, State Income Tax Returns North ChtoUna State Income Tu Returns are due to be Otod on ei before March IS. A single person with m fatcam of $1,000 or more, or a rmrriec man with an Income of *3,000 01 more to required to file a State toe come Tu Return. A married wo men. with a separate laoome at $1,000 or more from that oi hei hudband. la iequirad to file a re turn. filed should use forms received which bear their names and ad dressee Failure to receive a form does not relieve a person of liability to hie. A local representative of the N. C. Department of Revenue con be contacted at the office in Town son Bldg., Murphy, March 12-13-14-15, who win be available to give assistance in filing returns. President Gegg To Speak 7th Family Night at Church, a month ly feature, will be observed at Firat Methodist Church on Wednesday, March 7, at 6:30 p. m. Charles Clegg, president of Young Bants College, wall be the guest speaker for the occasion. Special muaic will be hunlShed by the Men's Class, and the group will partici pate in informal singing Members of the church and other interested friends are invited to Family Night. Mrs, M.O. Johnson %s In Tennessee Mrs. M. O. Johnson of Athens, Tenn.. died of a heart attack at 5:30 Wednesday afternoon. She is survived by her husband and one son. Cecil of Athene, four brothers, Wylie Ramsey of Brass town, Ragan. A. J., and Marshall Ramsey of Murphy; and one sister, Mrs. Glenn Martin of Isabella, Tenn. ?Funeral will be held at Athens ?Friday. Arrangements are incom plete. NOTICE I hereby offer a liberal reward for information given to the mayor or police leading to the arrest ot anyone treepsoring on my property known as gimp's Nest" in Murpby N. C. Signed: Frank L. Mauney Court Upholds Jenkins Act On Cigarettes The Supreme Court upheld Mon day, a larnr which helpa 40 states la collecting tores on out-of-atate larette pun he era The tear in question, the Jenkins Act, ares challenged by the Consumer Mall Order Association and Its associat ed members. .It require* monthly reports and regulates the Interstate fondling at the cigarette trade. Hie decision banded down by a special three-judge U. 8. district court was reviewed at Washington and Ma decision affirmed. A cigarette buying agency in Murphy said that despite the U. S. Supreme Court decision It will continue to withhold its sales rec ords from State tax collectors. Joseph H. Wilson of the Coopera tive Buying Service was quoted as saying he does not consider the law to cover individual purchases such as he makes for out-of-state buyers. ? Rev. W. T. Truett Heads Pastors A Pastor'? Conference was organized recently in the West Liberty BaptM Association at Ranger Church. The Rev. W. T. Truett was elected president of the conference; the Rev. Lester Stowe, vice-prsident; the Rev. Floyd B. dark, clerk, and the Rev. Calvin Thompson, vong leader. This is a Pastors' and Laymens' Conference. I* will meet again at Ranger Baptist church Monday, March 5, 7:30 P. M. The Rev. Alton Morris, pastor ot First Bap tist Church, Murphy, will be the inspirational speaker, and the Rev. Calvin Thompson will lead the de votion. Cherokee Is A Healthy County Ten less people died in Cherokee county during 1050 than did in 1049, aocSrding to Joe Higdon. Register of Deeds. There were 159 deaths in 1950 as against 169 in 1949. Births in the county are diminish ing. A total of 538 births were listed for 1950. compared with 566 in 1940. and 678 in 1946. There were 127 marriage certi ficates issued in 1950. Comparing 150 deaths with 538 births shows that 3.4 births occur for eadh death indicating increas ing population. S. A. James Holloway of the Naval Air Station, Memphis, Tenn., v as the week end guest of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Buchanan. Mrs. Julia Wells Taken By Death ?Mr* Julia McOontx Watte, 88, died suddenly ot a heart attack Thursday morning at bar home at (The widow at Forrest U Well*, aba *u a native and lifelong real drat at Cherokee County, and the daughter at John S. and CeMa Diddan MoCombe, member! at praanbaeat Cherokee County famil ies. She wa? a graduate at Weetern Carolina Teachers College. Cotto whee, and bad tautf* tar a num ber of years In the Cherokee Coun ty schools. Funeral services were held Saturday at 10:80 a. m. in the First Methodist Church, with the pastor, the Rev. R. Oetbert Byrutn officiating. The body remained at the funeral home until the hour of the service. Burial was in Peach tree Cemetery with We Funeral Home in charge. Pallbearers were, Graver, George and Walter Mauney, Robert Mc Combs, Morris Moore and John A. Davidson. Surviving are two slaters, Mrs. Mary Jo Davis ot Charlotte, Miss Claris MeComhs and two broth ers, Wilbur and DiHand McOosnbs aH of the borne, and one niece, Bennle Jo Davis of Charlotte. FHA Members Have Program The Murphy Chapter of Future Homemakers of America met in the primary auditorium Thursday. A program on George Washing ton's birthday was presented by the members with Mildred Heit in clurge. Miss Shirley Steele, Chapter adviser, gave a short talk on the duties of the Future Home makers in order to become a Jun ior Hoinemakor. During the business meeting the members discussed the possibili ties of getting pins and Jackets. Membership cards were eodtended to the follow ng persons: Emma Jean Shields. Darleen Chaste! n. Mary Jane Hughes, Mildred Hert, Bobbie Sue Trull, Betty Jane Evans, Mary Estes, Stella Mae Crisp, Marjone Hilton. Mary Lou Hensley. Betty Jean Moore, Mary Helen Hatchett, Mary Ann For rester, Geraldine Smith, Virginia Akin, Geneva Barnett, Lucille Chastain, Betty Jean Coker, Cleo Davidson. Geraldine Gibson, Mo selle Hughes, Winnie Ruth Little, Doris Swain. Omah Smith, and Jeanette Kilpatrick. After the program, the girls went to the Home Economics building where refreshments were served by the social committee. Child Dies David Raymond Tanner, Jr., four-mo ruths-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Tanner, Murphy. Route 2, died at 12:30 a. m. Wed nesday in a Murphy hospital after an eight days' illness with pneu monia. Funeral services will be held today (Thursday) at 11 a. m. In Notla Baptist Church, with Town son Funeral Home in charge. Burial will be in the church cemetery. Surviving other than the parents, is one sister, Jean Elizabeth. BIRTHS Petrie Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Bonnell A kins of Blairsville. Ga.. announce the birth of a son Feb. 22. Mr and Mrs. Walter Newman of Murphy announce the birth of a son February 22. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Cloer of Young Harris, Ga.. announce the birth of a daughter February 23. Mr. and Mrs. Hobert Ware of Murphy announce the birth of a daughter February 24. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Bayless of Murphy, announce the birth of a son February 27. Mr. and Mrs. Alton Gribble of Hiawassee, Ga., announce the birth of a son February 28. Sgt J. T. Hancock Awarded Bronze StarMeda! WASHINGTON, D. C?Marine Set JlMDM T HanOOtfc, too Of Un Annate? Hancock of Route One, Murphy N. C? has been ?warded the Bronze Star Medal, with condMt "V, for heroic achie vement In connection with atten tion* urinal the enemy in Keren. The citation which accompanied the award ! .vided Sergeant Hancock lor Ma actions white serving aa a squad Wider with a Marine rifle platoon. During a night counterattack cf enemy infantry supported by tanks on his platoon positions. Sergeant Hancock fearlessly, and without regard for his own personal safety, exposed himself to the enemy fire to assist In the destruction of the lead enemy tank. Seizing an un-manned bazooka the sergeant ran forward to an exposed position and fired such effective and accurate fire that the enemy tank and the crew were destroyed. By his actions the platoon was materially aided in successfully repelling the enemy counterattack. Bills Passed House The bill which Moore of Clay county introduced Jan. 12 (Rotat ing state senator) and which pass ed the House Feb. 23, was received in the Senate Feb. 24 and sent to Election Laws. The Mil introduced by Duncan Feb. 16 (Officials pay) and which passed the House Feb. 23 was re ceived in the Senate Feb. 24 and sent to Salaries and Fees. Death Takes Ben G. Mann ?Ben G. Mann died Monday in Cabarrus Memorial hospital at Kannapolis. Funeral services were held at the Center Grove Lutheran Church by the pastor, the Rev. D. F. Swicegood and burial was In the Churoh cemetery. A native of Murphy, Mr. Mann bad lived in Kannapolis for 16 years. He Is survived by the widow, Mrs. Pearl Earnhardt Mann; a son, Bruce of the home; parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Mapn of Murphy; three sisters, Mrs. W. O. McCiure. Miss Levitta Mann and Miss C8ns ker Mann, all of Murphy; Six brothers, Glenn, Harley, Maford end Marvin, of Murphy; Jewel of Whitmire, S. C? and David, of Oak Ridge, Tcnn. Hubert Davis Is Promoted Hubert Davis. son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry E. Davis. Ignite 3. Murphy, recently was promoted to private first e'.ass. according to an announcement by Headquarters, Marianas-Bonins Command, Guam. Private Davis, who has been in the Army 26 months and with the I Marianas-Bonins Command since I January of last year, is assigned to the 38th Transportation Heavy Truck Company. Miss Jane Sneed, Miss Dotsy Bryson of Sylva. and Richard Town son spent the week-end with the latter's mother. Mrs. Virginia Townson. in Washington, D. C. Stli V* w all classified aim payable in advance, local urn 1af a* with Bat man thaa U warda; three taaartlaa*. ?L BATES: on* ?M la par ward. AO rate* ML CUwdflad adi mi|ta< ap anUl U A MINIMUM OP Tie. Ci "KEYED" CLASSIFIED AlfB ABE la PEE WOED AND A MINIMUM OP Tie. CABD OP THANKS Ma. OKIAMS, RESOLUTIONS OP RESPECT AND OBITUARIES la PEE WORD. FOR SAUK?Cinder ^tock*. ugr rise, any, amnmg . Delivered Primer Bra., Phone 202, Mur Ptoy, N. C. lWfc nmJL DRILLER: Want man, wMto outfit, to drill'a, well. C. Mont gomery, Route 2, Box 140, Cul berson, N. C,, near Charlie Mc Gill'i store 33-ltp FOR RENT: 3-room upetniri furnished apartment, close In. Phone 163-',V after 5 P. M. 33-ate JSED OAiRK, extra clean, Ooroe and see tbem. 104(1 Chevrolet. 5 passenger; 1047 Chevrolet, 2 door; 1048 Studebaker Champ Ion; 1040 Plymouth Coupe; 1034 fhevrolet, 2 door. Evans Auto Co., Murphy, N. C. Phone 46. 93-ltc Garden Program Given At 4-H Club Martin's Creek 4-H Club met j ?ecently and were entertained by > mock radio garden program, put in by assistsrft oounty agents, Mrs. D. Puett and Mack Patton Mr. 'atton impersonated a successful ind well known gardner, 'Mr. Tom rhumb Green,' wihile Mrs. Puett ook the role of announcer. The Jardner gave specific answers to garden problems, selection of"gand* in locations culture, and fertHlza ion. The program climaxed by show ng bow a 4-H club member can nake extra money for special' In erests, such as 4-H camp. A good mrfit was indicated from growing ?op corn, peanuts, sweet corn and , omatoes. I The officer* of this club are:; Sddie Odom. president; Roy Hogan, j lecretary; and Ella Faye Erwtn, reporter. WOQDBbSS Chain Sews, Sale* and Service. Repairs on all makes. Jerry's Marine Service, 6 miles we* of Murphy on Jot Bronrn Road or Hi waesee Lake. 32-3tp FOR SALE?Good home in Marble, ten acres and a good six-room bouse with large basement, pump in well. There are sever al outbuildings and some pulp wood. One acre Is planted to pasture The bouse has been recent!; redecorated Inside end wired tor electric stove. Very best place tor a chicken ranch. See H. G. Smith, or call 1S6-J. 32-3tc HELP WAN-MID?We have an opening tor three men In Mur phy territory who will have an earning opportunity of $73.00 . per week Starting. The men must be honest and bondaUe. Oar essential. Por information apply Saturday morning, March 3, from 9:00 a. m. to 12:00 noon. Eleotrohix Corp., Tennessee St. Murphy, N. C. 31-3tc FOR SALE?Good heavy mare, mil work anywhere. Reason price, see H. A. Barton, Mur phy, N. C. 32-3tp WE PAY HIGHEST PRICES? For burnt and wrecked cars Also, scrap iron end metals Kaye's Auto Paris, Pbones, 360 361, Murphy, N. C. 27-ttc WATCH REPAIR?Have your * | watch cleaned and repaired at ^ Cook's Jewelry. Best quality f work done at lowest cost. Lo-1 oated in Murphy Shoe Shop on I Hiwassee St. 31-3te 1 OR RENT: McCall apartment un heater Oil or electric heat, four . rooms with beautiful hardwood ' floors. New and dean. Down-! stairs. Ideal for couple. Phone 106 Mrs. J. H. McCall. 33-3tp Km SALE?Six acre* at land, one half mile eaat of Marble on U. a Hrghww, 19. *19 ft. front See G H Partner, B?. 1, N.C. ' , |,| IT 1 S UiDIiMV A JERKY'S MARINE SERVICE? Your Mercury Dealer. Bapain and parts for tU popular makes of outboard motors. Boat Trail er Service. 33-Stp FOR RENT?four-room bouse with bath, lights and water. Close in town. Evans Auto Co., Phone 48, Murphy, N. C. 38-3te FOR SALE OR DBASE?2W miles east of Murphy. Blue and gray marble quarry. Has been core drilled. See H. A. Barton, Mur phy, N. C. 33-3tp ATTENTION?You may have a lucky penny. It you want to buy a monument you may save dollars by writing a penny poet card to W. N. C. Marble and Granite Works, Marble, N. C, Box 177. Expert workmanship, quality stones, satisfaction guar anteed. ZiMRp WANTED?EMPLOYEE: lady ex perienced in office work. Need some one with knowledge of 'bookkeeping and who is able to take dictation. Good salary and working conditions. Common wealth Lumber Corporation. Phones 557 and 558. 32-3te 8ymptoms of Dtotrm Arising from STOMACH ULCERS DuifoEXCESS ACID QUICK RELIEF OR NO COST Ask About 15-Day Trial Offer! Otbt four million bottles of the Wiixakd TmnmT hare been eold for relief ol i of dletreai arlrtng from Stemec* Ulcere due to bun AeM AeM. Ask for Maaaaie'* which fHllj explains thia remark able hjpw treatment tree at ^ O PARKER'S DRUG STORE ToRtUat Misery oT iptm rrwtfitWP WW FEEDS-SEEDS-FERTILIZERS GROCERIES MOUNTAIN VALLEY CO-OP. Tel. 217-J Murphy, N. C. HICKORY LOGS WANTED LENGTHS: 28 in.-56 in.-7ft.-9ft 4 in. 14ft DIAMETERS: 8 inches through 20 in. GOOD PRICE PAID FOR NO. 1 LOGS CLEAR OF KNOTS. For further information call 572-J or atop by our plant on Valley River Road. Smoky Mountain Fiber Company Murphy, N. C. Contains 100,000 anils at PENICILLIN plus 100 m?. at dihydrostriptomycin. Com In and g?* itl MAUNEY DRUG CO. Murphy, N. C. TIMBER WANTED . PINE FRAMING AND BOARDS We also buy Oak, maple, poplar, basswood, beech, ash, and white pine. ANDREWS BUILDERS SUPPLY Phone 54 Andnews, N. C. BABY CHICKS Saturday, March 10 10 NEW HAMPSHIRE CHICKS WILL BE GIVEN TO THE FIRST 100 ADULTS WHO COME IN ON SATURDAY, MARCH 10 ALSO 1000 Chicks for Sale at 10c each / STORE OPENS AT 7:30 A. M. STILES PRODUCE CO. Phone 143 Murphy, N. C. HOME of FAMOUS PURINA CHOWS And FARM SUPPLIES I