SOCIETY Coleman Breland Engagement Is Annoimced Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Coleman of Murphy announce the engage ment of their daughter Miss Joyce Louise Coleman, to Arthur Breece Breland of Holly Hill, S. C., and Oak Ridge, Tenn. The bride elect attended Fur man University where she majored in Art and minored in Education. Mr. Breland is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Breland of Holly Hill, S. C. After attending Furman University, he became employed with the Carbon Carbide Chemical Company in Oak Ridge. The wedding will take place in the fall. Circle Is Guest In Peacock Home Mrs. A. D. Peacock and Mrs. Ellen Crawford were joint hostes ses in the former's home Tuesday evening to the Ruth Swan circle of the Baptist W. M. S. The program leader was Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrix discussed the subject, "Mighty Movings in South America". "The hostesses served refresh ments to the following: Mesdames Hendrix, George Portwood, Dair Shields, and Ruby Hill, Miss Ad die Mae Cooke, and Martha Hen drix. Florine Rogers Weds Hembree Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Rogers of Erasstown announce the marriage of their daughter, Miss Florine Rogers, to Sgt. Hoyt Hembree of Fort Leonard Wood, Mo., son of Mr. and Mrs. N. M. Hembree of Murphy, on August 4 at Waynes ville, Mo., with the Rev. J. H. Hicks officiating. The bride wore a light blue suit with white accessories. After a short stay, the bride re turned to Murphy to continue her work with the Veteran's Informa tion Center at the Courthouse. Suit H.D. Club Holds Picnic Mrs. Ann Sanders and Mrs. Stacy Gibson were hostesses to the Suit Home Demonstration club at Hiwassee Dam picnic area for their annual picnic. A total of 26 members and friends were pres ent. Miss Jewell Johnson of At lanta was the honored guest. Miss Edna Bishop, home agent, had charge of the closing sessiott. HATCHETT SPEAKS "On This Rock" is the subject announced by Bryan. Hatchett for his sermon Sunday at 11 a. m. at the Presbyterian Church. Sunday School will convene at 10 a. m., Pioneer and Youth Fel lowship will meet at 6:30 p. m. "Mark" will be the subject for the evening meditation at 7:30 Fel lowship hour will follow at 8:15. MISS JOYCE LOUISE COLEMAN who Is engaged to marry Arthur Breece Breland of Holly Hill, S. C., In the fall. Couple Honors Child On Birthday ! Mrs. C. H. Townson and Mrs. Henry Hyatt entertained on the lawn of the Hyatt home Monday afternoon with a birthday party hnnnrtng Elizabeth NeU Townson on her third birthday anniversary. The children played games on the lawn, and the honoree opened her gifts after which they were In vited Into the dining room where a lovely white birthday cake deco rated with bluf and yellow, with three blue candles centered the table which was decorated with flowers from the Hyatt gardens. After being served ice cream and cake, they went back to the lawn to eat their refreshments. Those Invited were, Carol and Carla Beth Stiles, Carl Bryan Townson, Martha Hendrlx, Jane Gill, Bobby and Glenn Patton, Diane Wilkins, Hubert and Wayne Wells. Jean Lee Crisp, Shirley Faye Stiles, Mary Linda Hyatt, Kennie and Betty Jo May, Patsy Williams, Vickie Lynn and Eliza beth Nell Townson. Patrick Mr. and Mrs. Lee Horton had as guests over the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. James McFarland and two I children of Ducktown, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. Hobart Dobbins and chil (iren of Peoria, 111.; the Rev. and Mrs. V. M. Rogers and two daugh ters of McCaysville, Ga.; Mrs. Myrtle Danner of Ducktown, Tenn.; Mr. and Mrs. John Dobbin and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Dobbin and daughters of Peoria, 111. The Rev. and Mrs. G. W. Kil patrlck of McCaysville, Ga., were ' Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and ! Mrs. K. W. Shearer. I Mrs. Earl Payne who has been [ in Petrie Hospital has now re turned home. Misses Cleo and Joy Harton were guests Friday night of Mrs. W. M. Rogers. Mrs. Isom Payne and children of Georgia are visiting relatives of Mrs. Isom at Patrick. Mrs. Bertha Boring has returned from Black Mountain Sanitorium where she underwent a checkup. Mrs. William Allen and son were guests of Mrs. Lee Horton Saturday. Mary Nell, Maxine and David Beaver of Wehutty, have re turned home after an extended visit with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Beaver. Miss Marjorie Payne of Oak Ridge is spending some time with her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Payne. Mrs. Geneva Haygood and I daughter of Atlanta, Ga., visited Mrs. Haygood's mother, Mrs. Vella Deaver last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Payne and son and Mrs. Ever Adams and daugh ter, Barbara Ann, spent Sunday with Mr. Payne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Payne. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Payne had as Sunday guests Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Horton and children, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Payne and children of Oak Park, Mrs. Pauline Shearer and the Rev. and Mrs. W. M. Rogers and two daughters. PERSONALS Mr. and Mr*. Fred Roberts and Mra. Louise Swanson spent the week-end In Alabama and Florida visiting Mrs. Swanson's husband, June Swanson, of Hayesville who is stationed at Camp Rucker, Ala. Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hatchett had as guests Sunday, Mr. Hatch Itt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Hatchett, Sr., and his uncle and aunt. Dr. Hugh Taylor and Miss Janl e Tqylor all of Atlanta, Ga. Bill Brandon returned to his home here Tuesday from Oregon where he has been for the past several months. Mrs. Robt. Duvall of Memphis, Tenn., Is visiting her grandmother, Mrs. Ellen Crawford, and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Crawford this week. Mrs. Boyd Davis Is attending a three-day workshop for school lunch room personnel being held] at Cullowhee this week. Mrs. Da- ? vis will be supervising manager of the Murphy school lunch room this year. . Lloyd Hendrix and H. Bueck are attending the Superintendents' annual conference being held at Mars Hill College this week. Mrs. P. F. Woodyard of Coving ton, Ky., was in town attending the funeral of Thomas J. Mauney. Mrs. Woodyard is the daughter of Mrs. W. T. Cooper. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Ball attended the funeral of Henry Dotson at Mad isonville, Tenn., Monday, August 13. Mr. Dotson was the husband of Cora Carroll Dotson who is a cousin of Mr. Hall. Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Stiles and family of Etowah, Tenn., spent last week end with Mrs. Florence Moore and Mrs. Fannie Ramsey. Mrs. Nevis Fox and daughter, of Etowah, Tenn., and Mrs. Fox's sis ter-in-law, Mrs. Mitchell, of Ala bama, visited Mrs. Fannie Ramsey and Mrs. Florence Moore last week-end. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson and family have as their guests Mrs. Davidson's sister, Mrs. Mildred Ridout and daughter, Cheryl Ann, and her mother, Mrs. Ollie San ders, Walter Keedy of Akron, Ohio and Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Beaver of Dayton, Ohio. Mr. Beaver is a nephew of Mrs. Davidson. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Davidson were honored on their 25th wed ding anniversary, August 14, with an ice cream supper by their daughters, Evan and Frances, and daughter-in-law, Mrs. Gerald Da vidson. Mrs. Valerie Brown and son, Bubby, and Mrs. Albert Burnett of Canton have returned from a ten day vacation in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. Miss Addle Mae Cooke spent the week-end in Ridgecrest, attending the Southern Baptist W. M. U. conference. Mr. and Mrs. Donald White heart and children, Donnie and John, and Mrs. H. S. Whiteheart have returned to their home after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Mulkey and other relatives here. Mrs. John H. Dillard who has spent the past month in Raleigh with her niece, Mrs. W H. Tay lor and Mr. Taylor .returned home Monday. She was accompanied by Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. W. J. Brown, Mrs. N. M. Patterson, and Miss Covinna Sanders of Raleigh. They are visiting Mrs. Mattie Taylor and Frank, and will return to Raleigh Thursday. Mrs. Taylor will take her mother, Mrs. Bruce King, of Andrews, home with her. Mrs. King expects to have an operation in Raleigh. Second Lt. Fred O. Bates, a member of the finance corps sta tioned at Ft. Benjamin Harris, Ind., is spending a furlough here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Bates and his sister, Miss Shir ley Bates. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Webster of Greensboro spent several hours here last week with friends. Mrs. Webster is the former Miss Doro thy Bates who lived here about 40 years ago. Mrs. R. Delbert Byrum spent the week-end in Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. McBrayer of Anderson, S. C? will arrive Sat urday for a visit with Mrs. C. W. Chandler and Mr. and Mrs. Dale Lee. Mr. McBrayer will return Monday, but Mrs. McBrayer will spend the week with her mother, Mrs. Candler. 2nd. Lt Fred Bates IsOnFnrlough Second Lt Fred Bates, Jr., oon of Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Bates, U In Murphy oils IS day furlough from Ft Ben Harrison, Ind., where he 1< stationed. He haa been In the Service about three years. Includ ing one year In Italy. He was edu cated In Murphy and at Chapel Hill. Dr. Sam E. Maddox Is Speaker Here Dr. Samuel E. Maddox, person nel secretary of the Southern Bap tist Foreign Missions Board, preached at First Baptist Church last Wednesday evening. His mes sage was on the present world crises and the solution in a "turn ing to God". Mrs. B. E. Warner Is Delegate To National Meet Mr*. B. E. Warner la In Mich igan this week as official delegate from District One of Home Dem onstration Clubs. The annual con vention Is held at Michigan State College In East Lansing, Mich. Mrs. Warner joined the North Carolina group of about thirty per sons, who traveled together from Winston- Salem to the gathering. During the recent State gather ing at Raleigh, Mrs. . Warner was honored by being called upon to direct the class In stenciling. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Anderson of Murphy announce the birth of a daughter August 3. Mr. and Mrs: Cecil Thomas of Blairsville, Ga., announce the birth of a son August 8. Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Hogsed of Warne announce the birth of a daughter August 9. Mr. and Mrs. Fred McDonald of Murphy announce the birth of a daughter August 10. Mr. and Mrs. Junior McClure of \oung Harris, Ga., announce the birth of a daughter August 11. | Dr. and Mrs. A. J. Headrick of Murphy announce the birth of a | son August 11. I Mr. and Mrs. John Dockery, h'cute 3, Murphy announce the birth of a daughter August 12. j Mr. and Mrs. Robert Raper of Culberson announce the birth of a son August 14. R. C. Birmingham, certified public accountant, and Mrs. Bir ' mingham of Charlotte, spent sev | eral days in Murphy this week, the ! guests of Mrs. C. W. Savage. FATHER Of EMIT RECOVERS "I wn to underweight that I found myself the laughing stock of all my * friends," states Mr. Han nibal Hog of Fatback Lane, "In fact, I was the \ butt of many jokes be cause I was small. Then I realized it was my diet and I started to eat SE CURITY BIC HOC FEED. Now, today, I'm a heavy weight. "Yes," continues Mr. Hog, "I'm telling all my friends to get fat and stay healthy the SECURI TY BIC HOC way." advertisement SECURITY i MT. VALLEY COOP. MURPHY and BRASSTOWN, N. C. We don't want to get rich on these items, We just want to GET RID OF THEM! So we've tagged them all at irresistable bar gain prices. Buy 'em now and make us both happy. Come in early for best choice. LADIES' DRESSES A few sizes and styles left that we are reducing a sec ond time. Slightly soiled, reg. price S9.98 and up. Now, while they last $2.00 and $4.00 CHITOREN'S DRESSES One rack Children's dresses including pinafores, broad cloth and many sheers. Sizes 3-6 and 6-12 S1.00 and S2.00 LADIES' SKIRTS 10 skirts including Denim, Blended Rayon, pleated Ny lon, that sold for $8.98. Now on sale for Wn LADIES' HANDBAGS Smart styles, including faille, leathers, etc. Reg. $5.98 Now $1.98 Nylon Gloves Many colors. Reg. $2.98 Ladies Belts' Red, green, black, navy 25c each I,/\DIES' f i BLOUSES t A real bargain In blouses. We { have added more styles to { this table. ODD sizes, all for j $1.00 and $1.98 ' Children's Wear j One table including shorts, : T. shirts, halters, Denim caps ' and many other articles, I while they last $1.00 each LINGERIE Odds and ends slightly soiled. Nylon..Lace trimmed, slips, Nylon panties, Cotton Bras, etc. $1.00 and up Baby Bonnets Organdy and eyelet embroi dery that were reg. price S2.9S now 75c each SEE OUR NEW TABLE S AILE SHOES, In re-working our stock to make room for fall merchandise, we found some real bargains in cdd sizes: $1.98 $2.98 $3.98 SIMMEK MATERIALS Including cords, dotted Swiss, Rayon and many other ma terials that were Reg. 89c and 1.49 Now 49c per yd. Summer Suite Just a few sizes left. We have worked them to so. Come and set your size $9.75 Odds And Ends Table Many useful articles on this table, toe numerous to ata 50c each YOU MUST SEE OUR NEW FALL MERCHANDISE THAT IS ARRIVING DAILY, USE OUR LAY-A-WAY PLAN. r Phone J42-J wiurpny, riHKal CIVITAN CLUB Wast? Paper Drive \ 2ND & 4TH WED. AFTERNOONS NEWSPAPERS?MAGAZINES?CARDBOARD LEAVE YOUR PAPER IN FRONT OF YOUR HOMES OR PLACES OF BUSINESS AND IT WILL BE PICKED UP WARREN WILSON COLLEGE, Swannanoa, North Carolina (A Fully Accredited Cceducational Junior College) ANNOUNCES The establishment of a special fund which provides TEN $200 SCHOLARSHIPS To Western North Carolina High School Gradu ates With A Scholastic Average of B.or Better The total charge for attending Warren Wilson College (which includes board, ro&n, tuition and books) for one year is $360, phis part-time work. The $200 scholar ship awards will be credited toward the $360, leaving $160 to be paid in cash or earned at the college through extra work.

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