W. K. Penland liies Thursda\ Wood \nnouru e ! ircli Vnir^ \ndrevs - Personal: \ewl\ Weds ? isil In \pdreu \nna Bufler (lives Part\ 1st I t K. II Swan Ser.e< In Korea /? ?; * ?t* -SET*? I i. -: V. ! / ?!' i ?: i .- i ?! . It , tit t !?'..!> 1 ^ It f? i ? ] f.. v :? r .? r - I' \V< i., 'Of L' flilt We, like ??, fo:. impro\f ni< -ft. W* '? 1 liki us what we ran 1 write: '* :?*$ - - I 4* i., '* # t, \ j M I U? VI- 1 I t I .O.ii - - - uranj'.'^t Tangerines - 2 1ii Rutabagas - - - Oranges - - - - " 5c fcp CUSTOMER RELATIONS DEPT. A&P Food Stores 420 Lexington Ave., New York 17. V Y. ANN PAGE PURE FRUI1 PRESERVES 25 PEACH PINEAPPLE uH PLUM FLAVORS Pt Flakes 30c More Wonderful Volues ? Ann Page Foods Spaghetti ??5 .... 2 25c Mayonnaise ? .... 59c Sparkle . .... 3 20c Peanut Butter - - - ls 33c Grape Jelly Ann Page .... Jar ^ 0Q Personal Ivory Soap 4 23c P'iiS Duz 30c 8Cc Pkg Jane Parker Roils BROWN 'N SERVE - - - - - 15c Home Style or Sandwich MARVEL BREAD - 20c Joy 30c A&P 303 Peas ? 22c A&P Puna Fish '33c Packer's Labei Tomatoes - - 2 23c lona Sliced or Halves Peaches - - -*?'??? 29c Golden Maid Margarine - - - 24c Armour's Treet 4Sc A&P Apple Sauce - - - 2 21c Tissue - - - i: ? 12c Flakes - - - 1rfc Besns - - 0 t. 2.; Ctieca - - - n (iexo - ? - ' ? L r. : A&P COFFEE Mild & Mellow 8 O'Clock 1 l b B 'H 77c Rich & rulJ Bodied Red Circle 1 l.b Baa 79c Vi#orout * Wtney Bokar . 1 I.I) Rat 81c r.< V Wv' W''1 -v ?>* All Prices In This *d Effcclivr Through Saturday. Jan th Hap0 ^7 M jyea/ ?Jv My resolutions aren't new... Mv N't w Yi ar's resell ;ktis this year aren't new For I am taking advantage ot this season tor resolutions' to publicly pledge, in my new capjuty as President of the Southern Railway System, that the policies w hich have guided the Southern in the past will continue to guide us in the future Those policies arc ? * To develop the territory and to foster faith in the South, its people and its opportu nities. 1 To furnish safe, economical and adequate railroad transportation in the territory where the "Southern Serves the South." To treat fairly and kindly the men and women whose work keeps the railroad going. To pay a fair return to the owners of the property In making these time : Med policies m\ New Year's resolutions I know 1 .11 1 also recoidmg the sentiments ti the Southern to street!,. S. .til"?v.! "k' lit. dependable, c\ei - t: .pro., t ' ui.spt>r: i*. -if, SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM WASHINGTON, O. G.