ANDREWS Mrs. Joe S. Smith, Editor Phone 141-R Supper Honors Leroy Clark ANDREWS Mr and Mrs. Bivrifo Mutihcson and Mrs Helen JVjwurl entertained at their home la:? week with a supper honoring Lfj'o> Clark of Shepherd's Field Texas Those present were Mr and Mrs B. Hamilton and children Mr and Mis> Ix-e Bailey and chil dren. Mr and Mrs Clarence Ho^art and family and Miss Sue Sua dxH* Andrews Personals Jeff IXiv.s of I C L. A . Lot. Ajng'es. Cal . liu^ returned after spending the holidays with his wile. Mrs. Lucille Mutkey Davis. Mr and Mrs Horner Wilson and son Held, have returned home after visiting Mr and Mrs. Columbus Wilson at Marble and Mrs Ha.tie Jones Hardin of Andre .v*s Mr and Mrs Paul Rogers and children, B.-rlha Lee and Paul, and Jack Pullium have returned from Raleigh where 11 ley spent 10 days. Mr and Mrs L M Phillips and Douglas and Morris and Mrs. Mary Hunt of Young Harris, Ga , visited Mr and Mrs W A Gat hey Sunday Mr. and Mrs Fred of Austin. Texas, have returned 'home nftfer spending the holidays with Mrs. Vina Kilpaitrick and Miss Elizabeth Kilpatrick. Ret Ernest B. Sharp (DeWitt' of Camp Gordon Ga.. returned to camp Monday after spending a few days with his parents here. ?Mr and Mrs. Ernest Hyde and children of GlenviKe visited Mr Hyde's parents. Mr. and Mrs W. A. Hyde. Sunday Mrs A B Chandler returned from Knoxvilie. Term . last week -where she "had been visiting her daughter, Mrs E D Meador and family. A few days prior to her return she was joined by her hus band who accompanied her heme. Smith Howell of Robbinsvillc was a visitor here Monday. Mrs M E Vegas and Miss Roberta Dills of Chattahoochee. Fla . have returned to their homes after spending the holidays with their mother. Mrs Louise Dills. Safer Cough Relief When new drugs or old fail to stop your cough or chest cc^i don't delay. Creomuls;on contains only safe, help ful, proven ingredients and no nar cotics to disturb nature's process. It goes right to the seat of the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, ten der, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Creomulsionhassto^d the test of many millions of users. A ChtOMULSION wlicwi Coughs, Chest Colds, Acuto Bronchitis I Mr inul Mrs. B F Weeks arid (children and Mia iXmothy Rco'.or 01 Chicago. Ill , spent the holidays Mrs llueben K color Mr land Mi's \\?eks uml family havi I returned to t'heir home, arid .Miss 1'.iflor reiixuiimg for a while Mr and Mrs T T I?ve vis.ted ; ivxtlives in .\slit*r. 1!e and Mans 111.1 Is lad wtrk. ! J mi Wood o?i the L' S Marine ' ("yr;j .s spending a tew days with' , Ins ixirents the llev and Mrs J IJ Wood I). Jack l>avis spent [au days l;n". week wmh ins parents- Dr. arid Mrs H K Davis He itas hi en transferred from a hospital i 1:? truant km Va . to a group of di-."rovers leaving from .Newport | H 1 Mr and Mrs Carl Burnett and ? Iwai axis. Ronald and Donald. j ?spent the week-end in Memphis. 1 1\ rin . visiting relatives. | Mr and Mrs Mark Elliott were |veek-end guests of Mr. and Mr \ O Rhodes in Candler Pi. Bob Ladd of Krosier Field, i . has returned from a 10 day furlough. Fiber! Joms of Maryvjle Tenn has rt turned home after visiting relatives here. Jim and Dan Calhey spent las! I week :n lliuwusisfce. Ga.. where |'. h ey v i:t e d their g ra n d pa re nils. Mi arid Mrs C V Phillips i Mr and Mrs Carrol Wood and ' jihildren. Carrol Wade, Dan and i j Gerald, of Huntsville. Ala . have returned from a visit with Mi's. . ?Wood's parents. Mr and Mrs W | A Hyde I Mtss Monika Hughes of Phila- } ,'dclphia. Pa., spent the week-end I with Dr. and Mrs. H E Davis. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Jones and | family have returned Lrom Los Angles. Cat, where they visited Mrs Jones' parents. Mr. and Mrs. F S Petta. Mrs James McPhetridge and dr lighter. Sharon of Knoxville, Tenn . spent the week-end with her parents. Mr. and Mrs Fred Patter : sen. 1 PlV E. J Pu'.lium of the L S. i ? Air Force Security Service. Brook - I field, San Antonia Texas, is spend- . I ir.g several days with his parents, j | Mr and Mrs George PuOium | Mrs. Bert Dennis of Helena. Ala . i Lewis Allen of Birmingham Ala., | *and Dudley McLinton of Westover. Ala., spent a few days last week | with the Rev. and Mrs. James A. Allen and family Paul Lominac of Andrews has graduated from boot camp in Great Lakes. 111., and has been transfer red to the Hawaiian Islands. Mr and Mrs. Crawford Smith and -Mrs Charles Smith of Sylva ard Mrs. Burden Davis and son, Wayne, of Marion. Ohio, visited ' Mr and Mrs Grady Gamer Sun day. Miss Carol Jean Plott of Marietta. Ga , is spending the week ?V Lih her cousins Misses Betsy arid . M sry Ju Battle M.>m - Hazel Rector and Jesse , of Wdnungton 1X1 . spent , In- hul.days with their parents, I M, and Mi*s Horatr Rector Misses Sue and Iaauise Haigler ' *>: Hayesville spent part of last 1 week with*Mrs P M Reagan and \ M: and Mrs. Waller Brown. Mr- Clyde Birchfield and daugh ler. Anita, of Femandlna. Fla . Mr arid Mrs J L Truett. Jr . and son Diekie of Asheville. .Mr and Mrs A B Raines and children, Cuixd Ann and Jimmy of North HurwiHKl. Cal . and Miss Ix-ma Truett of Oak Ridge. Term . spent the hulniays with Mr and Mrs J L Truett and family BDRCOLd 1# Wll SYMPTOMS You may expect prompt relief from cold symptoms by using "B*Q*R," a mild laxative and analgesic that leaves no drowsy after effects Even if your cold has developed use "B^Q* R" and see hew quickly >ou /eel much better. Be sure it's "B*Q*R"?accept no substitute. Second Week Of Big 50th J i Anniversary Sale ' FISHER'S in ANDREWS , I | PRICES SLASHED ' j 1 4 to y2 Off On * 1 \ Winter Clothing, Dry Goods j * and Sundry j | Buy That COAT, DRESS, .JACKET, I ( MAN'S SUIT, SWEATER, ETC. NOW j | AND SAVE!!!. 1 I Our Slcgan for Fifty Years: "Teach your || dollar? to have more cents by trading here!" ^ ' FISHER'S in ANDREWS A Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices for Fifty Years Allene Mosteller Weds Mr. Starnes Aliens Honor College Students ANDREWS M.>? Ailviiv Moslvl lvr daughter erf Mr unit Mj> Wil 1 .mi Mostvllvr of Andrews and Dale SUi-nes son oi Mr and .Mrs Sherman Starin*s oi (.?raniTv Falls wiTi1 *nurriitl Saturday. Dee 2d. al Itiv lkip*.is! parsonage. w.'.h tie lit*v J A Kiehardvm Jr. offi vuitmg The was dressed in a wh.te svit.n arid law dress with 1' iii? r !:|> len-T.h veil arid a corsage carnations Only members of tin- families :rd a fvw friends attended the ceremony Mrs Starnes. a graduate of An drew ; High School prior to hvr marriage. livid a position with the department of Air Force .ri Wash 1) C Mr Starnes. a graduate of ANDKKWS The Hrv and Mrs J.i:in s A Allen entorta.ned on Fri day riigjht with a party honoring * he r.?!!ege studen.> ai the rhureh. ^ames and s. ide> shown i"ood f e.iuw>h.p was en joy - t-.1 b> ihe r.i\mp Refreshments wvrv served to ".he K lea nor Knloe fatherine Hudson Hetty Jean (Dvenwo?>d Carolyn Smith IX>r:s Holder \ rgin.a Huffman. Khza i'tih Hell Ann Bristol; T It Hud snrt. Jr. Whitakor I>avis John ('r-rtsty Hob Chr.sTy. David Hris D.ike I mveiVty .s a member of the faei.I'y of Andrews Silloo! After a ?Ii:jr4 wedding tr.p Mr and Mrs Starnes returned to An i! re a s where ".hey will reside I WILL BUY JUNK TIRES 5c Each ANY SIZE OR SHAPE PALMER'S SINCLAIR STATION MURPHY, N. C. ON HON OK KOI I \ N : ?H K W S J avk S'. <* AM A w\iK. i r 'I_: 1'! l.iI.J I'V ScJlOo! I ! \l.-n?t>!l.> 1 t!i-- \Ij>iio iiunur : 'i: ft *!i*.? H. tin- >.MI ,?! V. all I Mi> <.i \: ?!:v.u H.?aj!vJ U.i.d.i ILurv s C iij.-I.-s Hu: i: .ri .i--i M <'Jir.?flv Among The Sick AMOKKWS M T \ Wyke t outmues c ml: rally ill at Kod?ia V ,1:1 HoispKaJ. Mis tic*?r^e Clayton luis been te.mfineii to her home iJ. the past M- Brine West who has been cjuj'e .;! at Jtodda-Van Cioinier lh>sp.iaL is some improved i NOTICE |j (iet your income tax problems be- \ hind you! ? j Audits Systems T. Accounting Taxes, all kinds ^ \ v )t f. II BAUMGARDNER * ? Andrews. N.C. j NEW PRICES ON CHESTNUT WOOD (Effective December 29, 1950) $11.60 PER CORD of 128 cu. ft, loaded on cars at Southern Railway Shipping points $12.00 PER CORD of 128 cu. ft. delivered to our vard at Andrews, Teas Extract Company Andrews, N. C.