SOCIETY Mrs, J. W, Davidson Is Organist For Sunday Vespers The first of three monthly organ vespers will be presented next Sun day afternoon, March 4, at 4 of Hock id the- sanctuary of Fbdt ilMMM Church. Mrs. J. W. DdvMsoa. eaganidtt at the First J??rpn* Church, wffl be the guest onganritt tor this occasion. The following selections will be played by Mrs. Davidson: Lenten Meditation. Introducing "Bethany" ty Wilson; "Jesu, Priceless Trees ure" by Block; "Andante E Maes toso" by Tschaikwwald; "Jerusa lem" arranged by Parker; '"The Palms" by Faure; "Open the Oetes of the Temple" from The Messiah by Handel; "Consecration at the Cross", Hymn FantaMe. Lorenc; i "Were You There?", Spiritual;. 'Senctus" from St Cecelis, Gounod; "Calvary" by Rodney; "Christ Arose", arranged by Marlow: "Postlude-Allelujah", David ics. Organ Vespers 'is an opportunity for those in the community who appreciate good music to oome and listen to the music and to meditate emid the quiet of the sanctuary of God, says the pastor, the Rev. R. Deibert By rum Mrs. R. H. Hyatt Honored On Her Slst Birthday Mr*. Henry Hyatt. Mrs. Paul Hyatt and Mrs. C. A. Brown of Andrews honored Mrs. R. H. ("Granny") Hvatt with a birth day dinner Sunday at her home here. "Granny" was born on the 29th of February, so has a real birthday only every four years, but it is always celebrated on the in tervening years. She Is now 91 years old. The table was centered with an arrangement of mixed flowers. The three-tiered yellow and white birth day cake, decorated with white and yellow flowers and candles, on a t-ay surrounded by a yellow jon quils, was placed at one end of the table in front of the honoree. Seated with her at the table were Mr. and Mrs. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hyatt, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hyatt, Dr. Robert Bnovyn and sort Charles, grandson and great - grandson, of Kingsport. Tenn. Mrs. G. W. Candler, Mr. and Mrs. John GUI and daughter, Jane, end Mrs. Bill Bates. A number of friends oalled in the afternoon, and many gifts and cards were received by the bonopee. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Coleman returned last week from a ten days' trip to Miami, Daytona Beach and Ocalla, Fla. Youths To Have Spring Banquet The spring banquet for young people, intermediate* and workers of these departments of First Bap tist Church will be (teld at Duke's Lod