WANTED TO SHOW WOO | X CAN HANDLE GUNS! . WKHAi.i , J ? L I wa TROSE GUNSjTHEV WERE WV DADS. BUT I ARE BIG ^ar L 'EM FORSOJ. \ --AND I'M FAST".' , SCO RE NOT FAST enough;, V-YOU ? J G -G-GCSHI J MOW, SANQV HAWKS,> N-NOO'RE START TALKING.1 LIGHTNING j FAST.', WOW OlD VOU KNOW )l KNEW TOl'R FATHER. I | I'M SANDY HAWKS?/TOO LOOK JUST LIKE | II HIM- OnLT men 6MAILER.J SMALLER1 yes! WS WHY I FIRED I AT YCU! ??? ? VOO'ftE FULL) ? of tricks; HOLD STILL,SANW.I'LL SEE/-1 X IF VOU HAVE ANV t-?-HOOT] 1i i m i b r^T (1 HAVE \V.) LET'EM OV&F: WE'VE OUTRUN ) Tl-lt LAWMEN!/ WcIL MufeOlR TRACKS IN THAT WOOOfi.'i WE'LL STOP IN MY CAMP WHILE YOU TELL WE WHY YOU HIT THE OUTLAW TRAIL! j| NOUR FATHER WASj I WANTED TO 6E A A LAWMAN-ANDJLAWMAN, BUT EVERYONE A GOOO ONE7J LAUGHED AT ME, I WA& Kraiinso small/ r-a2 I HEAR SOMEONE CCWW! WE'RE WEED