dtyrrahrr .Meditation Scouting With I he Editor (lomnuitiity Asset Sp-'d til (Comments OUR DEMOCRACY- byMat y/i American Resolution tth O^Leiv ^igor, % iu determination -? oM nk Jfirm. Jjaith inthc princip l ^earj -Absolution. Srrakey. Bears Dilemma! ThEH'mEH' same OLD STC'RY--'EHl5MCK?y' i^PEGPLE TOO CARELESS WITH FlRE ^ THE ? /] * SPEAKS )*Y am KCNNCTNrl FOREMAN ME RAGGED ALL OVER The -state trvin' t' put OUT FOREST FiRES ONE THING af OR ANOTHER-ElTHER A MATCH | THAT WASN'T OUT A CIGARETTE^ T THAT WASNT CRUSHED . A if 4. CAMPFlRE THAT WASN'T DEAD-OUT ^ OR A BRUSH FIRE THAT GOT AWAV/ How to Find Christ 1 (ssud tor J*:tu*r> 6 I'.O KJ 1 i every v>- t fl. Ci C? -I iI lfie aar t a ay TMa w ..i- a'. Uic Dtg.i .r g c d it is s' A ve: y ifj'.ercatj:^ rtrc -nl t>o<" I ' ? c" Fl', J lFlt Wd.V ' w- i ? ... l W per v\ catn insu r /?C~ 7 ^ / *7 OUR FORESTS A A ? o, ? apV V 1 W . V It's up to You in 52...Only you can prevent woods fireSf ilTivri i \:? -.. ? i !? r - 1 '? nii n-S I'M >? I \! i ?' ":''t M! ' u tu: 1 II 1 i i) V\ ITH -vv.ir.w k \( n * vdrrws P< r^m!s ? I i! . j ? ? i : \ ?t:i Slarr (".!?. .!ri.I Mr and Mrs ? r of Ha\ e-vi!lr spent i! \ .' ???: Mr- W I. ?j Mi-- Wrn Moore .! Mr- M"?/? r Campbell >:irr.-ni' of Y.imeyville tho hohdav- with 1 ~ 'h - *i,1 ? h i Mr- Sai I ' y i? v. ? ... 51; ! ' . :? 3u Mr -r.d \t: v Jay W! iV of War- e :'nnunre the birth of a d.iuuhl ? . I)"cembrr 31 Mr and Mrs L O Wilson. Roi:". ?* ?. Murphy rnnmince \he birlh of i >on .January J .Vidian- I'pon 'heir return homo hey will bo accompanied by Mrs. ? - i ? ? ? - " in > u i! i spend 1 he ri i .?;ri? f? <.f 'he v. in!i ' with them ; * sou 1 jon "V J a*. /, tOSJ. j , i WT U/ILL FI6HT I | CREtPiKiG 5oflALi^ To PEFEMO oor FRTTPom I MONOTONOUS MELODY t mi i ? a ira ? iiiTrwnn? 3ft m -A y^M Si\ \z. I ?"{ nUM Q' I & \ 3 0^M \W ' ' Tax Couec 31 Or Fo/eman ll ( ' 11 \ A ? ? i .? :. n ? i i V. :< H? Whatever \ o.i make of it, John was an exception. Ml the other* in the ^lor\ l)n\nn - l? lowers of Jesus through s-v o one'* vord. suggestion, iivi'* tinn: some one inlro:1in,rd ^ to ( hrist. That siill is t: V. ry < v i ? v.: . it was r.o; sp#?c Most of the con ! 1 in u., N 'W Testa n U in the ieas? spec ? r ":e saying. "Let's r it u as a Sunday . ? ^.r- -a? k>ill, isn't : ' i Ch: for yojr i .1;.. l'. How can I ? .1 r. a sr. t even a It " ay oe rending a ? -i .y he listening to s :rne - * y ;i a prayer meet t :r .* . i .aiding that book n our tirr. _? have or it might even ? - column. I1 -? . i*r it comes about, two lli. ire always true. First, < me introduces you to .1'sus I'll n, you make the de ci-:,?n for vourself. You are not liki-:\ to roine to Christ unle?w 'Hue ore else suggests it and h?uji? sou; but no other person h I'.u vcr rood, and no church however great and true, can do for you what you alone can do tor vourself: make up your own mind to say "Yes" to Jesus ( hrist. N vi much -s said about F ;'???? ":i,p Evangelism". There is re.:iv.g mysterious about it. For h.-itir.ee. a man who has never tho .:-,t about becoming a Christian arid perhaps no intention of being one. joins i?ay) a men's club at some church . . and one thing leads to another, and he gets ac quaiutod in this way with the min ister or w ith some one else who has had a real and happy experience with Christ . . . and presently his heart is stirred and he too becomes a Christian?because he has made Christian friends, ? ? ? Saying a Good Word vyET it is a strange thing: many people will talk about anything else they believe in, before they will talk about Jesus Christ. Suppose that from the begin ning every one had been as close-mouthed about Him as most chnrch members are? Si mon Peter, for one, woold never have become a Christian. If It had not been for his brother An drew, who knows what wenMI have become of Simon Peter? In commercial lingo, Jesus "sells" himself First rate things. Ideas or persons always sell themselves. But even the finest articles In the world need to have their story told, they have to be introduced, people havo to know about them. Every church, every Christian, ought to be (In the best sense) advertising Christ. Is yours? Are you? r...?.ta?V.tV7 V u??s Mr and Mrs Isaac Brooks spent Christmas with parents of Mrs. Brooks. Mr and Mrs. Sam 0Mt.