1HIKMJA* JAN 3 1*52 SOCIET \ Dorothy Barton Is Bride Of Pvt F. K. Harris .\n and Mi G A Barton id (. llbcrson announce the inarriagi f their daughter Doiothv Nell tn R.t Frank Hay Harris d Miitri.i! Hlufl Georgia The wedding look plaee ^dh.i dav al 8 p m at the hum* d tt.i bride s parent The Rt t \ s ; p. i , .1 the ctTt-11-1 ? ri v i:i the pr e-< ' > ? relative- and close fiieiid Miss Barton wort* a ' i >.?!:: i . t'ovv n of i\ury -atin fashioned w i!n sweetheart neckline and of '.utton slet*ve- Hhe fingertip \en ?? f illusion fell from a ha!- of ? ? ? ange blossom-. Attendants were Mr- I.) a it el! I H-o.-k and Howard Barton -i-de: nd brother of the bride Miss Barton l- a 19fj] gr.idLi.ite ' f Fannin Cou.o'v High "-i ?nn' Fvt Ham a'-o a graduVi of 5 . - .n Cuintv Huh Sehoo' i ? i ?, i r u ? itfi the I : d< 1 s? pi - \r . ,.i ! i st i' i nned ;it Fort l k- '. h <% here he I *. V ' s, ? T: lining The couple u:!? re-ide in Cu . umhia s {" Mrs. Taylor Fetfd At Partv Mr- Mat tie A Ta\!..i w as h, ? ? i a* hi t home with a C'hn<: a- parly i-'hen hy her daughter H M Kuffner and her daueh ' in-law Mrs Win II Taylor Tlidst' present were Mrs Vance Wilson. Mr ,! H Mel'all Mr i: L Padhi-r. Mi Vr-^ Cc: :r\ Mrs Win II Taylor and Mi- .1 H Hampton The hostess served take. Kvi-s i n tea and nuts. Marble I .1 ::?< ! ? I A ?I- Mi - h ! i :]?. , ? ' ' i! . ? .. r,. . M ?-! ?! Mr- I I \ W . K i 11.1' r J. k I if t '!?? I S ? 1 fi I f d 111 11 \ r'i K ifi K . I pat rirk ??f Kit ! . i! V ml \1.? v ikltri! Ki> ? ur * ?;?? hnlu1;?\> Jlamne Huskins Becomes Bride Of SFf W. K Harnett ?? ? < !' k ?> >! ? i^ h 1? : 1 .* tfrn H .-k !?- ,,f <,".i sr.- u i . ' !'. ? u ?' - ? ri . f Ms .Jill V ? ' ? H I - ? *i <?' H: ! ? :? 1 [).?:? i Mm r J 4 : ( , !. - ? [ ' ??? |M I '!??:) !'??: ?? irfh Mrd Iho 1' I ' ** ! I ? ! .I r I M f l?'l %s 11 ^ ? ; vr- Ms- i MHIvirr ?' ' ' '1: I * j (ii llic I ?' I dr-i." I : ???* n "> tT.?l A I'. Mr ::Hi! Mr* KMf " H.irricli v:1 Mr and Mrs 1 !. It r1 no 1 of Marii-ttn Sfc ftariu'lt slalinrn-u .* f'.inip J{ Ui kr i Alalia ISM \1 pn** ill tin- Irish- p.as: '?? ? ? k'- mi-r iarnr v, iMi )it?r husband's i ? v:it s Ill* I HfrKOhM M ol I Ml KFH) NOKfH l AKOL1 N A STRANG[ FACTS ABOUT POLIO ?*. " - iO - NJP 'jOVEA^e /9J0 /?>V7 ttf ? V >fA25 /0V0 ^5/ fftt 5^. ooc. Rfi>r \ Dooleys Have Babv Boy h 1 ' h : .! ?\!1 -J ? i'.\ \ \ ? V'. '? 1 : ' < . ? i k- 1 .ri- - i ? M !? \ -Ml,- , f y ???. ;r: \ l> (*v\ ' : ? 1 v V*v ? ' {? \r. >1! > ( ? ?u ? ? .. i .!, n 1 S V.v.i -in-: I'. ? ? Mil I'" '.' I M ??: p..:: ? f c- : i ii i 111: 11 i i i \ ? <? i It il at nj)''ri M> Mr- !)? n|r\ i- I'or ? i.-r r< i i. r11 of Mui ph\ \ ( I ? . "!?> no!:u-(l Dnriolil Joe lv . -? :?!!?: ! il I for ! In1 !)oule> !io .in f-i liri. .i' J'i-4 K (lo".uijj \ ? a PuM H uetifine I'Kii'SON \LS \\ . 1!.. M V iclnl . u nil I . ? I'll.! - i'' .!i .me W I > I "if!' ' . ? s" I : \ .1 t ' ?. I - ' I ? - " ? ! ? ?.?!'!? ? : I 11 11 , r 11 - ha - ? 1 ?. 1 ? : ? l It" I 1 c 11' ? i I i 111 i ?: :!; ? 11 I r i i i I . ? * . . I ? ? ? : ? . ? ' \i I :< I : " 1 I l M\ri ? ' i < ; i if M? ami Mrs ? . I>: .iMt! .i? ? In- home of Mr V\ Ml< l ( H 11 "iti 'H l r . . < r. Ill I I ? r-s It) I !<?! 1> S ( i. ? ; ?. 11:1 W'vV ,) I .11 "S . .! Ml a i. ? I Mi- Mm 1? .i::i.! i?.?ia*n" - of \[i lire . ? V - I!: I'!i? 11; \ i . i : f M jli'l M: - I o\ <? ; iii." I he hol)(l.i\ in - ?i . Mi ami Mrs ].lo\il I'ayne ? >? I.?;.ii- M< ar.ci Mr and yy.: ? i Ssipw nri h jinl < n ri. .iv r:" of \I;.!?:.i:i; 1 and Miss Ann , -? ?]! ho i- .o'l-rniiriL,' Thool ! lartw oil. Ca \ I) C:jc tn k v. a m Shelb\ Tul Wednesday en busj i ,\ i I .In::" - on uf Si. off ? i ? H.i . ]'.A\\ iIi? l!til . l, ' vf. < v.-.: da v > u it h his Mr and Mrs Leonard -il!). \ I > ! '? ? - i ink .'no i hi'? ? ren i J.::vi!;j - pent last w eek ???! 'iMs in Hastman (la v. i ri am ''hvpa:iHMl home \i-s iYaroekS mother. Park-iin. -is't-r. Miss ?Vi-n : ? i:i am;'. Mrs : :! ? v. ho v-. ill bo their a feu da vs. : M;- .I i '11 Glbbs -pen! . i rk-'-nil in Chattanooga M ? .1 H Ha;-pton. h. ? - .!?!?' M- Nancy t 'vis of Mi and I r 5 T. f>: nil 111 FJoUilh. . ? ? : I ' u'-ilay Mi M -i \ 1 uu G >i don lof' Men - ' : -pend a few days in \she ::11? h. fore returning r.n l.cnoir Etl\ur. in Hickory . I * ? Hall left Tuesday for Wake Fon W where he is a s!u di nt Mi s Mar\ France- \\]ry re lumed Wednesday to Wes'eyan ? 'oIlcL'r Macon. Ga.. after speml m/ the holidays nt home. Mr . .1 I) Mallonee -pmt the '?ididays in Hickory with her son "i 'aw and daughter Mr and Mrs 'ri' k Spa in hour Mrs R H Foard \ i-i 1?mJ with ???laDros in Cleveland. Siler City, f'firkovy and Woodleaf. during the 1 < Mi- - \ 'veinii Brvmnn spent last ? eek-rv.d in Alhrns Tom . with 1 : nnc'e and aunt Mr and Mrs H ?'v Coker and family Mr . rid M'-s Harold Allison and 'hi!dreii of Morgan ton spent the ho'-idavs with Mr. and Mrs George NT< '-row Mi-- Mae Brannon had as guests luring the holidays, her brother, md sici or-in-law Mr and Mrs Mark Roberts and ehildren. Eddie and Donald of MeComb. Ohio, her '??*1. .1 T Dockerv and daughter. ! Diane of Gretna. Va . and her bro ther-in-law and sister. Mr and Mrs Hardy Coker and baby of Athens. Tenn Mr and Mrs Anthony Fisher of , Mobile. Ala . were holidav guests ! of Mr and Mrs Arthur Heinrich | Mr and Mrs doe Whitfield and J son. Joe. Jr of Harlan. Ky were Christmas holidav guests of Dr | and Mrs B W Whitfield, and Mrs. ^ 0 K Erhart Mr and Mrs J W Moore and family returned this week to their home in Bandon. Oregon after a visit with relatives here Miss Woodfin Posey of Char lotte spent Sunday night with Mr and Mrs H A NT-it fox Dr and Mrs Clarence Butler of Gainesville. Ga . spent New Year's day with Mr and Mrs llo V T-t McKeever Mrs Butler is Mrs McKrover's mother Miss Thomaslne Slayton and 1 Ths Justine Johnson of Washing ?on D C . visited relatives and friends here during the holidays Mr and Mrs C R Freed spent h- holidavs with their son. Wil 'itrn and family in Elkln Mr and Mrs E H Brumby and dao-rhters. Mary Bo'an and ?mf to Clearwater. Fla , for their Christmas vacation TRUDY'S After-Christmas Sale Bi<* Reductions On All Winter Merchandise Dresses One grojp dresses 100'^ wool Jerse>s that formerly sold for 24 9a Now 16.98 Many Gabardine and Faille dresse? that were formerly 18 93 | Now 12.98 I ! One group odd sizes formerly 12 98 j Now 8.98 j | Our final group odd sizes many j colors and a real buy All going ! for one price. 6.00 j Ladies' Slips j Rayon slips in blue.white j Ladies' And Children's Hats A few hats left. Some in pastels. Get yours while they last. 2.00 each '{louses Now 8.98 :!u-rs ]n v. i.i;i Jt ? y former! 6 98 ;md it 98 Now 4.98 n \< !"?. srx-i i.il buv for this sale. % "i 1 < r? u sleeve tavlored blouse for 1.98 Outing Gowns And Pajamas J Formerly 4 49 | 1 Now 2.98 ! Children's Slips 1 i i In colors and white | 98c and 1.29 ! !\ ? i < ' i:' la T -: l> < i e d >k trls V? < ski1-- I ll'.l (lllsh'l - Odd : l\i from 4.00 to 8.00 A real bin on fi odd eonluroy I skirts Former i> 9.8 Now 3.98 Gabardine and velveteen skirts I 1 hat were formerly 9.98 Now 6.00 i Children's Wool Skirts strls and darks Few sizes left 198 and 2.29 Children's Panties 100rp nylon for 79c pair One box odd sizes 25c pair Be sure to see our table of shoes that are greatly reduced. We are putting all eur odd and end sizes out t!o go Get yours before they are picked over. TRUDYS Phone 142-J Murphy, N. C. tloise l)ocker\ becomes Bride \t Sunrise Service h : h ? ; h M. ^.1 Mi 11 -1 J'! m i:. ? r H. 11 ;? Vl > ! \\ J '.J W I 1 . I. ! , : I. 1 I : M ? 1 .? h Iv t :? .1 ? I ' I '.I . I -l! She Has Good Army Joo r C Moymie P Cose y, Eld rid 9c. A lo . is a dental technician at Comp i' -dan III She |0-ned the WAC in 1950, ond had her basic training ot rt Lee. Vo Her |ob is one ot the mony interesting positions ottered to ung women who want an Army career There ore hundreds of opportuni es tor specialized training in technical and administrative fields in t 3 Vv AC The nearest recruiting station has a I i of the details about enlistment. H / ? ? f M ? I * i: !.lrc; i \ . .:;; i -. r ? . i r i. . . ? : . i: : I ( | ? . r .1. i .? ri.1? wf < ' ? .1 ' 11 - I'm -i'ii * !-? ' I. I,. * , . I>- I: \ Hi nr...! 1 ! i . I'll.I ? ? '?r , 111.? l:;< i ?.i> - -h ? - K! i V ?.i .11 V\ in l> ? ??ns..,- IV I loiulax " ? ? ??? ? I Ml - .luhri- I \ r* Hi :i 1 . i: M !{nrfi..-r ? 1* Hf ! hiri ? ' ?! ! V M , 1! i * ?- ? M, , ? I l ? ?>!. fi ??m i \ v. ? ? *i Mi r;? ? \ Tax !:ir . rid v.n. f-'i?nk 1 '? ? r.' I M- .1 C I '? mbnr ! i !??> h'didav jn?-? thfir --n and < ' aii.'hli'V-in-lnu. Mr ami Mrs W . " li Hi'mbrro and childrrn dolmrix I and .fame- of Wnphh Tenn i 1 r" ! i and M : - dubn < 'er-pb:!! ! 1 :: ? ? or. Hi":i ami folnn:- . " 1a?; i 1 !??? d.i\ for Hh :i" I imil hi \ -.-h- i T'-'iin . a f'; ?!' -])?. ?riding 11. t ? ; X i .. h'.a\s v. i*b Mr- Campbell's p:r- pir :if< Mr and Mi- Fi (' MaHnx * ha> larv June Smalley Anion? The Sick n Betrothed To , . . i G R. fockle < . . k'. t ' /i-ru " i ? ? ! : ?: s.; i. -. Ik.; M ' j: . i? in Mai on ? i i S:\.i! ;? \ m .1 a :i:? ? i:11>i : ? i V?i!io:ial lis'lvi Cluh a* Mi].!.*, i -> hool >::? \\.i- i- .uiii a It t| - I. ? ? ??. [ re.. ? : -1:> v- . ? ? .is p. . !i n! "1 tin- \ . i'' .i ? : '*' ?< it-'.\ and a rra :nb ? of i;n. I Ki > Himur Society ? ulr -aril ( ? u kie i- 1 la- mi", of and - Course Dc.m Cork e I :- a . ? aduate uf Carson Lon | i "> V ma ? u\ I' t>? iri l:. dua ? iia- i tin* Air Force Ia1?-r .-I* ? - i:? in tin- Army and ta li!- i >in*ni--io:i at the (i?? ra?: 1 Si hnol at Kurt Hi K as Mi- is also a .graduate j 1 ? !rr in*r> School at Port lien .ri?: 1 is now stationed villi i :?!? I*.j.ir " < -s ICS ry 2<ith Pn f! ': lli i \ I?.it' alii-n. Port I)i\ N .1 . | c! ? Mr i- an i:crur'or in ' a < aders' Course. diss Smallry is a niece of Mrs , i! Sneed. and has \iced in Mm - , s a number of times, where she' > manv friends and relatives . ?? I:j t V - ' <!:-.? - : i t>ii-1 - ? 1 ]>> ?><_? Mi* S M..?? r.,.TS<r .i! Mr H (ii :j? f4?!'. l?iM S11ri? i r. :'i A * In \ 1. V if:*! 11 t.'K!' h- !: ' ]? ? in I.??-1 \>' - ]!??-(>11:i! w h?? i v..- ? . In la- jfl.' la T \\ ?? (I r i?? i:iv ] hr> I i. t \ ? ? mi-t I m - * : ai)!ii rn nj)cr*itf >ft. uvi iriu t?i m ; ht ji * c:.: ilnion Martin's Tree!: Mr .in 1 Mr- Gib Wilkinson of Dnl'nn spent the he-hda\- \Mt Mr and Mr- \V I) Stile- and fan i! y Mr- .lane Gibson \ i-ited re alive- i: S\ l\ a Thursday M: and Mr- Wig Hughe- ant! Ja:ni'> n: Ga-tonia spent Mondav afternoon \sith Mr and Mrs J H MeMillian Mrs Rasia Carter has returned home after spending several days with her daughter Mr- Floyd Clark. MCs CJeo MeMillian visited a friend in Knowillo on Friday Miss Shirley Hughes of Gasto r.ia spent Saturday night with Mi - Helen MeMillian. Winter's over fcr us, but there's lots of it 'eft for ycu! See it through smartly, snugly, economically! Snap up a coat - a su t - a dress. Esch will help you make a big impression? and for so little money! COATS SUITS DRESSES SWEATERS ^ 4*' WU4 Shoes Reduced 411 Ladies' Hats 1.00 each The Following yard materials reduced Dan River Waffle Pique Wool Plaids AvondaleChambry Cotton Suiting ROY V. LOVINGOOD Phone 234 Murphy, N. C.

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